Destroying the World Starts From Marvel

Chapter 149 - Landing day

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The light of dawn gradually dissipated the night, and the milky white mist filled the streets and alleys of New York. Now this is just a barren steel jungle, and a massive ultra-modern war is about to usher in.

The cold sea breeze blew over the U.S. aircraft carrier battle group near New York Harbor. In the magnificent sea, dozens of soldiers on dock transport ships were eagerly carrying ordnance, driving tanks, and armored personnel carriers and boarding the air-cushion carrier on standby. , Preparing for the next large-scale landing operation.

The fishy smell of the sea contaminated every corner of the hovercraft, but the American soldiers looking at New York were more concerned about the smoke that seemed to have already risen.

“I think I can understand the mood of the soldiers who landed in Normandy.” An American soldier looked at the turbulent sea ahead and the gloomy city shrouded in mist, shaking his fingers and twisting the water bottle to fill himself with a sip.

Another soldier shook his head disapprovingly and said: “It’s different. Now we have aircraft carriers, air fire support, armored troops to open the way, and more importantly-we have them, superheroes.”

The soldier’s gaze stretched out to a majestic man standing on the bow of the ship. The man was wearing a black and white Iron Man suit, carrying a six-barrel Gatling machine gun on his left shoulder and a machine gun on his right shoulder. A mini missile launcher, and the small Ark reactor on his chest glowed with a faint blue light. He is Colonel Roddy of the US Army, and he is also a superhero War Machine.

He proficiently ordered, “Listen to the port and starboard sides. After landing, let the armored units be in front and use the armored units as a cover to start shooting. The flamethrowers should pay attention to stand outside the team. When the enemy comes up, they will burn me fiercely! Get together as much as possible. I don’t want anyone to be infected. May the Lord bless you and see you on the beach.”

There is another superhero Black Widow beside the war machine. The two of them are the superheroes who are responsible for following the on-road combat unit to launch an offensive. Ant-Man and Hawkeye are responsible for the middle front, and the Panthers and Falcons are responsible for the bottom front.

This is an unprecedented battle between the U.S. military and superheroes against foreign enemies. After all, these U.S. troops normally plan to capture this group of “outlaws.” Even Hawkeye and Black Widow belonging to S.H.I.E.L.D. usually do not participate in large-scale combat operations in such an army.

The commander-in-chief of the human coalition, S.H.I.E.L.D. Director Nick sits on the aircraft carrier in the sky, looking down the entire war from a height, just like the Sokovia War. It’s just that this time his deputy, in addition to Deputy Director Hill, also includes General Wilder, the commander of the US aircraft carrier battle group, and he is also involved in the command of this operation.

Hill reported to Nickhui: “Sir, the ground forces have been loaded, ready to launch landing operations. The air force and naval forces have completed the ammunition loading, please proceed to the next step.”

Unexpectedly, General Wilder did not wait for Nick to speak out, and said: “The air fire suppression in the coastal area has begun to make room for ground forces to land.”

“Sorry, General, I am the commander of this battle.” Nick warned General Wilder with a sullen expression. It’s not a day or two that the US military command responsible for conventional operations and S.H.I. of.

They used the largest scale of manpower and material resources, and tried their best to assemble the most elite military in the United States in ten days. Why should they listen to the command of the “small” department of SHIELD?

General Wilder snorted secretly and apologized to Nick on the surface, but there was no shame on his face. Nick also understands Wilder’s careful thinking. This is why he doesn’t like to cooperate with the US military other than General Ross. Unfortunately, there is no time for conflict with the US military now, and he can only conduct his own command work as usual.

“According to my order, all warships will begin to bombard the landing area with deep fire coverage. After clearing the landing position, the soldiers will land!”

“Understood!” Hill’s attitude towards Nick was completely different from that of General Wilder. He obeyed and then commanded neatly in the communication channel: “All long-range firepower units pay attention, prepare for ground bombing, and target New York seaport ah area… ····”

As Hill’s order spread, all the ships on the sea moved into action. The hatch of the Tomahawk missile launch bay was slowly opening, and the triple 127mm battleship main guns pointed towards the beaches of New York. The bombers and **** fighter jets on the aircraft carrier ejected and took off every 30 seconds, and converged with the air force from Pearl Harbor in the sky to circle over New York. It didn’t take long for the entire blue sky to be drawn by the tail smoke of thousands of fighters. It’s blurry.

“The aiming of the cruiser’s main gun missiles on the cruiser Vila Bay is complete!”

“The aiming of the main gun missile of the destroyer Gridley is complete!”

“The Greenville submarine missile is aimed at!”

“The USS Reagan aircraft carrier combat squadron has completed its lift-off, and all carrier-based aircraft are in place!

“The third b1 bombing group of the Air Force resisted the predetermined position and the target was locked!”

“The strategic cruise missile group is about to arrive, and it will hit the target area in 30 seconds!”


With a sound of ready response, countless black hole battleship muzzles, huge tactical missiles, and black bomber explosives all turned towards the United States’ own territory-New York confirmed it. After all the units received their combat instructions, they turned and looked at Nick.


Nick looked at the once prosperous city in front of him, and after thinking of the consequences of this war, his five fingers clenched inadvertently. But at this moment, he and the United States at this moment have no choice. Nick took a deep breath and shouted:


The same instruction was repeated repeatedly by the heads of all combat units involved in the bombing. Following this order, all main artillery, missiles, and explosives were launched one after another. The gun smoke from the gun barrels and the arrogance of missile jets filled the entire sea surface in an instant, forming an artificially created black sea fog that enveloped all three aircraft carrier battle groups. With the fire everywhere, here is like a group of big firecrackers exploding.

Starry missiles rushed straight into the sky, and when they reached the highest point, they turned their warheads to dive down to the New York beach. The rain of missiles that was denser than the locust swarms hit the city. After the rising sun, the soldiers on the air-cushioned landing craft could not even feel the sun.

Cover the sky in the true sense!

“Boom boom boom…!!!”

Then countless dazzling mushroom clouds exploded on the beach, and all the sounds in the world were covered by the roar of the explosion. The glare of the fire made the soldiers had to cover their eyes. The hurricane caused by the explosion set off huge waves, and the strong smoke filled the entire nose, and all the senses were stimulated as if they were useless. On this day, this apocalyptic scene in front of us awakened the fear of war in everyone on the battlefield.

But the war has started. (To be continued.)

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