Destroying the World Starts From Marvel

Chapter 165 - Heavenly megalith

Just as the Fantastic Four trio cautiously approached the misty location, Chen Lu finally rushed over behind them. Seeing that they were about to discover the sound and shadow of the fog, Chen Lu had no time to consider any sneak attack strategy, so he could only rush forward to stop them very simply.

A blood-red flame came out from under Chen Lu’s feet, lifting him up over the top of the Fantastic Four and falling in front of them with a tumble. No need to speak too much, the high-tech samurai sword shining with thunder has already shown his attitude.

“Another mouse came here to die.” Chen Lu gave a contemptuous look on the stone, and then took an exaggerated step to make his orange rock-like body accelerate towards Chen Lu. The momentum is more daunting than the collision of a heavy tank!

Facing such a straightforward blow, Chen Luben wanted to easily dodge to the left and right, and then drew a knife to strike back at the point of the stone man. But suddenly there was a strange force coming from both sides of his side, as if there were two air walls sandwiching him, forcing him to directly face the stone man’s sacrificial charge.

This is the super power of the invisible woman-the invisible force field!

In desperation, Chen Lu had to hold the knife in both hands, let the large group of blood inflammation wrap the body of the Edman alloy samurai sword, and stab at the stone man without retreating.

But before Chen Lu’s blade touched the stone man’s body, a rubber-like extended arm had already flown over in advance. It was Mr. Fantastic who extended his arm extremely and fired it like a pistol.

This rubber punch disrupted Chen Lu’s movements and could only reluctantly try to dodge. However, the two invisible force fields that clamped the body restricted Chen Li’s movements, and the end result was that he had to use his body to take the blow abruptly.

The rubber fist hit Chen Lu’s arm, causing his left arm to be forced away from the hilt, leaving only the one-handed knife thrusting towards the charging stone man. The blade of electricity and fire and the hard rock skin successfully met, and it shot out dazzling sparks like welding.

After the thunderous sparks passed, the Edman alloy samurai sword in Chen Lu’s hand was knocked out helplessly. He himself was knocked straight by the huge body of the stone man, and flew out hundreds of meters away until It stopped after loading into a thick building wall, and this unlucky wall was also smashed to pieces by Chen Li’s body.

The skin of the stone man who directly faced the Edman alloy samurai sword with electric light and blood inflammation was only cut through a five or six centimeter deep wound, and the long-lost blood dripped from his orange rocky skin. , But it is far from being an injury that can affect his movements.

The extremely good tacit understanding and unique abilities that the three showed without warning gave Chen Luyi a note of Ma Wei when they came up. When they were alone, they could not be called how powerful, but when they cooperated well with each other. When cooperating, this kind of power is far from comparable to other superheroes.

Mr. Fantastic, whose real name is Reed Richards, has super elastic body. His whole body can be stretched to an incredible length, and he can also change his volume and shape through elasticity. He can turn his whole or part of his body into a plastic state, enabling it to extend, swell, elongate, and deform in other forms. He often uses body deformations such as roadblocks, cylinders, cubes, parachutes, etc.

Mr. Fantastic is immune to physical attacks, for example, when a bullet hits his body, it will rebound and shoot at the gunner. His body can resist small explosions, unless he intentionally causes the explosives to pass through his body, otherwise it is difficult for the explosives to tear or pierce his skin. Mr. Fantastic’s intelligence may have become higher because of his ability, that is, the so-called elasticity has made his entire brain bigger, and he has a strong mental defense. He can also disguise himself through physical deformation.

The invisible woman, whose real name is Susan Stone Richards, is able to control the light waves and make herself and others invisible. She can also create invisible force fields and energy shields. She can also create a force field inside a human body or an object and make it explode. She can use the invisible force field to manipulate objects, block or trap enemies. The invisible woman can also fly at high speeds, and she can also use the invisible force field to generate ultrasonic shock waves for long-range attacks.

The stone man, Ben Grim, has the appearance of an orange stone, making his body extremely resistant to blows, and at the same time possessing infinite superpowers, capable of lifting objects of more than a hundred tons. The rock that composes his body is not any known substance on the earth, its hardness is hard to estimate, and it is rarely damaged. The fighting style of the Golem is as simple and rude as Hulk, even though his intelligence is not as low as Hulk.

This is the information of the three Fantastic Four other than Thunderbolt except that they were killed by Chen Lu. Everyone’s abilities have a very tricky aspect. Therefore, if they are allowed to play to their strengths, then Chen Lu’s situation can be very dangerous.

Chen Lu got up from the ruins of the building, repairing the wounds on his body with his speeding regeneration ability. Thinking that the opponent might not be able to see his actions clearly under the foggy fog, UU reading, but when Chen Lu stood up for less than a second, the Fantastic Four attacked one after another.

Mr. Fantastic’s ten fingers interlaced and stretched out at the same time, and in a blink of an eye it turned into a huge elastic net covering Chen Lu’s head. Chen Lu immediately surrounded his body with blood-colored flames, trying to turn Mr. Fantastic’s body into flames, but he suddenly discovered that there was a transparent protective force field on the rubber fingers of the opponent turned into a giant net, and Chen Lu’s body The blood inflammation on the upper hand was successfully isolated from the skin of the magical body, and he smoothly tied his body with a net.

Taking advantage of Chen Lu’s inability to move, the Stone Man leapt up relying on strange power and threw his huge body high into the air. The hidden woman on the ground also used an invisible force field to continuously push the stone man to a higher position at a speed like a rocket lifted into the air, until he broke through the clouds and disappeared into the blue sky.

The ascent of the stone man gradually slowed down, but at this time he had successfully escaped from the penetrating clouds and entered into the atmosphere that could pitch up the entire continental United States. He easily broke free of the ice layer that had condensed as he rose on his body, curled up and turned into a round boulder, tumbling and falling freely towards the ground.

The fire caused by friction with the atmosphere immediately enveloped the stone man’s body. At this moment, he was a real meteorite from outside the sky, and fell ruthlessly toward Chen Lu, who was tightly bound by Mr. Fantastic!

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