Destroying the World Starts From Marvel

Chapter 170 - Shipment started

The blood-colored flames kept coming out of Mr. Fantastic’s body. Although the body had become a rubber body, the blood flowing in his body was not oil after all. Under the action of blood inflammation, under the action of high temperature, his rubber body continuously deformed and twisted, and finally turned into a pool of weak mud.

“Reid!” The Stone Man let out a sorrowful roar, and courageously forced away the red tank and Kylian that blocked him, desperately rushing in the direction where Mr. Fantastic had fallen.

However, Chen Lu didn’t intend to give them any more chances. As the Golem rushed towards Mr. Fantastic, he took the lead and drew his sword and slammed into the middle door of the Golem from high in the air!

Chen Lu’s full blow can be described as a heavy blow, and at the same time the tip of the knife just pierced the stone man’s eyebrows, and then the body weight, coupled with the flame thruster and the acceleration of gravity, produced an extremely crazy stab effect.

The rocky skin of the Stone Man is extremely hard, and it is ultimately inferior to the Edman alloy samurai sword in Chen Lu’s hand. After the sharp sparks were rubbed between the tip of the knife and the rock, a drop of blood still emerged helplessly.

After successfully piercing the blade into the stone man’s body, Chen Lu performed the same trick again, pressing his finger on the blade and injecting a large amount of blood into the blade by means of metalization. Suddenly, blood appeared on the blade’s blade, and the turbulent blood inflammation poured into the top of the stone man’s head.

No matter how strong a person is, as long as he maintains the structure of the human body, there can be no hard thing in his body. After being burned by the extremely high temperature inside the body, the stone man’s brain was roasted mercilessly after all.

This resolute man, even if his body lost the control of his brain, he still maintained a strong standing posture, with his head held high and his death was greeted.

Mr. Fantastic, who had lost his rescue, could only watch his body continue to melt, and died with the stone man in incomparable regret.

[Triggered by the virus, target: Mr. Fantastic, the zombie virus has been injected successfully…has been infected, and the super-powered superhero has mutated. Since the target is dead, the mutation speed increases. The Gunners will mutate into a mutated infected person who retains the original human mind within 3 hours. Please be careful to tame them or eliminate their consciousness.]

[Triggered by the virus, target: Mr. Fantastic…]

[Triggered by the virus, target: Invisible woman…]

Coupled with the thunderbolt that had been resolved before, the Fantastic Four has declared the entire army annihilated, and the safety of the mist has finally been successfully ensured.

However, Chen Lu quickly turned his attention to the US aircraft carrier battle group docked with densely packed naval ships, and the S.H.I.E.L.D. air carrier whose visors were opened in the sky, as well as the waves and the sky. Preparing for battle in awe-inspiring manner.

The battle is not over yet, but it has come to an end. It’s time to be desperate when you want to come to the opponent, and it’s time to give them a fatal blow.

Chen Lu put away the Edman alloy katana, glanced casually at the stones of Mr. Fantastic, the Invisible Girl, and the Golem, smiled slightly and continued to rush to the last battlefield-the lower front of the Queens District.

Where, Captain America is leading all the remaining superheroes, about to start the final battle with the army of zombies under Chen Lu’s command.

New York City Landing District

The superhero squad led by Captain America covered a large number of U.S. troops from evacuating the U.S. soldiers in the city to the landing beach. The lucky ones who were frightened by the zombie army sent them to the air cushion landing craft. Flee from terrible ghost place.

At the same time, several heavy-duty military trucks with unknown contents were sent to the beach, slowly advancing into the city amidst the deafening roar of engines. Their carriages are protected by unprecedented heavy armor. This kind of precautionary measures will be believed even if the President of the United States is inside.

Even Nick, who should have stayed honestly on the aircraft carrier in the sky, was in command of the battle, and he was sitting on a maglev fighter and looked at these mysterious heavy trucks with complex expressions.

“Why did you call us back in a hurry?” Captain America asked inexplicably to Nick who was present. Although the task of the superheroes is only to cover the evacuation of the U.S. troops, Captain America still plans to attack the enemy by their power Reversal of the battle in key areas.

Nick glanced at Captain America and changed back to a serious and serious explanation: “Captain, we need more powerful weapons to win. You can’t do it alone. The X-Men’s reinforcements and the Fantastic Four are in harmony with each other. We disconnected from communication, and we suspect that they have all sacrificed.”

“What? Why don’t you let me save them!?” Captain America grabbed Nick by the collar excitedly and asked him angrily.

Nick responded indifferently: “Will you be free to go to support? The person in charge of the battle command is me. You only need to execute the orders. Don’t be self-righteous, soldier!”

Captain America suddenly noticed that Nick’s fist was tightly clenched, and the green veins on the back of his hand seemed to suppress the emotion of grief. For a while, understanding Nick’s helplessness and the burden of being a commander, the fingers holding the collar inadvertently loosened.

“Are they all killed by Hydra?”

“According to the report of the combat situation, they were all killed by Chen’s brother.” Nick told Captain America truthfully, even though this is not really good news. “It’s a pity that he didn’t stand like Chen. On our side he is such a terrible enemy.”

“I will fix him.” Captain America turned his head and looked at the foggy Queens, his eyes became firmer, “Don’t tell Chen about this. I don’t want him to feel guilty for his brother.”

“I see.”

The heavy heavy truck drove slowly past the uneven crater and began to dive into the thick white fog. The first generation of sentry robots brought by Dr. Trask were assembled and guarded the left and right sides of these heavy trucks, using Gatling guns and bazookas to alert the surrounding threats.

“Is this the final task?” Captain America asked when looking at the group of military trucks that didn’t know what to transport. In the communication channel, Nick had set this **** task as the highest priority task, and it must be decisive. thing.

Nick twisted his head slightly away from Captain America’s sight, but quickly took a deep breath and turned his head back to look directly at Captain America’s eyes, and said firmly and seriously:

“Yes it is.”

This sentence is not a lie, but it hurts his heart even more than a lie.

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