Destroying the World Starts From Marvel

Chapter 189 - New York\\\'s end

More than a dozen nuclear bombs bombarded every corner of New York City at the same time, setting off a splendid mushroom cloud symbolizing destruction in many areas. The entire sky was burned into a twilight-like bright gold, and even the clouds in the sky were shattered by the shock wave of the nuclear explosion.

All the buildings on the ground were destroyed by this terrifying explosion without any suspense. The cracked concrete and steel rods flew into the air together, forming a dense rainstorm of steel. The flames of destruction began to spread from the point of the nuclear bomb, and all touched objects were melted into ashes.

Nuclear explosions are like cancer cells spreading in multiple places in this dense forest-like building at the same time. The three- to four-hundred-meter-high high-rise buildings have no resistance to this fierce blast. At the moment of contact It tore to pieces like a biscuit. In the end, the burst of light enveloped the entire city, scorching the whole of New York like a huge oven.

Even on a space station in outer space, astronauts can even see this dazzling nuclear explosion light slowly shining on the east coast of the United States with the naked eye. The shock waves caused by the nuclear bomb blast made the satellite’s instruments a little blurred. In this second, the global signal received varying degrees of fluctuation interference.

In the end, all this happened.

Deadpool was in the control room of the largest nuclear bomb launch base in the United States. He raised Erlang’s legs on the console and looked at his masterpiece from the satellite monitoring screen. He didn’t know what his expression was under the mask. Beside his chair, all the staff responsible for operating the nuclear bomb were all fainted to the ground, their life or death unknown. And near the door of this control room, a large number of American soldiers assembled on alert, raising their guns and cautiously approaching Deadpool’s unsuspecting back.

“I should fill in a few more digits,” Deadpool said suddenly as if he was talking to himself, and his fingers touched the two new katana behind him. “After all, the feeling of being hit by hundreds of bullets is not Not comfortable…”

In the next second, the dense bullet storm showered him from head to toe.

“Correct it, it should be a few thousand or tens of thousands of rounds.”

The light of the nuclear explosion finally faded away, exposing a cloud of dust that was thicker than the previous dense fog. At this time, New York had no good buildings, and even half of the buildings did not exist. What is certain is that in this ultra-high radiation where even cockroaches cannot survive and the harsh air where there is almost no oxygen, normal earth creatures will either turn into monsters or die on the spot, not to mention directly from the nuclear explosion just now. Survived.

Looking down from high in the sky, one can only vaguely see through the heavy smoke and dust a cratered land that is even more uneven than the surface of the moon. Every place where a nuclear bomb falls is a terrifying crater tens of meters deep. . The huge wave caused by the first nuclear explosion was pushed out by the more intense second nuclear explosion, forming an unnatural ocean current that rushed toward the center of the Pacific Ocean.

This became the direct cause of the sudden sinking of Hawaii and its surrounding islands.

New York, the most prosperous city in the United States, and the most important economic center in the world, has turned into a barren land that is tens of millions of times worse than outer space in a blink of an eye. According to later investigations, normal humans cannot go deep into this dead zone even if they wear the most advanced spacesuits, and the crazy radiation spreading on this land and the smoke and dust rushing into the clouds cannot be in that way. Eliminate in a short time.

This is an area where no living things can survive, American experts can say so. Even microbes that reached a depth of several hundred meters were destroyed by the super nuclear explosion that was beyond imagination. Therefore, on this surface, even things with abnormal vitality such as viruses will only be burned. Into a harmless carbon-based substance.


All people who have witnessed all this from outer space through satellite images have poured out this idea, which is undoubtedly the weight of a weapon that can destroy the world. In the face of this unprecedented actual use of nuclear bombs, everything that mankind is familiar with is so fragile. It can turn 789 square kilometers of New York area into a **** of horror with no survivors in a few minutes. If the evacuation work is not carried out in advance, then within these minutes, or even a few seconds, it can cause thousands of people. Ten thousand deaths. It is not without reason that things like nuclear bombs will be restricted by the international community.

If there is an enemy that cannot even be destroyed by such a nuclear strike, then there will be no other way. This is the unified idea of ​​all those who have witnessed the power of this nuclear explosion.

The matter should be over…

However, in the city center of Queens, where the nuclear bomb hit the most intense, on the site of the original New Umbrella Building, a slowly formed human figure struggled up from the tawny mud, like raindrops. Standing straight in the falling mud and dust.

It was Chen Lu who had recovered from the earth that was originally fused with his flesh and blood.

“The feeling of death is worse than imagined.” Just as he complained nonchalantly, Chen Lu picked up the indestructible Edman alloy samurai that was deep in the ground, and stepped on the soft ground. Move forward in a doomsday-like environment.

Yes, strictly speaking, Chen Lu just died once.

Skill 4. Death resistance: When the body is completely dead due to non-spiritual attacks (including completely crushed, completely burnt, or even broken down into atoms), 33% of the biological energy can be consumed to completely recover the body. Each activation of death resistance will temporarily reduce the upper limit of bioenergy by 33% for 24 hours.

He was able to recover from this terrible explosion because of the heaven-defying ability obtained from Deadpool’s mutation self-healing factor. If it were replaced by the Chen Lu body on the Sky Carrier without this skill to withstand this blow, then it would undoubtedly be a dead end.

However, the newly resurrected Chen Lu was not comfortable in this terrible environment. Today, the sky above New York is completely covered by the dust raised by the explosion, and only a trace of extremely faint is revealed in the muddy yellow-brown. Light.

The residual radiation on the ground made the temperature on the ground even surpass that of the red iron plate. Every step of Chen Li’s step was able to pull out a thin thread of melted skin and flesh, and he could only walk continuously and then repair it, suffering like torture.

To say that this is hell, it couldn’t be more suitable.

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