Destroying the World Starts From Marvel

Chapter 220 - Crazy Thor

Thor, holding the Rocky Scepter, can now easily penetrate his body without breaking the wall, floating like a ghost in the underground experimental base, and at the same time gaining the vision given by the spiritual gem. Powerful, he did not completely lose the ability to control thunder and lightning. From the palm of his hand, he could send lightning to Chen Lu.

Chen Lu had no choice but to evade and flee, and Thor was also chasing after him. At this moment, the countdown to the self-destruct procedure in the experimental base finally returned to zero. In a terrible explosion, the entire underground experimental base They were all blasted into the sky.

Under the cover of the fire and smoke, both Chen Lu and Thor lost their vision, and at the same time their bodies were thrown high and returned to the ground.

This degree of explosion can no longer hurt Thor’s body, and he can only shuttle in the blast of the explosion by relying on the material penetration ability. The only thing he was worried about was his friends and followers who were still unaccounted for coming with him. It would be better for them to complete the evacuation before the outbreak happened.

But on this earth flooded by dust and nuclear radiation, Thor did not see the figures he expected to see, instead Chen Lu led a group of zombie heroes to besiege him.

“Return the infinite gems.” Chen Lu pointed to the Rocky scepter in Thor’s hand, and warned in a rude manner, “Perhaps I can still consider letting go of your friends.”

“No, I will rescue them myself. Even if they are dead, I will bring them back to life!”

It seems that in this underground experiment base just now, Thor, who discarded Thor’s Hammer, has left behind the last burden in his heart. He no longer needs to abide by morals and love his people as he did in the past. Now he only needs to use up. All means will complete the unfinished business of capturing Infinite Gems.

How many people need to be sacrificed on this road, how many more sins need to be borne, and how many old friends need to be killed, Thor will never care anymore. In the final analysis, the only thing he can’t pass through is his own level of doing these things, so as long as he chooses to give up this guilt, he doesn’t need to feel uneasy and blame himself for it.

At this time Thor felt a voice coming from within his body. He didn’t realize that this was a whisper from the Soul Gem: “You don’t have to sacrifice yourself for your people anymore, you don’t have to bear the burden of Thor’s Hammer anymore. “

Yeah, since even Thor’s Hammer has abandoned him now, then what is Thor’s nostalgia for the identity of Prince Asgard? Now he can finally look straight into his heart and admit that he is not fighting for the earth or for Asgard. He just wants to go back to the past, hoping to restore everything to its original state. His friends and followers all bet their lives because of his willfulness.

“Sif, Hogan, Vostag, I’m sorry that I should finish the next journey alone.” Realizing his selfishness, Thor no longer wants to cheek his friends and follow them. The name of righteousness continued to mess around, and with the power of infinite gems, Thor also felt unprecedented confidence, “Now, want me to rescue you!”

Facing a group of skillful zombie heroes gathered beside Chen Lu, Thor rushed forward without fear, allowing the yellow ability of the soul gem to cover his whole body, giving him unprecedented powerful energy.

The first one to intercept him was Magneto, who once made him feel extremely tricky. This king of magnetism, who can even manipulate Thor’s Hammer, was absolutely helpless and formidable to Thor before, but now everything is utterly helpless. Has become different. Thor, who had abandoned Thor’s Hammer, had no more metal worthy of Magneto’s manipulation, and even if he had it, his material penetration ability was turned into an untouchable nothingness.

Therefore, Magneto could only set off a steel storm like a giant meat grinder and swept toward Thor, and countless metals condensed in mid-air into a dragon and roared towards Thor. Thor, who had just obtained the energy of the soul gem, was not to be outdone, and directly launched a bucket-thick energy ray from the scepter to forcibly push the steel storm back, completely melting the dragon with its teeth and claws.

Just as Magneto was preparing to organize the next wave of offensive, Thor flew quickly to his side, and pierced the sharp top of Loki’s scepter into the body of the weak old man. The blood spurted in an instant and then Thor’s whole body. The strong smell of blood seemed to induce the desire for destruction that had been hidden in his heart for a long time. He was no longer satisfied with simply letting the enemy lose his fighting power, instead he clenched the scepter. The body twisted so hard that Magneto’s heart was smashed This is Kuaiyin passing behind him at a very fast speed, and the blue laser blade in his hand is even more powerful. The speed at which the afterimages would not leave wiped Thor’s throat, but this kind of physical attack had no meaning to Thor, who had mastered the power of material penetration. The laser blade was like cutting a shadow from Thor’s neck. It was swung up, but it didn’t leave any scars.

At the same time, Kuaiyin suddenly felt a pain in his feet. Walking on a solid ground, he felt like he was in the mud for some reason. He looked down at his feet, and his feet had already stepped deeply into it. The depth of the mud reached his knees, which undoubtedly caused his speed to be greatly reduced, and all this would never happen normally.

This is the new ability that Thor obtained from the energy of the spiritual gems-density manipulation. The fast silver that just passed him was adjusted to a thousand times the original density by the power of infinite gems. Under this kind of gravity, Kuaiyin hadn’t been directly pressed into a meatloaf, it was extremely incredible, so let’s not mention it to keep running at the original speed.

Kuai Yin, who had lost his speed advantage, was not worth mentioning in front of Thor. As soon as he raised his hand, he used energy rays to penetrate Kuai Yin’s chest, and then pulled Kuai Yin’s body into two halves. .

The zombie heroes who lost two generals as soon as Fang fought were ready to retreat in a panic, but Thor didn’t intend to let them go, especially Chen Li, who had been irritating him before, was about to kill him here. Thor flicked his cloak and quickly chased in the direction of Chen Lu. All the zombie heroes who tried to stop him along the way were dismembered by him in the most cruel way.

Thor also didn’t know why he became so tyrannical, as if he was born like this. He felt that he was doing what he had always wanted to do before, and he felt that way for some reason.

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