Destroying the World Starts From Marvel

Chapter 228 - Body as bait

Before Chen Lu’s blade touched him, Dr. Strange revealed a large number of magic weapons from his side, knives, swords, spears, axes and yokes… all kinds of cold weapons radiated colorful light like raindrops toward Chen Lu Throw it over. ?? Bayi? Chinese W? W ㈠ W. 81ZW. These COM weapons all carry various mysterious patterns on them. Obviously, each of them contains powerful magical power. As the magic weapon made by the Supreme Mage Doctor Strange, every piece of course is a treasure in the magical world.

When Chen Lu didn’t mean to pause at all, he didn’t hesitate to face these deadly weapons, and only chose to use the Edman alloy katana to block the targeted attack, ignoring everything else. As a result, he was completely wounded halfway through the rush, and he fought **** towards Doctor Strange.

In the end, Dr. Strange still inevitably got close to the melee distance by Chen Lu and slashed at him violently. Doctor Strange had to present a staff to block the attack. The Edman alloy katana collided with the hilt of the staff and shot out strong sparks.

Since Chen Lu had rushed to the front of Doctor Strange so desperately, of course he wouldn’t give up so easily. Holding a sharp blade, he pursued Dr. Strange continuously like waves, a large amount of blood poured out from the wound that had just been cut, and even Dr. Strange could not help being splashed with blood.

Doctor Strange only used his rod to defend against Chen Li’s attack, completely disregarding his clothes stained by blood. Normally, the magic floating cloak will block all the blood splashing from the enemy to maintain his graceful demeanor, but now this cloak is still deeply pressed by the Eiffel Tower.

Chen Lu’s last knife successfully broke through Doctor Strange’s defense, and opened the staff in Doctor Strange’s hand with one stroke, causing the empty door in the opponent’s chest to open. From the cut on Chen Lu’s severed right arm, a blood-red flame spewed out instead of blood, and compressed and reconstructed into the shape of an arm in the air, clenching his fist toward the Agomoto on Dr. Strange’s chest. Eye of the fist banged down.

It’s a pity that Dr. Strange had already delayed the cooling time of 4 seconds, and Chen Lu’s hand of flame was swept away by the ability to pause again. However, this timeout was obviously much shorter than the previous few times. Before Dr. Strange and Chen Lu could move enough distance to counterattack, time had already resumed.

So Chen Lu’s blood flame that turned into an arm turned into a fire dragon and slammed it towards Doctor Strange who hadn’t escaped, like a long whip, trying to wrap his whole person. Of course, Doctor Strange wouldn’t be able to catch it like this, with a magic mark in his hand, and countless golden runes surrounded his whole body, completely isolating the blood inflammation from around his body.

“Does it specialize in fighting against energy attacks?” Chen Lu realized the effect of these runes, and once again used the propelling ability of the blood inflammation to fly in the air to get closer to Doctor Strange. The Edman alloy katana also completely ignored the golden rune beside Doctor Strange as he had hoped, and slammed into his throat sharply.

“Go away!” Dr. Strange knew very well that close combat was estimated to be the only item that Chen Lu was better than himself, so Chen Lu would definitely choose the only way to win. He was also trying his best to avoid the hand-to-hand confrontation with Chen Lu. After Chen Lu tried to get close to him, he once again threw endless magical weapons, trying to suppress Chen Lu’s offensive with this rain of swords, lights, and shadows.

And this time, Chen Lu gave up all the protection altogether, letting his body be pierced and split by a large number of sharp blades, blood poured out like a heavy rain, countless blades and spears of the penetrating body made him look like Like a cursed voodoo doll.

The consequence of this is naturally that Chen Lu’s body collapsed before he approached Doctor Strange. The magic power attached to the magic weapon clashed in his body and caused damage to the internal organs, and even planned to squeeze out like a sponge. Every drop of blood in his body.

With such a crippled injury, Chen Lu still rushed to a distance of about 1 meter from Doctor Strange, and the blood spewing from his body poured Doctor Strange into a blood man. Chen Lu, who had been counting silently in his heart, realized that 4 seconds was about to pass, and exhausted his last effort to throw the blade of his hand at the opponent.

The Edman alloy katana flew straight in the air toward Doctor Strange’s forehead, but it was frozen in mid-air midway, and it was the time spell of the Eye of Agomoto that was activated again.

“Is this guy going to die?” Dr. Strange whispered, his hands were about to form a magic seal, and at the same time he moved a little bit so that the Edman alloy samurai sword thrown by Chen Lu could pass by. Soon the magic of Doctor Strange was ready, and this time I was very fortunate to have enough time to take action.

In the still space, Doctor Strange made the final blow to Chen Lu, whose body was already full of blades, and plunged a devastating golden ball of light into Chen Lu’s body. This magic missile completely detonated all the magic power in Chen Lu’s body, and a dazzling light burst out of his abdomen, as if lighting up a lantern.

At the moment when time regained its flow, Chen Lu’s body exploded from the inside in front of Dr. Strange’s eyes. The intense fire light was like another sun was born in the sky. In this high temperature close to a nuclear explosion, even if it was. Microbes have no chance of surviving, because every cell is burned to death in such a Seeing Chen Lu’s figure disappear completely before his eyes, Dr. Strange breathed a sigh of relief: ” Phew, the difficult guy is finally killed.”

It’s just that at the moment when he relaxed his vigilance, he seemed to forget that besides Chen Lu, there was another enemy with unknown life and death. And this enemy still possesses destructive power that surpasses Chen Lu.

Suddenly there was a burst of air behind him, and Dr. Strange, who had just slackened for killing Chen Lu for himself, thought that the magic cloak would continue to take defensive actions on its own, but suddenly realized that there was no such thing on his shoulders. An artifact.

The Edman alloy samurai sword manipulated by magnetic force pierced the back of Doctor Strange faster than Chen Lu could throw it, and penetrated through his abdomen. At this moment, Dr. Strange immediately thought of using the time-staying ability to avoid the tearing of the wound, but at this time another thing happened more quickly.

The blood on the katana glowed with blood red light, and then turned into flames and burned. This single spark continued to ignite the large amount of blood that Chen Lu had sprinkled on Doctor Strange before, causing the blood-colored flames to engulf Dr. Strange. People wrapped up.

The green light shone, and time stopped again.

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