Destroying the World Starts From Marvel

Chapter 273 - Revolutionary Army

Radars showed that Chen Lu was getting closer and closer to the stolen caravan, but there was always a scene of an unchanging poor village around him. It was completely unlike what a secret organization’s base should have, so Chen Lu was in his heart. The premonition of uncertainty grew stronger.

Finally, Chen Lu came to a dilapidated and abandoned thatched cottage. The place was small and desolate. There was a scorching smell in the air. Even the door of the room was fallen off and half-covered. It is hard to imagine the ability to attack the wood. Organizations like Ye Ninja Village in the capital of a big country will hide in this kind of place.

Chen Lu stepped forward and pushed open the crumbling door, and the moist air inside suddenly poured out. In the dim thatched cottage, a carriage covered by rags lay quietly in the middle of the house. That’s right, this is the Ninja caravan with the tracker installed by Hawkeye, but only this one is abandoned here, and other vehicles that are said to have the design drawings of the Chrono-Space Chakra gun are completely No trace.

“Damn it, they don’t need this batch of endurance tools.” There is no doubt that the Konoha attackers pursued by Chen law do not lack weapons, otherwise they definitely cannot use a large number of detonating charms to create human flesh bombs. Their goal has been from the beginning. The design drawings of the Chrono-Space Chakra Cannon and the ninja to be shipped to Taki no Kuni are just dispensable things.

Chen Lu was unwilling to search around in this ruined house, hoping to find something like a secret path, but unfortunately, apart from finding a few fresher footprints, he didn’t find any other valuable things.

In this way, the clues about the Chrono-Space Chakra can be broken, which is not good news for Chen Lu. However, just as Chen Lu thought so, there was a sudden rush of footsteps outside the door. Soon a dozen young and middle-aged people, who are rare in this village, broke into the thatched house with long spears and short swords. The young man was obviously not a regular soldier. After discovering that there were more uninvited guests like Chen Lu in the house, he was still stunned for a second before he realized that he raised the weapon in his hand and surrounded the three of them.

The first and only young man dressed as a ninja drew out his pains and shouted to Chen Lu: “Who are you! The running dog of the country or the spy of Yuren!”

Chen Lu turned a blind eye to his screams, still looking at the contents of the carriage and searching for anything suspected of research materials among the piles of ninjas. Such an important thing was taken away naturally when the carriage was abandoned, so Chen Lu still found nothing after all.

The young ninja who was ignored by Chen Lu suddenly became annoyed. He cautiously pressed Chen Lu step by step, raised his hand and shouted at Chen Lu, “Hey, those are the supplies of our revolutionary army. Click to get out of here, or we will do it!”

“Revolutionary Army?” After hearing these words, Chen Lu became interested in the young ninja in front of him. He turned around and looked at the other person with cold eyes and asked: “This is your supplies, and the remaining carriage is transferred. Where are they? Whose hands are those drawings?”

The young ninja was taken aback by Chen Lu’s sudden violent aura, and replied vaguely: “What carriage? What drawing? Anyway, the contents of this carriage are already owned by our revolutionary army. Get out of me!”

Before he finished speaking the word “open”, the young ninja felt a silver light from his hand suddenly fell. When he reacted, the point of Kuwu in his hand had been thrown into the air, leaving only a smooth blunt. surface. When Chen Lu took the shot, Kuaiyin’s figure disappeared instantly. When he and the afterimage left by him again overlapped, the weapons of all the soldiers on the scene were neatly stacked and Kuaiyin stepped on him. The soldiers who had been robbed of their weapons did not react for a while, and kept pointing their guns at Chen Lu and others.

“Who are you!” The young ninja immediately realized the gap in strength between the two sides that day, and threw away the damaged Kumu in horror. He took a few steps back, but he was obviously still unwilling to run away, hesitatingly looked towards him. A carriage full of ninjas behind Chen Lu.

Chen Lu slowly retracted the pure Edman alloy sword in his scabbard. He would only kill others when it was profitable. At present, he would obviously not give to the team of self-proclaimed revolutionary soldiers who killed him. What are the benefits of Chen Lu. He withdrew his previous biting aura, and patted the young ninja on the shoulder friendly and commanded:

“Don’t be nervous, boy, I am not trying to **** that pile of scrap iron with you. Now, take me to meet your leader. I have a business to talk to him.”

The young ninja who was photographed on the shoulder by Chen Lu felt that his heartbeat was about to stop, and he sighed with relief when he knew that the other party had put down his palm. Although this did not mean that he would believe that Chen Lu was not hostile so easily, but in The words of refusal in front of this overwhelming strength could not be uttered anyway.

Dou Da sweat beads slid down from the temple of the young ninja, and he felt that if he dared to spit out half of the word “no”, then everyone including himself would probably be treated like hell. He glanced at the fast silver that was playing with the pile of weapons under his feet very leisurely, and trying to escape at such a speed that the naked eye could not catch was completely idiotic.

Just as Chen Lu was about to urge him, a soldier dressed as a scout slammed into him. Before he could even confirm the situation in the house, he breathlessly reported to the young ninja:

“It’s not good! The ninja from Kushinin Village found here!”

Immediately there was a huge explosion sound outside the door, and a strong fire light penetrated through the hole in the thatched house, and the simple roof was rustled by the storm generated by the impact.

The revolutionary soldier who heard this news suddenly rushed out of the thatched house like a frightened bird, even the fear of Chen Lu and Kuaiyin was ignored. However, just as the group of soldiers smashed through the walls of the thatched cottage and planned to flee in all directions, the rain of kunai and shuriken washed them from head to toe and tied the group of unarmed soldiers into a honeycomb.

To be honest, this group of so-called revolutionary soldiers after being disarmed by Kuaiyin seemed to have nothing like ordinary civilians, but the ninja who attacked did not hesitate to kill them, no doubt they would rather kill a thousand by mistake. After letting one go, Chen Lu finally understood why there are so few young people in this village.


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