Destroying the World Starts From Marvel

Chapter 276 - Hydralisk evolution

The bulging bone spurs all over surprised the ninjas who thought they had already won. They hurriedly jumped on the roof of the surrounding thatched house to escape. A few slow-reacting ninjas were unfortunately punctured and hung up high by the bone spurs and continued to struggle Hold until the last breath is swallowed.

This is when the Kusaka ninjutsu realized that the Hydralisk that was violently burned by their combination of ninjutsu did not lose its mobility. They always maintained a fighting posture in the burning of fire, and the so-called pain did not exist in their feeling Nerve.

The carapace and skin of the Hydralisk were indeed scorched and melted by the intense flame, but after the outer skin and flesh were burned to ashes, exposed to the air was not the soft internal organs of course but a layer of solid bones that could not be burned. Armor, this layer of bone armor allows most of the Hydralisk’s organs to be preserved, and the external injuries are serious but not to lose combat effectiveness.

The ten-foot-high flame attached to the Hydralisks made them look more hideous and scary, like a ghost from hell, with an immortal body, gradually fading and revealing in the burning of the fire. Show a real gesture.

A terrible roar came from the big mouth of the Hydralisk. The ejection muscles of the venomous spinal needles have been damaged, but they still have a pair of sharp three-bladed sickles with strong bone spurs to continue fighting, even if they are The sharp teeth that are not usually used can also exert a bite force of up to 5,000 pounds per square inch, and can violently shred all enemies that dared to approach.

“Isn’t this the bloodline of the Huiye clan? How can these psychic beasts use the long-extinct ability of the bloodline!” The battle-tested Captain Grass Ninja was surprised to tell the truth about the ability of the Hydralisk Bone Armor. It is normal for the psychic beast to use ninjutsu, but what is it that it can use the blood inheritance boundary?

That’s right, the evolutionary genes of these Hydralisks are derived from the corpse of Junmaro brought back by Chen Lu from the Konoha attack. After the corpse veins, the blood succession limit gene, was transformed by Abathur, it made the Hydralisk Obtained a subcutaneous bone armor that was harder than the outer carapace, and had the ability to generate bone spurs to fight. The bone spurs protruding suddenly on the ground are a masterpiece of bone vein genes.

Jumping on the roof does not mean that these ninjas have a way to escape. The Hydralisks who have lost the venomous spinal needles opened the pair of three-bladed bone knives towards them, and slammed them violently. Throwing the bone knife at high speed like a shuriken, some Kushinin didn’t react, and the sudden bone dart cut his throat.

Now Captain Kushinin reacted, it was not the time to express surprise. In a hurry, he could only gritted his teeth and ordered: “All members charge, our offense is effective!”

Indeed, as he said, if the Hydralisk fired a venomous spinal needle, their casualties would probably be doubled. Now the formation of the Kushinin troops has been completely disrupted, and they want to use it like just now. It is no longer possible to produce a powerful combination of ninjutsu, so the strategy they chose has become simple and simple, that is, to face the opponent’s firepower and push forward forcibly!

All kinds of ninjutsu are released from this group of grass ninjas, either with frost that penetrates into the bones, or sharp wind blades, or meteor-like boulders, and the bone blades thrown by the Hydralisk Continually colliding, the Kushinoba quickly overwhelmed the firepower of the Hydralisk group and began to approach them step by step.

After getting close enough, many ninjas simply drew out their ninja swords and rushed into the Hydralisk group to try to fight them personally. According to common sense, monsters with strong long-range combat capabilities would not be suitable for close combat. This It is the result of natural selection, and it is universal even among the psychic beasts.

However, Hydralisk is not a naturally occurring animal, every organ and even every drop of blood in their bodies are born for fighting. The Kushininos realized their mistakes only after approaching these monsters. At this time, the Hydralisks had already held their sickles high and cut their bodies frantically.

A ninja slammed the Ninja sword into the abdomen of a Hydralisk, the blade plunged into the Hydralisk’s body until the hilt, and then vigorously pulled open a larger wound. But the Hydralisk that was so badly injured did not even snorted, coldly lifted the three-bladed sickle and smashed it heavily on his shoulder, then opened its scarlet teeth, and chewed the ninja’s head. stand up.

The bone veins may not have given the Hydralisk the long-range destructive ability beyond the venomous spines, but these monsters have been greatly improved in their melee combat and long-range protection capabilities. Although the ninjas of the Kusaka ninjas continuously bombarded them, the damage caused to the Hydralisk was always ineffective in the face of a bone armor that was stronger than diamonds.

In the close confrontation, Kusaka Ninja forces suffered heavy casualties at once, but they had to admit that using Ninja swords to bring the most damage to these monsters. In order to end this battle as soon as possible, all Kushinjutsu bombing chose to fight against these Hydralisks with physique. Brutal blade confrontation erupted in this small village, and the confrontation between the ninja and the Hydralisk entered a white-hot stage.

Although the gain is the enhancement of the bones and veins, the Hydralisk is not a unit born for close combat. Under the fierce attack by the Kushinin at any cost, these Hydralisks that have been bombarded by a large number of ninjutsu finally fell one by one Next, let the ninjas use a knife to penetrate the head to complete the end.

When the last Hydralisk burning with flames on its body fell, the nearly 100-strong Kuonin troops had been worn down to only thirty or forty However, Captain Kuonin was pleased to raise his head and prepare. When celebrating the victory, he looked around in amazement, unable to say a word.

It was hundreds of newborn Hydralisks surrounding them, twisting the snake-like lower body and approaching the Kushinin. This group of Hydralisks was no longer relying on the chakra psychic of the young ninja, but was summoned to avenge their comrades at the cost of the life of more than ten years by the soldiers of the Revolutionary Army who came to take refuge.

Without any suspense, countless venomous spinal needles inserted these surviving grass ninjas into hedgehogs from head to tail, and even completely shattered their bodies and turned them into a pool of mud. After the fierce battle, what greeted these grassland ninjas was not a gratifying victory, but a unilateral massacre with no resistance, just as they had abused the members of the revolutionary army in the first place.

In the first sale, Chen Lu gained all the chakras of a ninja and the vitality of dozens of people equivalent to their life span of more than ten years. This is more than three times the total cost of all Hydralisks present, which is comparable to letting a worker bee. Collecting energy slowly is much more efficient.


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