Destroying the World Starts From Marvel

Chapter 370 - Joker vs Deadpool

Unlike Batman, who almost gambled on everything he had, the creator of the whole thing, the Joker, is happily driving the nuclear-powered Batman he converted into a clown car on the street. The armed level of this clown car is horribly high. Any police car that tried to get in the way was directly bombarded by him with 155mm artillery to scum. Fortunately, the police car that jumped out of the car in time would also be heavy by the artillery. The machine gun shot into a honeycomb.

Such a side-to-side massacre left the police with no way to get the clown, and even when he took the initiative to rush to the roadblock, he could only give up his dignity and fled frantically. The relationship between the hunter and the prey has been completely reversed, and now it is the clown running around the streets looking for trouble with the police. With his current force, even if he directly rushes into the Gotham City Police Station, it will be unimpeded.

The sudden loss of Chen Lu’s whereabouts made these police officers almost lose their last support. If even superhumans can’t solve the lunatic clown, what use is their hard work? As for Batman who should have been depended on by them, they had forgotten about him.

The clown laughed wildly all the way on the road, and could only be described as unstoppable along the way. Strangely, he neither planned to leave Gotham City, nor did he plan to attack major buildings such as the police station or the city council. He just found a place on the street and destroyed it as he pleased. Under the chaos, no one can do it. Know his intentions.

But soon, the people who came to hinder him appeared. It’s just that it’s neither the Batman the Joker was looking forward to, nor the current police chief Chen Lu, but a perverted man wearing a red tights and carrying two samurai swords-Deadpool.

Deadpool jumped down from the tall building and accurately jumped onto the roof of the clown car, only to pay the price of breaking a leg, causing blood to splash and stain the window of the clown car. Of course, Deadpool himself drew his sword as if he didn’t feel it, and stabbed the extremely sharp blade into the car.

“Is it the whole person? Well, forget it, it doesn’t matter if you make a mistake. The people inside, it’s time to hit the mole, I poke, I poke, I poke and poke…”

With the jokes of Deadpool, his two samurai swords were thrown back and forth in the clown car like a piledriver. He didn’t care whether he stabbed anyone or not. Anyway, as he said, it was just a fight. Gopher game only.

The clown and Harry in the car had already leaned down to avoid being stabbed by Deadpool’s blade, but let Deadpool destroy it, and it was only a matter of time before the entire roof was lifted by him. Although the clown doesn’t care about this stolen and modified clown car, it is not the style of a clown to be beaten and not fight back. When Deadpool stabbed the blade again, he did not hesitate to face the tip of the blade with his palm, and grasped the sharp blade like a handshake.

“Come and shake your hand, good boy.”

Suddenly a voltage of one million volts poured into Deadpool’s blade from the current transmitter on the clown’s cuff, and suddenly the thick incandescent light of the water snake wrapped around Deadpool’s body, causing his body to tremble uncontrollably and paralyzed. Deadpool’s muscles caused Deadpool to loosen his hands wrapped around the clown car, and was violently thrown under the car, tumbling like a rolling log on the road.

“My hands! My feet! My kidneys! Oh, fortunately, they are still there. I don’t like this kind of electric shock massage, and my little brother was almost broken, you know? Oh no, it’s already broken! “

When Deadpool chattered to get up again from the ground, the clown car had already drifted and braked back, and pointed the front of the car at the fool who dared to come to trouble. The clown laughed sinisterly as he watched this freak who had suffered tons of damage but stood up like a okay person, and smiled excitedly like a kid version of a new toy.

“Huh, too many buttons.” The clown flexed his hands in front of the console of the clown car, thinking about which weapon to activate, but this consideration would always only point to the same result, “point to the soldiers, all. “

So the clown just clicked on the control panel and didn’t care whether he activated the function. What responded to him was the clown car’s various weapons like a treasure chest, including cannons, tracking missiles, heavy machine guns, and a variety of weapons. The dense barrage poured over to Deadpool.

The dense rain of bullets left almost no gap. In this situation, even Spider-Man with spider-sensing cannot completely avoid it, and Deadpool simply opened his hands and embraced the horror. Carpet bombing.

In an instant, Deadpool was torn to pieces by the intensive artillery fire, and the internal organs of the hands and feet were thrown into the air like the flowers of the goddess. Even the blood that flowed out was evaporated in a blink of an eye. It’s just that if the deadpool was thrown out of the basketball. The generally rolling head is still playing its role professionally:

“Well, these my hands and feet are gone, can someone give me a cigarette?”

In the next second, his head was shattered by heavy machine gun bullets like a broken watermelon.

And the clown seemed to have paid the price for his arbitrarily pressing the button. The clown car suddenly activated the jet acceleration function, causing the special chariot to rush out like an arrow from the string, and run over the deadpool’s corpse. , No matter what you hit all the way, you just drove past, even if you want to turn, there is no time to escape before the crash.

So the clown car ran across Gotham City like this. If it weren’t for the armor quality of the tank, it would have been crashed into a pile of broken copper and iron. Halle was taken aback by the sudden rampage but the clown laughed loudly with enjoyment, and she was holding the steering wheel and didn’t know which way he was hitting, just like a neuropath was driving. .

A few minutes later, after clowning how many buildings and cars had been smashed, the clown was stopped by someone again, and the intact Deadpool stood in front of them again, as if the scene of being divided by gunfire had never happened.

The clown wanted to hit the accelerator directly to the end and let Deadpool die again, but when the front of the car came into contact with Deadpool, the red figure suddenly disappeared. When the clown came back to his senses, Deadpool had already swaggered in the back seat of the clown car, and pretended to raise a wine glass.

“Excuse me, can I make up for the ticket later?” Deadpool asked the clown in the driver’s seat humbly, and at the same time stroked the teleportation belt around his waist with a wretched gesture.


The clown took out a silver revolver without looking back and shot Deadpool’s forehead. Although he hadn’t figured out what Deadpool was capable of, he always did it first in this situation. Let’s talk about it.

“Well, your ticket is finished.” The clown responded equally nervously.

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