Destroying the World Starts From Marvel

Chapter 378 - Actual combat

Destroying the world from Mei Man 378, Chapter 378 Actual Combat Competition-567 English Although Tony was slammed by Tony, Bruce Wayne still maintained a full demeanor and asked: “Excuse me, this gentleman. Are you also here to participate in this mechanized armed bidding? Your product is the set you wear, uh, steel cans?”

“My name is Tony Stark, the smartest person in the universe. To describe such a cool suit as a can of steel, I really doubt how your taste became the president of the company. Let me make the decision. , You don’t need to use it for work tomorrow.” Tony replied tit-for-tatly.

“I don’t know why you have such confidence, but now is the time of our Wayne Group’s show, can you come to the side to cool off first?” Although this is not Batman’s own character, but to play Bruce Wei Well, for the role of the dude, he still maintained a venomous attitude and argued with Tony.

“Sorry, I just think what you took out is too boring.” Tony looked back at the bunny policeman who was swept away by him, patted his palms and said: “Let me teach you what is Real high-tech armor. Jarvis, show time!”

“Received, sir.”

Suddenly over the venue, the Iron Legion controlled by Jarvis galloped like eight immortals across the sea and landed in the venue with all kinds of cool gestures, making the bunny policemen who had absorbed their eyes look bleak.

Stark Industries’ Iron Army robbed all the limelight without any accident, and the audience no longer cared about Tony’s arrogance and rudeness, but instead gave him the warmest applause of the day.

This development really went beyond the Mayor of Gotham City’s expectations. In his original plan, if the Wayne Group had the intention to participate in the bidding, then this bidding only needed to routinely hand over the contract to Bruce Wayne. It’s okay. But the Stark industry was killed halfway, but the technological content of the equipment they provided was obviously not under the Wayne Group. If the contract was still arbitrarily handed over to the Wayne Group, it would have been unfair.

At this time, as the proponent of the plan, Chen Lu stood up in a timely manner and proposed a plan for relief. He stood with a stronger aura than the mayor and said to both parties in the competition: “So it seems that this bidding will fall into the hands of both Stark Industries and Wayne Group. To be honest, If the explanations and performance demonstrations of your side alone can’t tell the difference fairly, then why don’t we choose a simpler and more direct method?”

“What are you going to do?” Bruce asked, looking at Chen Lu warily. After all, his main purpose of letting the Bunnymen participate in this bid was to defeat Chen Lu’s plan. Now he can almost be 100% sure of the Tony Si in front of him. Tucker must be Chen Lu’s partner.

“The exoskeleton armors of both of you have a remote control mode, so why not choose the five most powerful ones in actual combat?”

The scheme proposed by Chen Lu is really simple and rude to the extreme, so how expensive these Bunnymen and Iron Man armors are. The loss of five vehicles is nothing but a drop in the financial resources of Wayne Group and Stark Industries. It can only be said that this is a proposal that cannot be rejected. After all, it is too unreasonable for these things to be put into actual combat one day to escape the actual combat test.

After closing his eyes for a while, Bruce nodded and agreed to Chen Lu’s proposal: “This is indeed a fair method, but I have one condition. This actual confrontation must be conducted in a safe place.”

“Of course, I know a good place, where there will be no people approaching, and there are complex terrains that can test the performance of urban street fighting. More importantly, it will be demolished soon.”

I saw Chen Lu holding a remote control and pressing a few times against the large-screen TV in the venue, and a huge and forested building appeared in the center of the screen. There was a huge sigh of breath in the venue, because the place displayed on the screen was the nightmare of countless Gotham people.

This place is the abandoned Black Gate Prison.

This large prison, built on a remote and independent island, used to hold major criminals such as penguins, black masks and clowns. However, with the rise of the special prison of Arkham Asylum, the condemnation of Amnesty International, and the repeated successful escapes of prisoners and other external factors, it was forced to close.

As an abandoned prison on an uninhabited island, it is indeed the most suitable place for this heavy fire test.

Chen Lu further explained: “If there is no opinion, please each of you choose five most proud armors to go to the Black Gate Prison to prepare for this confrontation. We will broadcast the whole process of your fighting. I believe everyone with a discerning eye You can see who is the winner.”

“You have made such sufficient preparations. It seems that Officer Chen had anticipated this situation a long time ago, right.” Bruce Pi said to Chen Lu with a smile, knowing that this situation must be tricky. , But with too little information, he still doesn’t understand what Chen Lu’s calculations are ~ ~ is prepared. “Chen Lu responded succinctly.

Just an hour later, the five Bunnymen and the five Iron Man armors have all arrived at the Black Gate Prison. They each set up their formations at both ends of the island. Once the game signal is activated, they will fight to the other side. Until it is completely wiped out. This is a cruel thing for the machine itself, but the citizens of Gotham City are looking forward to the unfolding of this bloodless battle.

Before the start of the game, both Wayne Group and Stark Industries were thinking about when their killer would be ready.

“Alfred, is the special energy device ready to be activated?” Bruce asked quietly in the communicator.

Alfred on the other side of the communicator replied: “Master, the yellow solar reactor, the green light furnace charger, the super power generator and the Apocalypse box have all been installed. Master, we really need to use these secrets. Weapons?”

“I’m not sure, Alfred.” Bruce replied in a rare tone of uncertainty, but soon the conversation changed: “I only know that there is no danger. I can’t watch that police plan go into effect. God knows he will let it go. What kind of organization has the police in Gotham City become?”

On the side of Chen Lu who was guarded by Bruce, Tony also prepared a secret weapon for this actual confrontation.

“Boy, these five Iron Man armors can all be transformed into a new generation of sentry robots. Don’t compare the garbage made by the US government with my works. These sentry robots can be designed with the dna of the magic girl. It has a certain degree. To a certain extent, the mutants’ superpowers can be used, of course, to a certain extent.”

“Tony, I think it’s enough.”

Until the moment the game started, they hadn’t guessed how tricky each other was.


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