Destroying the World Starts From Marvel

Chapter 398 - Ultron Disaster

Starting from Meiman to destroy the world 398, Chapter 398: The Disaster of Ultron-567 Chinese Ultron soon discovered the Bat spacecraft that had been extremely close to him, but my brother’s eyes showed that there was no superhuman life on this spacecraft. The traces made Ultron completely relieved. Since he is not a superhuman, it can only be a mortal who relies on high technology to arm himself. The high-tech weapons are basically here to send guns and cannons to Ultron.

As always, Ultron sent his control waves to the Bat spacecraft, trying to bring this spacecraft that dared to approach under his control. At present, no one in the dc universe can achieve the frenzied anti-hacking design and complete disconnection control like Tony’s Iron Corps. This hand is almost a sure thing for high-tech instruments.

But Ultron was dumbfounded at the moment the radio wave arrived. He detected that the spacecraft used a structure that completely deviated from scientific principles. From the energy used to the operating system, it completely did not conform to the laws of programming language. Ultron, who was born under the computer language environment, looked at a loss.

Thanks to Tony, Ultron has quite a research on the magic system of the Marvel universe, but he does not understand the magic based on the legend of gods and demons in the DC world. It is not impossible to decipher and manipulate it, but it is definitely not a result of one or two minutes of overspeed calculation.

Fortunately or unfortunately, Ultron detected that there was another treasure on the spaceship that had nothing to do with magic and was constructed with technology and contained infinite power. That’s right, it was the chair of Mobius.

Ultron was ecstatic when he discovered the artifact of the Mobius chair. The little energy leaked from the Mobius chair consumes more energy than all the servers he invaded on the earth. Many, if you can control this treasure, let alone a small earth, it is not impossible to conquer the creatures of the entire universe!

Ultron, who was stunned by the joy and greed, immediately plugged himself into the interior of the Mobius chair, and began to decipher the secret of the Mobius chair from the inside. This is incredible. The almost omniscience stored in the Mobius chair immediately flooded into Ultron’s program like a tsunami. The endless knowledge plunged Ultron into an endless interpretation, like a drill. Feeling lost in a labyrinth larger than the entire universe.

Ultron’s actions were exactly what Batman wanted. The way he thought of to fix Ultron without sitting on the Mobius chair was to let Ultron try to invade it, storing almost the entire universe’s knowledge. How can this artifact be manipulated by a mere program? Once Ultron connects his network to the Mobius Chair, it means the beginning of his death.

After immersing in the infinite knowledge of the Mobius chair for a short while, Ultron had already felt that something was wrong. The level of technology contained in this object had completely exceeded his level of understanding, and it could even be said to be absent from him. In one dimension, there is no possibility of manipulating it.

Aware of this, Ultron hurriedly wanted to get out of the Mobius chair, but it was too late. At this time, the backlash of the Mobius chair had already begun.

At this moment, nearly infinite data poured into all the machines controlled by Ultron. Every server that constitutes Ultron’s network is squeezed by the endless knowledge of the vast universe. No matter how you try to delete it, the data is deleted. The speed is also far behind the influx of data.

In a short while, the entire Ultron network was filled with the various data of the Mobius Chair. For Ultron as a procedural life body, it is like every human brain nerve is filled with water. , I can’t even do the most basic thinking, I don’t know if I should be alive or dead.

Batman watched all the sounds indifferently. The brothers’ eyes showed that the operating lights were extinguished one by one, and then bursts of black smoke appeared inside, and the operating system exploded due to overheating, causing the huge satellite to explode. It bloomed into a firework in the universe.

He has experienced this feeling of being occupied by the knowledge of the Mobius chair. It is true that no one in the world can withstand the almost omniscience of the Mobius chair except for the multiverse life form of the anti-monitoring. The amount of knowledge, sooner or later, will be swallowed by this infinite knowledge and become a walking corpse that can do nothing. Ultron is the best example.

Life that hasn’t reached that level of strength is not worthy of having the ability to “all-know” such a heaven-defying ability. Even if it is forced by foreign objects, it is impossible to get good results.

After the Ultron network was scrapped due to the influx of overloaded data, the mechanical army raging on the earth ceased operation one by one, and even more so that the cpu overheated caused a chain effect to directly explode.

The surviving people looked at the bursting fireworks in the sky with excitement, which was a sign of the victory of mankind. They haven’t had time to think about whose contribution this is, they are just immersed in the joy of survival and victory.

It’s just that this joy was immediately smashed by the cruelty of reality. Although Ultron has been wiped out, his influence is not that it can be returned to nothingness in an People who survive soon I found that the signs that once symbolized the crystallization of their civilization-all high-tech machines had been damaged and could not be used. All countries are in a state where water and electricity are cut off and traffic is paralyzed. All the money stored in their banks has been put into nothingness. Except for their lives, nothing else is left.

The collapse of the economic system directly led to the destruction of the moral system. Now that both the police and the army have been destroyed by Ultron, the government has also become a thing that exists in name only. People picked up the only reliable thing in this dark world-guns, and rushed to the streets to kill each other for their own benefit.

The human race had just won, and immediately fell into a frenzy. Supermarkets, shops, and markets have become the focus of firefighting. Everyone realizes that nowadays money is just a pile of waste paper. Whoever can grab more supplies is more likely to survive future disasters.

Who can think of it? The destruction of Ultron does not mean the end of the end, on the contrary, it is only the beginning of the end.

But at this time, Chen Lu, who had been prepared for a long time, took his Stark Industry to take action, and a large number of steel legions appeared in major cities in the United States at the same time, maintaining order extremely rudely with the unstoppable fighting power of mortals. They quickly subdued a large number of rioting people, and distributed the food and water prepared by Stark Industries to the victims free of charge.

There is no doubt that Chen Lu is letting his subordinates perform tasks that should belong to the government. Now that all the regimes and organizations are paralyzed by the influence of Ultron, there is only him who is backed by the entire Marvel universe. There is a way to come up with so many things to reshape the order of this chaotic era.

And this is also part of the plan. 8)

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