Destroying the World Starts From Marvel

Chapter 403 - Universe expansion

Starting from Meiman Manga, destroying the world 403, Chapter 403: Universe Expansion-567 Chinese Finally, Batman understands that linguistic threats alone cannot prevent Chen Li’s control of the earth. The only thing he can do is bring the Justice League with him. Everyone left, and then went to find a way to bring human society back on track.

As for Chen Lu, he doesn’t have so many worries to consider. So far, the suspicion he should have laid down has been laid down, and then just wait for the suspicion of Batman within the Justice League to gradually ferment. Soon, what he needs to face is not a group of united cosmic powers, but can push them one by one to the opposite of justice and then defeat them one by one.

The key to the division lies in Batman, a dark knight who clearly abides by justice but feels between dissociation and righteousness. In fact, the balance between him and other members of the Justice League has always been maintained by the superhero boss Superman. . Now that Superman is dead, other superheroes’ dissatisfaction with his extreme actions will sooner or later retaliate. Don’t mention the clown personality and the suspicion of killing Superman now.

There will always be a day when things will break out, and now it’s just calm before the storm.

And Chen Lu is very actively pursuing the cooperation policy between the government and Stark Industries. For Chen Lu, who has an entire Marvel world as resource support, materials and other things are not a problem at all. As long as Chen Lu is willing to launch the entire Marvel Earth manufacturing line, the people around the world will return to the happy life before the Ultron disaster overnight. It’s not a problem at all. But of course he would not choose to do this. Chen Lu still needs people to live in the dark age for another period of time, so that they will choose to support the light he brings, at all costs.

Although in the DC world, the earth is the core of the multiverse, controlling the earth is equivalent to controlling the lifeblood of the earth, but Chen Lu has not forgotten his journey to expand the universe, after all, his zombie virus needs to be infected more. Of the universe population to obtain DNA evolution points. Faced with the vast cosmic races in the DC world, of course Chen Lu couldn’t help but want to get involved.

For the entire treasure land of the earth, after the Justice League collapses, there will inevitably be a large number of alien peeping. Instead of thinking about pulling out the Space Legion at that time, it will start training first.

As a result, the two sharp weapons of Zerg and Zombie Virus were sent to space by Chen Lu, using the spacecraft shipped from the Marvel World to conduct extensive space travel. For those races with relatively backward biotechnology and poor anti-virus capabilities, they can be killed directly by the zombie virus group, and for those hard bones that are extremely technology-transmitted and almost non-invasive, they must be handled by the Zerg army.

The virus spores of the worm eggs spread rapidly in the universe. In just one afternoon, Chen Lu received the news that two planetary civilizations were infected by the zombie virus and fell into chaos, and that five native planets that had not yet formed intelligent races were successfully colonized by the Zerg. If there is no interference from external forces, both of them will rapidly invade the entire universe at the speed of cancer cell proliferation.

However, for the DC universe where the Seven Lantern Legion and many super alien civilizations exist, the spread of the zerg and zombie viruses can be ignored, and it is really hard to imagine.

This zombie virus has encountered a tricky alien technological civilization-Zhiyuan, which is a kind of insect-like cosmic invaders. They have obtained very advanced science and technology during the long interstellar expansion, and they are not good at infection. Zombie viruses of insect-like creatures were styling and detoxifying serum not long after they invaded this race, and disappeared in a flash like an influenza.

For this highly developed alien civilization, if there is no social unrest or interstellar wars, it is hard to imagine that it can be directly defeated by a virus. After all, their lifespans have been transformed to almost infinite under the over-developed medical technology, and their physique can only be described by gods compared to humans.

So at this time, it’s time for the Zerg army to come in handy.

Chen Lu quickly used the Universe Rubik’s Cube to teleport himself to a protoplanet occupied by the Zerg tribe, which was the closest to the main star of the Zhiyuan clan. Only after a few hours of brutal blanket expansion, the protoplanet was born. The ferocious zerg on a continent. They frantically absorbed the energy of this planet without sustainable development and quickly transformed it into a large number of insect swarms.

Now it is a purple hell-like scene, with large insects crawling all over the place, and they can execute all the orders issued by Chen Lu at any time.

Although the number is quite large, there are not many Zerg’s most elite cutting-edge units. Most of the bugs here are just basic cannon fodder units such as Zerglings and Hydralisks. Units such as cockroaches, flying dragons, and flying snakes are still rare. , If you want to defeat the Zhiyuan clan’s army head-on, I’m afraid there is still some way to go.

But what does that matter? What Chen Lu needs to bring to the Zhiyuan Clan is chaos rather than destruction. They only need to paralyze their social order, and the zombie virus will solve the following things by So what the Zerg troops need to do, It is to carry out guerrillas to make the Zhiyuan clan’s army exhausted, and it is enough that medical resources are over-utilized.

And when it comes to guerrilla warfare, is there any more powerful artifact than the Rubik’s Cube?

In the next second, a space portal linked to the main star of the Zhiyuan clan was opened. Unlike the cross-dimensional transmission from the Marvel universe to the dc universe, the space portal on the same plane does not need to be consumed no matter how large the troops are to be transmitted. Too many resources. In a blink of an eye, a large number of Zerglings and Hydralisks flooded into the civilian areas of the Zhiyuan Clan and began their journey of chaos-making.

No matter how advanced the civilization is, it is difficult to achieve a deformed society like the Zerg. For these Zhiyuan civilians who are not organized and have not received systematic training, the invasion of the Zerg is simply an irresistible natural disaster. The Zerglings that win with speed can easily kill every Zhiyuan civilian who has not had time to escape the vehicle. Hydralisk’s highly penetrating venomous spinal needle can see through the protection of any civilian vehicle.

In a blink of an eye, this sci-fi city of Zhiyuan tribe, full of cyberpunk texture and full of suspended aircrafts and holographic projectors, was slaughtered in the most brutal way. Those Zerg troops that only obey orders will not care about the most old and child-loving principles, and will only use the most cruel means to treat any Zhiyuan civilians who can be seen. They have the appearance of insects but have lost the savage Zerg ability. The intelligent race wantonly killed.

In just a few minutes, the corpses of the Zhiyuan tribe had piled up into mountains, and more people had their hands and feet cut off and wailed in vain on the ground. One of these sticks was left. It was wrong. The sticks were left behind by Chen Lu deliberately to drag down the Zhiyuan Clan’s medical system. Compared with other compatriots who died directly, perhaps the fate of these living people is even more unfortunate. 8)

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