Destroying the World Starts From Marvel

Chapter 490 - Terrorist explosion

The time jewel’s pause effect was accepted again, and the blood inflammation that could not continue to spread due to time being static immediately spread violently along the blood vessels of Parallax Mohar, the various blood vessels in his body that were originally distinct. The muscles and bones were immediately burned into a paste, and this symptom spread to the whole body as quickly as cancer cells.

Chen Lu, who was in the parallax demon, opened the demon floating cloak to the fullest extent, using the propulsion generated by the blood inflammation explosion to sprint towards the heart of the parallax demon at a higher speed. The space fleet in the Green Light Universe constructed by Parallax Demon is completely meaningless at this moment, unless they themselves tear their master’s body into it and fight Chen Lu to the death.

The body movement made the Parallax Demon realize that Chen Lu got into his arm. Knowing Chen Lu’s ability to manipulate time, he no longer hesitated. He immediately presented a lightsaber and cut off his arm from the root, trying to use it. Amputate the way to avoid Chen Li’s threat to his vitals.

At the moment the arm was separated from the body, a mechanical arm composed of green light energy immediately replaced the position of the original broken arm, so that the parallax Mohal didn’t have to be disabled to deal with Chen Li’s next attack. He grabbed the root of his broken arm with his new mechanical arm, and then the powerful green light energy immediately poured down, causing the entire broken arm to glow and expand like a balloon about to burst. Of course, it was also to eliminate Chen Lu who was hiding inside. .

“Give this hand to you! But the price is, I die in it!”

Chen Lu, who was originally sprinting in the arm of the parallax demon, also found that his surroundings had turned into a crippling green, and then an unimaginable energy wave surged in front of him, and he immediately understood the action of the parallax demon hero breaking his wrist. And a powerful and terrifying impact is coming.

Before this arm, which was only as dangerous as a dynamite bag, was about to detonate, a pointer on the magic circle of Time Gems reached the end in time, which meant that an ability it had just used could take effect again. Before he had time to think about anything, Chen Lu hurriedly swiped his palm against the clock-shaped magic circle. Suddenly the golden pointer quickly turned counterclockwise, and then the golden light shone together.

The green light energy injected by the parallax demon finally reached the limit of expansion. With this hand as a dense and hot singularity, an infinitely powerful explosion was produced. In this blast, all the galaxies in the green light universe constructed by the parallax demon were all Destroyed, it was as close as a black hole and disappeared in an instant under the impact of energy. The huge cosmic fleet constructed by the parallax demons collectively exploded at this moment, turning into countless fireworks in the void and bursting out together with shock waves.

This universe was created by the parallax monster, and naturally has the ability to destroy it with one blow. At this moment, he even actively controlled all the energy that constitutes his universe to collapse to the center of the explosion, adding fuel to the fire to let the destructive power of the big bang this time. More magnificent. In the end, the green light universe squeezed into the size of a soldier ball finally covered the light from the explosion inside, and the heat and shock wave broke the shackles and poured into the world of death.

The power that is enough to tear the space is raging everywhere, almost blasting a road leading to the world from the world of death. As the ruler of this world, the black death emperor can’t see his eyes and take the initiative to block part of the impact, and avoid his own. The death world continues to collapse.

Seeing the Black Death Emperor appearing in front of him, the parallax demon who occupied Hal’s original thinking showed a hideous smile. Unlike the kind-hearted Green Lantern Hal, the parallax demon was quite clear about the purpose of the Black Death Emperor. He flaunted his arms to the Black Death Emperor, and said proudly:

“Well, I am already qualified to dominate the Black Lantern Legion. Give me your power, and then your wish will be realized!”

Unexpectedly, the black death emperor shook his head contemptuously. He was obviously not satisfied with the performance of the parallax monster. He stretched out his sickle and pointed behind him and said, “You are an excellent candidate, but not necessarily the best. I haven’t yet. See the result…”

The parallax demon immediately felt the presence of others behind him, and when he looked back, he saw only a figure that shouldn’t be there. Chen Lu, who should have been killed by him just now, appeared behind him intact, his body restored to its original size, and his whole body exuded with compelling courage.

Despite this, Chen Lu did not launch an attack again, but scorned the opponent in front of him with a pair of eyes looking at the dead.

“You, why!?” Parallax Mohal stretched out his finger in surprise. He had already made an unreserved shot with all his strength in the previous blow. With the scope of that explosion, even if he paused for ten more times, Chen Lu could not escape. The one that came out was right.

Chen Lu replied lightly: “I just did the same thing as After all, I just delayed enough time.”

At this time, Parallax Mohar was surprised to find that the arm that had been cut off by him had actually returned to his body, as if it had never been separated from the body, not even a trace of healing was left. All this is It’s like going back in time.

Back in time? Yes, at the beginning of the battle, Chen Lu used this trick to find his own body from countless clones. He said that he had delayed enough time, could it be–

Realizing this, the parallax demon seemed to have foreseen something, and pressed his arm back from the back of time. As expected, there was a wave that he was very familiar with. It was the green light energy that he had instilled in it. It was enough. The terrifying force that caused a big bang!

“Energy does not disappear out of thin air, especially when this force is so large that it is beyond my control. So there is no other way, I have to let it come back…”

Before Chen Lu finished speaking, the explosion that destroyed the universe was repeated on Parallax Demon’s body. This zero-distance explosion directly tore the body of Parallax Demon Hal, completely in this dead world where there is no resurrection Soul flies away. With such a strong full blow, even the Parallax Demon itself could not resist, and it was wiped out in the attack he launched with a great resentment.

After the annihilation of the parallax Mohal, the Black Death Emperor had to take action again to stop the big explosion that would cause the collapse of the world of death. He just used his pitch black sickle with a violent wave, enough to shake the huge energy of the multiverse. It dissipates as quickly as the shadow meets the light, and finally dissipates completely without leaving a trace. Of course, there were also traces of the existence of Parallax Mohal that disappeared along with it. From this moment on, neither Haar nor the Parallax Mob existed anymore.

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