Destroying the World Starts From Marvel

Chapter 56 - Warm heart

   Tony’s mech caught fire, of course, because of the small metal particles that Chen Lu had repeatedly thrown into the gaps in his Iron Man mech during hand-to-hand combat. Each of these small metal particles is just covered with a thin layer of ordinary bio-metal film on the outside, and then inside are all small round beads of highly flammable bio-metal.

At the moment when the fire extinguishing procedure is started, these small metal particles bounce back and forth inside the mecha under the blow of the high-pressure fire extinguishing foam, causing the outer layer of ordinary metal to be worn away by the impact, and then the high flammability biometal inside is naturally It burns due to high-speed collision and friction.

   So why did the fire extinguishing procedures fail to extinguish these flames, which caused Tony’s mecha to be completely burned from the inside? The reason is actually very simple-

  Since the oxidizer in the Iron Man mech was secretly replaced with fire-extinguishing foam by Chen Lu, what should be replaced with fire-extinguishing foam? That’s right, combustion-supporting agent.

  The secret change of the combustion aid to make Tony lose air superiority is just the first step of the plan. This combustion program disguised as a fire extinguishing program is Chen Lu’s real killer move!

  【Triggered by the virus, target: Tony Stark, the zombie virus has been injected successfully…has been infected, and the ordinary superhero has mutated. Since the target is dead, the mutation speed increases. Tony Stark will mutate into a mutated infected person who retains the original human mind within 3 hours. Please be careful to tame it or eliminate consciousness]

   If the opponent is killed, the mutation rate will be reduced from within 24 hours to within 3 hours. This is indeed good news. You don’t need to kill the lurking superhero in the future to save trouble.

   Chen Lu forcefully tore the mecha on Tony’s body, picked up a thin, transparent, sci-fi mobile phone from his pocket, and got through the phone call of Tony’s girlfriend, Pepper.

   After a while, there was a female voice on the phone: “Hello? Tony, I’m busy, can you call me later?”

   Chen Lu used the metalization ability to change the structure of his vocal cords, quickly adjusted and imitated Tony’s voice and said: “Little Pepper, I’m looking for you in a hurry, can you come back right away?”

After    finished speaking, Chen Lu didn’t explain much, and hung up the phone decisively.

   “Earthwalker, bring a little zombie virus stock to my body.” Before Xiaojiao rushed back, Chen Lu first ordered his mutant infected earthwalker through a spiritual link.

  While waiting, the Winter Soldier’s mutation was also quietly completed. For this chess piece that has been brainwashed and controlled by Hydra, the process of surrendering is also very simple.

Chen Lu: желание (desire) ржавчина (rusty) семнадцать (seventeen) рассвет (dawn) печь (stove) девять (nine) доброта (kindness) домой (go home) одиново кодиново бордаторородороти Good morning, soldier.)

   Winter Soldier: Яждуприказание. (I am waiting for the order.)

  【You have surrendered the zombie hero: The Winter Soldier. The hero will not be able to defy any commands you give from the spiritual link unless his consciousness is completely dead. 】

   Yes, it’s just a remake of the opening plot of the movie “Captain America: Civil War”. The Winter Soldier is a killing machine that has been trained for a long time. As long as he masters these ten Russian words that are equivalent to the password to activate the brainwashing program, anyone can easily give the Winter Soldier any order.

   For Chen Lu, who has always been a fan of Marvel movies before crossing, it is not difficult to say these ten words.

   one and a half hours later

   Tony woke up suspiciously from the sofa in the living room of his mansion, his brain felt a little confused and a little confused about what he had just done. After waiting for him to stand up hard, he was surprised to find that his girlfriend Xiaojiao was lying in a coma on a nearby sofa.

   “You woke up faster than I thought.” Tony was startled by the male voice from behind. He turned around and found that Chen Luzheng was holding a red wine glass and looking at him leisurely.

   “Boy, you!…Hmm.” Tony felt as if something was being squeezed in his head, and he hugged his head in pain.

   Chen Lu took a sip of the red wine and said, “Understand what happened.”

Tony’s expression first changed from pain to surprise, then from surprise to despair, and finally said in a confused tone in a desperate look: “You turned me into a zombie, and you turned Little Pepper into… ··· Virus carrier?”

   “Exactly right.” Chen Lu put down the wine glass, walked to Tony and looked down at him and announced: “So choose, Tony Stark, do you want to work for me and destroy the world together, or just let me do whatever I want?”

“No!” After hearing the words Destroy the World, Tony’s eyes immediately became firm, “I, or Stark indeed brought terrible disasters to the world. But now they have all changed. I can understand their pain. I know what to do is right. Don’t expect me to repeat the same mistakes!”

   “Oh, isn’t it?” Chen Lu’s reaction to Tony was not surprised. He silently walked away from Tony and came to a table.

   On the table is a decorative glass cube, which is inlaid with the first Ark reactor built by Tony. It is this thing that made him from a **** and arms tycoon to a superhero named Iron Man.

   is also engraved with a small line: Tony Stark has a warm heart.

   Chen Lu smiled softly, opened the drawer of the table, took out a pistol, and threw it to Tony and said, “Well, you can also choose to kill Little Pepper first, and then shoot yourself to complete your superhero dream.”

   “I…” Tony didn’t expect Chen Lu to do this at all, and was a little at a loss for a while.

Chen Lu added: “You should understand that if I lose, it is impossible for humans to let anyone carry the virus in their bodies. So I give you a chance and you can kill her yourself. As for shooting me… ····You know it makes no sense.”

   “This…” Tony picked up the pistol with trembling fingers, the barrel still trembling, not knowing which way to point.

   “If you want to tell me that you can’t do it, then I can spoil her next fate in advance. Pepper is a good girl, at least for now, please hurry up.”

“Do not······”

   The barrel of the black hole was trembling constantly, and it pointed at the unconscious Little Pepper very slowly.

   I have a warm and kind heart like gold, but my hands are cold and helpless. -Tony Stark

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