Detective: Start with capturing and retrieving the dog

Chapter 214 Breakthrough

Chapter 214 Breakthrough

Hearing Han Xin's words, Chu Yunxi also smiled: "Then I will see if you can send me to the death penalty platform. As far as I know, it seems that few murderers caught by you have been sentenced." The death penalty?"

"Because there is a judicial process, even murderers have the right to appeal." Han Xin replied, "In terms of proportion, the death penalty rate among the prisoners I arrested should be relatively high. After all, I rely on studying the psychology of criminals. Came to arrest someone.”

"Then I wish you good luck." Chu Yunxi sneered.

"I don't need good luck, but you may." Han Xin smiled slightly, "So, as the last person to see your fiancé, and now we have found part of his body..., do you have anything to explain? "

Chu Yunxi shrugged: "How do I know? He left me and ran away. How could I know what happened to him? Maybe he was attacked by a wild beast?"

"There are no wild beasts on Wutou Mountain. There are some snakes, rats, rabbits and the like, but there are no animals that can tear his body into pieces." Yang Jingyu replied calmly, "You don't even know this, so you go up there to survive in the wild? "

Chu Yunxi was silent for a while, and Yang Jingyu continued: "You came up with Survival in the Wilderness, right? Didn't you say that your circle of friends is very popular, so you begged your fiancé to try it with you?"

"Of course I know, I just said it casually." Chu Yunxi rolled his eyes, "To emphasize that I don't know his whereabouts."

As he said that, Chu Yunxi suddenly became angry: "If you have evidence, just bring it out and stop trying to find fault with my words!"

"We are giving you the opportunity to confess." Yang Jingyu frowned, "If we wait for us to find evidence, you will have no way to survive. Do you understand what I mean?"

"Did you notice what you just said?" Han Xin joked, "You did not emphasize that you are innocent, but you emphasized that we have no evidence. This is not the reaction that normal people should have."

Chu Yunxi's breathing became heavier, and she said coldly: "I want to find a lawyer."

"You understand, this is China." Yang Jingyu said angrily, "What's the use of looking for a lawyer? Lawyers have no right to interfere with our police interrogation! You are now suspected of major murder, and the police have the right to detain you for interrogation. Even if it is Even if Teacher Luo is here, don’t even try to get you out!”

But Han Xin knew that Chu Yunxi would never speak, and she would never admit it as long as there was no evidence.

Of course, this is normal. Even if everyone thinks she is a murderer, she can only be morally condemned without evidence. The inheritance of more than 1000 million yuan can completely allow her to live happily despite moral condemnation.

Therefore, when he and Yang Jingyu came out of the interrogation room, Han Xin expressed his opinion.

"She won't tell. We have to find ways to find evidence." Han Xin replied.

"I know." Yang Jingyu nodded, "This stinky girl is so confident. It seems that the crime tools must have been hidden separately in other places. But they must still be on that mountain. I don't know how to use police dogs to search for her scent. Can’t be found.”

"It should be quite difficult." Han Xin frowned and thought, "She must have wiped the murder weapon after the murder and processed her fingerprints. Moreover, her camp was by the river, so she probably also washed the blood stains on it. Lose."

Zhao Linshan asked from the side: "Then can you take her up the mountain for a spin like you did before, and then judge based on her expression and reaction what clues may be hidden there?"

Han Xin shook his head: "This trick can only be used on those who have low psychological quality or are defenseless. This woman knows me and must know this trick. In addition, her psychological quality is also relatively strong, so this trick is effective." It doesn’t make sense.”

Everyone at the scene suddenly fell into silence, but Han Xin immediately changed the topic: "But, it is not necessarily the case for the other person."

"Are you talking about her best friend?" Yang Jingyu suddenly realized, "But we have no reason to doubt her. Just relying on your inferences, the arrest warrant against her cannot be approved."

"But what if we apply for her assistance?" Han Xin said with a smile, "She is not only familiar with Wutou Mountain, but also proficient in wilderness survival. The police can ask her for assistance and let her serve as a guide to help find places where Liu Yuhao may be looking for food and water. In this way She won't be defensive, and I might be able to find something from her. This is the only way now."

"Okay, let's go find her right now." Yang Jingyu nodded, and then went to work.

In fact, Han Xin simply wanted to use this "best friend" as a breakthrough in the investigation. When the current investigation route reached a dead end, he could only find other directions to continue the investigation.

When he came out of the Public Security Bureau to get something to eat, Han Xin met Qin Yi at the door. He looked very haggard, as if he hadn't slept all night.

Han Xin knew that he should have informed Liu Yuhao's mother of the bad news. Last night must have been very difficult.

"Teacher Han, you must let her be punished." Qin Yi came forward and held his hand, gritting his teeth and said, "Otherwise I won't even have the face to see my aunt. As long as you can catch him, Ah Hao and I will Mother is willing to pay you more.”

"Don't worry, now that I know she is the murderer, I will never let her escape punishment." Han Xin sighed and said, "But the deceased is gone, and the living must still live well. You must Tell his mother that.”

"I know..." Qin Yi covered his forehead in distress, "I just think this world is really unfair, Ah Hao is obviously such a good person, he has never hurt others, and often gives those Donate to an organization that rescues stray animals. Last year when there was a flood in Blue Lake Province, he personally served as a volunteer and took people to the front line to help, but he ended up with this?"

Zhao Linshan said angrily: "How could this woman kill such a good man so cruelly?" "Calm down first." Han Xin patted him on the shoulder, "We are going to the mountain to look for the murder weapon in the afternoon. Maybe there will be something gained. But I hope you can stay with the Public Security Bureau. The police are currently searching for the remaining bodies and may need your help to confirm. It is best not to let his mother see these. "

Qin Yi sighed deeply: "Then I will thank you."

In fact, Han Xin was afraid that taking Qin Yi there would reveal his secret, because he knew that Chu Yunxi's best friend was an accomplice, and he would definitely have strong hostility towards her.

After eating at noon, when Han Xin came to the Public Security Bureau in the afternoon, this best friend was already here.

Han Xin learned from Yang Jingyu that the girl's name was Chen Qian and she was 24 years old.

The police had already told her that they were assisting her, so she seemed quite calm.

Han Xin took a general look at the girl. She had a round face and a slightly chubby figure. She was less than 1.6 meters tall, but her breasts were quite big. She was a plump girl, which might be the cup of tea of ​​some people, but he still liked Zhao Linshan. Tall and thin.

The good news is that this girl doesn't seem to know who he is. After all, people who like to survive in the wild probably won't watch criminal investigation videos on D station.

Currently talking to the police.She seemed to speak very smoothly, without any stuttering at all. In addition, she likes to survive in the wilderness and should usually be the confident, outgoing and talkative type.

Since the police had not made public the discovery of Liu Yuhao's body yet, even Chu Yunxi didn't know why she was arrested, so Chen Qian thought she was going to help the police find Liu Yuhao who was still alive.

"Okay, let's set off. With your help, maybe we can find him." Yang Jingyu said confidently, "That kid is relatively strong, and there is food and water on the mountain, so he should still be alive. .”

"Yes, a person can live for a month just by drinking water. He must still be alive now." Chen Qian smiled and nodded.

Her expression was one of relief rather than confidence: the police seemed to have no clue.

Next, Han Xin and Zhao Linshan followed the police to Wutou Mountain. Accompanied by Yang Jingyu and several criminal police officers, they headed toward the mountain while Chen Qian explained to them the key to survival while going up the mountain.

"The three elements of survival are water, fire and shelter." Chen Qian said coherently, "If he is really lost, he will definitely stay in a place with water, then build a shelter and find a way to make a fire, otherwise he will be On moonlit nights, the temperature in the mountains would drop to less than ten degrees, which might cause him to die of hypothermia. He brought tools, so it shouldn't be difficult for him."

Han Xin was on the sidelines guiding the team's forward direction, while observing her every reaction, and quietly remembering it in his heart.

But in order to avoid alerting the enemy, he did not say it on the spot.

Until three hours later, no one had gained anything.

The police sent someone to take Chen Qian down the mountain, while Han Xin and Yang Jingyu watched her leave on the mountain.

"Didn't you find anything, Consultant Han?" Yang Jingyu asked worriedly.

The corner of Han Xin's mouth raised slightly: "How is that possible? I remember how she reacted and where she reacted. Let's go and see what she is hiding on this mountain."

Immediately, Han Xin and Yang Jingyu started searching on the way down the mountain.

They came to the place where Chen Qian had reacted recently. Han Xin remembered clearly that there was Sun Guosheng's corpse hiding place nearby, so there must be something key hidden here.

It could be evidence, or it could be a body part.

"This is it." Han Xin said, looking at the newly turned soil in front of him.

Yang Jingyu ordered: "Did you hear that? Let's dig, boys. Are you waiting for me, an old guy, to do it?"

Several of the accompanying criminal policemen picked up their tools and started digging. After a while, a white thing emerged from under the soil.

After Zhao Linshan saw the thing clearly, she screamed and threw herself into Han Xin's arms.

The thing in the soil was a human head, covered with maggots, with a dull expression and rolled eyes.

"Go on." Han Xin frowned, "There are other places to dig."

(End of this chapter)

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