Detective: Start with capturing and retrieving the dog

Chapter 240 Rationality and High IQ

Chapter 240 Rationality and High IQ

"What the hell is Type B Flo?" Lu Wenbo asked in confusion.

"Type B Freud syndrome." Han Xin said patiently, and then looked at Zhan Ming, who was sitting in the interrogation room with a smile on his face. "It's just my speculation at the moment. I tested him a few times just now. That’s how it feels to me. But I have to communicate with him again to know whether it’s true or not.”

"I still can't figure out why he came to surrender. What is this guy if he's not a lunatic?" Wei Bin looked at Zhan Ming and frowned, "This guy makes me a little creepy. My intuition tells me that I should kill this guy right now." ”

"If you do this, then he will win." Han Xin said calmly, "Because you did it according to the method he recommended. Remember how he communicated with his patients? Let them do what they want to do. , don’t be bound by reason, let your emotions dominate you.”

Speaking of this, Han Trust held his chin and said to himself: "Is this the motive?"

"Wait!" Hu Chen interrupted Han Xin, "Teacher Han, let's go back to the syndrome, right?"

"First of all, I want to emphasize that it is a syndrome, not a syndrome. There is a difference between the two." Han Xin explained, "A syndrome is a diagnosed disease, while a syndrome is a symptom caused by a certain disease, but The specific cause cannot be determined. The type B Freud syndrome I am talking about is a condition where the cause cannot be confirmed and exists only in theory."

"Then what exactly is this syndrome?" Huo Gang looked like he was dying of anxiety.

"A person's reaction to the outside world is dominated by rationality and sensibility. For example, in childhood, rationality is weak and sensibility is dominant. He cries when he is hungry and sleeps when he is sleepy. But as a person grows up, the two will gradually reach a certain level. A state of balance." Han Xin explained, "Normal people will basically maintain a state of balance between the two, but if one is particularly prominent, it is called Freud's syndrome."

"You mean there's still type A?" Huo Gang raised his eyebrows.

"Type A is more common. Emotions completely suppress rationality. Like children, they do whatever they want without considering the consequences. For example, some people like to buy, buy, buy, even if they don't need those things or they can't afford them, but as long as they like it, they can I will still buy it." Han Xin nodded, "Type B is just the opposite. This kind of person is absolutely rational when making decisions and is not affected by emotions."

"It doesn't sound like anything special?" Lu Wenbo muttered, "He himself feels much scarier than this."

"That's because patients with type B symptoms often have extremely high IQs, but their emotional intelligence will be slightly lower accordingly." Han Xin explained, "This kind of people are different from antisocial personalities. They have normal Feelings, but feelings will not affect his judgment."

"Sounds more dangerous than antisocial personality?" Hu Chen asked tentatively.

"Yes, this kind of person is very rare, with high IQ, low EQ and an absolutely rational way of dealing with things." Han Xin looked at Zhan Ming in the interrogation room and replied, "And I think this can also explain his behavior, precisely because He couldn't decide to do something emotionally, so he encouraged others to do it."

"The mentally twisted bastard..." Lu Wenbo said with some fear through the glass, "But I still don't understand why he came to surrender. Is it really just to see Counselor Han? Isn't he gay?"

Han Xin shook his head: "If I were him, this is my plan."

As he said that, Han Xin cleared his throat: "If I come here to surrender, I will probably be sentenced to about half a year to three years in prison. And this period of time is the period within which your police can find more evidence of my crime. If you miss this time, I, a heinous person, will walk out from here and become a sinless person."

"Are you mocking the judiciary and the police? Arrogant guy." Wei Bin spat fiercely.

"It may have this meaning, but it may also be that I hope that I can understand him through these investigation processes and figure out how he became what he is today." Han Xin said thoughtfully, "Give me the same situation and see Would I make the same choice as him?"

As he said that, Han Xin shook his head anxiously: "His purpose is not clear yet and more information is needed. But I know one thing, he is here to play a game with me. No matter what method he uses, there will eventually be something wrong. A loser."

"Then we really have to let his disciples do evil outside?" Hu Chen asked unwillingly.

"Of course not." Han Xin turned to Zhan Ming in the interrogation room, "Isn't his meaning very clear? If you want to stop his disciple, find a way to get him to confess, or find some way to find out the patients he has contacted. .”

"Then..." Huo Gang asked a key question, "Can you win him?"

"..." Han Xin was silent for a while and replied: "I can only say that I tried my best."

"Oh, it would be better if it were in ancient times." Lu Wenbo muttered, "Give him a set of the ten tortures of the Qing Dynasty and see if he can do it."

"Stop talking nonsense and continue with the trial." Huo Gang rolled his eyes at him angrily.

So, Han Xin returned to the interrogation room with Huo Gang again.

"So, has your discussion produced any results? What did you think of?" Zhan Ming asked with great interest.

"What you are showing is Freud syndrome type B." Han Xin said, crossing his arms. "Correct." Zhan Ming clapped his hands happily, "Oh, is it the person I like after all? He does have some skills. Well, how about giving you a reward? If you were asked to choose, you would choose What’s the reward?”

Han Xin smiled slightly: "Aren't you awesome? Guess what I will choose."

"Yeah, that's right." Zhan Ming nodded, "But I can't tell you all the disciples' information. What I can tell you is that one of my disciples has committed crimes twice. If I were you, I would pay more attention one time."

Han Xin frowned, feeling a little unhappy: it was not his ability that limited him, but his identity.

As a person on the police side, there are some things he cannot do and some things he must do.

For example, now, he must pay attention to who the "disciple" is.

Of course, he does not have to abide by these, but if he violates these norms, then he will be the same type of person as the person in front of him. This is also a problem that the laws of this society have to face.

"We're done, right? Then it seems I should go investigate the case." Han Xin said, standing up and preparing to go out.

He couldn't always let Zhan Ming take the initiative in this conversation and decide when it would start, when it would end, and what the content would be, so he wanted to end this conversation and let him lead the next one.

"I thought you wanted to be a psychiatrist. In that case, don't you think you should learn from me?" At this time, Zhan Ming suddenly said such a seemingly irrelevant statement.

Han Xin stopped immediately, and when he saw this, Zhan Ming continued: "As far as I know, you want to save Su Huilin, right? And the retired veteran. In this case, don't you think you should learn from me? I am the best Excellent psychiatrist.”

"And you made your patient a criminal, so you did it on purpose." Han Xin snorted coldly and sat down again, "Did you let it slip?"

"Oh, let the lawyers and prosecutors deal with such boring word-picking." Zhan Ming clearly disapproved, "Let's talk about something professional, Kelly Su. What do you think her condition is?"

"I have very little communication with her, but I suspect she may have a split personality." Han Xin replied subconsciously.

Then he cursed in his heart: This bastard is a psychiatrist after all, and he knows how to open up topics with others.

"Under long-term and inescapable pain, people will develop multiple personalities, and the spirit used to protect the main personality will not collapse. Very good." Zhan Ming smiled and nodded, "Then, if she derives a second personality, Why didn't you run away? Why did you give her stepfather 20?"

"Stockholm syndrome." Han Xin explained, "She developed twisted feelings for her stepfather..."

Speaking of this, Han Xin paused and suddenly realized something.

"That's right." Zhan Ming smiled with satisfaction, "Who is the one who has such twisted feelings? Is it Su Huilin? No, it's her second personality. And her No. 1 personality is still sleeping under that, Hating and fearing her stepfather."

"Has her second personality been in control of her body for so many years?" Han Xin bit his thumb and said to himself.

Zhan Ming nodded: "So are you sure you want to awaken her No. 1 personality? Her second personality is almost all in the lead. For No. 1 personality, her age and experience are still in the tenth century. At several years old. She will definitely not be able to bear the truth, and will eventually have a mental breakdown, and may even develop more personalities."

Han Xin felt a little palpitated. He really hadn't considered this aspect: This is the difference between a criminal investigation consultant and a psychiatrist.

"See? We have a lot to talk about, and I can teach you a lot. Get to know me better, and maybe I will tell you how to heal those broken souls." Zhan Ming's eyes suddenly became sharp. : "So, are you looking forward to our next meeting?"

Hateful guy, I still let him dominate this conversation without knowing it.Han Xin spat hard in his heart.

After leaving the interrogation room, Huo Gang breathed a sigh of relief: "This bastard is obviously not that vicious. Why does he put so much pressure on people? I have interrogated so many murderers, but none of them are as thin as a thin dog like him... "

"Because he can understand all your thoughts, he can disrupt the rhythm of your interrogation. He will lead the entire conversation and control the content of the conversation." Han Xin took a deep breath and said, "In fact, the prisoners who usually face me are also You just haven’t experienced this feeling sitting across from me.”

This guy is indeed capable.

(Thanks to Lucky Bear for the 4 monthly passes, and thanks to Libradoctor for the 2 monthly passes)
(End of this chapter)

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