Detective: Start with capturing and retrieving the dog

Chapter 254 The Pursuit of the Truth

Chapter 254 The Pursuit of the Truth
As soon as Pang Shijie said these words, Han Xin communicated with Huo Gang calmly with his eyes.

So Huo Gang continued: "He is the mastermind? He said you are the mastermind, are you two just trying to blame each other? Where is the evidence!?"

"Bring me my mobile phone. I'll show you all the chat content right away." Pang Shijie said with a sullen face, "I would rather teach me to betray the world than teach the world to betray me!"

"That's right, why can't you let people betray you every time?" Han Xin fanned the flames, "I obviously agreed to kill you at the beginning, but in the end I betrayed you in order to reduce my sentence. That's not Are you unlucky every time?"

"So, these losers just can't do big things!" Pang Shijie roared angrily, "If I hadn't been dragged down by this criminal record, I would have become a fucking big shot!"

Han Xin sneered in his heart, but he said nothing in order to get evidence.

Immediately, Huo Gang handed Pang Shijie's mobile phone to him: "Don't do any tricks, I'm warning you!"

"Why am I doing this!? Even if the chat history is deleted, it is still there in the server!" Pang Shijie said angrily. He took the phone and pressed it for a while, logged into the QQ interface, and then opened the chat group.

Huo Gang took it and looked at it, then frowned and said, "What is this about? It's a mess."

"Replace the sensitive words, otherwise the group will be blocked." Pang Shijie explained, "The second bar refers to strips, and the detailed modus operandi has also been replaced with other words. Grilled beef tongue refers to tongue pulling. , and fried chicken is blanched in oil..."

Pang Shijie explained the substitution words one by one, while Han Xin wrote them down.

Then Huo Gang came outside with his mobile phone and sorted out the information in the group with Han Xin.

The content inside is really shocking. It is hard to imagine that a group of young people would discuss such cruel things. The people inside even studied the top ten tortures of the Qing Dynasty.

"No problem, it's all here." Han Xin said after checking it. "The chat records in this group match the time of the crime. These two people worked together to commit the crime. Later, they showed off and encouraged others. Content that people imitate.”

"I'm a little curious, how did you know that the two of them conspired to commit this in the first place?" Huo Gang asked curiously.

"This is not the first time they have faced police interrogation, so they know that the best way to deal with it is to provide half-true and half-false confessions." Han Xin explained, "Judging from the content of their confessions, the false ones must mean that they did not kill anyone." That's it, that's really what they were doing before committing the crime. Think about it, what were they doing before committing the crime?"

Huo Gang thought for a while and suddenly said: "One bastard is drinking, and the other lost money gambling!"

"Right? It makes sense if you think about it carefully. One was in a bad mood after losing money in gambling, and the other got drunk. So the two hit it off and sneaked into Shi Yusheng's home to prepare for revenge," Han Xin replied.

"But this sounds like a temporary idea, so how do they know that Shi Yusheng lives alone?" Huo Gang asked in confusion, "Could it be that they had planned this kind of thing a long time ago?"

Han Xin shook his head: "I learned from another criminal police friend before that Shi Yusheng cared very much about the criminals he had caught. He would often visit them and give them some money when they were in trouble. So, these two bastards must be related to Shi Yusheng Very familiar. I even suspected that they knocked on the door, and Shi Yusheng opened the door and welcomed them in. "

"How did these two beasts attack such a police officer!?" Huo Gang said through gritted teeth, "And they used such cruel methods. Couldn't they see that they wanted to help them change their ways? !”

"Well." Han Xin shrugged, "In fact, Zhan Ming and I agree on this. We both believe that human beings are inherently evil. If people are not guided correctly, they will eventually become evil people."

"But, this is too... ugh!" Huo Gang sighed sadly, grabbed Pang Shijie's cell phone and went to collect evidence.

This case is over for Han Xin, but the case itself is not over yet because the murderers of the other three murders have not been caught.

This case is a very rare group revenge crime. Not only must the murderer who has committed the crime be caught, but also those who may have committed the crime. Legally speaking, those people are also considered accomplices.

There are more than 30 people in this QQ group, so it is a bit difficult to find them.

However, since the police in Sarawak City and Zhongchang City refused to cooperate with them, this group list did not need to be handed over to them.What's more, it's useless to leave it to them. It's difficult to find real people offline through QQ accounts.

But this is a headache for them and has nothing to do with Han Xin.

But Pang Shijie confessed and provided evidence. Guan Zirong next door was unlucky and had no choice but to plead guilty.

In fact, judging from their chat content, there is no mastermind or accomplice, both are masterminds.Coupled with the obvious retaliatory behavior, the criminal methods are particularly bad, and there are criminal records, both of them must have escaped death penalty.

"Police officer, if I cooperate honestly with the investigation, can my sentence be reduced?" When he was being put into the escort vehicle, Pang Shijie still asked with a sense of luck, "Can I get a few years off the sentence?" "Reduced the sentence? How many off the sentence?" Han Xin He was stunned for a moment, then laughed. After laughing for a while, he nodded and said: "Of course, if you actively cooperate, you can get a reduced sentence. If nothing else, it should be the death penalty in the end."

"What!?" Pang Shijie was shocked, "But, I took the initiative to confess!"

"That's because your crime may require you to be shot more than twice, so your sentence is reduced and you will only be shot once." Han Xin said with a smile, "Ordinary people might get a suspended death sentence or life imprisonment, but you know Why can't you? Because you two have a criminal record and this is a repeat offense. The law will not give you so many chances."

Han Xin's words frightened both of them, and their eyes lost their light at that time.

Immediately, Guan Zirong kicked Pang Shijie angrily: "You fucking killed me! Didn't you agree to bear it to the end?! Why did you betray me? You beast, you want to hold me back until you die!"

Pang Shijie turned to Han Xin, his eyes bloodshot: "You fucking plot against me! Even if I'm a ghost, I won't let you go!"

"If you are really a ghost, you should first worry about whether Officer Shi will come to you." Han Xin spat, "People like you will basically go to the eighteenth level of hell after death. So you better pray you don’t become a ghost.”

At this time, the two people choked immediately and were put on the rhyme car by the criminal police.

"The two beasts deserved to die..." Wei Bin spat harshly.

"To be honest, this case really chills the hearts of us police officers." Lu Wenbo sighed. "We arrested them because we wanted to help them correct their evil ways and lead a normal life, but he always felt that we were harming him."

"I don't care. When I become a police officer, I don't want others to thank me. I just want to catch bad people." Hu Chen disagreed.

"Stop chatting, the case is not over yet." Huo Gang tapped Hu Chen's head with a folder, "Next, we have to assist Lao Xiao and the others in solving the case, so get on your way quickly."

"Are we going to give this information to the police in Sarawak City and Zhongchang City?" Lu Wenbo asked.

"I wanted to." Huo Gang shrugged, "But they said, 'Everyone investigates his own affairs,' so there's nothing I can do about it."

After saying that, Huo Gang got into the police car and waved to them.

In fact, if this list is not handed over, it will have no impact. It will not lead to more murder cases in Sarawak City and Zhongchang City. At most, it will slow down the detection of the case.But it doesn’t matter to them anyway. All they care about is reputation, compensation, etc. For them, it might be better if the case cannot be solved, so there is really no need to hand over this list.

"At least we solved this case before the New Year." Han Trust said to himself while holding his chin and looking out the window.

After all, Huo Gang was still angry. As a police officer, personal emotions must not be allowed to affect the handling of the case, so the group list was eventually handed over to the police from other provinces.Everyone was relieved to learn that the police officers who were killed had no style problems.At present, the provinces have begun to cooperate again and are preparing to investigate this case with all their strength.

So the next day, December 31, the last day of 2019, Han Xin came to the Public Security Department to accept the "award."

"Xiao Han, you did really well this time." Zhou Zhixiong smiled with satisfaction. "You see, if you join the establishment, the office will be able to designate you as a national second-level hero model, with a bonus of 5 yuan. And it is a recorded merit, and your children can also be recommended to some schools in the future. But if you are a consultant, then there is only a bonus."

"You don't need to persuade me." Han Xin said with a smile, "I think this case just warned me not to join the establishment."

"How do you say this?" Zhou Zhixiong asked puzzledly.

Han Xin said sternly: "I am receiving the award this time because I found the truth, or because the truth I found made everyone happy? What do you think the answer is? If the truth doesn't make everyone happy, then what else can I get? Is this a commendation? If I join the establishment, can this case still be investigated? "

Zhou Zhixiong raised his eyebrows and did not answer his words.

Han Xin continued: "As a criminal investigation consultant, I only need to pursue the truth. The only thing I care about is the truth."

"This kid." Zhou Zhixiong pointed at Han Xin who was angry and funny, "Can you be more diplomatic? You are so smart, how can it be difficult to defeat you?"

Han Xin just smiled slightly: "Actually, I want to be a psychiatrist in the future. I have already decided. I have been studying recently, and I plan to start practicing after taking the relevant certificates."

"Okay, everyone has their own ambitions, so I won't force you." Zhou Zhixiong sighed and said.

(End of this chapter)

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