Detective: Start with capturing and retrieving the dog

Chapter 261 Where the light can't reach

Chapter 261 Where the light can't reach

The next day, the first day of the Lunar New Year, Han Xin came to the prison early in the morning to question Zhan Ming.

"Oh? You came to me on the first day of the new year. Are you here to celebrate the Spring Festival with me?" Zhan Ming smiled calmly, "Considering that neither my parents came to see me, this is really gratifying."

But Han Xin rushed up, grabbed him by the collar, lifted him up, and asked in a cold voice: "Didn't you say you didn't do anything to that child? What on earth do you want to do!?"

Seeing this, two prison guards quickly stepped forward and separated the two.

Zhan Ming raised his hand to indicate that it was okay, so the prison guard let the two go.

"So, what's wrong with him?" Zhan Ming straightened his collar and smiled gently, "I'm not lying to you, I did nothing to the child. You know, because I surrendered."

"Then why did he run away!? Wasn't it Su Huilin who instigated him?" Han Xin said coldly.

"Oh, Su Su won't do that kind of thing, she doesn't have that ability." Zhan Ming said, sitting down at the table, "It is very difficult to control people's hearts, especially for your friend with multiple personalities. "

Han Xin frowned in confusion, and Zhan Ming smiled: "Don't you understand? Su Su just showed him how dangerous and terrifying that mental hospital is. The guards and doctors who seemed to be protecting them, privately What did the patient do? You should be able to see it, right? The true identity of some of the staff there is hidden under the skin."

Han Xin thought of the male nurse who touched Su Huilin when he first went there, and immediately clenched his fists: Those bastards are still doing those things!

"As for him after he gets out, I won't be able to do anything to him. After all, I'm in prison." Zhan Ming shrugged innocently, "And my disciples have no ability to control him, as you know Yes, that 'beast' is not under control at all."

These words made Han's heart sink: he finally understood how the line of logic connected these things: what Zhan Ming used was the ugliness in human nature.

"That's right, it was not me who did this to him, but the malice of this world." Zhan Ming sneered, "I'm glad you finally understand this, Consultant Han. In this world, there are places where light is No. Even if you bring the light there for a moment, will you stay there forever? As soon as you leave, it will be swallowed up by darkness again."

Han Xin ignored him, but stood up and left: he must find Chang Ankang.

Although Chang Ankang has lost contact now, he has not completely lost control, and no one has been killed as a result.

Therefore, Han Xin still has a chance, as long as he finds him before he kills someone.

At the same time, Han Xin also felt a little regretful: he should have paid more attention to the problems Aunt Hong mentioned, instead of believing that Aunt Hong could control the situation.

Because he was capable of doing more, but he didn't try his best to deal with this matter.

Therefore, Han Xin entrusted Chen Yao to help him investigate Chang Ankang's detailed information.

Chang Ankang is from Linxian City. His mother died of amniotic fluid embolism when he was giving birth to him. After that, his father hated him particularly.

Chang Ankang's father hated him since he was born and hated him for killing his wife. They began to abuse her for a long time after living together.Beatings and deprivation of food were commonplace.

Under such abuse, Chang Ankang began to split into multiple personalities, and he chose to take care of himself.

In the following years, Chang Ankang managed to survive relying on the protection of his multiple personalities. Until he was 16 years old, one night his father drank too much and strangled him as soon as he came home. Want to kill him.

Finally, the sleeping beast in Chang Ankang's heart woke up, and the beast launched a counterattack against his father.

According to the autopsy report, Chang Ankang's father was almost completely torn to pieces. The forensic report stated that "it seemed that he was attacked by some large wild animal (lion/bear) and part of his body was swallowed."

The key information in this is actually Chang Ankang's hometown, Linxian City.

Han Xin felt that Chang Ankang might go back to his hometown to take revenge on his family.

Judging from the time, Chang Ankang's grandfather should still be alive, and he is in his 80s this year.Although the nature of the case that year was bad, he was still too old after all, and the court did not sentence him for too long. He was released after a few years in prison.

"We went to his hometown to look for him, but we didn't find him." Chen Yao explained over the phone.

"Can you send someone to check again? Please." Han Xin said anxiously, "His mental state suddenly became unstable. He may have just returned recently."

"Okay, I'll contact them immediately and send someone over to take a look." Chen Yao readily agreed.After that, Han Xin returned home, and his parents stayed with Zhao Linshan and helped with cleaning.

"You see you are so busy with work that you have to go out on the first day of the new year." Jiang Lin couldn't help complaining, "What will you do if you have a child in the future? We can help take care of it, but you are afraid that you won't be able to kiss the child when he grows up. .”

"It's okay, Mom." Zhao Linshan said with a cheerful smile, "The child will understand that his father is a hero who catches bad guys."

Zhao Linshan's mother, Yang Min, patted her on the head: "You two can talk about it after giving birth. There has been no movement for so long."

"Then we have to wait until the wedding is over." Zhao Linshan said unconvinced, "Otherwise, how can I wear a wedding dress if I have a big belly?"

Although the family was chatting lively, Han Xin was upset. The wedding was going to be held in a few days. Can he find Chang Ankang before then?Will anything go wrong during this period?
That night, Chen Yao gave his reply.

"Today we sent people to Chang Ankang's hometown to see the village. All twelve members of their family were killed." Chen Yao said a little irritably, "It seems that they were killed during the New Year's Eve dinner on New Year's Eve. The murderer should have been waiting for This opportunity for reunion is ruined.”

"Twelve people were killed. Didn't the neighbors notice?" Han Xin asked in disbelief.

Chen Yao explained: "Since the sexual assault case, their family has been isolated in the village, and their neighbors have not interacted with them. Therefore, their new house was built in the corner of the village, with only their own house People will keep coming and going.”

"Is there an autopsy report or something like that? Can you show it to me?" Han Xin frowned.

"This will have to wait a little longer. The forensic doctor sent may not be able to get the results until tomorrow." Chen Yao explained, "But according to the photos at the scene, it seems that it was attacked by some large wild animal, and the body was almost torn into pieces." There are fragments. Especially his grandfather’s body, which is so bloody that it has lost its human shape.”

Han Xin bit his nails and pondered: It was Chang Ankang's family who died, which actually made him feel more at ease.

Although it is unfortunate that more than a dozen people died, it shows that Chang Ankang is still rational at present. His purpose is obviously revenge, so he will not cause harm to strangers for the time being.

In this way, Han Xin still has time to find him.

"Are there any clues?" Han Xin asked, "Any clues that can lead to the whereabouts of the murderer?"

"Well, to be honest, it's quite difficult." Chen Yao said awkwardly, "That village is also quite poor. There are not many surveillance cameras in the village, and there are many people going home to visit relatives during the Chinese New Year. There are so many people coming and going. It’s hard to find the murderer.”

"Really? Anyway, I'm leaving it to you. If you have any clues, please let me know as soon as possible." Han Xin sighed heavily.

After hanging up the phone, Zhao Linshan glanced at him across from him and joked: "It seems like this year is going to be difficult."

"It seems like that." Han Xin sighed, came to sit next to her, and comforted: "But nothing can affect our wedding, don't worry. The whole world must give me face when it comes to getting married. "

The corner of Zhao Linshan's mouth raised slightly: "Actually, the wedding doesn't matter. I can help you find an excuse to tell everyone that my husband has caught the bad guys... But you must be present at the wedding night. Such an expensive wedding dress can't be wasted, right? ?”

"I will also be present at the wedding, don't worry." Han Xin touched her head, "With so many detectives invited, who dares to cause trouble?"

The next day, the medical examiner's autopsy report came out.

Most of the people died from beatings or excessive blood loss. From the fractures of the victims, it can be inferred that the murderer was extremely powerful. Almost all of them were fatal in one or two blows. Many of them had bite marks and scratches on their bodies.

Judging from the wound marks, they were human tooth marks and scratches. However, the strength displayed by the murderer was extraordinary, and most of them had severe fractures.

In addition, Chang Ankang's grandfather died in an extremely horrific manner. He was disemboweled. According to reports, his intestines were pulled out while he was still alive, and then he was beaten to death. Finally, his head was cut off and placed in a refrigerator.There were more than two hundred injuries on his body. Almost all the bones in his body were broken into pieces, and there was no intact part of his body.

Obviously, he is the main target of the murderer, and Chang Ankang was the one who committed this case.

"What a strong anger this is..." Han Xin frowned and muttered to himself, "This anger will soon burn to other people."

 Thanks to Maple Leaf and Qiulin for their 4 monthly passes, and to Silver Fox 2000 and Yue Kissyue Sad for their 2 monthly passes.

(End of this chapter)

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