Detective: Start with capturing and retrieving the dog

Chapter 263 Beast

Chapter 263 Beast
"What!? What's wrong, who wants to kill you?" Han Xin asked, "Did you call the police?!"

"I've called the police, but it's too late. He has already entered the house!" Chen Shumin said in horror, "Listen, the person who came to kill me was ordered by Su Huilin. He just said it himself! This person He is about 1.8 meters tall, thin and slim, and seems to have symptoms of schizophrenia. If I die, you must catch him! I..."

Then, there was a terrible sound of retching, and then it became quiet.

After a while, Han Xin could hear someone picking up the phone.

"Huzi, I know you can hear me." Han Xin said as calmly as possible, "You have to take back control. What they are doing now will kill Xiaoan. Isn't your duty to protect him? "

A male voice with Lin Xianshi's accent came from over there, low and hoarse: "We don't need him anymore. The control is now ours. That piece of trash will only hold us back."

After speaking, the phone was hung up.

Han Xin immediately called Chen Yao, notified Chen Shumin of the danger and asked them to come and provide support.

"I just checked and our police officers have already set off." Chen Yao replied after confirming the situation.

"What's her home address? I'll go there right away!" Han Xin asked.

Chen Yao was a little puzzled, but still advised: "Our police officers will be here soon, why don't you come directly to the Public Security Bureau."

After thinking about it, Han Xin felt that it made sense, so he set off and rushed to the Public Security Bureau.When he drove to the Public Security Bureau, the police officers came back with Chen Shumin.

To Han Xin's surprise, she was still alive with only minor injuries.

"Didn't he kill you?" Han Xin asked in surprise.

Chen Shumin was wrapped in a blanket, shook her head in fear, and said in a hoarse voice: "When he grabbed my neck and was about to attack, he suddenly became very painful, and then seemed to turn into another person, so he let me go. He asked me to run away quickly. I, I..."

Speaking of this, Chen Shumin covered her mouth and sobbed: "He caught up with me not long after I ran. His eyes were red, he was running very fast on all fours, and he made a terrible roar, and he rushed towards me like a wild beast. . I was so scared that I could only run forward as hard as I could, and then I met the police coming over. I looked back and saw that the monster was gone!"

"Does he act like a man or a woman when he talks to himself?" Han Xin asked.

"Man." Chen Shumin said affirmatively, "He said that this was a mistake he made himself and he must make up for it himself. Then he asked me to run as fast as possible, as far as possible."

It was indeed a tiger.Han Xin thought to himself: This might be an opportunity.

Huzi released those demons, and now those extreme personalities are out of control.

"Do you know why Su Huilin wanted to kill you?" Han Xin frowned.

Chen Shumin shook her head and screamed hysterically: "How do I know!? I saved her life, and she wants to kill me!"

"You must know something. You said you were going to investigate before. What did you find?" Han Xin asked.

"Nothing was found! Her contact person is just a client, responsible for passing messages on behalf of others!" Chen Shumin said angrily.

Han Xin narrowed his eyes: "I can see that you are lying. You have to know that his target is you. He missed this time because of your luck. Can you be so lucky next time? Have you found out? What, makes her want to kill you?"

Chen Shumin's eyes began to dodge, and after hesitating for a while, she replied: "I discovered that she was the one who seduced the dean back then, and it was not the dean who used his power to unspoken rules for her. I'm afraid that if this matter spreads, it will affect the social image of women. , so it was not disclosed to the court..."

"Su Huilin took the initiative..." Han Xin said to himself, "She just didn't want you to spread the word about it, so she kept silent."

Han Xin knew that this information must be crucial to her and could help him figure out Su Huilin's personality.

Since Kelly Su took the initiative, it means that the remarks made against her online at that time were not wrong.

With Su Kelly's personality, it stands to reason that she would not care about those comments on the Internet.

"In other words, it was not her second personality that killed those women, but her No. 1 personality." Han Xin muttered to himself, "Her two personalities can be switched on their own, and it is not really what she said. , I haven’t had the No. 1 spot appear for a long time.”

This evidence is crucial and can sentence Su Huilin to death.

But why would Chang Ankang help her silence her?

Han Xin realized something: it must be a personality of Chang Ankang who fell in love with Su Huilin.Regardless of the personality, this can come in handy: Kelly Su can be used to set a trap to lure Chang Ankang to show up.

Next, Chen Yao took Chen Shumin down to make a statement, while Han Xin went to the Beihu Provincial Public Security Department.

"We can use Su Huilin to design a trap." Han Xin explained, "For example, if we release the news and find out Su Huilin's criminal facts, we should sentence her to death to lure Chang Ankang to save him. Do you think it is feasible?"

"Why did he want to save her?" Wei Bin asked puzzledly.

"Because one of his personalities likes her." Han Xin said simply, "And it should be an important personality, so Su Huilin could persuade him to run away. Maybe he has been planning to save her for a long time, but he is not ready yet. He There is a part of the personality that is very smart and may have already been planning this. We can use this to lure him into taking action in advance.”

"Well," Huo Gang replied, "we told Su Huilin that her lawyer survived and handed over some of her key evidence. Now the court may send her case back for a retrial. What do you think? "

"This is a good idea." Lu Wenbo nodded happily, "She is sure she will contact Chang Ankang, so he won't take the bait? Then we can arrange manpower at the mental hospital in advance and wait for him to show up."

"I can pretend to be a doctor or a nurse." Hu Chen raised his hand and said.

So, Han Xin came to the mental hospital next and met Su Huilin.

"Chen Shumin is not dead. She confessed everything to me. She found the dean's wife and obtained the dean's chat records from her. You were the one who took the initiative when you were hanging out with that dean. ." Han Xin said calmly, "So it is your No. 1 personality that kills people, right? Your personality is not related to those online comments."

"So I told you, she can't bear it." Su Huilin sneered, "As long as you let her out, she will kill people like that. I am protecting her, and I am also protecting others."

"You are really a vicious woman who uses Chang Ankang to achieve your goals." Han Xin snorted coldly, "Wouldn't your conscience be disturbed by doing this? He is obviously a person with the same disease as you, you should be able to understand his pain That's right, but in turn it pushed him into the abyss. A certain personality of his likes you, right? You took advantage of this and encouraged him to escape. "

As he said that, Han Xin glanced at the nurses at the scene: "Because I can see that these male nurses didn't do anything to you. In this case, you can only control Chang Ankang by relying on his feelings for you."

"Because I can understand his pain, I don't want him to suppress himself." Su Huilin chuckled, "Why bother suppressing his desires in order to let others live a normal life? It sounds like those people will consider us. Similar."

Han Xin was too lazy to argue with her. He just sighed slightly and said, "Anyway, with this key evidence, we can prove that you did not go crazy because of the Internet violence. In other words, those cases were all caused by you. Original intention.”

"You mean, the case will be sent back for retrial?" Su Huilin frowned slightly.

"Exactly. It's not that I won't report it, it's that the time has not come yet." Han Xin nodded and stood up, "Farewell."

The news has spread, and the next step is to set up an ambush in the mental hospital and wait for Chang Ankang to show up.

On February [-], at the Beichang Mental Hospital, a security guard took advantage of the patrol opportunity to come outside and smoke a cigarette.

However, as soon as he blew out the first smoke ring, someone covered his mouth from behind.The next moment, a tall man changed into his clothes and entered the mental hospital with great swagger.

He rushed all the way to the ward, and skillfully greeted the nurses and doctors on duty in the mental hospital on the way, as if he was very familiar with the place.In this way, he arrived at the ward safely.

After walking around in a circle, he came to the door of one of the wards and looked inside through the window. He saw a slender figure lying on the bed with long hair spread out. It was Su Kelly.

So, he took off the key from his waistband, opened the door, and then came to the bed.

"Susu, I'm here to save you." Chang Ankang squatted down in front of the bed and smiled excitedly, "Hurry up, let's get out of here!"

But when he reached out to grab Su Huilin's shoulder, the other party quickly rolled back and landed on the other side of the bed. At the same time, he raised the gun in his hand and pointed it at him: "Don't move, your Su Su is fine. Do not worry."

With that said, Hu Chen took off the wig on his head and replied: "Chang Ankang, surrender, you need help."

Immediately, Wei Bin and Lu Wenbo rushed over from the next room with several criminal police officers, blocking his escape route.

"Surrender, you have no way to escape." Wei Bin advised, "Counselor Han asked us not to hurt you. He has been thinking of ways to help you. Why don't you give him a face? Don't make it difficult for us. "

"If you don't surrender, we will still shoot, don't do whatever you want." Lu Wenbo also threatened.

Chang Ankang's face darkened, and then his breathing began to quicken, his eyes gradually turned red due to congestion, and then he let out a hoarse roar, like a wild beast.

"Bang!" A gunshot rang out, awakening the entire mental hospital.

(End of this chapter)

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