Detective: Start with capturing and retrieving the dog

Chapter 37 2-hand preparation

Chapter 37 Prepare with both hands
Although Qiu Wanhui was thoughtful, he let Shi Zhengwu survive when the crime happened. At that time, he must have panicked and made some wrong choices.

If there was ever a chance to find evidence, it must be at that time.

After thinking about it, Han Xin approached Ling Zixing: "Can you ask Qiu Wanhui's parents what happened the day before he disappeared 20 years ago? Is there anything strange?"

After a while, Ling Zixing gave the answer Han Xin wanted: "His parents said that he came back that day wearing only a few unlined clothes and carrying a black plastic bag in his hand. They were very surprised at that time, because it was January at that time, and the temperature in Beichang City was around zero. Qiu Wanhui explained that he got wet and dirty in the rain outside, so he threw it away."

"Okay..." Han Xin clenched his fists, "This is it!"

"You mean, his clothes...?" Ling Zixing raised his eyebrows, "But that was more than 20 years ago!"

"But think about it, would you just throw the clothes stained with the victim's blood and your own DNA on the side of the road?" Han Xin asked, "Besides, it rained heavily that day, and the clothes wouldn't burn if they were wet. So what's the best way?"

"Find a place to bury it..." Ling Zixing came back to his senses and said excitedly, "Find a place to bury it! Yes!"

"But there are so many places to bury along the way, how can I find them?" Zhao Linshan muttered while resting her chin on the side.

"It can be narrowed down." Han Xin opened his mobile phone map, "He will not be buried in a random place, but in a place he is familiar with, so that he will have a chance to come back and destroy this evidence in the future. But after that, he never returned to Beichang City, and this evidence is still there."

"Where is the safest place..." Ling Zixing pondered.

"When he returned home, the clothes had already been disposed of, which means it was not in his own yard." Han Xin pulled the map to the maximum, checked the village where Qiu Wanhui lived at the time, and found what he was looking for near the village: "With his character, the evidence of his murder was left there. Why did he dare not come back for so many years? Because he knows that no one will dig that thing. What is it that you will never dig?"

"Main pit?" Zhao Linshan replied casually, and then had an idea: "ancestral grave!"

"Smart girl!" Han Xin touched Zhao Linshan's head and smiled, holding up his mobile phone, "Look, the grave in their village is not far from the village. Because in those days, rural people always buried in their own village."

"Oh! Then what are we waiting for!?" Ling Zixing said excitedly, "Let's go find it now!"

"Wait a minute." Han Xin said, turning to Ling Zixing, "Can you ask the police in Xingjia City to connect me with him? Just in case, I want to be prepared."

After all, 20 years have passed, in order to avoid changes, we still have to keep a hand.

"No problem!" Ling Zixing waved to Han Xin, "Come on, follow!"

Soon, Han Xin sat down in the interrogation room. A video camera was placed opposite him. In the camera, Qiu Wanhui was sitting on the regret chair with handcuffs on his hands, looking at Han Xin in the camera with a blank expression.

"Don't be so cautious, I won't ask you a lot of questions." Han Xin said with a smile, "I'm just here to tell you that I already know the 'thing' you hid in your ancestral grave, and now we're going to go find 'that thing'."

Now Qiu Wanhui couldn't sit still, Han Xin quickly sliced ​​his reaction and expression into slices: Qiu Wanhui's relaxed hands clenched into fists instantly, his lips were also tightened, his pupils loosened, and his breathing quickened.

Qiu Wanhui opened his mouth as if to say something, but swallowed the words back.

Seeing his reaction, Han Xin knew that he had guessed right, and felt relieved a lot.

"If I were you, I would confess before the police in Beichang City and I found 'that thing'. In this way, we might be able to get a good confession and probation for a few more years. Otherwise..." Han Xin sneered when he said this, "The robbery and five lives were probably shot to death."

After speaking, Han Xin stood up and left from the camera.

Next, follow the police to Qiu Wanhui's hometown, a small village on the third ring road of Beichang City.

It has been 20 years, and the small village of that year has developed now. After the road was built, the transportation is convenient. Many villagers have built small two- or three-story western-style buildings, and only a few families still live in dilapidated bungalows.

Among them were Qiu Wanhui's parents.Before Qiu Wanhui disappeared, he owed debts many times because of gambling, and his parents helped him repay them, so the family has no money to buy a new house these years.Qiu Wanhui never sent a penny to his family because he was afraid of being discovered, and it was precisely because of this that Qiu Wanhui did not come back to destroy the evidence.

Because of his parents' economic conditions, it is impossible to relocate the family's ancestral grave.

Han Xin followed Ling Zixing, went straight to Qiu Wanhui's house, and then came to a bungalow.

There are two tattered God of Wealth stickers on the dilapidated mahogany door, as if pushing the door with a little force will collapse.

After the door opened, an old lady in her 60s came out tremblingly: "What's the matter?"

"You are Qiu Wanhui's mother, right?" Ling Zixing asked, "I want to ask about the burial location of your ancestors. This matter is very important. I hope you can cooperate with our police."

Originally, Han Xin was still a little worried: For the older generation, the significance of ancestral graves is still very important. If you want to dig other people’s ancestral graves, most people will not agree, and it may take a lot of effort.

But the old lady's answer was even more unexpected to him: "My parents' graves have already been moved. A few years ago, the graves in our village were demolished for road construction. The government paid tens of thousands of dollars and moved the graves to Changle Cemetery."

"What!?" This answer was like a slap in the face, Ling Zixing took two steps back, and almost fell to the ground: the hope in front of me was finally reached, and now it is shattered...

Although Han Xin also had a "thump" in his heart, he was not particularly surprised. 20 years is still too long. Beichang City has also developed a lot, and it is normal for it to change a lot.

Now I can only count on another method, which is to break through Qiu Wanhui's psychological defense and let him recruit himself.

But at this time, Ling Zixing's cell phone rang, and it took about a minute before he came back to his senses. The gesture of pulling out the cell phone seemed to weigh several hundred catties: "Hey, something went wrong here..."

However, in the next second, Ling Zixing shuddered and asked excitedly, "What!? He recruited? Did he recruit all of them?!"

After being quiet for a while, Ling Zixing patted his thigh: "That's great! Just wait, I'll go back right away!"

After hanging up, Ling Zixing urged Han Xin and Zhao Linshan, "Let's go! Go back to the Public Security Bureau! That bastard will do everything!"

Han Xin also breathed a sigh of relief silently.

"It's good luck. If it doesn't work, maybe it really made him escape..." Zhao Linshan said with some joy.

"So, you have to be prepared for everything." Han Xin pressed her head.

(End of this chapter)

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