Detective: Start with capturing and retrieving the dog

Chapter 45 The Instigator

Chapter 45 The Instigator

After the three highlights were found, Han Xin closed his eyes, and the restoration of the crime scene appeared in his mind.

"Hello, I'm here, where are you?" The girl stood on the bridge and looked around curiously.

At this time, Han Xin spoke instead of the man on the other end of the phone: "Are you really here? Are you a fool? I just mentioned it casually, but you are really here!"

"You, what do you mean? Didn't you say you're coming to pick me up?" the girl asked in surprise.

"I'm just teasing you, to pass the time, don't you really think that there are girls like you who want it?" Han Xin said to himself, and spoke the lines on behalf of the man on the other end of the phone.

"You, you..." The girl was stunned for a while, and the negative emotions that had been suppressed in her heart for the past few months broke out in one breath. She punched hysterically on the railing of the bridge, and asked the man on the other end of the phone in a high voice while hitting: "Didn't you say that you would never lie to me!? Didn't you say that you only care about my feelings!"

She punched and punched the railing of the bridge, without even realizing that the peak of her fist was bleeding.

"Idiot, I lied to you from the beginning, what a stupid woman. It's because you're so stupid that I fell in love with you! Otherwise, who would need a woman with so many things like you?" The person on the other end of the phone sneered, "Why? Are you not convinced? Then you are going to die! Isn't there a river next to you? Jump into it! See if I don't care and it's over!"

"Ahhh!" The girl wailed in pain, she tore off the mobile phone pendant fiercely, threw it out, and then squatted on the bridge and cried loudly.

But the man still didn't end, he continued on the other side of the phone: "Now you have fallen out with your parents, you have no place to go back, no one in this world needs you! How pitiful, haha!"

The other party's ridicule reminded her that the good times in the past few months were just bubbles, the girl was getting more and more desperate, and she didn't know what to do in the future, just like the man on the other side of the phone said: She has betrayed all relatives, and no one in the world needs her anymore.

Thinking of this, she numbly climbed over the railing and fell into the river like a lifeless stone...

Han Xin opened his eyes, woke up from the phantom restored from the crime scene, and then punched the bridge pier, gritting his teeth and muttering to himself: "This bastard... I will definitely catch you!"

"Who are you talking about?" Zhao Linshan asked puzzled.

"There is a man in Fu Minhui's cell phone. This man has been secretly instilling negative emotions in her for the past few months, sowing discord between her and her friends and parents, and leading her to turn against everyone around her." Han Xin said coldly, "Then on the night of her birthday, she fell out with her parents.

"But why did she dare to run away from home? Because that person told her, come to me when you run away from home, and I will support you. Or they had discussed with the other party to live together from the beginning, and this quarrel was just an excuse for him to run away from home. But when she came here, she found out that it was a scam. She realized that she had betrayed everyone who loved her, and was betrayed by the person she loved the most..."

"How desperate she was..." Zhao Linshan couldn't bear to cover her mouth.

"No, no!" Fu Zhenhao shook his head repeatedly, "My daughter won't be seduced by others!"

"This thing." Han Xin took out the bag containing the mobile phone pendant. "It's a very common couple pendant. They are Da Qiao and Sun Ce. I think this thing must have been given to her by someone else. She may have met that person while playing a mobile game, and then added a friend. Slowly, under the influence of the other party, her personality became more and more gloomy, and her relationship with friends and family members was also provoked."

Fu Zhenhao was stunned on the spot, apparently Han Xin's words reminded him of some details.

"It's normal for a sensitive child like her to be provoked." Han Xin explained, "From her usual conversations, it can be seen that she is the type who will figure out what the other party's words and deeds mean. For example, if my father came home in a bad mood today, could it be my fault? Was his words pointing fingers at Sang Huai? And that man helped her misinterpret these things."

"My daughter..." Fu Zhenhao covered his eyes and cried out.

Seeing the father's appearance, Han Xin couldn't bear it. Although he knew the possibility was very small, he still comforted him: "In short, let the police go downstream to search, there is still a possibility of survival."

"Really?!" There was a glimmer of hope in Fu Zhenhao's eyes, but it was quickly extinguished: "But the police have already searched downstream, and they have searched for a month without any results..."

"That's because they found the wrong place." Han Xin said, pointing to the railing where the bloodstains appeared, "Look, your daughter jumped into the river here, on the east side of the bridge, but her shoes appeared on the west bank less than 100 meters away. What does this mean? The direction of the water flow was from east to west at that time, and the water flow was very fast."

"So, Fu Minhui might have been washed ashore early!" Zhao Linshan suddenly said.

"Yes!" Han Xin nodded.

Considering that the person may sink to the bottom after falling into the river, coupled with the acceleration caused by the struggle, the person will definitely be much later than the time when the shoes land on the shore.It may be difficult to work out exactly where, but it can be deduced using basic deductive methods.

"According to the existing evidence, we can basically confirm that your daughter did fall into the river." Speaking of this, Han Xin raised an index finger: "Then first of all, let's ignore the case of your daughter drowning after falling into the river, and only consider the case of your daughter being washed ashore by the current. In the second case, where might she be?"

Fu Zhenhao nodded again and again, Han Xin opened the phone map: "Then, in this case, what we need to find out is, if your daughter is still alive, why didn't the police find her, and she didn't come to you?"

After searching on the map, Han Xin's eyes lit up, and he showed Fu Zhenhao the map of his mobile phone: "The only explanation is that she was discovered at the time, and because of her shame, she simply hid there to live and work, and did not dare to go home to see you."

Fu Zhenhao leaned over to take a look. On the map, there was a "Fisherman's Fun" three kilometers downstream from the park.

Because it is located by the Lingjia River, some fishermen here simply open a fisherman's restaurant. Guests can experience the river-view room and taste the fresh fish just out of the water.

If Fu Minhui was really washed ashore and was still alive, then it was only possible here: only here can she be provided with the condition of "not going home for three months".

"Mr. Han, are you comforting me, or is it really..." Fu Zhenhao asked tentatively.

"It's true." Han Xin replied, "Because the density of the human body is basically the same as that of water, the corpse will sink to the bottom at first. But three to four days after the death, gas will be produced in the body, and the corpse will slowly float up at this time. With such a high density of residents downstream, floating corpses on the water will definitely be found, and there will not be no news for three months."

"Okay, okay..." Fu Zhenhao suddenly became hopeful, "I'll notify the police right away!"

(End of this chapter)

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