Detective: Start with capturing and retrieving the dog

Chapter 52 Magical Powers

Chapter 52 Magical Powers

After learning "Don't Lie to Me LV2", in addition to improving the basic ability to recognize lies, Han Xin also unlocked a new ability "Listening".This ability allows him to detect slight changes in the prisoner's tone of voice, to infer the prisoner's emotional changes, and thus determine whether the other party is lying.

After learning, Han Xin still has 200DP left.

At this time, Yang Jianyu came out of the interrogation room angrily.

"This bastard...he doesn't change his expression when he's lying!" Yang Jianyu kicked the chair next to him and cursed.

"Indeed." Han Xin echoed: Sun Guosheng was different from all the prisoners he had seen before.

Sun Guosheng is an anti-social person and a serial killer at the same time. He committed crimes more than once, which made him lack the empathy and guilt of ordinary people, and he hardly saw anything strange when he lied.

Before upgrading "Don't Lie to Me", Han Xin couldn't achieve an accuracy rate of more than 90% when seeing through the opponent's lies.

However, anti-social elements are not impossible to deal with, they just have different logical thinking from ordinary people.

"Officer Yang, I have an idea..." Han Xin whispered to Yang Jianyu.

"What is the purpose of doing this?" Yang Jianyu asked puzzled.

"Look for evidence." Han Xin said simply, "In the current situation, the police's evidence can only prove that he robbed and intentionally injured. We must find evidence that can sentence him to murder."

"But can we find it this way?" Yang Jianyu was a little skeptical.

"You have a better way, and I can listen to you." Han Xin smiled slightly.

Yang Jianyu hesitated for a moment, then went to the side to make a phone call and asked about the evidence collection at the crime scene.

But the only thing found at the scene was the victim's blood. There was no murder weapon, no dead body, and no incriminating evidence.

"He is very familiar with this mountain, more than anyone else. He can bury the body anywhere. We don't know, but he knows it very well." Han Xin said in a low voice, "As long as we can find a body, and compare the DNA with the blood on the wall, we can overturn all his testimony and convict him."

"Well, I still have to go to the mountain to search anyway." Yang Jianyu sighed.

Next, Yang Jianyu ordered the criminal police in the bureau to follow Han Xin to "search the mountain", but this time the search took Sun Guosheng himself.

That's right, Han Xin brought Sun Guosheng with him.

Although the other party will not take the initiative to lead them, Han Xin will use another method to let him lead the way to help them find key evidence such as corpses and murder weapons.

Han Xin only took ten criminal police officers and Sun Guosheng with him, and then returned to Mount Wutou, and started wandering aimlessly.It's like a headless fly, trying its luck around.

But in fact, during the stroll, Han Xin has been staring at the expression on Sun Guosheng's face, and analyzing his performance in slices, paying attention to every detail.

Sun Guosheng was strolling in the courtyard at the moment, even with a faint smile on his face, Han Xin knew that this place must not be the place where he buried the corpse or held your murder weapon.

"Come on, let's look in another place. It's time..." Han Xin said, adjusting his direction while observing Sun Guosheng's reaction, but when he turned to the north, Sun Guosheng finally changed.

The other party deliberately turned his face away from looking at the north side, and at the same time raised his hand and scratched his nose: "Why did you bring me here?"

The tone of voice was high, indicating that he was nervous, and there were ghosts in the north... The corners of Han Xin's mouth rose slightly, and then he waved to the criminal police and said, "Let's go, let's go to the north to have a look."

In the process of advancing, Han Xin continued to observe Sun Guosheng's expression. He began to clear his throat from time to time, and there were more and more small movements. These all indicated that his emotions were tense, indicating that he was getting closer to the hiding place.

But after a while, Sun Guosheng suddenly made a joke: "Officer, I'm a little thirsty, can you give me some water?"

The tone became very cheerful, and this guy relaxed, which means that the corpse hiding place has passed... Han Xin thought to himself, and silently marked the area just now in his heart.

Just like this, the wandering continued until after six o'clock in the evening, and it stopped when it was almost dark.

"Okay, thank you for your hard work, let's go back." Han Xin said with a slight smile.

The detectives and even Sun Guosheng were confused. From their point of view, Han Xin took them out for a while and then left. Although they were ordered to adjust their direction along the way, there was no search operation.

However, after returning to the Public Security Bureau, Han Xin opened the map and drew four circles on it.

"Send someone to search for these four places." Han Xin handed the map to Yang Jianyu.

"...?" Yang Jianyu looked at the four circles on the map with a confused face, "How did you come to these conclusions?"

"When I was walking around with Sun Guosheng just now, I kept observing his expression and tone of voice." Han Xin explained, "Even if he is anti-social, he will react when he passes by the place where the corpse is buried, and he will behave nervously. On the contrary, he will gradually relax when he is away from the corpse hiding place. I selected these four places based on his reaction, and I should be able to gain something."

Yang Jianyu didn't say anything, but looked at him with wide eyes and doubts, as if he felt that this was a bit too ridiculous.

But after thinking about it for a while, they probably felt that even if there were no four points marked by Han Xin, they would still have to search the mountain to find the victim's body, so why not try it first.

"Send someone to dig in these four places." Yang Jianyu ordered the criminal police under him.

"It's getting late, I'll take my girl to have dinner first, and I'll contact you if there's anything to do." Han Xin was relieved.

My girl... Zhao Linshan tilted her head and smiled: It feels good.

"Okay, the Wan Ge Chuan Chuan across from us is not bad, you can try it." Yang Jianyu pointed to the opposite side.

So, next, Han Xin took Zhao Linshan to the opposite side to eat skewers.

"Come on, eat more." Zhao Linshan put the cooked skewers on Han Xin's plate with a smile.

"What are you doing? You are so active today?" Han Xin asked vigilantly.

"You've worked hard today, eat more to replenish your energy." Zhao Linshan smiled while holding her cheeks, still enjoying being called "my girl" in her heart.

Han Xin and Zhao Linshan were eating, and the police were working non-stop.

But before dinner was over, Yang Jianyu called.

"What a boy! I really found it!" Yang Jianyu said excitedly over there: "What kind of supernatural power is this!? Take the prisoner out for a walk, and you will know everything without saying a word?!"

"It's just a little trick for detecting polygraphs." Han Xin said, eating a skewer, "Go ahead, we'll go over after dinner."

"Okay, okay!" Yang Jianyu said excitedly, "Lao Ling, a cunning old fox! I said how could such a picky person invite you, an Internet celebrity, to be a consultant? The good guy let him take the lead! Sigh!"

"Have you found the evidence?" Zhao Linshan's eyes widened.

"Yes." Han Xin smiled slightly, "Your brother, I still have some skills."

(Thanks for the 2 monthly tickets for Dream Wake Up and Dream Continue)
(End of this chapter)

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