Devil Seeds

Chapter 103

Chapter 103 – The First Shenyu Exchange (Recommendation Ticket 36000 Plus More

Chapter 103 The first communication with God Realm

“How many plot points are needed to exchange the Shaking Heaven Pill into reality?” Murong Yun listened and asked.

It is difficult to use a complete numerical value to define the strength and weakness in the practice world.

can only do rough division.

There are no more than two criteria for division.

The realm is high and you can live long.

Although a person with a high state is not necessarily stronger than a person with a low state, it must mean that he has advanced to a certain level in practice, has done a lot of accumulation, and has various means.

And the longer you live, the more you understand. A great person may not live a long time, but a long-lived person must be very powerful.

After all, avoiding death and prolonging life is an act of deceit.

Ordinary monks, if they live a thousand years, they will definitely become a big shot in the practice world.

This millennium is not a fixed value, but an active value.

Because of the worry-free accumulation of this millennium, there will be subsequent two, three, or even ten thousand years.

That’s why the Shaking Heaven Pill has the name of Shaking the Sky.

At this moment, Murong Yun listened and looked at the glaring scarlet billion billion that appeared in front of his eyes.

Looking at his meager more than 10,000 plot points, he suddenly felt a sense of poverty in the cold winter months.

Fortunately… no one saw such an embarrassing scene.

“One billion… is it really possible?” Murong Yun fell into deep thought.

At this time, in another similar space, Song Qingwen looked at the three-phase bomb of Yin-Yang, Five Thunders and World Extermination that he had imagined, and converted it into reality, which required a total of 3 billion plot points, but his expression was very calm.

“The more detailed and complete the conception and manufacturing process provides, the lower the required plot points. From 10 billion to 3 billion… This is the limit of what I can do with my current knowledge accumulation. Of course… I am sure that the real exchange consumption will be shortened to 1.5 billion. As for the origin of the 1.5 billion plot points…there is already a direction.”

“I created two road directions for the second stage of the Demon Sealer’s follow-up, so I have 500,000 plot points. Does this mean that the key to obtaining plot points is to participate in major events that change the course of a world’s history? go, and play a pivotal role in it?”

“Perhaps, the reason why I only got 500,000 plot points is entirely because Phoenix first created the direction of the knight before I proposed the two directions of seeking scholars and praying for light. He was ahead of me. Guided the historical process, and I can only be regarded as supplementary. If the third stage of the demon sealer is completely guided by me, then the plot points I have obtained must be far more than 500,000 points.” Song Qingwen thought to himself .

The appearance of Shenyu completely aroused Song Qingwen’s extremely strong fighting spirit.

Originally, he still felt that the wasteland and other world seemed to have become boring.

Looking at it now…full of passion!

I can’t wait to return to that world immediately and do another big job.

Looking at the people whose faces were full of passion, as if they were about to turn the world upside down at any moment, Ke Xiaoliang showed a satisfied expression on his face.

From entering this world and expanding the setting of this world to the present, this first wave of leeks has never reduced the output of magic value.

Even with their own brain supplements, more and more magic points were leaked.

“These old monks, one or two belong to the tortoise. Once the problem of survival is solved, they all want to get up and grow slowly, without any enthusiasm. Dangerous, adventurous, and impulsive things are all left to the disciples. Fuck. The problem is, a hundred ordinary disciples can’t compare to the magic value given by an elder-level boss at one time. This time, let’s see how you hide and how you fight!” Ke Xiaoliang was in his room, revealing The old farmer smiled.

Yin Feiyang looked at the function of ‘creating human beings’, and saw that he had constructed an embryo with only a shell but no soul, and fell into deep thought.

Only Ke Xiaoliang knew how excited he was at the moment.

Because among the crowd, he is the one who has the most magical value at this time.

Every time, the starting point is 100,000, and it keeps going out.

“You can create a soul, but do you need more plot points…?” Yin Feiyang recovered the soulless embryo.

Then in his own space, he built a hut that can only be regarded as a simple one, and lived in it.

seems to intend to live a minimalist life, and save the plot points of creating souls in a frugal way.

“You can’t get rich by being stingy! Only by knowing how to cut leeks can you get rich!” Ke Xiaoliang looked at Song Qingwen who had already walked out and arrived at the public area, and couldn’t help sighing that this cheap master had a flexible head.

At this time, Song Qingwen was holding a few magical energy guns created and modified by him.

This thing is driven by the energy of the Demon Sealer, which can enhance its power, and has extremely long-range shooting ability and accuracy.

If ordinary disciples obtain such props, their survivability in the wasteland world will definitely be greatly enhanced.

The public area is also blank.

Ke Xiaoliang can be regarded as stingy to the extreme.

Of course, Ke Xiaoliang’s stinginess is different from Yin Feiyang’s stinginess.

Ke Xiaoliang’s stinginess is a monopoly’s stinginess to consumers. Even if the other party knows something is wrong, there is nothing they can do about it.

Yin Feiyang’s stinginess is only aimed at himself…it is self-demanding and self-defeating.

“The booth needs to be rented, and the rent for one day is 100 plot points. And the building where the booth is located and the shape of the building need to be constructed by yourself at the cost of plot points?” Song Qingwen was a little stunned.

“Have you carried out self-development, self-imagination, and self-creation to the extreme?”

“That’s not bad. Not subjectively instilling any concepts is equivalent to giving a blank sheet of paper and letting everyone play freely… It really is the style of God’s Domain.” Song Qingwen forcefully explained for Ke Xiaoliang without knowing it. After a wave, his stinginess was decorated and disguised.

Song Qingwen rented a booth, and then only created a chair and a table, placed the weapons he constructed on the table, and marked the price.

These weapons, because Song Qingwen provided a complete creation plan and creation details, so the cost is very low.

Basically, it is the material cost that consumes the cost.

But Song Qingwen’s price is not low.

The worst magic pistol is also marked with a price of 100 plot points, and it doesn’t include reality.

At this moment, synchronized to reality, Ke Xiaoliang spent 500 magic points, but concretized a magic sniper rifle.

Looking at the high-tech firearms, his expression is weird…and shy.

“It turns out that… the creations in the gourd world are not too expensive when they are exchanged into reality. I used to think that they were expensive, not only because of poverty, but also because I didn’t know the structure of the concrete things needed. At most, they could only be considered expensive. I have only a little knowledge, but I have not mastered the specific details. Once I have fully mastered all the construction skills and inside information, the consumption from concrete to reality will be greatly reduced.”

Retracted the mana sniper rifle.

The loss of several hundred magic points is nothing to Ke Xiaoliang.

At this time, in God’s Domain, Song Qingwen is about to open.

An elder from the Imperial Artifact Sect stood in front of Song Qingwen’s booth, fiddling with the magic hand cannon, and finally couldn’t help it, and asked, “That… fellow daoist! Can it be cheaper, give me a discount ?”

Goodnight everybody!

(end of this chapter)

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