Devil Seeds

Chapter 708

Chapter 696 – Open The Door, Ready To Take Off

Chapter 696 Open the door, ready to take off

At the moment when he was forcibly captured, Zhuang Shiru cast thirty-seven kinds of powerful spells in a short moment, using different techniques and different systems.

Among these spells, there are Master Attack, Master Control, Master Curse, Master Illusion, some are used to unshackle, some are used to distort the target of the attack, and there are also directional misleading… all kinds of spells, and behind each spell , are actually tied to the effective application of a rule.

However, when these spells fell on Ke Xiaoliang, they all fell to nothing.

Not only these spells, but also all kinds of backhands that Zhuang Shiru arranged on himself, some defensive spells, magic weapons, and a large number of means of alternation between the body and the double, and the shuttle of the soul, all of which are ineffective.

Ke Xiaoliang’s palm affixed a forbidden word on Zhuang Shiru’s body.

After that, Zhuang Shiru became like a mortal and banned the extraordinary.

Golden Immortal is a realm higher than Heavenly Immortal, but it seems that it is boundlessly high.

Such a sense of gap cannot be felt when a heavenly immortal compares with a real immortal.

It is even more thorough and obvious than the separation between true immortals and ordinary monks.

The essential gap lies in the fact that Ke Xiaoliang cultivated a ‘golden pill’.

And this ‘golden elixir’ is completely different from the so-called golden elixir state in the early stage of cultivation.

The golden elixir in the early stage of practice is the product of the solidification of true energy.

In the stage of refining and refining gas, the true gas changes from gaseous state to liquid state and then to solid state. These are three different ways of true gas storage.

At the same time, it also provides a practice foundation for refining Qi and transforming gods in the future.

Therefore, in the golden elixir, there is a trace of soul breath. Under the nourishment of the golden elixir, after the soul grows strong, it can be broken into a baby, breaking into the realm of the nascent baby.

And Ke Xiaoliang’s golden pill, in a sense, is more like a hole.

A hole that collapses, absorbs, and collapses everything.

It is also a symbol of Ke Xiaoliang’s own perfection and immortality.

It will not shatter into Nascent Soul, nor will it grow or shrink.

The day it is formed, it will be fixed forever.

Will not appear in reality as Ke Xiaoliang’s physical body is destroyed.

Unless Ke Xiaoliang intended it to be revealed to others.

Or in other words, that ‘golden pill’ is a bug that Ke Xiaoliang pierced through in reality.

In the three-dimensional world, Ke Xiaoliang opened a hole in his body leading to Gaowei.

With this ‘golden elixir’, Zhuang Shiru, who is clearly in the fairyland, is like a child who has not yet learned to walk under Ke Xiaoliang’s control.

All the struggles seemed to be claws and claws, but in fact there was no threat.

“When you reach the level of the Golden Immortal, you are completely free from the possibility of being killed by leapfrogging and killing elephants by ants. If there is a so-called ‘leapfrogging’, it must be hypocritical, and there is a greater truth behind it.” It’s not the ability of the caster.” At this time, Ke Xiaoliang was thinking about the idea, holding Zhuang Shiru in his hand, but he was assimilating the five levels of wasteland, high martial arts, god’s domain, strangeness, and wildness. worlds, bringing them all into their own immortality.

When Ke Xiaoliang’s breath and brilliance sprinkle every soil in these worlds.

Perhaps, in the eyes of monks of the same rank, or even higher ranks, these worlds have already turned into Ke Xiaoliang’s inner world, which is the foundation of his enlightenment, as well as his essence and heritage.

The pervasive immortal brilliance seems to be the basis for Ke Xiaoliang to be able to cultivate into a golden immortal at a young age.

At this moment, what Ke Xiaoliang did is certainly not meaningless.

Invisibly, he has reversed cause and effect.

In fact, he and many worlds are in a relationship of mutual promotion and mutual achievement.

There are other reasons for the development of the world, as well as the promotion and evolution of the world.

However, in the eyes of others, he was an unexpectedly ‘fallen’ Golden Immortal powerhouse. Through the backhands buried in advance, he reorganized his glory in a short period of time and then recovered.

After all, it is extremely, extremely, extremely difficult for the golden immortal who has mastered the immortality to be killed.

With endless backhands and layouts that span time and space, it is possible to restore everything and ‘live’ again in a very short period of time.

Compared to just a few decades, from an unknown person to a golden fairy.

Jinxian’s recovery and another great achievement are more acceptable.

Having made such a layout, Ke Xiaoliang cut off his worries in a short period of time.

For this round, those who have already entered the field are ignored for the time being.

At least those more powerful monks will no longer set their sights on this.

Unless there will be changes beyond Ke Xiaoliang’s own control.

The fuse is no longer with Ke Xiaoliang.

Of course, all this is temporary.

Cannot be effective forever.

Ke Xiaoliang’s Huzhong Realm is a high-standard world that can continue to expand and grow. Compared with those worlds in reality, it is still too “scary” in essence.

When Ke Xiaoliang is able to mass-produce mythical beings in the world he created, even Jinxian strongmen, then he will break the peace again and become the coveted target of countless careerists.

Just take a bite of the meal, and walk step by step.

Never stop and give up development just because someone peeps, fears or schemes.

That is the most stupid choice.

Let’s not talk about cultivation, any industry that wants to reach the top will inevitably fight with others and be calculated by others.

If you are in the Buddhist system with one heart, unless you are truly prosperous and equal to the sky, you can only stay at the bottom forever, and you will not be able to see the higher scenery.

Therefore, a great man said, “Fighting with the sky will bring you endless joy, fighting with the earth will bring you endless joy, and fighting with people will bring you endless joy.”

The mentality of a strong man means not being afraid of challenges, and even taking the initiative to meet challenges.

Ke Xiaoliang’s figure in Zhuang Shiru’s hand is gradually fading and disappearing.

Zhuang Shiru’s eyes were full of pleading, but Ke Xiaoliang turned a deaf ear.

He is ‘absorbing’ Zhuang Shiru.

It’s like the Beiming Divine Art or the Dafa of absorbing energy, just the two, just absorbing energy and spirit.

But Ke Xiaoliang absorbed the essence of Zhuang Shiru.

Whether it is memory, thought, soul, or the principles that Zhuang Shiru has comprehended and felt, all of these will belong to Ke Xiaoliang and will be transformed into multiple worlds.

Perhaps soon, in the multiple gourd worlds, there will be a certain hero who looks somewhat similar to Zhuang Shiru, but they all have nothing to do with Zhuang Shiru.

In the final stage before disappearing, Zhuang Shiru’s original ferocity and resentment disappeared.

Attributable to a kind of calm.

until it disappears completely.

Perhaps, he observed Ke Xiaoliang’s enlightenment breakthrough at a close distance, and he had some insights, and then under the threat of life and death, he had a breakthrough at the soul level.

But Ke Xiaoliang didn’t give him a chance.

He directly digested and absorbed him, that part was still brewing, after all, he didn’t have a fully formed feeling, and let it go away, without nostalgia.

After dealing with Zhuang Shiru casually, Ke Xiaoliang looked up at the sky.

At this moment, Ke Xiaoliang didn’t pay the slightest attention to the two avatars Gong Thirty-six and Taixuanzi who were close at hand.

Times have changed, and the so-called Three Swords of Heaven, Earth and Man are just play toys for him.

Of course, if Ke Xiaoliang wants to act, he can continue to act along the lines.

It’s just that it will inevitably become boring again.

Since you already have the mighty power to overturn everything, why are you still pretending here?

Different levels, different perspectives, different boundaries, the so-called prudence and recklessness are constantly changing.

The prudence of the past, in today’s world, is a self-deprecation.

The recklessness of the past, in this situation, is me, Wu Weiyang.

“The repulsion of the world is increasing.”

“For the Xuanqing Realm, I put too much pressure on it. Although I was promoted in the Xuanqing Realm and theoretically gave it a certain amount of information feedback, there were not many ‘celestial beings’ who laid the foundation for the Xuanqing Realm. There is still a long way to go before it grows enough to truly accommodate the Golden Immortal. The pressure I put on it, although not fatal in a short period of time, makes it uncomfortable, similar to the feeling of overwhelming the host.”

“It would want to push me out, that’s perfectly normal! But…how can it do what she wants?” Ke Xiaoliang was thinking in his heart, but he left the Xuanqing Realm on his own initiative, and had no intention of going to the outside world. .

With one jump, one has already passed through many obstacles and easily reached the deepest part of Xuanqing Realm, which can also be regarded as the “outermost part” to some extent.

The line of sight is both deep and focused, and it is condescending to look at the overall situation. At this moment, in Ke Xiaoliang’s eyes, the appearance of Xuan Qingjie is different from the past.

It is like a cloud that is rapidly expanding, but still looks weak.

And this cloud group is tightly stuck to another big cloud group that has turned gray and looks lifeless.

Some of the substances in the big cloud group are constantly being transferred to the small cloud group, and it seems that some kind of replacement is being completed.

Some small passages are connected to the cloud, which seem to penetrate the void and faintly connect with the outside world, absorbing the nutrients of the cloud and stealing its origin.

At this time, the clouds were glowing with golden light.

The golden light seemed to tear the clouds apart.

This is the pressure that Ke Xiaoliang himself put on the ‘cloud’.

Under this pressure, Yun Tuan itself had accumulated certain offensives, but was afraid of the greatness of the golden light, and dared not really fall.

Ke Xiaoliang stretched out his hand and pointed.

A large amount of world origin was output, and at the same time a key message was shaped and turned into a rune, which was firmly imprinted and fell into the core of the ‘cloud’.

Yun Tuan was a bit resistant at first, but after all, his consciousness was ignorant and he had not been fully enlightened. Facing the sweet temptation of the origin of the world, he failed to hold on to himself.

When a mouthful of the sweet world essence was swallowed, the rune also poured in, and it reached the center of the cloud in a blink of an eye, fixed as its essence.

The shining runes began to exude some kind of power, and the scattered will of the world began to be collected and sorted out.

The originally misty cloud cluster just rolled around in place.

Suddenly, she turned into a starry-eyed girl with three non-attributes.

The girl was a little sluggish at first, as if she hadn’t recovered from the sudden change.

A moment later, she turned into a dress made of clouds and mist, and folded it on her body, covering her innocent body. With pink lotus tips, she moved lightly with lotus steps, and then walked up to Ke Xiaoliang, prostrating gracefully.

“Xuan Qing met the Elder!” the girl said.

Taking a closer look at the girl’s appearance, there are many similarities with Liu Tianzhen.

It’s just that the temperament is more ethereal, and the delicateness and fairness are much better. It already seems unreal, like a virtual character modeled by animation, not a real person.

Ke Xiaoliang is a golden fairy at this time, and the place where he stands is the supreme fairyland.

One person attains enlightenment, chicken and dog ascend to heaven!

This is the ability bestowed by the essence of Jinxian.

But Ke Xiaoliang did not choose to withdraw from Xuanqingjie, but directly turned Xuanqingjie into his “boy”.

It is not uncommon among the golden immortals to use the way of heaven in one world as a boy.

It can even be said to be quite common.

Of course, this is also due to the fact that Ke Xiaoliang is already in the Xuanqing Realm, and has long been in contact with the Heavenly Dao of the Xuanqing Realm, so he can lock the opponent’s position and aura.

If a foreign golden fairy wants to break into the Xuanqing Realm, he will first encounter strong resistance from the Xuanqing Realm.

Even when it was intense, the Heavenly Dao Society of the Xuanqing Realm engulfed all living beings in this world, and worked hard together with the foreign golden immortals.

If the world itself is not strong enough, it will certainly destroy all living beings, but the golden immortal who forcibly breaks in will also be entangled in massive karma.

Although they will not be disturbed by karma and fall, they will be ignorant of gnosis after all, their perception of the Dao will become dull, and their speed of practice will decrease.

This is a bitter fruit that any Golden Immortal is not willing to bear.

Only by recreating one world and producing supreme merit can these karma be washed away and the mind clean again.

So, most golden immortals, even if they covet a certain world, conquer it through various means.

Or dispatch subordinate forces to intervene or even conduct conventional attacks.

In this way, karma does not touch the body, and there are not many other problems except the need to wait.

After all, ‘variables’ only exist in a few worlds.

In the boundless void, as long as most worlds are labeled by a certain golden fairy, other strong people will not intervene or **** them.

It is extremely rare for a small world like Xuanqingjie to be labeled with three major powers.

Ke Xiaoliang looked at the enlightened virgin girl Xuanqing, seemed to think about something, and then said: “Xuanqing should be the name of your mother body. Now that you have been reborn, I will give you a new name.”

The girl transformed into the Heavenly Dao of the Xuanqing Realm, with starlight still shining in her eyes, cupped her hands expressionlessly: “Please also give me a name from the Elder Master.”

Ke Xiaoliang was dull for a moment, and then said: “Why don’t you call me Xiaoqing!”

The girl transformed into Tiandao in the Xuanqing Realm, although still expressionless, with dull eyes.

But inexplicably, it makes people feel that her sluggishness at this moment and the sluggishness of the previous moment are not the same kind of sluggishness.

Ke Xiaoliang stubbornly changed his name to Xiaoqing for Tiandao of Xuanqingjie, of course it was not boring.

He is distinguishing the Heavenly Dao of the Xuanqing Realm at this time from the Heavenly Dao of the Xuanqing Realm that has died in terms of their names.

Even though the two still have a successor relationship, they are no longer closely related.

The Xuanqing Realm of the past is dead, no matter what the cause and effect is, it is best not to bear the newborn Heavenly Dao.

The key is… don’t affect the radiation to Ke Xiaoliang.

“Thank you for the name, Master!” Xiaoqing still recognized the name.

As the enlightened person, everything about Xiaoqing is mastered and controlled by Ke Xiaoliang.

Ke Xiaoliang can decide his life and death with one thought, so what is a mere name?

“Okay! Now that you are born, then open the door to the world for me, my lord.”

“It’s time for us to open the door!”

“If it’s a wicked guest, close the door, tear him apart, and swallow him whole! Wouldn’t it be nice?”

(end of this chapter)

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