Devil Seeds

Chapter 738

Chapter 724 – Meeting With Demons

Chapter 724 Meeting with the Demon Lord

Dream of Turin restarts for the third hundred years after ringing the bell. Everything is revived. After destruction and burial, more prosperous flowers will grow.

The false gradually becomes real, and the illogical gradually becomes logical.

All the unreasonable things can be perfunctory as long as they are called “ancient”.

As for the surviving races, in addition to multiplying rapidly and occupying territory, opening various ancient ruins and unlocking ancient civilizations is also the top priority.

Everything is still happening and needs to be brewed.

Ke Xiaoliang has been waiting for a rich fruit, it seems that he has to wait… a long time! long time!

However, compared with other Jinxians who were trapped in the realm of the Golden Immortal, and even lived and died several times without seeing the slightest way forward, Ke Xiaoliang’s ‘spiritual progress’ can already be regarded as extraordinarily fast.

Of course, Jinxian can also create the world independently.

However, a world that is forcibly promoted and created by the Golden Immortal Realm will never be as wanton and free as the Huzhong Realm. The evolution time and evolution cost required for it will be hundreds of millions of times that of the Huzhong Realm.

Using the birth, death and evolution of the world to deduce the way of Taiyi.

At least for now, among the Jinxian class, only Ke Xiaoliang can do it.

At the same time, in the depths of the real devil world, some gazes never left the place where Ke Xiaoliang was entrenched.

True Demon Realm… In fact, it can also be called the True Demon Universe.

In this small universe, hundreds of living planets coexist, thousands of real immortals, and nearly a hundred celestial beings exist at the same time.

The first universe under the command of the Magic Mountain is in full swing.

In the small universe of true demons, there are two golden fairy demons, Thousand Blades Demon and Hundred Heads Demon.

In addition, the patriarch of the Ten Demon Sects… the black-hearted old man is also affiliated with the True Demon Cosmos in name.

In the real devil universe, there is no mountain top.

Even the Ten Demon Sect monks who had entered the Real Demon Realm in the past had nowhere to go if they wanted to seek refuge.

At this time, inside the True Demon Universe, outside the huge Demon Head Star, nine huge dragons are pulling an ancient black iron chariot, with patterns of black snakes and demon bears engraved on the ancient chariot.

On the ancient car, the majestic and luxurious young man was wearing a black robe. There was no wind outside the planet, but the robe on his body seemed to be blown by a long wind, like torrents of black water rolling on his body.

Beside the young man, there are two old men, one with white hair and black beard, and the other with white beard and black hair. Except for the difference in hair, the appearance of the two is generally the same.

And behind the wide black iron ancient car, there are all kinds of waiters indistinctly.

In addition to the heroic golems and puppets, these waiters are all beautiful female cultivators…even female fairies, all of them are like nine-day goddesses in the dense and mysterious clouds.

The young man sitting in the black iron cart is one of the two resident demons in the True Demon Universe… Thousand Blades Demon.

And the destination of his visit this time is the place where another Demon Lord is stationed.

The queue stood outside the Demon Head Star, and the Thousand Blade Demon Venerable knocked the boundary gate.

The spreading black thunder hovered and danced over the entire huge Demon Head Star.

”Brother Qian Ren came to visit, brother… very happy, children… still not open the door to welcome guests?” A voice that sounded extraordinarily heroic sounded from inside the Demon Shouxing.

In a short while, the thunder breaks open, and the **** sun, light falls from a distance, as if a dark road has been opened between the stars and the void.

The road is at the feet of the entire Thousand Blade Demon Venerable team, and everyone only needs to walk along this smooth road to enter the Demon Head Star.

It’s just… In the Thousand Blade Demon Venerable’s team, most of the ‘beauties’ with a lower level showed weird and crazy expressions.

The originally glamorous or pure face, at this moment, there is only a sick madness left.

Demon Lord Thousand Blade snorted coldly, and all the visions were suppressed. Those beauties who had been transformed into shapes were swallowed up by some utensils that had been around for a long time. They thought they were decorations and became the ‘pictures’ inlaid in them.

Five monsters with human bodies and animal faces came out of the Demon Head Star laughingly, and each unfastened a pocket from their waists.

As soon as the pocket vomited, tens of thousands of living people with sufficient vitality and blood spit out from the bag.

After these people took out their pockets, they all yelled in horror, some kowtowed and begged for mercy, some ran wildly, and some just wailed in place.

There are men and women, old people and children in the crowd. It seems that they were just caught randomly and have not been specially screened.

The five demons made a move, their fingertips popped out their sharp claws, and the terrifying demon wind shot out from their sharp claws, tearing everyone into pieces of flesh and blood.

Rolling blood pervades outside the Demon Head Star.

A cavity opens to absorb the blood gas.

Then a large number of blood-colored flowers bloomed all over the road to welcome Qianbla Demon Lord to the Demon Head Star.

Demon Lord Thousand Blade nodded slightly, and then said; “Brother Baishou has a heart!”

After speaking, the light of the black sun led the way.

A dozen or so puppet moxiu riding a magic unicorn led the team ahead.

While running, the berserk demonic wind was drawn into the vast planet without restraint.

“The gluttonous method, devouring the sky and the earth!”

On the ground, a burly demon cultivator suddenly grew in size, opened his mouth and a huge suction force came out of his mouth.

The magic wind carried by those puppet demon cultivators was swallowed into their stomachs like black black snakes.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the magic wind was emptied a large area.

Only the burly Moxiu closed his mouth with a pale face, as if he was extremely uncomfortable.

The two Demon Lords originally had a “friendship” of tens of thousands of years, and they should have known each other long ago.

But they insisted on making such a gesture.

Has no influence on them.

However, a large number of monks were killed or injured in this meeting that had not yet met.

At the same time, countless innocent people lost their lives during this meeting.

Yes, there is no distinction between good and evil in practice.

At the level of Jinxian, the righteous way and the devil way are actually just a way of saying, and they have already reached the point where different routes lead to the same goal.

However, the label… is always present.

Fixed thinking inertia, which cannot be changed.

Gold Immortals who uphold the righteous way, although not necessarily pure, will definitely avoid killing instinctively.

The Golden Immortals, who uphold the way of magic, are used to showing their own existence through killing and destruction.

Then even if they reach a very high level, they will still not change themselves.

Killing itself has no meaning to them.

But they have become the killing itself.

(end of this chapter)

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