Devil Seeds

Chapter 769

Chapter 754 – Scattered In The World, Immortal In The Years

Chapter 754 Scattered in the world, immortal in the years

Among the golden immortals whose ideas collided, two did not speak.

It’s just that although they haven’t spoken, their hearts are more urgent than others.

These two are naturally the two Demon Lords from the True Demon Realm, Baishou and Qianren.

Different from other golden immortals, they have direct conflicts with Ke Xiaoliang.

If Ke Xiaoliang is really heading towards a path of inevitable success, then the conflict between them and Ke Xiaoliang will gradually become a ‘small problem’ for Ke Xiaoliang.

This is never a good thing!

Because in the face of small problems, anyone can solve them casually.

The relationship between them and Ke Xiaoliang has not yet reached the point where they are completely at odds with each other, but when they become a ‘small problem’ that can be solved easily, then all the reasons will become inappropriate.

Just like… You and the flies hovering over your vegetable bowl have no grudges.

But you picked up the fly swatter and swatted it to death.

“So what if you succeed?”

“At this moment, this flower is about to bloom, so let him have a look at it, and look at it greedily. When it bears fruit, we will take the fruit and let him ponder it for nothing.” The Hundred-headed Demon Venerable was in the group of golden immortals, yin and yang. Said.

What he said is very suitable for his status as a demon cultivator.

Of course, it also hit the hearts of all the golden fairies.

Yes, the word “almost” was not added this time.

For the monks of the Jinxian class, in fact, no matter whether they are demons or not, it is just a rule of their daily behavior… or a habit, not a dogma or even a belief that they must abide by.

In order to reach a higher level and see more scenery, when there is hope ahead, they will not hesitate to do anything.



“The thief who steals the way, I am ashamed to be with him!”

“The devil is the devil, even if he cultivates to immortality, he is still the devil, and his actions are filthy, unbearable to teach!” Several voices sounded in the void.

Then there was an overwhelming condemnation.

But Baishou Mozun just sneered behind the scenes.

These golden fairies are just talking nonsense.

Who can’t feel that the sky in this world is getting higher, the earth is getting deeper, the sea is getting wider, the forest is becoming more mysterious, and the desert is becoming more mysterious?

What does this mean?

It shows that every golden fairy is increasing their avatar in the world of Turin’s Dream.

By enhancing the strength of the avatar and increasing the proportion of the avatar occupying the immortal breath, the foreshadowing is laid in advance for the final **** of the ‘Dao Fruit’.

Of course, before that, they will definitely be more intense and more unrestrained in doing things in the world of Turin’s dream.

Scatter chess pieces either brightly or darkly, true or false.

For these golden fairies, Ke Xiaoliang is happy to see the unanimous ‘increase in holdings’.

Any rich fruit will be coveted by others.

It is impossible for Ke Xiaoliang to stop operating and cultivating because he is worried that someone will spy on him.

No matter what tricks these golden fairies are doing secretly, from a fundamental point of view, Ke Xiaoliang, who controls the entire world, always holds the overwhelming advantage.

To put it bluntly, these golden fairies are trying to steal Taiyi Daoguo.

And Ke Xiaoliang also took advantage of their ambition and greed, and white girls voted for them as free laborers.

Switching the cause and effect, if there were not so many Golden Immortals “helping with all their strength”, Ke Xiaoliang’s Taiyi Dao fruit would be difficult to bear.

Unlike what it is now, it has bloomed faintly, with a little sign.

All Golden Immortals ‘increase’ their holdings of Turin stocks, and the two demons, Baishou and Qianren, are naturally no exception.

At this time, they didn’t feel anything wrong at all.

After all, no matter from which angle you look at it, it is impossible for Ke Xiaoliang to pry so many Jinxians to act with him, just to dig a trap for the two of them.

Although Jin Xian’s own spiritual sense kept warning the two demons, they suppressed it and ignored it.

In their view, it would be dangerous to fight with so many golden immortals and conspire to steal the Taiyi Dao fruit that Ke Xiaoliang might harvest, isn’t it normal?

In this world, how many things are there that you know are dangerous, but do it anyway?

The situation in front of him is enough for the two Demon Venerables to bet heavily and make big bets.

Ke Xiaoliang, who was perceiving everything in the dark, was still not in a hurry.

He will achieve all goals, and fulfill all ambitions.

It is precisely because of this that he must not be in a hurry, let alone expose everything before it is revealed.

In the depths of the eastern dense forest, the battle between the gods and the fire thief Xue Shaocun has destroyed a large area of the forest.

Yorom, the **** of the forest, who is in charge of managing and managing the forest, can only hide aside and dare not intervene.

He is just an ordinary jungle god. This kind of authority, which is not too powerful, has been diluted by a large number of similar gods, and it is almost the bottom among the gods.

At this time, the gods of Tiangong have already set up a divine formation.

Such means, the gods who were originally proud would disdain to use them.

It imitates those aliens who cannot be completely ‘killed’. It can twist the power of multiple people into one, and it can also increase the power of one person and become stronger.

Facing the suppressing **** formation, Xue Shaocun turned into a sacred tree, holding the inextinguishable holy flame, and bumped into it without hesitation.

The sacred tree and the inextinguishable sacred fire are almost integrated into one place. The bright sacred tree seems to be ignited by fire at this moment.

The mirror of the sky, which has risen to a higher place, seems to be shattered again under this impact.

At this time, Bai Gusheng, who was in the Temple of Heaven, snorted softly.

Then he cast even greater divine power and blessed it on the mirror of the sky.

The sky is a mirror, and a mirror reflects the stars.

Infinite brilliance, received from the Heavenly Palace, was sent into the array of gods, illuminating the gods as majestic as a prison, and as radiant as the sea.

Bai Gusheng’s move made many gods in the Temple of Heaven bow their heads.

Among them, some gods and the main gods such as Tianhao had secretly connected with each other, and rebelled just waiting for the opportunity.

They were sneaky, but they saw that Bai Gusheng still ignored his deeds and came to help.

Suddenly, my heart couldn’t help churning, and my originally firm mind became hesitant again.

The divine light from the mirror of the sky falls, and everything in the world remains motionless as before, except for the looming shrine on the top of the mountain, which seems to be swaying in the clouds, and the unquenchable holy fire is brilliant.

Tianhao held the divine sword in his hand, frowned fiercely, let out a violent shout, and unexpectedly escaped from the range of the blessing of the divine circle without authorization, turned on his divine power to the maximum, and cut black and white with his sword across the sky.

Everything in the line of sight seems to be divided into two parts on the edge of the sword.

The divine light cast by the sky mirror was mostly abandoned.

Tianhao’s move can be called stupid.

Only he himself understands that he has to.

Otherwise, even if he defeated the so-called fire thief and seized the inextinguishable holy flame, the victory would not be clear.

After returning to the Heavenly Palace, if they overthrow and attack again, they will appear to lack confidence, and the gods around them may not be able to unite.

The ambition of plotting for many years was almost broken by Bai Gusheng’s blow, why is Tianhao not in a hurry?

In a hurry, he no longer cared about hiding.

The powerful force that had been brewing in the body for a long time broke out in one fell swoop at this moment.

At this moment, Tianhao’s offensive faintly surpassed the rank of the main god, and rose to the level of the **** king of the gods…that is, the short-term combat power reached a level comparable to that of a golden immortal.

Tianhao has such a hidden strength, it is not difficult to see that…he must be a **** of someone, or even a few golden immortals.

Only in this way can he obtain short-lived Golden Immortal combat power on the premise that Ke Xiaoliang does not deliberately tilt resources.

The divine power accumulated and hidden suddenly exploded.

The world seems to be completely occupied by this magnificence.

Tianhao’s divine splendor was sprinkled without any scruples or reservations.

Everything in this world seems to be moved by his appearance.

Powerful gods, newborn immortals, and even hidden golden immortals… all set their sights on this **** named Tianhao.

“Oh! So it’s him!”

“It seems that this Tianhao is his chess piece. It’s a pity…it was exposed too early, and this chess piece is useless!” Jin Xian, who saw through what happened, showed a gloating smile.

At this time, no matter how many people fear or doubt, they can’t stop Tianhao from drawing his sword.

At this time, on his sword, there is a light that can tear everything.

The terrifying fighting power seems to be able to cut off all traces of a person’s existence along the veins of time.

Tianhao is addicted to such a powerful force.

So he desperately wants to become the **** king of the Tiangong **** system, the most powerful god.

In the revelation he received, only by mastering a powerful **** system and becoming the most powerful ruler on the earth can he truly occupy this power and become the owner of this power… not just borrow.

Facing Tianhao’s sudden strength, Xue Shaocun didn’t panic, nor did he seem to feel the pressure.

He just shook his arms, and the Shenmu behind him unfolded like two huge branches.

Either golden or white fire light wrapped around his body, integrating him with the sacred tree, with light, and with everything that shines.

The immortal rhythm is melting into his body.

His eyes were full of light, and at this moment he was ahead of the mighty Tian Hao, one step ahead, possessing a hint of immortality.

Tianhao didn’t hesitate any longer, he pointed his sword straight, and then struck with his sword.

With this sword, he wants to tear everything apart, even if the holy fire is not extinguished, it must be cut open under his sword.

The flames and the sacred wood are being chopped off inch by inch.

In the shattered divine splendor, there flowed scarlet blood and golden soul.

Tianhao looked happy, feeling that the dust had settled.

Little did he know that just behind him, more trees took root and sprouted.

The splashed divine splendor, scattered blood, and those torn souls…all became part of this forest.

The God of the Jungle, who had been watching from a distance and felt heartbroken, showed an expression of astonishment.

He fell to his knees… towards a mortal he didn’t really know.

As a god, he became the first **** to bow down to mortals in the context of mythological civilization.

Flowers bloom like fiery red flames.

The swaying flowers dissipate in the wind, and sprinkle the seeds farther…farther.

Xue Shaocun’s body and soul are irreparably disintegrating.

At the same time, the immortal aura lingering around his body became stronger and more lively.

At this time, here, at this moment…he is actively completing a different kind of immortality.

His body is about to perish, and his soul will also be shattered into countless pieces.

But his existence is about to fill the universe.

At this moment, with the help of Tianhao’s divine sword power, he actually merged the immortal flame with his tree soul.

Finally, under the power of the Excalibur, it was completely torn apart.

He did it on purpose!

Because what Xue Shaocun wants to ‘enlighten’ is not only the spirits that exist in this world.

He wants to give everything, such as mountains and rocks, such as vegetation, such as mayflies, such as ants…give them the same equal opportunities.

Those beings who are destined to be eternally humble and small, also have the possibility to strive forward and have an extraordinary life.

The Immortal Flame is an immortal breath that is ignited.

Only the power of immortality can crush immortality.

Xue Shaocun understood this, so what he was waiting for… was the **** who could kill him.

At this time, a sword had already fallen, and Tian Hao, who helped Xue Shaocun achieve this goal, stared wide-eyed, mad with hatred.

He had to admit that he opened a magic box with his own hands.

And behind this magic box, lies the horror that subverts all mythological civilizations.

God can rule all spirits and destroy all threatening creatures.

But God cannot erase everything in this world.

It is even more impossible to reorganize this world.

After this moment, when the spreading seeds, along with the wind, river, even sunshine and rain, sprinkled any corner of the world.

Everything is irreparable.

Tianhao held the Excalibur, looked at Xue Shaocun’s smile on the corner of his mouth as it dissipated, and felt small and ashamed.

How unfair this is!

How unfair this world is!

He, Tianhao, was born in the Tianyu clan. He was originally the son of the patriarch, so he should be superior.

However, when the **** system was formed, the position of the king of the gods was stolen by an unknown **** who had never heard of it, and he remained under it for hundreds of years.

After much difficulty, I got a chance to turn things around and get everything back to where it should be.

But… it’s all ruined!

After this point, all the gods will be jealous of him!

Because it’s him… Tianhao!

Personally chopped the Inextinguishable Holy Flame, and helped Xue Shaocun complete the final sublimation.

It was him who personally extinguished the last hope of mythical civilization.

From now on, all the gods will be terrified.

They will doubt every tree, every flower, every mountain, every river in this world.

Because all of these… may, one day, become a part of subverting the **** system and destroying the mythical civilization.

“Damn it!”

“Death to me is more thorough!” Tianhao was powerless and furious, and could only vent wantonly with the sword in his hand.

The mighty divine power chopped the mysterious oriental jungle abruptly into dozens of fragments of different sizes.

But so what?

More seeds were scattered in this force.

Those seeds, their roots are immortal.

Fragments contaminated with the Immortal Flame, when they fall anywhere, they will spread rapidly.

“Mythical civilization… is over!”

“From today, every remaining moment will be a downhill road. Even some gods will look more powerful because of the crazy recruitment.” The golden immortals have already made their comments in secret.

After seeing the flow of time and too many ups and downs, they understand it very well.

Except for those that should be immortal, any greatness and glory in the world will become dim at some point.

(end of this chapter)

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