Devil Seeds

Chapter 779

Chapter 763 – Dusk

Chapter 763 Dusk

The black-hearted old man is in Ke Xiaoliang’s world, and it is normal for Ke Xiaoliang to catch a ray of breath.

Ke Xiaoliang bundled the rights that should be given to him in the seal and integrated them into the space between heaven and earth, forcing the black-hearted old man to move from behind the scenes to the front of the stage.

Just like Hongjun Daozu prevented the dispute between the two religions and almost destroyed the prehistoric land, the black-hearted old man will also be forced to fulfill similar responsibilities.

had to stand in front of the stage and become a well-known existence.

Of course the black-hearted old man has the right to refuse.

While refusing, it is tantamount to giving up the rights that Ke Xiaoliang entrusted to him.

The crucial point of ringing the bell for the second time is equivalent to returning it to Ke Xiaoliang.

What Ke Xiaoliang did was to force the unscrupulous old man to make a choice.

It is to continue to hide behind the scenes and do things secretly, but to give up the advantages and rights that are hard to get.

Still choose to stand up, take over the rights, but also accept to pay the price. From now on… the world will engrave his name, and countless conspiracies, and a lot of speculation with or without evidence will fall into place. When it comes to him, he can no longer maintain his absolute concealment.

In the dream world of Turin, in an unnamed wild mountain, the black-hearted old man who lived in a hut received a seal from Ke Xiaoliang.

Holding the seal in his hand, the black-hearted old man looked up at the sky expressionlessly. Although his expression was the same, the fingers holding the seal were clearly clenched tightly.

As an ancestor who played tricks, the black-hearted old man is not afraid to compete with anyone, and even enjoys it.

However, Ke Xiaoliang’s method of breaking the game is too cruel! too easy!

He directly used the power in his hand to directly punish the black-hearted old man.

But such a method cannot be avoided by the black-hearted old man.

Unless he can be strong without desire, he has no nostalgia for the world of the Dream of Turin, and he has no coveting for the Taiyi Dao Fruit that may grow in the future.

If this is the case, the black-hearted old man can throw off his sleeves and act recklessly.

“it is good!”

“Very good!”

“It’s not like I’m from the Ten Demon Sect. I’m barbaric and domineering… I don’t respect the rules at all! I’m brutal! I’m arrogant! I don’t have the slightest style, I don’t have the slightest grace.” The black-hearted old man had a dark face, as if he was yelling at the sky.

He deliberately scolded Ke Xiaoliang.

He wants to make Ke Xiaoliang feel that he is trapped, and looks out of breath.

Only when Ke Xiaoliang, the “God”, is paralyzed, will he gain respite in his next actions.

In order to infiltrate sand into this world little by little, increase the initiative in the final battle.

When you reach the level of the black-hearted old man, even if your plan goes wrong, how can you get angry so easily?

Cultivation is also mind cultivation.

Guys who have walked to the Golden Immortal Realm step by step have a big heart.

It is completely different from the “lucky” gods in the dream world of Turin.

The unscrupulous old man scolds Ke Xiaoliang when he has time.

In the war between gods and gods, there will be no pause or gap.

In this mighty battle of the gods, almost all the gods have been involved either actively or passively.

There is no way to escape this kind of thing, let alone hide.

Because anyone who lives in this world will always have various causal bonds with other existences.

When those individuals that have a causal connection are involved, it is like pulling out a carrot with mud… many remaining existences will follow up one after another.

Has been beaten missing half of the sky.

Hegras, the **** of the underworld from the Brazilian civilization, stood desolately, the black bone sickle in his hand exuded a frightening cold light, but the cracks that covered the entire sickle made this mighty a bit heroic.

He stared blankly at the desolation, and the sarcasm at the corner of his mouth, for some reason, was surrounded by dark clouds of smoke, making his whole body seem unreal.

In fact, the black smoke was transformed by the divine power in his body, and the bowl-sized hole in his chest was empty, just like his empty eyes.

“The Gate of Life!” The Goddess of Life in Nameria civilization casts her magic.

In the green and pleasant life domain, endless jasper colors suddenly burst out, illuminating the entire sky with a biyingying glow.

Everything is bursting with vitality.

Life… even gods, as well as the corpses of gods, are ‘growing’ in an unimaginable way.

The corpse of the **** is recovering…but it is not the return of the dead god.

Instead, it gradually twisted and changed into a more terrifying monster.

Without the willful growth of the soul, it can only bring about a terrible disaster.

However, this goddess of life seems to have lost control.

All the changes around her are out of her control… She gave up control and chose to vent wantonly.

The **** of law of the divine civilization, protects the surroundings with strict laws, resisting the invasion of this kind of vitality.

This resistance further angered the goddess of life.

More than a dozen huge towering ancient trees rose from the ground, and gradually surrounded them into a ball, locking the God of Law in it.

The more direct energy output seems to fill the God of Law and then explode.

Scattered sword lights rose from all directions, and then stood tall, like a peak.

The murderous intent covered, continuously strangled the surroundings, and had an extremely violent conflict with the domain of the Goddess of Life.

On this battlefield full of killings, the **** of the underworld from the heavenly gods picked up the artifact of the **** of the underworld Hegras of the Basilian civilization, and at the same time intercepted the divinity and priesthood left by the opponent.

The overlapping priesthood began to dominate the fusion of the two underworld gods.

The even more terrifying underworld began to come directly to the world under the guidance of this new **** of the underworld.

“The Bite of Hades!” The huge Hades hole opened, and the opened door began to absorb all the undead on the battlefield.

However, a spear shining with golden light passed through Hades, and then firmly stuck in the heart of the newborn Hades.

The Underworld, which was releasing seemingly unsolvable power, also shattered under this spear.

The immortal legends in mythology have not yet been born, but they are all annihilated suddenly.

Many Jinxians watching the battle had secretly closed their jaws that had been loosened before.

In terms of combat effectiveness alone, some of the gods in this battle of the gods already have power comparable to theirs, even making them feel dangerous.

This feeling…is both anticipation and excitement.

Every Golden Immortal’s instinctive spirituality is frantically warning.

But they all suppressed this instinct and chose to stay in this world, continue to observe and wait.

The two Demon Lords Baishou and Qianren were also watching the battle.

Not only that… Among the warring gods, some were also supported by them.

It’s just that the gods they supported are in a very bad situation. Most of them have long since perished, and a small number of those who have not perished are also in danger.

(end of this chapter)

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