Devil Seeds

Chapter 787

Chapter 771 – Fusion Of World Lines

Chapter 771 Fusion of World Lines

Melee, melee, melee!

The entire battlefield has become a mess.

The side from DC, of course, is backed by the deterrent combat power of Dachao, maneuvering freely on the battlefield.

Marvel is not a vegetarian either. Doctor Strange’s methods are superb, and he repeatedly jumps around with the time gem.

It stands to reason that a purple sweet potato essence can tyrannize the reunion, and Dachao’s frontal combat power is even stronger than the purple sweet potato essence. There is no reason why he can’t grab a few infinite gems.

What’s more, Dachao already has four gems in his hand, and his strength is even stronger.

It should be faster to loot the remaining two gems.

However, Da Chao is a superhero after all, and being a robber in another world is enough to challenge the psychological bottom line.

It is absolutely impossible for him to kill in order to **** gems.

In this scuffle, except for the super villain who was the black hand, the superheroes on both sides fought relatively restrainedly, trying to focus on injuries and sleepiness, so that the opponent temporarily loses combat power.

With scruples, a seesaw will naturally form.

“Wait! Infinity gems are not necessary for you. It can even be said that we will bring peace to your world line after we take the gems away. Otherwise, as long as there are infinite gems in your world, from other times Point Thanos will still collect infinite gems.” Iron Man’s voice resounded across the battlefield in an instant.

It was this sound that brought the chaotic battlefield to a sudden pause.

Only Thanos continued to rush towards Dachao.

Then he was punched by Da Chao.

Thanos who has lost the help of the mage Ebony Maw, facing Dachao who wears Infinity Gauntlets and has four Infinity Gems, is as fragile as a child.

The heroes of the Marvel side stopped one after another, and they finally reacted.

It is true that the origin of this war is the infinite gems, but they are not trying to possess the gems, but to stop Thanos’ “family planning”.

If people from another world take away the source of the chaos, it seems… not bad?

“No! The Infinity Stones belong to our world, and it is impossible to give them to you.” The one-eyed man from S.H.I.E.L.D. appeared at this time, his projection fell in mid-air, and said to the visitors from DC next door.

“We can’t confirm whether they used the gems to save their world or to hurt us after they got the gems.” The one-eyed man plausibly said.

Some superheroes who were originally lax, raised their vigilance again.

The flames of war that seemed to have subsided to some extent, have a tendency to reignite again.

“Then let us do it!”

“We go to their world, and then our people snap our fingers and restore the world for them.” Batman said in a low and hoarse voice.

At the same time, it also interrupted the one-eyed man’s continued provocation.

He knew very well that this one-eyed man had selfish motives.

As the implementer of American imperialism’s justice, freedom, and equality, the One-Eyed Man is not reliable.

It can even be described as ulterior motives.

“I’ll go!” Hulk said first.

“My body is full of the power of gamma rays. These powers have the same source as the power of gems. If it were me, I could withstand the damage caused by gems to the greatest extent.” Hulk said.

At the same time, what he didn’t say was that with his ability and the power of the infinite gems, even Da Chao couldn’t forcibly **** the infinite gems from him.

Thor moved his mouth, but still didn’t speak.

He has a heavy responsibility to stay and find his people.

At the same time, Thor’s ability to resist injuries is not as good as that of the Hulk. Even if he holds an infinite gem, he may be killed by a surprise attack.

is indeed not as reliable as the Hulk.

After deliberation, the superhero from DC, under the impetus of Iron Man, agreed with Batman’s proposal, and chose to be followed by the Hulk to the DC world, snapping his fingers to save the world.

The special equipment worn by Neptune was removed and equipped on Hulk.

Then the group of people who traveled through time returned to the DC world together. After telling the Hulk all the details, the Hulk snapped his fingers again.

Infinity Stones were originally treasures of the Marvel universe, representing several ultimate powers in the universe.

Generally speaking, once this kind of treasure linked to the origin of the world is separated from the world that gave birth to it, its power will be greatly reduced.

But it is obvious that the power of the infinite gems has been strengthened by the black-hearted old man.

Part of the authority that belongs to the black-hearted old man is blessed on it.

When the fingers were snapped, invisible ripples swept the entire DC world.

Immediately afterwards, everyone and everything began to be chaotic.

The extra memory, the extra history, the extra cities and nouns, the extra everything… all of a sudden appeared in the brains of the creatures in the two worlds and in reality.

In a dimension that ordinary people cannot see.

Two timelines that could only be regarded as parallel, occasionally with the slightest trace of collision, are suddenly entangled.

At the same time, a big net of fate completely covered this long river of time.

Everything woven by the black-hearted old man completely replaced Ke Xiaoliang’s original setting.

At this time, Ke Xiaoliang’s authority still exists, but has been gradually evaded.

It’s like a monarch with no reputation, who theoretically controls the mountains, rivers and land, but in fact it is already difficult to make him out of the imperial court.

The black-hearted old man finally stole almost all the rights in the dream world of Turin.

The world… has changed!

All the golden immortals have simultaneously sensed this change.

They get excited and frantic.

The success of the black-hearted old man also seems to indicate that they may also take away the authority of this world in other ways.

Once the world is controlled, then when the Taiyi Dao Fruit is born.

Those who master the world will have the most unsolvable advantage.

“The world is really in his hands!”

“You didn’t do anything, are you really not worried?” Xiaoqing asked Ke Xiaoliang again.

Ke Xiaoliang said: “Of course we have to do something, otherwise it won’t look like it.”

While speaking, those hidden ancient gods, those hidden dream breakers, and some chess pieces buried in the second-level world were activated in different ways.

Ke Xiaoliang’s move is a vain attempt to break down the ‘net of fate’ arranged by the black-hearted old man.

The unscrupulous old man was naturally prepared.

Those superheroes spawned by the world are his best pawns.

Any ‘crisis’ occurs, and a superhero will emerge as the times require, and then resolve the catastrophe.

The cards in Ke Xiaoliang’s hands are being played less and less, but the cards in the hands of the black-hearted old man seem to be getting more and more.

Then, the black-hearted old man began to use means to repel the existence of those golden fairies.

Before Taiyi Dao Fruit came and appeared, the black-hearted old man seemed to be planning to clear the field first.

This is another extremely huge game that affects countless creatures.

In this game, he has replaced Ke Xiaoliang as the black-hearted old man of the world’s heaven, and has taken advantage.

Even if he himself never showed up, he can easily drive some golden immortals out of Turin’s Dream.

With the second world as a foreshadowing, in the third world, even some superheroes who are essentially ‘mortals’ can, under special conditions, burst out with golden fairy-level combat power and realm level.

This kind of special power is easy to control, but it can also be turned into a sharp sword that cuts off the golden immortal from remaining in this world.

(end of this chapter)

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