Devil’s Advent

Chapter 17 Taste

Turn off, curfew!

Every night, at a certain time, soldiers will come to convey the curfew order, and let all the peasants put out the bonfires they raised to rest.

There is a large temperature difference between day and night in the desert, but if you add tents in this season, it will not be unbearable.


Xue San took water, put out the bonfire, and got into the tent.

The other three passers-by A had their own simple tents, and the peasants came out in a hurry, and they were not nomads, so the tents in the peasant camp were very small, just to support them.

Those soldiers' tents looked pretty good, as they were allotted by the army.

Master sleeps inside, I sleep outside.

Liang Cheng put his blanket at the entrance of the tent and lay down.

Zheng Fan was also polite. Liang Cheng is a zombie, so he shouldn't be afraid of the cold, but he still looked at Xue San curiously, San'er, don't you come in to sleep?

Xue San smiled and shook his head, picked up the wine bag he had secretly brought from the tent, and then pointed outside, Master, I sleep outside, and I have already dug the pit. The pit is convenient.

After Xue San went out, Zheng Fan also lay down.

It's just that I can't sleep tonight no matter what.

The knife is placed under his blanket, and he can touch it with his hand. It seems that this cold object can bring him real warmth.

Your Majesty, just rest, we are watching. Liang Cheng said.


There was not much communication, because Zheng Fan believed in Liang Cheng's judgment.

The task of the grain transportation team that I and others are currently undertaking is definitely not as simple as transporting grain.

Liang Cheng said that there is a high probability that the logistics team he and others are in should be used as bait, and tonight he deliberately chose this very dead terrain to camp. If there is no accident, the use of bait should be That's tonight.

Even if you go and tell the centurion in the supply camp, that centurion will probably get rid of you quietly first. Seeing the strange behavior of that cavalry in the past few days, if nothing else, the supply camp The regular soldiers here should be clear about their mission.

As for protecting these innocent civilians, tell them the truth, and then lead them to bomb the camp and escape...

First of all, this is a desert, and it is four days away from Hutou City on the border. Once the civilian army is blown up and scattered, whether it is barbarians or Yan cavalry to deal with them, it is equivalent to a one-sided massacre. In the end, they can return alive. There are very few in Hutou City.

Moreover, if they really wanted to do this, the three of Zheng Fan would have to become criminals directly, and they would also implicate the blind Si Niang and the others in Hutou City.

Therefore, no one is a saint, and Zheng Fan has never thought of letting himself learn from a saint, and, from another perspective, if he is a little cold-blooded, using these two or three thousand civilians as bait, he will directly annihilate the enemy and complete the war The purpose may be a loss to these peasants, but to Daju...

This is a muddled account, and under the confused account, even those who understand can only learn rarely confused.

Zheng Fan kept telling himself in his heart that he was just a civilian husband, just a civilian husband, just a civilian husband...

On the battlefield, it is enough to save your own life.


If conditions permit,

I also don't mind trying to get some benefits for myself as much as possible.

However, due to the rush during the day, the physical exertion was really high. After lying down, Zheng Fan still felt that his eyelids were a bit heavy, so he could only carefully maintain his consciousness and try his best to squint for a while.

Liang Cheng, who sleeps at the mouth of the tent, sometimes opens and sometimes closes his eyes;

In the well-covered pit outside the tent, Xue San slowly sipped his drink one mouthful at a time, licking his lips with his tongue from time to time.


For Zheng Fan, now is a kind of anxious waiting;

But for both of them,

This is,

half a year,

Biggest expectation!

let this night,

Come deeper!


Behind the slope outside the camp, a group of dark figures appeared.

The black shadows gathered here, and then began to disperse at an extremely fast speed. After slowly reaching around the camp, they pulled out the sentries in their direction and began to sneak into the camp.

You can hardly tell that they are well-trained, because everyone's way of doing things is different, but it is true that they infiltrated all the way quietly without causing too much commotion in the camp.

These are the instincts cultivated during hunting on weekdays.

The conditions in the desert are harsh. These barbarians are originally warriors honed by nature. Even the iron cavalry of the Yan Kingdom relied on excellent equipment and tactical discipline to resist them in the Yan-Man War a hundred years ago. Therefore, the camp These people in the village were still peasants with hoes before, so they couldn't be their opponents.

Three black shadows crept into a tent, and there were three people lying inside, and the black shadows crept to the side of the sleeping man.

In the darkness, it seems that only a little light in the eyes can convey the meaning of each other.

The three of them started at almost the same time, covering each other's mouth with one hand first, and before the civilian husband under his hand woke up, the other hand held a knife and cut directly at the neck!

Puff puff!

There were no screams, not only here, but also several other places. This kind of infiltration and night attack was proceeding in an orderly manner.

After the three black shadows finished solving this one, they came out lightly and moved to the next tent.

First, he lifted the tent cloth and glanced at the number of people inside. One of the black figures was a little surprised. There was only one person lying at the entrance of the tent.

As a last resort, we can only solve this one first.

The shadow crouched down,

Like a master craftsman on the assembly line, the next steps are just a simple repetition.

He stretched out his hand first, and quickly pressed the opponent's mouth. The opponent seemed to wake up, but it was fine. The other hand held a knife and directly slashed down on the neck of the person below him!


There is a sound of rubbing,

The black shadow froze for a moment,

Wiping my neck this time gave me the feeling of sharpening a knife with a whetstone.

Moreover, the expected blood-hot liquid did not splash out.

Almost instinctively, Soi Ying held the knife and cut the man's neck back and forth several times.

Ka... ka... ka...

God, is this a human neck, so hard?

However, Soi Ying's doubts did not last long, because a hand suddenly grabbed his neck.


There was a crisp sound of joints.

Sombra's neck was broken, and the head and shoulders had the most intimate contact in their life.

The two black figures outside the tent seemed to have heard the sound coming from inside, and they were about to make a move in extreme surprise. Unexpectedly, a head gradually poked out from the ground under their feet.

There was a smile on the corner of Xue San's mouth, and he jumped up from the small pit where he was hiding in the ground, and after reaching a certain height, the daggers held in both hands took advantage of the trend to harvest!

Pfft! Pfft!

Two shadows fell to the ground.

Xue San twisted his neck, feeling like killing people after a long absence.

If Xue San really wanted to howl comfortably because he knew that the environment was not allowed, it would be better to learn how to howl a few more times.


The tent was lifted from the inside at this time, and Liang Cheng and Zheng Fan walked out together.

Liang Cheng was still holding a bloody head in his hand. At the same time, he said to Xue San:

Head off.


At this time,

A piercing whistle pierced the false silence tonight.

The gate of the camp was opened by the black shadows that had infiltrated, and the sound of galloping war horses suddenly came from outside.

There were more than a thousand cavalry roaring towards the front and back gates of the stockade. They roared and roared, filing in and rushing into the camp.

The checkpoints of the camp had already been eliminated, and the outer defenses had also been resolved a lot due to the previous infiltration. In this situation, two groups of cavalry, one in front and one behind, rushed into the main camp area smoothly.

The sleeping peasants were awakened, some were at a loss and didn't know what happened, and some saw the barbarians in animal skins charging forward on horses, and started to shout in fright .

As Liang Cheng had foreseen, during the enemy's raid this time, the camp was blown up very smoothly.

Originally, there were hundreds of regular troops in the main camp area, but they were also dispersed because of the scattering of their own civilians. They were directly smashed by the barbarian cavalry and then hacked and killed.

The camp under the night suddenly became a horse farm full of barbarian cavalry. They brandished their sabers and slashed wildly and willfully at the fleeing prey in front of them.

Kill the prey first, and then enjoy the wonderful moment of dividing the spoils.

Liang Cheng walked in front, Xue San followed behind, and Zheng Fan walked in the middle. After leaving the tent, the three of them went straight to a corner of the camp, where there were wooden carts piled up with grain and grass and a camp fence behind them. It was a simple fortification, and it was also a good point for them to step on before nightfall.

Zheng Fan tightly clenched the knife in his hand, mentally on high alert.

Xue San was sitting on the wooden cart, dangling his short legs.

Immediately, Xue San turned to Zheng Fan who was behind him and said, My lord, why don't we just sneak out now, after all, it's still too dangerous here.

Upon hearing this, Zheng Fan shook his head and said, I trust Liang Cheng's judgment.

This supply team is a bait. Now that the fish has been hooked, the fishing net should be coming soon.

Although it seems a bit too cruel to use the lives of thousands of civilians as bait, but now that the matter has been arranged, what Zheng Fan and others need to consider is how to protect themselves as much as possible under the premise of making preparations in advance. At the same time, get something of real interest.

For example, the heads of these barbarians!

As for escaping, what is the difference between escaping now and defecting to the national army in April 9th?

Seeing Zheng Fan's insistence, Xue San stopped persuading him. When he turned his head, his eyes met Liang Cheng's, and there was a hint of comprehension and satisfaction in the eyes of both parties.

My lord, don't be pedantic.

After everyone guessed the fate of this civilian husband team, they didn't clamor to tell everyone to save everyone's life, but directly talked about another matter.

The day before yesterday when we were escorting food and grass, I heard from the two soldiers that the heads of barbarians can be exchanged for rewards or rewards for military service.

Xue San smacked his mouth a few times, thinking: After all, he is the master who can draw himself and others. Although he is an ordinary person, he will inevitably feel a little flustered and uncomfortable, but his heart can It's really dark.


Two barbarian cavalry came after a soldier, and the leader rode up and chopped down the soldier. At the same time, he saw Zheng Fan standing between the wooden cart and the fence.


They let out excited ghost screams, and then continued to urge the horses under their crotches to run again, and charged towards the new prey.

Liang Cheng stood up silently, while Xue San closed his eyes and his earlobes moved slightly.

Zheng Fan couldn't help swallowing his saliva. He only learned from some information that cavalry was the absolute king in the era of cold weapons;

Although there are only two war horses rushing here, the impact is no less than that of an off-road vehicle driving at full speed when you stand in the middle of the road.

The sound of horseshoes, mixed with the sound of breathing, began to gradually slow down... slow down... slow down again...

Time seemed to be adjusted to a slow pace at this time.

However, Zheng Fan still didn't choose to escape or dodge, but continued to hold the knife in his hand tightly in a way that didn't seem so standard.

The distance is getting closer.

Xue San moved first,

His body first rushed down quickly, and then bounced off the front of the horse in an unimaginable way.

The barbarian knight swung his knife subconsciously, but he slashed in the air, but Xue San had already appeared beside him, and was still going upwards.

Hold the dagger in your hand backwards, raise your wrist, and pull it diagonally!


The dagger pierced through the barbarian cavalry's jaw and sank in an instant.

The barbarian cavalry only felt that his eyes were blood red, and then lost consciousness.

On Liang Cheng's side, he waited for the cavalry to rush in front of him before moving.

Perhaps, in the view of the barbarian cavalryman, the man in front of him would be turned into flesh under the iron hooves of his horse. However, this man swung his fist in an unimaginable way and hit the horse's head. .


The horse's front legs bent directly, and the terrifying inertia threw the barbarian cavalry forward.

Liang Cheng directly grabbed the animal skin clothes on the back of the opponent, pressed it on the car board, and at the same time raised his head suddenly, looking at Zheng Fan:


Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!!!!!!!!

almost instinctively,

Zheng Fan raised his knife,

Facing the completely subdued barbarian cavalry in front of him, he directly chopped down!


blood splatter,

Red, hot, hot,

Zheng Fan opened his mouth, opened his eyes wide, and shook his body slightly,

Slowly, I tasted another flavor,


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