Devil’s Advent

Chapter 20 Promotion!

Clah la la... clap la la... clap la la...

Xue San sat in the barrel, rubbing his body.

This wooden bucket was bought from Huotoujun, it was not a bath bucket, it was only used to carry water at ordinary times, but it was enough for Xue San's figure, and there was even some extra.

Hey, tell me, will something happen to our lord with that general?

While taking a bath, Xue San asked Liang Cheng who was sitting at the other end of the tent.

Liang Cheng took a look at Xue San, and said, A dog's nose doesn't have your soul.

Hey, that's right, even Si Niang's disguise technique can't hide it from my nose.

Including shit?

... Xue San.

ah! ah! ! ! ! ! ! !

Xue San yelled and slapped his body with water. This was already the fifth bucket of water.

As an assassin, it is very normal to sneak attack from behind. Xue San can't remember how many prey he has killed from behind, but this is really the first time that his face has been smeared by the prey.

For this reason, Xue San can only think that when he pulled the dagger down inside the opponent's body, he added a lot of dark energy, and his original intention was to smash the organs in the opponent's body together. Who knew that the centrifugal force was too strong...

Don't tell them about this matter, and you must never tell them when you go back! Xue San said seriously to Liang Cheng.

Liang Cheng shook his head indifferently.

Xue San continued to wash his body and returned to the previous topic:

According to the normal plot, there is a high probability that a female character disguised as a man will be taken into the protagonist's house. It may be hypocritical at the beginning, but gradually she will give up on the protagonist.


That's right, isn't Zhao Min in Yi Tian Tu Long Ji like this?

The same example, there are many.

In reality, when a woman falls in love with a man, she still has to look at the man's appearance, character, sincerity, and wealth;

But in literary and artistic works, as long as the authors think about it, they can always find reasons for countless women to back the protagonist.

Liang Cheng reluctantly took out the water bag, uncorked it, took a sip, and said:

That's a novel.

If it weren't for the inconvenient going out now, with Liang Cheng's character, he really wouldn't choose to sit here and watch the dwarf take a bath naked while bragging with the dwarf.

I said, dead zombie, you can't forget your roots as a human being, have you forgotten where we came from?

Hearing this, Liang Cheng frowned slightly. Some things can be accepted a long time ago, but acceptance does not mean understanding.

For others, it may be just a comic, but for us, it is our life.

Hehe, I don't have time to think about philosophy with you. Oh, now that I think about it, I regret it. When the Lord went out, I only had time to tell the Lord that the general in red armor was a woman, but I didn't tell the Lord well.

Admonish what?

My lord, if you are in front of the other party's tent, regardless of whether there are guards at the door, as long as the other party asks you to wait for a while before coming in, then you must not wait, and rush in directly!


Because the general was probably taking a bath, and the master rushed in by chance, and he was able to see her body completely;

Next, the female general will be ashamed and annoyed, and may order the Lord to be punished, but as the first man other than her father to see her naked body, the Lord will definitely leave a deep impression on her heart impression, and then...

Then she asked someone to push the master up and cut it, the master's pawn.


Xue San scratched his hair helplessly, and said melancholy: You are so vulgar.

It's you who are unrealistic.

Life is always more art than art. You must know that this is the first female character that the Lord has seen since he woke up. Nothing happens, nothing happens, and nothing is buried. Some foreshadowing, it seems that there is something unreasonable.

Liang Cheng didn't want to talk anymore, he felt that the dwarf was not only physically underdeveloped, but his brain might also be affected.

Perhaps, Qin Siyu is this type of person, because he has always been shorter than his peers, and because of his poor health, he likes to stay at home, but his mind is full of fantasies.

And this kind of character and habits are also completely inherited by his character Xue San.

Think about it, since that woman can disguise herself as a man and command the army, hehe, her status is definitely not low. If she is really accepted by the Lord, it will also be a boost to us, which is equivalent to someone at the stage of starting a business. He took the initiative to send venture capital, and also took the initiative to let you accept the unspoken rules.

When things are done, the most we will lose is the Lord's sons and grandchildren.

She doesn't deserve it.

Well, don't say that, our lord is still very good.

I'm talking about that woman, she is not worthy of the Lord.

Xue San frowned slightly, hung his arms beside the bucket, and looked at Liang Cheng:

Nimma, are you licking so shamelessly now?

With us here, the lord can marry the best woman in this world.

Xue San was stunned for a moment when he heard the words, and blinked his eyes. He couldn't deny this sentence, and even agreed with it in his heart. However, after a brief silence, Xue San still asked:

But now, we are still very weak. Those barbarians are nothing. If we are singled out, even if it is the kind of guy who can shine, we can kill them with our own ability and experience.

Ordinary soldiers, if they come one by one, they will die. If they come five or six, it will take a little effort at most, but what if there are twenty, fifty, or one hundred?

You have also seen the cavalry of the Yan Kingdom. If you are on the plains, without the advantage of terrain, fifty cavalry will take turns to attack you. Even if you are a zombie, how many rounds can you survive?

Liang Cheng turned his head sideways, glanced at the injury on his left arm, and said:

We only recovered a little bit.

From everyone's peak, from everyone's true strength, what everyone has recovered now is really just the tip of the iceberg.

Who knows how we can recover a little bit more? If we really recovered a little bit more, it wouldn't be our lord who went up to see that woman, but we would directly bind that woman from among the hosts and send her to the lord's bed.

Don't tell me, you didn't find out.

What did you find? Xue San showed curiosity.

The Lord's strength. Liang Cheng replied.

The barbarian cavalry that was hacked to death by the master immediately appeared in Xue San's mind.

You mean, how much our strength can be recovered, and whether we can recover further, the key is still on the Lord?

I only know that before the Lord woke up, we were just ordinary people.

Ha, and it's been a long time since the Lord woke up, and his strength suddenly became comparable to that of an adult male who has been exercising all year round. When I was marching, I always thought that the Lord would not be able to sustain it, but he persisted.

Maybe, this point, the Lord himself has not really discovered and realized it;

That is,


It might not just be us.


Zheng Fan came outside the military tent. Outside, there were not many soldiers guarding him, only the old man holding a sword stood alone at the entrance of the tent.

He didn't ask Zheng Fan to wait. As soon as Zheng Fan came over, the old man stretched out his hand and opened the curtain, indicating that Zheng Fan could go in.

After entering, I have already learned from Xue San that this is a general disguised as a man, and he is not taking a bath.

She was still wearing her conspicuous red armor, kneeling behind the table, flipping some letterheads in her hand, and there was a heroic spirit flowing between her brows.

After Zheng Fan came in, he hesitated for a moment, then knelt down on one knee.

Meet the general.

As for the last general, there is no more to say.

The general threw the letter in his hand on the table, and looked at Zheng Fan kneeling below him with great interest.

You have made a lot of contributions this time, and I want to reward you.

Zheng Fan didn't speak, just raised his head and looked at her.

In particular, I paid more attention to the part of the Adam's apple, but because of the cover of the armor, I can't see it very clearly.

Most importantly, because of the cover of the armor, I don't know what the figure of this woman is.

After all, the awakening effect of armor is much stronger than that of bra.

Zheng Fan didn't know why he was thinking about these things in his mind now. Probably, it was because he was a little nervous, so he subconsciously diverted his thinking.

Men have two brains, both shaped like walnuts, and as a rule one of them is functioning while the other tends to be dulled.

And that general was also a little embarrassed. After all, the superiors seemed to be used to it. When they said they wanted to reward someone, the people below showed their loyalty and called for loyalty to the boss. They had nothing else to ask for.

Of course, this is not to be taken seriously, but everyone seems to pay attention to this process.

But right now, this man doesn't seem to have any plans to cooperate with his performance.

A smile appeared on the corner of the general's mouth, and said:

Two kinds of rewards, let you choose by yourself;

One is to enter my personal barracks and become a servant of my Li family. After two years, whether to go out or continue to stay in the family, the roads are much more spacious.

Another one, are you from Hutou City?


The Ministry of War and the Ministry of Household issued an edict a few days ago, because more and more horse bandits have harassed the caravan in recent years, requiring each fortress to form its own team of caravan guards.

However, none of the military expenses and ordnance was allocated from above, which means that only one 300 people weaving, as for the rest, each locality will solve it by itself.

Therefore, the second reward is the Hushang Xiaowei in the Hutou City area.

Speaking of this, the general himself felt that he could not continue, paused, and continued:

Forget it, after tomorrow's army sets out, you can follow me back to the Li family's home. The future will not be...

I choose the second one!

Zheng Fan immediately raised his head and said.

The general's voice froze suddenly.

It seemed a little unbelievable, so I asked again:

Choose... which one?

Zheng Fan answered again without hesitation:

Article two.

He would rather be a chicken head than a phoenix tail, he is in Tiger Head City, at least he has seven demon kings under his command, and the second one calls him master all day long.

I have a mental illness and ran to you to be a servant?

the most important point is,

Zheng Fan knew how much he weighed. He was only a soy sauce maker for the credit this time. Liang Cheng gave him a head and took it for him.

If I really leave these subordinates and go out alone,

Zheng Fan felt that he didn't even know how he died.

You, you won't regret it?

Zheng Fan took a deep breath, shook his head seriously, and said:

No regrets.

Yes, can you tell me the reason? Is this the servant of my Li family who makes you look down on me?

Zheng Fan immediately replied:

Tiger Head City is my home, and I can't bear to leave it.

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