Devil’s Advent

Chapter 24 Original Sin

No matter how powerful an opponent is, as long as the opponent is human, as long as you have a knife in your hand and motivate yourself, at least you still have the courage to stand up and do your best.

After all, who doesn't have one shoulder on top of his head, he will also hurt, bleed, and die if he is stabbed!

However, in the face of Ah Ming, you can't kill him, but he can cut your opponent with a single sword. The weapons pierced all over his body are like decorations for some kind of embellishment.

Courage is accompanied by a certain worldview, and it collapses in an instant.

After all, they are just a gang, a small gang in a small Hutou city, there must be some desperadoes, but if all of them are brave enough to die, it is really a bit over the top.

The remaining members of the Hyena Gang collapsed. They dropped their weapons and began to howl and flee. They fled aimlessly, only wanting to stay away from that demon.

It's a pity that they seem to have forgotten that besides being unable to kill this demon, his speed is also very fast.

The next step is to simply harvest the heads, which makes A Ming less fun. He still wants to let these people give him a few more knives. After all, the look of watching the prey struggling in front of him is useless and desperate And the miserable cry can bring him a great sense of spiritual satisfaction.

But there is no way, according to Blind Bei, the members of this gang have original sins, and after the master returns, if the inn also takes over this human trafficking business, the master will be displeased.

At the same time, it is necessary to kill chickens and monkeys, so no matter how boring repetitive movements are, I need to persevere.

Fortunately, it can be regarded as practicing sword.

stab, hack, cut, chop,

One by one, the gang members were harvested by A Ming's sword until, in the entire courtyard, there were no living people who could stand up.

There should be fish that slip through the net, but that's not important anymore, after all, A Ming is only one person, and he can't do multiple clones and run out to hunt down.

At least, the current him can't make a clone.

The point of the sword pierced through a room. In the room, there was a stench, and there were twenty or thirty men dressed as barbarians huddled in a corner, each of them had wounds and was wearing shackles.

When they saw Ah Ming, who was covered in blood and even had a few weapons on his body, some of them were so frightened that they knelt down and begged for mercy, while others were trembling, saying to themselves that they were gods. , this is a demon...

A Ming shook his head, backed out, and opened another door.

This is a wing room, which should be the room for the gang members.

In the room, three women who were obviously not barbarians were tied up inside, with scars on their bodies. The one on the far left should be dead, and the other two were also dying, and both were naked.

Tsk tsk...

Obviously, as a middleman in human trafficking, so many big men from the Hyena Gang gathered in these two yards, and they couldn't justify having some fun on weekdays.

Ah Ming was a little thankful that the blind man Bei didn't come in, otherwise, if the blind man saw this scene and aroused the sense of justice in the blind man's heart, God knows what kind of way this guy would torture and kill those hyena gangs.

Compared with Blind Bei's methods, at least his own sword can give them a good time, which is considered a great kindness.

Ah Ming opened another room. This room was not smelly. There were more than a dozen young girls in it. Their clothes were still neat. When Ah Ming entered, they screamed and hugged each other.

Because of the sudden war, the trade routes were temporarily cut off, and because of this, the hyenas had accumulated a lot of goods here and hadn't had time to sell them.

These girls should be sold to nobles of the barbarians in the desert, so they are better protected.

A Ming shook his head and backed out.

It's almost resolved, the only regret may be that in the hyena gang, there is no one who can shine, which makes A Ming a little disappointed.

Don't take off the pendant on your body, just walk out.

Blind Bei's voice came again.

You are sick?

A Ming asked back.

Let it be.


Everyone admitted that he was sick, and Ah Ming felt that he should be more generous.

Walking through the blood-soaked yard, he pushed open the half-hidden door and walked out.

Then he saw a group of men with knives and guns standing beside Blind North's mule cart.

The closest to Blind North was a big red-faced man, tall, maybe only a little shorter than Fan Li.

A Ming's first reaction was that Blind Bei was being held hostage, and then, this reaction was vetoed by A Ming himself.

When others are hijacked, they may not be able to remind their teammates, but Blind Bei is obviously not one of them. Moreover, since this blind man can make everyone acquiesce as the strategist who made the plan, it is not just because he is blind that his image fits.

As soon as A Ming, who looked like he had opened a weapons shop, appeared,

Immediately, these people beside the mule cart took several steps back in fright.

These wounds, the strong smell of blood, and the silent base camp of the Hyena Gang, none of them can be faked.

And the red-faced man stared at A Ming with fear at first, and then enthusiasm, like a fan who suddenly saw the idol he had been thinking about day and night!

This hot feeling made A Ming frown a little.

Ah Ming can confirm that when he licked the master himself, he was not so proactive.

I didn't lie to you, did I? Blind Bei said to the big red-faced man beside him.

I... no, the villain is naturally Mr. Xin's.

Hearing this, the blind man Bei smiled, stretched out his hand, and took out a dagger from the red-faced man's waist.

The red-faced man froze for a moment, but he didn't stop him. He had a knife on his back and a dagger tied around his waist.

Blind Bei beckoned Ah Ming to come closer,

A Ming took two steps forward and walked in front of Blind Bei.


Blind Bei raised his dagger at A Ming,

poked down.


The dagger pierced Ah Ming's chest.

... A Ming.

A Ming stood there without moving, while Blind Bei pulled out the dagger again.

see that?

Look... look... I see it.

The red-faced man's face turned dark for a while and then turned redder, apparently constantly switching between the two extreme emotions of shock and surprise.



Blind Bei stabbed Ah Ming again.

... A Ming.

A Ming continued to stand there without moving.

Beads of sweat were already streaming down the face of the red-faced man, and the faces of the men around him also started to sweat.

Do things well, in the future, you can do the same, endless life, immortal body.


Blind Bei also looked around,

Although he is blind,

But everyone present has a feeling of being watched at the moment.

You... also have a chance.


The red-faced man knelt down directly, like the most fanatical believer, and the subordinates around him also knelt down together.

In fact, Ah Ming could feel that when the blind man spoke just now, he released his mental power and hypnotized this group of people to a slight degree.

This is the basic move of the magic stick to please believers. It is a bit like a man-made charm of personality, which makes you subconsciously want to believe him and support him, as if everything he said is the truth.

The blind man pointed to the direction of the courtyard, and said:

Don't touch the tickets inside. They are all settled, and the goods are sent to the inn.

Your subordinates obey! The red-faced man immediately took orders.

Leader of the car gang, have you made an appointment? Blind Bei asked.

I made an appointment, count the time, and I should have arrived at the inn by now.


Blind Bei beckoned to A Ming, then waved his whip again, and whipped the mule in front of him.

A Ming got into the cart, and the mule cart continued to move forward slowly, forward, and forward...

After leaving this block, Blind Bei explained to A Ming:

The one just now is the leader of the Juyi Gang, called Hong Bazi.


Well, the Hyena Gang has original sin and must be eliminated. We can't take over their business for the time being, but we must have a group of people who can do things under our own hands.

When did you hook up with him?

He has a little mental illness, and before I went blind, I was a psychiatrist. I helped him see a doctor by means of fortune-telling. Therefore, he trusts me a lot. For a patient, a doctor who can help him heal There's a kind of idolatry.

It's not just because of the treatment.

Well, of course, with you as a ready-made specimen here, too many things are easy to handle. Throughout the ages, both ordinary people and emperors and generals have been obsessed with longevity. This obsession, than all gold and silver wealth.

Why do we have no one to use now? I regret sending Ali to the desert now.

The members of the Juyi Gang will use it first, and then they will have money coming in every month. It is better than just supporting an inn.

So, I really have to thank Young and Dangerous, so the Lord should have no objection to collecting protection fees.

Next, where to go.

Ah Ming asked while pulling out the weapon embedded in his body.

Zhuge Liang borrowed arrows from a straw boat, but here he borrowed weapons from his body.

Go to the Sanshenhui.

This time, is it your turn?


How to do?

Believers are innocent, because in this world, people who are easy to fool have always accounted for the majority. There is no need to make it so bloody like you. After solving a few of their high-level leaders, they will naturally fall apart and disperse. .”

As for the Chebang, should I give it to Si Niang?

At this moment, Si Niang should already be entertaining them.

How should we deal with the top officials of the Hyena Gang?

In fact, every gang is covered by people. Although Hutou City is small, it is still the standard of a county town, with all internal organs.

People on the official level don't care who is dead and who is alive below. What they care about is their filial money. Just give it as usual first. After we deal with and integrate the lower part, we will make a new plan.

I thought you'd let me kill them.

It's not necessary, because for us now, if we take online games as an example, we are only in Xinshou Village, especially the kind of people who can shine on their bodies. In this Hutou City, there are not many, and it can even be said that there are many people. It’s rare, but since they were able to separate out a ninth grade, it’s too much, and it really provoked a lot of trouble, and we will be the ones to be cleaned up.”

Ah Ming didn't speak, but silence was a kind of default.

It would be great if it could be stronger.

That's why I asked Liang Cheng and Xue San to accompany the master to be husbands, have you noticed that when the master was unconscious, we were ordinary people.

During the past six months when the Lord was in a coma, each of us actually thought of many ways, but there was no way to recover even the slightest bit of strength.

Then, the Lord woke up, and even if we were a little awkward, we went up to express our loyalty and sensationalism, licked,

The strength recovered a little immediately,


What do you think the Lord is like?

Hearing this, A Ming fell into deep thought.

after a while,



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