Devil’s Music

Chapter 28: In China?

When Jang Hyuk, Oh Ji-ho, and Lee Daehae appeared at the airport, there was a moment of chaos, but thanks to the thorough security at Incheon Airport, they swiftly processed VIP clearance for departure, allowing the group to board the plane without major issues.

Geon, being a first-time flyer, couldn't contain his excitement, exploring the plane's interior curiously. The flight attendants, initially gossiping about the arrival of celebrities, were taken aback when they saw Geon's face.

Blushing, the attendants giggled whenever their eyes met Geon's. Nonetheless, as the departure neared, they swiftly resumed their professional demeanor, tidying up the cabin and conducting safety instructions and emergency briefings before the plane departed for China.

Among the crew and celebrities, Da-hae, insisting on sitting beside Geon, happily shared peanuts with him.

"Geon~ Are they good?" she asked, offering the peanuts.

Geon accepted graciously, feeling less burdened by Da-hae's kindness. In fact, after the conference and the week leading up to their departure, they'd been texting and calling each other daily, growing quite close.

"These are really good, noona. But wait, are all the snacks free on the plane?"

"Well, basics are complimentary, but some items need to be ordered and paid for. However, in first class, we have more options available without charge compared to economy or business."

"Ah, I see. My younger sibling loves peanuts. I'd like to bring some home for them."

"Really? You can ask for more. As long as you're not carrying an excessive amount, there aren't strict limits."

"Oh, really? Then I'll ask for a few more. They got upset since I said I wouldn't bring any and promised to give me pocket money if I did."

"Hehe, seems like Geon is really caring towards their sibling."

"Well, yeah, they can be a bother sometimes, but they're so adorable and quick-witted."

As the flight prepared for takeoff, Yeongseok, looking a bit uneasy, leaned over and asked Geon about their preparedness for singing.

"Geon, are you all set for the song? I asked AD, and they mentioned not reaching out specifically, so I assumed you're well-prepared."

"Yes, hyung. Everything's ready, lyrics and all."

Relieved, Yeongseok relaxed.

"Ah, good. I have to manage every little thing. Our AD has good drive but lacks attention to detail. The main writers are meticulous, thank goodness, or else I'd have a breakdown working with them."

"Why do you say that about the AD who's good at their job?"

Da-hae nudged Geon, speaking with her elbow.

"Ah, don't mind him. Yeongseok is just making it up. The AD is well-respected in this field. Don't worry, he's just trying to push you further, pay no mind. Apparently, they criticize more the ones they want to grow."

Geon chuckled and nodded in agreement.

"Ah, Yeongseok hyung is just joking? You seem nice. Hehe."

Yeongseok scratched his face and returned to his seat.

Meanwhile, Hogan, seated ahead with the manager, turned to look at Geon.

"Geon, have you seen the video released in China? You're in it."

Geon shook his head.

"No, it hasn't been broadcasted domestically, so I haven't seen it."

Da-hae gestured to a small bag from which she retrieved her iPad.

"Hehe, Geon, I brought it just for you! I thought you might want to see it, so I nagged Yeongseok oppa and got it as a file. Here, take a look."

Geon smiled, taking the iPad from Da-hae.

"Thanks, noona. You're always so thoughtful."


Geon touched the screen, playing the video. It showcased interactions between Yeongseok, Geon, and others, but Geon's face remained obscured. Then, there were glimpses of a conversation between Da-hae and Geon, generating anticipation for their relationship in the video. Despite Geon's brief appearance, the captions hyped their involvement.

As the video ended, Geon seemed surprised.

"Huh? My face hardly showed up for three seconds, how could that be?"

Yeongseok approached, commenting, "Ji-ho's right, Geon. The Chinese network even wanted to interview you separately. They've been reaching out for entertainment programs. We had to decline due to our tight schedule. Just play along casually during breaks if cameras approach you."

Is this about right? I'm doing my best to match the tone and essence of the scene!


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