
Chapter 149: The Crusade Show

Chapter 149: The Crusade Show

Count Uxtual clenched his fist around the handle of his sword, then he unclenched it and he clenched it again. This was one of his nervous ticks and he would usually avoid doing this since this created an ominous creaking sound from his gauntlets. However, with what was coming he allowed himself this little bit of release. At least it made his subordinate comforted, they seemed to think it was the Count being eager for battle, as if he couldn’t wait to spring into the fray.

He was standing at the west gate and was currently waiting for some advanced reinforcements from the Empire. The main army will most likely arrive in the middle of the siege so he will need to hold out until then. With these reinforcement he should be able to hold out. The concerning thing was that he just got news from a white owl. The white owl was the preferred messenger bird of the elves and he just got some very concerning news. The elves keep extremely close tabs on the vampire considering two of their most powerful members had converted into pure vampires.

Apparently, the vampiric presence has lessened on the elven border and worst was that it seems that Ordias Derenge has left with the crusade. Historically Lictor Ordias Derenge always sends one of his Paralictors on the Crusades. Ordias Derenge prefers to focus his time on the elves so for him to turn his gaze east towards Zarima was a concerning irregularity.

Ordias Derenge was probably the best tactician in Terra. He actually has won several skirmishes against the forces of Heaven. The remaining regions that do not bow to heaven were just the places that the angels could not overcome without suffering significant losses. That part was common knowledge, he didn’t need the Goddess to tell him that. Only the ignorant masses below truly believe that the angels above are all powerful benevolent creatures. Anyone with any idea on how it all works can deduce the fact that the angels are not all powerful and all good. If they were, there would be no Vampires in Necoronas, no demon spawn in Umbara and no Naga in the sea. He would add the Ostayans to that list but it seems their species was rapidly becoming past tense thanks to the Naga.

Count Uxtual knew the reason why the Naga wiped the Ostayans out so easily. Many would quote superior training, superior equipment and the element of surprise. Those were the most obvious reasons at least to someone who knew nothing of war. There was a reason why the hives are so effective and it wasn’t the rapid adaptation, the fearlessness or whatever else. It was the discipline, everything else was useless unless the soldiers were disciplined enough to execute their orders. The most powerful forces in all three worlds were also the most disciplined.

The host of Heaven was a well-trained and well-disciplined army, the same for the core forces of Hell. Although the demons have a reputation for being unruly that was only for the lower castes, Count Uxtual knew the records. The Hell Knights were some of the most fanatical soldiers in existence.

The only thing now was to see what quality of soldiers the Empire could produce. They must be confident if they sent these ones as an advanced party. The Empress was no fool; the last thing she wanted would be to make a bad impression.

Just as that thought crossed his mind he saw a group of riders in the distance. Almost a thousand riders were moving in neat formation but funnily enough there was no cloud of sand. Usually when that many cavalry move they make quite the sand cloud. However as the riders got closer he noticed that for some reason they were awfully quiet. If he was at ground level he wouldn’t notice them until they were basically right on top of him.

Well he would soon get the answer to his question. The riders would be here soon judging by their speed. Count Uxtual descended the wall and waited at the little plaza right beyond the gate. It didn’t take long for the riders to arrive and what he saw was fascinating. These riders were wearing living armor. They rode the white beasts of the hive and their equipment seems to be partly constructed using the materials from the hive.

However, what unnerved him the most was how well integrated the rider and the mount was. The saddle was part of the armor and the legs of the rider slotted into neat compartments in the beast’s armored hide. It looks like the riders were sitting inside the beast.

“Hail, are you Count Uxtual?” the lead rider said from behind his helmet of white bone. The helmet had six eyes and two focused on him while the rest of the eyes constantly scanned the surroundings.

“Yes.” Count Uxtual said his voice even, yet slightly anxious.

He was expecting elite troops and the demeanor of these soldiers does give off that feeling. Yet somehow this groups soldiers seemed… wrong. It reminded him of the tales of the old world where anything was able to be sacrificed in the pursuit of power.

“We have been sent as an advance party to help scout and slow down the advance of the incoming vampiric forces.” the lead rider said as he moved to dismount. The armor on the beast shifted and released his legs and Count Uxtual watched as the rider seemingly emerged out of the creature.

“Captain Oris. I used to be a gold ranked adventurer in case you were wondering.” the rider said as he grabbed the bone helmet. The living helmet opened up and released his head showing that the helmet was indeed alive.

“The armor disturbs you.” Oris stated matter of factly.

Count Uxtual nodded as he gazed at the subtly moving helm in the Oris’s hand.

“A common reaction but I assure you my arms and armor are quite effective. If I had access to this in my adventuring days there would be no more monsters in the Elysian Woods. Well, other than the Ancient that was apparently sleeping there for a few thousand years.” Oris said as he finished with a shrug.

“Are you certain you are able to slow down the progress of the dead?” Count Uxtual asked and Oris nodded.

“Yes we will delay the forces of the dead but we won’t be doing it alone. There are two hive broods already engaging the forces of the Black Crusade. We will try to delay and thin the herd. The less dead that reach your walls the better.” Oris stated.

“Well I cannot refute that, do you require any reinforcements from me?” Count Uxtual asked.

“No spend your efforts fortifying. My forces are more suited for this task. I trust you have been preparing?” Oris asked and Count Uxtual nodded. Usually this question would be insulting but given the situation every bit of due diligence was a comfort not an insult. It felt good that his allies were taking the situation seriously.

“We have ten thousand barrels of alchemical fire ready to be poured over the walls at this time among other preparations.” Count Uxtual said.

“Ten thousand? Well that is quite impressive. However, not to be disrespectful but I feel you may need another ten thousand more.” Oris said and Count Uxtual nodded again.

“Yes I agree, do you happen to have an estimate on how many foes we are facing?” Count Uxtual asked.

At those words Oris grimaced as he went silent for a moment. Then he leaned in as if to whisper in Count Uxtual’s ear. This gesture alone told Count Uxtual that he was not going to like what he was going to hear…


“Why are you so worried? We have more than two million soldiers and the fools are actually trying to use attrition against us. Us, the forces of the dead.” Rosa said with a derisive laugh.

Ordias in response just turned to give her a look that was dripping with disdain.

“It is not what they are doing that vexes me. It is why they do it. The Great Beast is an Ancient, he knows attrition will not work, yet here his hive is doing it anyway. What does he know that we do not…” Ordias said as he gazed at the projection before him.

“Maybe he is just a fool.” Rosa offered and Ordias couldn’t help but roll his eyes.

“Really. A fool? Look at that, the new riders. They are like actors, doing exactly what a humanoid general would do. They are trying to thin the herd when we all know that will do next to nothing.

We have to clash at that fortress, so they should be trying to break us on those walls. Picking off bits and pieces will do almost nothing since we can just revive the fallen. All they are doing is slightly draining our power reserves.

It feels like…” Ordias said but Rosa spoke out before he could finish.

“He is testing us. It’s a game.” Rosa stated and Ordias turned to look at her in a slight bit of surprise.

“Yes… a test…” Ordias said as he continued to look at Rosa as if she had grown a second head. Rosa was more of a kick down the door and the surrounding wall type of girl. Subtly and intrigue was not really her strong suit. At least as far he knew…

“Oh come now Ordias, did you really think I was always in the position to do whatever I want?” Rosa said as she raised a brow.

“I had my fair share of shit to deal with when I first turned. So many nauseating fools trying to get me into their beds. They are all nice and obedient now.” Rosa muttered.

“Because you lobotomised them.” Ordias stated as he turned back to the screen.

“Yes, first chance I got actually. What about you?” Rosa asked as she turned to look at Ordias.

“What did you do once you took power?” Rosa asked.

“I had my enemies executed.” Ordias stated matter of factly.

“Well that’s boring.” Rosa deadpanned as she turned her gaze to the screen.

“But effective, there were more important things to handle.” Ordias said.

“Indeed, like how the hive is being thoroughly ineffective…” Rosa muttered and Ordias gave her a funny look again.

“Oh come now Ordias, I know this is the first time we have been working together but you know. If you look like air head people treat you like one and they also conveniently forget that I am a Vampire Queen. They forget I rule a court filled with sycophants and schemers.” Rosa said as she reached for a goblet filled with a mixture of wine and blood.

“And you outsmarted them all, and you continue to.” Ordias said and Rosa nodded in response.

“That I do, but I can’t help but think…” Rosa began.

“That we are getting outsmarted.” Ordias finished.

“Yes, when I look at their forces I keep wondering where the rest of it is. If I were the Great Beast I would overwhelm our forces as soon as I was able. If he threw everything at us we would take significant losses.” Rosa said as she tapped her finger on the arm of her chair.

“I assume that preparation mostly includes those abominations you have. Those aren’t for the Zariman walls are they? They are for the Hive, you can’t even let any of the undead near it. The amount of Ether jamming they have will fry any control over the Hive.” Ordias said and Rosa nodded before scowling.

“I wanted to think the Great Beast knows about that so he has been avoiding a confrontation until he has optimal conditions. Which would be right at the fortress when we are stuck against the wall. But now, I think we are being tested and we aren’t fighting a war or waging a crusade.” Ordias said as he watched the riders on screen bid an extremely organized retreat once they felt they had done enough damage.

“Oh come now Ordias, there is a reason why the the humanoids have beaten back Black Crusades on their own in the past. It’s because the full might of Necoronas has never been brought to bear. The two of us have witnessed many Black Crusades and yet we have never sat in the same room until now.

We are using each other. You don’t need the thralls that badly and neither do I. This Black Crusade serves no purpose… unless…” Rosa said with a smile.

“Yes, this is just a show. You need me to keep the Hive off your back but in order for that to happen most of my army ends up useless. Which is why I needed you. You knew this going in and I knew it going in.” Rosa stated with a sigh as she looked at the riders disappear in the distance. It was almost like the Great Beast was mocking them.

Taunting them.

Give me your best shot. Give me a show.

That was the message Rosa was getting from the Great Beast.

“Why are you here Ordias? I have my suspicions but I would like to know the truth.” Rosa said and Ordias pressed a button on the table causing the projection to vanish.

“The truth is a dangerous thing, Lady Maledicta. You should know that most of all.” Ordias said as he shot her an even look.

“Oh I do, but I like to take risks. Much like yourself Lictor Derenge, afterall why would you leave your fortress virtually undefended for this little escapade?” Rosa challenged as she raised a brow.

“Hmm…” Ordias murmured without saying a word and Rosa just rolled her eyes.

“Fine, I’ll show you mine if you show me yours.” Rosa said as she crossed her arms.

“My my you must be truly desperate.” Ordias said as a rare grin appeared on his face.

“Oh don’t look so smug, I can hear you lashing the slaves from my bedchamber.” Rosa replied with a roll of her eyes.

“Do you usually vent by whipping slaves so hard you cleave them open?” Rosa asked and the grin vanished off Ordias’s face.

The two of them went silent for a moment and then they sighed in unison.

“This crusade was never going to succeed.” Ordias said.

“Yes it wasn’t.” Rosa said as she chewed the inside of her cheek in frustration.

Ordias sighed as he here to offer terms to the Great Beast

The angels are not going to be happy about this

This may spark another great war…

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