Devouring Is Evolving: My Reincarnation As An Arctic Wolf

Chapter 249: Human potions, distribute wolves.

At this time, Sander, who was still in the mountain shelter in front of him, didn't know that just a few kilometers behind, the purple lynx was killing and eating bloodily among his troops.

Only Tiffany's sensitive mental strength felt a little dull pressure when he was resting on the heavy tank.

This pressure comes directly from the soul, and only she who also possesses spiritual power can feel it.

This pressure was very similar to what he had when facing the mighty mental strength of the wolf king and the red-tailed wolf.

"Huh? What's the situation? Is the pressure wrong, or is the wolf king coming?"

Tiffany, who was in the heavy tank, was suddenly startled by the pressure and sat up on the rest bed, and then looked at the detection radar and video surveillance screen in the heavy tank with a pair of beautiful big eyes.

It's just that everything works fine and doesn't show any fluctuations.

This made Tiffany feel as if he was hallucinating.

After all, that dull pressure came too suddenly and disappeared in a flash.

"Oh, Colonel Tiffany, what's the matter with you? Why do you look so pale?"

At this time, the soldier who was driving the heavy tank also noticed Tiffany beside him, and she asked with concern.

The army under Sander's command has also added more than 500 female soldiers.

Since it is necessary to eat and live together in a heavy tank, the heavy tank that Tiffany rides is naturally a heavy tank for all female fighters.

As for the identity of Colonel Tiffany, it was also specially approved by the Military Wei Committee.

Even a group of Inuit entourage who followed Sander were granted the ranks of major and captain.

After all, in the eyes of real high-level human beings, such false names as military ranks have no value.

As long as their goal is achieved, it is worthwhile to give more military ranks to explore the recent situation in the North Pole again.

However, in the eyes of many high-level human beings, Sander, Tiffany and other people, if they go to the North Pole once, there will be very few people who can come back alive.

But no high-level human being would care.

Everyone only cares about what clues and gains this search will bring them.

At this time, Tiffany shook her head and said, "It's okay, pay more attention to the fluctuations of video surveillance and radar detection."

"Yes, yes, Colonel."

After the sporadic and clear dialogue in the heavy tank fell, Tiffany still felt a little uneasy in her heart. She started to contact Sander with the communication device, and wanted Sander not to be careless.

If it doesn't work, add some more security forces to guard the periphery.

After all, although this is the former territory of wolves, there was a terrifying rat wave and the terrible rat king, but after all, more than half a year has passed, I don't know if there will be any strange beasts coming here again nest.

It's just that even Tiffany would never have imagined that there are no exotic beasts occupying the magpie's nest.

Instead, there was only one mysterious Gu king who had been killed from the southern border of Siberia until the world was turned upside down, and was raised alive to have the strongest, craziest and craziest combat power, and came specially to follow them.

At this time, amidst the howling snowstorm and Tiffany's uneasy mood, the purple lynx that was still killing and eating wantonly in the rear was still unnoticed.

The majestic mental power shocked all humans who wanted to scream and fight back, and the fluctuation of mental power could not be detected by any radar detection equipment.

Even the figure of the purple lynx doesn't need to activate any talents, and it can almost completely blend in the night just by relying on the restrained breath.

The natural concealment skills of the purple lynx are not inferior to the arctic silver foxes whose hair changes with the environment.


And just when this lynx started to kill wantonly,

Nearly a thousand miles away, in the place where the wolves encountered adventures, a blizzard also began to set off.

This blizzard has a tendency to get bigger and bigger.

Standing on a high snow **** in the Land of Adventures, Su Lin looked at the cold wind that began to howl in the sky.

I originally thought that Sander and the others would delay their return for a few days. After all, after the great change in the world, the blizzard in the North Pole was very violent.

Once it blows, the howling blizzard can often roll bushes and huge shards of ice into the air, and its power is enough to make even ten-level alien species look sideways.

But what Surin didn't expect was that several Inuit and hundreds of servants sent by Sander to deliver supplies returned to the Land of Adventures first.

Because Sander let them leave two days in advance, and delivered the supplies back in advance.

So dodged the blizzard.

After returning, hundreds of servants looked at such a huge pack of wolves, and their eyes were filled with uncontrollable fear.

They could never have imagined that the nobleman who bought them would bring this batch of astonishingly valuable supplies to such a pack of wolves rampant with strange beasts.

You must know that mutant creatures have always been the great enemy of human beings, and this kind of behavior is tantamount to being a naked enemy.

But they didn't dare to take any action.

Because on the snow **** not far from them, there is a giant white wolf with a size of nearly 30 meters, quietly looking down at them.

The white wolf didn't show the slightest breath, but the size alone shocked them.

Although these servants have received military training, they still have a low-level character of timidity and cowardice in their bones, otherwise they would not become the goods traded in the human trafficking agency.

Under the gaze of the giant white wolf's ruthless eyes, they felt as small as ants.

At most, they have only heard of such a terrifying beast, and they have never seen it before.

So they were trembling and restless, and even some cowards with poor psychological endurance had their legs limp on the ice layer, unable to stand.

However, under the scolding of a group of Inuit people, this group of people barely maintained their minds.

After the materials were delivered, Vincent, who was also a human being, came to meet them soon.

Vincent began to receive the supplies, and at the same time ordered a group of Inuit who followed him to disarm the slaves to prevent these individual weapons from going off due to some extreme reasons.

Maybe walking the fire won't hurt any members of the wolf pack, but if it causes displeasure to the wolf king and the big wolves,

Then don't say that these servants are dead, even Wen Sen and the others will be implicated.

So no mistakes are allowed.

At this time, when the Inuit under his command were in contact with these slaves, Vincent also looked at the materials in the hundreds of heavy-duty special trucks in front of him, and found that the materials were very rich.

There are all kinds of potions, as well as various foods, utensils and seasonings, all of which dazzle Wen Sen's eyes.

Vincent was originally an indigenous resident of the Arctic, and to be honest, he had never seen such a wealth of supplies in his own tribe.

So now after seeing it, there is an irrepressible light in his eyes.

These seasonings, various materials and tools, etc., mean that the quality of life and enjoyment of the wolves in the future will be improved to a higher level.

With these seasonings and various utensils, and with the help of the delicious food reserves in the wolves, they are able to make the ultimate delicacy that human society covets.

Of course, all the delicacies, no matter in Vincent's or Sander's heart, must be tasted by the wolf king first.

In addition to these things, those various potions contained in exquisite instruments, as well as the cool mechs that even have a little bit of light, all made a primitive resident of Wensen feel shocked.

He knew that the value of this batch of supplies was absolutely high, so after receiving them, he quickly reported to the Wolf King with the list of supplies.

As for the slaves who came with heavy trucks, they were taken by Wen Sen's Inuit to the igloo where the human race lived.

Vincent at this time naturally also noticed the shock in the eyes of these servants, but he believed that as time went by, the shock and horror in their eyes would gradually fade away.

After all, the Inuit people, when they first saw the shamanism totem that the wolf king had torn apart their faith, weren't they still shocked to the point of disbelief?

At that time, how could they have imagined that such a heaven-defying beast could tear apart the totem they had worshiped for an unknown number of years, and feed on the totem?

But after joining the wolves, the original shock and horror had dissipated a lot.

Because time is the best medicine to heal everything and lighten everything.

Wen Sen's current strength has also reached the eleventh level, and his height has reached the point of three meters.

A group of servants did not dare to resist Wen Sen's order, so they were taken away by the Inuit.

It's just that Vincent, who was extremely tall in the eyes of the servants, was like a tiny chick in front of the wolf king.

He showed the list to the Wolf King very respectfully. He originally thought that the Wolf King didn't understand human characters, so he wanted to read it aloud to the Wolf King, but was soon stopped by a faint mental wave of the Wolf King.

In his previous life, Su Lin was a human being and loved archeology. He even studied obscure and difficult ancient texts, let alone modern mainstream languages.

With his current extremely powerful mental power, he can see all kinds of materials in the list with a slight glance.

After reading it, Su Lin knew that Sander had lived up to his expectations.

And it was a very good decision to choose Sander as the leader of the human part and the spokesperson of the wolves.

In a single purchase, Sander only used a few hundred catties of musk musk beef, ten catties of golden lemming meat, and thirty Thunder Skyhawk wings in exchange for so many supplies.

In particular, there are more than 20,000 medicines that Su Lin values ​​most.

These potions are enough for the wolves to use for a while.

In this kind of thinking, Su Lin also jumped, descended from the snow slope, and appeared at the place of hundreds of heavy transport trucks as if teleported by the wind.

These heavy trucks are all specially made, with a full length of 26 to 7 meters, and they have all opened the container.

After Su Lin came here, he checked all kinds of potions first.

After all, he signaled Sander to go out to purchase, mainly to purchase these medicines for humans.

If these medicines really have the effect of strengthening evolution, then no matter it is for Surin or for the wolves, it will be of great help.

Now all things are striving to survive, and all species are evolving at a rapid speed.

If they want to be the champions and survive in the cruel years ahead, the wolves can only evolve faster, stronger and stronger than all species!

Su Lin looked at these potions, faint mental power fluctuations flashed, and directly brought several potions out of the container.

The instruments are exquisitely placed, and they look beautiful under the light of the dots of car lights.

However, Su Lin didn't take the time to appreciate these things, and he exerted a little effort on his mental fluctuations.


With the sound of glass shattering, one of the instruments marked with auxiliary medicine shattered, and the liquefied medicine inside was also pushed into Su Lin's mouth by spiritual force.

These dots of medicine that humans take are too rare for Su Lin, and there is no reaction at all after one dose.

This made Su Lin shatter more than 20 bottles of auxiliary medicine with mental power again, and after swallowing it, he felt the faint fishy and sweet taste.

It tasted like the blood of a different species, with some other ingredients added to it.

Afterwards, the auxiliary medicine took effect, which also made Surin's wolf body start to feel a little hot.

It's just that the heating rate is too weak.

Compared with the evolution potion given by the system, it is completely different.

Under the effect of the auxiliary potion, Su Lin ate the flesh and blood of the Thundering Sky Eagle again, and found that the evolution value obtained was 1.3 times that of normal eating.

"Huh? Increased by 30%!"

At this time, a gleam of light flashed in Su Lin's pale blue wolf eyes.

This 30% is a big difference compared to the three times of the evolution potion.

But it's better to add 30% more than to eat normally.

And this extra 30% is to improve the absorption efficiency of the pure energy contained in the flesh and blood of the Kuanglei Tianying, without damaging the original body.

This has to make Su Lin feel that the wisdom of human beings,

To be able to develop this medicine to speed up evolution in just three years after the great change of the world, it can be seen that it has definitely gone through countless experiments and put in countless efforts.

With this kind of medicine, distributed to the wolves, it is enough to speed up the improvement speed of the wolves' different species.

At the same time, after this, Su Lin also used the other two medicines again.

It's just that these potions are too weak for his strength,

Only after taking 20 or 30 doses of medicine did it produce some effect.

The same effect is too weak.

The strength that the berserk potion can increase is less than one percent.

Even the most basic trauma can't be healed by healing potions.

In the end, the wound caused by Surin himself with the wolf claws was recovered under the passive effect of the healing talent.

However, the healing potion and violent potion have no effect on him.

It's just because Su Lin's strength is too strong, and these medicines developed by human scientists can't improve at all.

These medicines still have obvious effects on Little Hui, Nighthawk, Jackal, and Xiaobai.

The healing medicine can quickly restore a certain injury in a very short period of time, whether it is to stop bleeding or curb the deterioration of the injury, it has obvious effects.

The Rage Potion can increase their strength by about 30%, and even this increased strength can be superimposed with talent!

So Sulin gave the berserk potion and healing potion purchased by Sander, and signaled Red Tail to distribute it to the alien species in the rest of the wolf pack.

The healing potion can greatly guarantee their chances of surviving in the cruel ice and snow, and the berserk potion is also equivalent to an unexpected killer when used to deal with species of the same level.

Su Lin kept a third of the potions purchased by Sander, and asked his cousin to keep them as resources to reward the alien species under his command in the future.

In addition to distributing these medicines, Su Lin also tried the mecha purchased by Sander.

These mechas have a controllable nuclear source, which can indeed greatly improve their strength, but the mecha that Sander prepared for himself is useless at all.

Not to mention the first-class carbon block mech, UU Reading www. uukanshu. Even the perfect battle armor made with the skull scales of high-level king-level mutant species will not have any effect on Su Lin today.

So this mech was awarded to the Invincible Tiger.

As for the Invincible Tiger, in addition to accepting his fate during this period, his previous arrogant and invincible character was indeed worn away a lot under the mental shock.

A few days ago, after being rewarded with food by Surin, he obviously didn't resist the wolves so much.

Now that he has received the mecha reward from the Wolf King, the Invincible Tiger bowed his head and howled in respect to Su Lin.

It can also be seen from this point that the Invincible Tiger is trying to adjust its position, and is also trying to gradually integrate into the wolf pack.

At this time, in the process of distributing mechas to other alien species, time is also passing by little by little.

The howling cold wind in the sky is also getting stronger and stronger, gradually setting off a violent snowstorm in the Land of Adventures.

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