Devouring the Hero's Family

Chapter 120: The Friendly Sisters

Chapter 120: The Friendly Sisters

To outsiders, the relationship between the Armeina sisters didn’t seem too bad.

It only “seemed” that way.

In fact, for aristocratic… especially socialite women, hiding their emotions was fundamental.

Words and expressions, small gestures often had meanings different from their exterior appearance.

Such sinister or damp vibes could even be scary to commoners when perceived.

And Lorein and Ryuz were women educated up to the academy level.

Which meant, hiding their true feelings was - although they couldn’t resist a man they loved and gave him everything - quite a simple matter for them.

“Oh, sister, are you going to wash? Looks like you started at dawn again today?”

Thanks to that, the relationship they outwardly displayed was still that of friendly sisters.

In fact, they could be seen as models of diligence for any aristocratic lady.

Even though each of them hid some feelings inside.

Only they, no, not even they themselves knew exactly.

“Yes, I sweated a lot. It’s better to wash right away. I need to do the laundry too.”

“It looks like you’ve been wearing only that outfit lately, huh?”

Lorein was dressed in long training pants and a vest-like sports outfit.

Her outfit was so secure that it covered every bit of her skin.

Of course, that didn’t hide her splendid figure.

“Um, I’m worried about exposing my skin.”

“You never cared about that before.”

“That was when I was too carefree. It’s not like that now.”

“Hmm, despite that, you still wear quite revealing clothes when sparring with the teacher? That sports bra… it’s almost like underwear.”

Ryuz’s words made Lorein freeze.

Then the smile she had been wearing faded.

What unfolded was a chilly expressionlessness and an oppressive atmosphere.

But Ryuz didn’t back down and continued smiling and speaking.

“Is it okay to show that to the teacher? Or do you actually want to appeal to him?”

“…That’s not it. It’s just that those are the most comfortable to move in.”

“Heh, really?”

“Of course. Why should I care about others’ views in our own mansion?”

Lorein responded as if it was obvious.

But inside, she wasn’t unaffected.

It was true that she wore revealing clothes on purpose when sparring with Hyun-woo.

She felt a thrilling sensation when he admired or complimented her figure.

It was an emotion she couldn’t have even imagined before.

Now, Hyun-woo didn’t even hide his gaze towards her chest.

Sometimes, Lorein herself intentionally made her chest bounce more.

She subtly enjoyed how Hyun-woo’s reactions changed.

…Of course, she could never honestly admit that.

Especially not in front of her increasingly cheeky younger sister.

“Even so, it doesn’t seem right for an aristocratic lady to shake her body in such attire in front of a prime-aged man?”

“That’s strictly a sparring session. It’s a where we exchange skills and feelings.”

Lorein scoffed.

“Of course, you wouldn’t know, having never done it.”


A cold atmosphere flowed between the two.

As if they were contemplating how to hurt each other more.

“So, I guess I didn’t know much about chivalry recently. So you have to wear such provocative attire, huh?”

“Ah~ It’s okay not to know. It’s inevitable. This is a realm that can’t be understood unless by a ‘fellow’ knight.”

In fact, the sisters were lying to each other.

Whichever it was, she wore provocative attire and seduced Hyun-woo.

She blatantly demanded his manhood using terms befitting of vulgarity.

However, neither openly spoke of it.

Both were still unsure about how far the other had gone with Lee Hyun-woo.

Probing into this was like thrusting a sword into each other’s hearts simultaneously.

Depending on the situation, it might be Hyun-woo, who had both sisters and even juggling between them, who should be accountable.

But neither had any intention of doing so.

It was merely that the sister (a sneaky cat) in front of them was irritating.

“How ridiculous to share emotions while wearing such racy clothes. Are you enjoying teasing a man young enough to be your brother?”

“So, it seems you’ve been secretly watching our sparring sessions? Like a little rat.”

“…I just happened to see it. The sound of the swords was too annoying.”

Ryuz shrugged nonchalantly.

A casual gesture, but enough to annoy the other.

“Didn’t you ever think it’s a nuisance to the teacher?”


“That’s right. You’re always dragging him into sword practice by force. It’s because the teacher is nice. Normally, he would have gotten tired of it long ago.”

“…It’s not for you to say, considering you have lessons every day.”

“Well, that’s because I’m a ‘fellow’ magician.”

Ryuz emphasized ‘fellow’ as she pushed her chest out proudly.

“It’s not strange for a magician to have apprentices.”

“…Isn’t Hyun-woo too young to have apprentices?”

“Oh, what era are you living in to be counting ages for that?”

Ryuz openly scoffed.

“It’s not like you’re showing your age.”


Lorein bit her lip firmly.

It wasn’t that she had nothing to say.

Rather, the point Ryuz touched was Lorein’s Achilles’ heel.

No matter how excellent her swordsmanship, the fact that Hyun-woo was a magician remained.

And the same went for the age issue.

In aristocratic society…no, even among commoners, it’s extremely rare for a woman older than a man to marry.

She and Hyun-woo had few direct connections, and there was an age gap.

It was frustrating, but it was a vulnerability she had to admit.

It hurt quite a bit to be pointedly reminded of a part she usually ignored.


However, Lorein tossed her head back with defiance.

The more disadvantaged, the more boldly she would act.

This was a coping mechanism that allowed the proud Lorein to stand strong.

“Perhaps that’s what makes my relationship with Hyun-woo more meaningful?”

“What do you mean?”

“Hyun-woo and I can get close enough without needing such ‘trivial magic.’ It’s different from relationships that are hard to form without it.”

“……You were initially so guarded and cold towards him.”

“Well, I’m not like those easy women who smile foolishly at any man.”

“Oh my~ Who could be the easy woman?”

“Ah, sorry. I didn’t mean to target anyone specifically. Did you feel attacked?”

With that, she flashed a fresh, cheerful smile.

Ryuz responded with an equally bright smile.

However, there was a chill in their gazes towards each other.

If the two from the past saw themselves now, they would be quite surprised.

Could they really say such hurtful things to someone… especially to a sister… just like that?

“Just asking out of curiosity.”

With a deep breath, Ryuz voiced the question she had been so curious about.

“Are you interested in the teacher?” ƒreewebɳ

“I think he’s a good man.”

“I like the teacher. I’d be fine giving him all my body and heart.”

For a moment, Lorein’s eyes widened slightly.

It was really just for a brief moment, but Ryuz didn’t miss it.

“What about you? Do you want to date the teacher?”

“……Why do you suddenly ask that?”

“A sister can be curious, can’t she?”

“Then mind your own business.”

With that, Lorein turned and walked away.

But anyone could see that her back looked flustered.


Even without an answer, it seemed clear.

Lorein’s retreating figure, walking away as if to escape, was answer enough.

‘…I can’t sleep.’

That night, Ryuz lay awake with eyes wide open.

It seemed she had spoken out of turn, perhaps due to a feverish mind.

No, it was something that should not have been said.

‘Maybe… even my relationship with the teacher could be ruined now.’

The situation Ryuz and Lorein feared most.

That was the current trouble causing Hyun-woo to consider leaving the estate.

That was something they had to prevent at all costs.

Because they couldn’t even contemplate a life without him now.

And yet, watching her sister get along with the teacher… that was uncomfortable in its own way.


Feeling stifled, Ryuz got out of bed.

She thought she’d walk the halls for a bit.

While wandering around the mansion,

She saw something she shouldn’t have.


Lorein was cautiously coming out of the storeroom and heading straight back to her room.

An old storeroom that was hardly used anymore.

Why would she come here in the middle of the night?


Driven by simple curiosity, Ryuz entered the storeroom.

Call it a woman’s intuition. She felt she needed to check what was inside.

She easily found a box that seemed to have just been d there.

Opening it, Ryuz’s eyes widened.

“What, what is this?”

Inside was a costume known as a ‘bunny girl’.

She had seen it occasionally in the racy books she borrowed from the teacher.

Even the bunny tail that came with it…


Now Ryuz knew what it was.

A bold outfit and accessory that could only conjure lewd scenes.

Even Ryuz couldn’t help but honestly admire it.

“Ha… could sister really have worn this? That Lorein Armeina?”

Who was it for? That question didn’t even need to be asked.

It was quite obvious.

‘…There’s no way she just wore this and showed it off.’

It wasn’t hard to imagine her sister seducing the teacher while wearing this.

A mix of hot and cold emotions surged up.

On the surface, she acted all innocent, but behind that, she was sex-appealing with such an item—it was ludicrous.

‘If she went as far as to wear this, she must be really serious. How far have they gone?’


A habit now ingrained surfaced unconsciously.

It was all ‘that bitch’s’ loose behavior that was the problem.

No doubt she seduced the teacher with her face and body, just like other candidates might have.

‘Still…it’s impressive.’

That her sister would wear such vulgar and lewd clothes to flirt with a man.

It would have been unimaginable in the past.

‘It’s unlikely she’d wear something like this with just ordinary feelings…’

It meant her feelings for the teacher were deep.

This was honestly dangerous.

Frustrating as it was, she knew her sister had exceptional feminine allure.

Even without much effort, her stunning appearance and overwhelming figure stand out.

Coupled with her usual cold demeanor to other men, and an impenetrable nature.

The thrill of conquering such a woman would surely be exhilarating.

It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say she embodied a man’s sexual fantasy.

‘If such a person wears this and tempts… of course, any man would fall for it.’

She couldn’t help but grind her teeth.

The image of the teacher smiling at her sister dressed as a bunny girl just came to mind.

She couldn’t just stand by.

Before being sisters, it’s a matter of female pride.

‘……I liked him first.’

Ryuz clutched the bunny girl outfit tightly.

She had also dressed up in various outfits for the teacher before.

Usually in types he’d like, such as school uniforms or swimsuits.

But none were as lewd or vulgar as this.

‘I can’t just sit idly by.’

Ryuz racked her brain desperately.

After all, she couldn’t stand to lose the teacher to her sister.

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