Devouring the Starry Sky Beyond Reincarnation

v2 Chapter 50 - Bear the heavy responsibility, support one day

Lu Gang turned his body into a thunderbolt, issued a divine punishment, and killed millions of rats. At the same time, he also bought enough time for the defense line construction of the Yangzhou Defense Corps.

And just when Wei Wenming realized his true self, the rest of the surviving warriors were all retreating, retreating immediately after the battle, and returning to the defense line.

And with the completion of the first line of defense, its truly terrifying destructive power and lethality were revealed.

For the first line of defense, Yangzhou Base City has exhausted its manpower and material resources. It is indeed time for it to kill the enemy and make contributions.

You must know that Lu Gang fought against the rat tide twice, and even at the cost of his life, he erupted with the power of heaven’s punishment, turning his body into a thunder and punishing the darkness of the world…

All of this is for this line of defense!

And Liu Hai, at all costs, ordered more than 15,000 soldiers to go to the battlefield, let them die and buy time, all for it!

Today, of the more than 15,000 warriors, only 3,456 have returned, almost all of them are disabled, and there are many who lack arms and legs.

The price is too high!

The complete line of defense won at such a price should show its edge, and the artillery fire continued for a moment.

At this moment, Wei Wen was suspended in the sky, using long-range attacks to cooperate with the continuous artillery fire of the defense line, and unilaterally slaughtered these evil rats…

The purpose of defensive warfare is to build a technological fortress, and use technological weapons to slaughter monsters on a large scale.

And as long as the first line of defense is well established, sticking to the line of defense, and not retreating one step, it will be able to gain an advantage to a great extent and slaughter monsters.

For example, now, the 20,000-meter-long nuclear power grid is densely covered in front of the defense line. Whenever a mouse rushes through the bombardment of the continuous artillery fire, avoids the strafing of the laser cannon, and steps into the power grid, he is instantly hit by the electric current of the ultra-high Ford. Wear it, die as hard as you can.

This is indeed a one-sided massacre!

Tens of thousands of mice die every second, and even as the area expands, hundreds of thousands of mice can be killed in one second…

It’s really scary.

Wei Wen is suspended in the sky and still attacking from a distance, although his destructive power and combat power are much smaller than that of the defense line.

However, he is also a strong man comparable to the God of War. With the outbreak of many ranged group attack methods, he has achieved a lot of victories.

And he is cautious enough and his position is safe enough, even if the lord-level monsters are eyeing him, there is nothing they can do about him.

After all, they can’t fly, and their bodies are huge, and Wei Wen will notice them at the slightest move.

There’s no chance for a sneak attack!

In such a situation, these lord-level rats could only squeak furiously, releasing their anger to attack the human defense line.

As long as the defense line is broken through and hundreds of millions of rats swept down, wouldn’t these tiny humans be killed casually?

Originally, they also pinned their hopes on their emperor, but the state of the mouse emperor at the moment was not good, and he was extremely embarrassed.

After all, it was being crushed by Lu Bu thousands of meters away. It avoided Lu Bu’s attacks everywhere, and did not dare to confront Lu Bu, the **** of death…

It was also after seeing the Rat King “glorious and great” that he delayed the terrifying enemy, and the lords in the Rat Tide became even more mad and wanted to share the pressure for the Rat King.

As long as they can break through the human defense line, slaughter and devour a lot, it is enough to avenge their revenge.

The rat tide became even crazier, and even Wei Wen from high in the sky was shocked by the fatal impact of hundreds of millions of rats.

This rat tide seems to be really endless!

You must know that since the outbreak of the war, the number of dead mice has exceeded 100 million.

But the death of more than 100 million mice did not shake the lord monsters who existed in the wisdom of the rat tide.

It seems that they have been given a death order, and they must attack and break through the human base.

In fact, this is indeed the case. The will of the Rat Emperor is the direction of the Rat Tide!

If it wants to vent its anger, it will not hesitate to sacrifice the lives of hundreds of millions of mice.

Anyway, as long as it’s okay, with the reproductive ability of mice, it can multiply hundreds of millions or billions of terrifying numbers in a few years or ten years.

Now, with a mere 100 million casualties, the Rat Emperor has yet to take it seriously!

Of these more than 100 million mice, Lu Gang alone killed nearly 20 million, and he also killed several lord-level mice. His personal contribution is a must.

But the person who killed the most mice was not Lu Gang, nor Wei Wen, but Lu Bu.

Every collision between Lu Bu and the Rat King has an extremely wide-ranging atmosphere, and the aftermath alone can kill a bunch of rats.

After all, level suppression is too terrifying.

Lu Bu is a powerhouse at the fifth rank of the planet, even this rat king is only a first-time star at the planet rank.

Even a lord-level monster can hardly withstand Lu Bu’s attack, let alone a group of monsters under a lord?

As long as it is affected, there is death!

This rat emperor is also extremely cunning, never colliding with Lu Bu.

Even though it was extremely embarrassed right now, it was even injured by Lu Bu, its huge body was covered with foul-smelling blood, and even its tail, which was over 20 meters tall, was cut off by Lu Bu with a single halberd…

But it still didn’t hurt the origin of the Rat King, which made Lu Bu even more angry.

He felt insulted that he couldn’t even take a mouse.

Lu Bu was still bursting wildly, and the horror of the fifth-order planetary powerhouse was fully displayed.

Under his angry attack, the rat tide is also a large-scale demise, which is extremely terrifying.

It is precisely because of this that Lu Bu killed more than 30 million mice, while the remaining 50 million mice were all killed by the legion.

Either Wei Wen killed, or the 15,000-odd legion warriors killed, or bombers killed, or the terrifying artillery fire on the defense line killed them…

And with the outbreak of the first line of defense, the casualties of rats are also increasing at an extremely terrifying speed, which is very terrifying.

Then the time is tight and short, and these casualty rats are only a small part of the rat tide!

Even though the number of casualties has been increasing, it still did not ease the offensive momentum of the rat tide. They converged into a tide and madly attacked the first line of defense.

With such a trend of rat tide, the defense line will definitely be broken!

After all, this line of defense is a temporary set up and has a bearing limit.

As if a bottle has a holding limit, once this limit is exceeded, the bottle will burst.

So is the line of defense.

It can kill enemies on a large scale, and its lethality and attack power are extremely terrifying, but if there are too many enemies, it can’t kill them!

The most important thing is that these mice killed by shells, bombs, and even nuclear power will leave debris. Once the number of deaths increases sharply, the debris will pile up into mountains.

This is a natural defense barrier. It can build a rat corpse ladder for the rat tide, allowing them to ascend to the sky in one step, cross the firepower center, and rush directly into the defense line!

When Wei Wen killed the enemy, he also noticed this problem.

If the rat tide keeps hitting the defense line, once the limit of the defense line is reached, it is bound to break through the blockade of the defense line.

And once a hole is opened, the rat tide that fills the sky will be like a stream of water, all-pervasive, rushing into the defense line in an instant, expanding the breakthrough infinitely.

At that time, this first line of defense will be lost!

Wei Wen frowned, leaving these raging and dirty mice behind and heading towards the command center.

Ten minutes have passed since Lu Gang died in battle, Wei Wen has also been slaughtering frantically for ten minutes, and the casualties of the rat tide are also increasing, approaching 200 million…

Through this slaughter, Wei Wen’s inner anger was buffered, and blood can indeed quench hatred. At least now, Wei Wen has become more indifferent and calm.

Only hatred and anger don’t work. Although blood is a good thing, blood can never solve problems.

In this life, Lu Gang died in battle, and tens of thousands of warriors died tragically…

The sacrifice of Yangzhou City has been extremely tragic, but the crisis of Yangzhou Base City has not been resolved!

Wei Wen will definitely not let their contributions and efforts go to waste. He must defend the line of defense, the legion base, and the entire Yangzhou base city.

Wei Wen realized the problem and immediately leaped over the line of defense and headed for the command center.

“General, general~” The close general beside Liu Hai shouted hoarsely when he saw Wei Wen.

He has followed Liu Hai for decades and has seen too much darkness and cruelty, but he has never personally encountered such a ferocious rat riot.

Moreover, the Yangzhou base city has gone through numerous difficulties and obstacles along the way, ups and downs, ups and downs, and now, it is really possible that it cannot be held!

The defense line slaughtered for more than ten minutes, but the riot of the rat tide did not weaken in the slightest, and even became more frantic and violent.

More importantly, after more than ten minutes of slaughter, the wreckage of countless rats has filled the defense line, and the rat tide army has already entered the defense line, and the defense line may not be able to hold it…

Now the corpses are piled up into mountains, the blood is flowing into rivers, a foul smell fills the air, and everyone on the entire line of defense has fallen into a kind of despair and panic.

The defense line did kill a lot, with an incomparably brilliant achievement, ruining the lives of nearly 200 million mice…

But there are too many rats!

The 200 million mice are only a part, less than a quarter, and there are still a steady stream of mice emerging from the rear…

Can the base city of Yangzhou really be defended?

Now the rat tide is already hitting the defense line. Once it breaks through a hole, this defense line will be shattered!

“Commander, he’s haggard, grief-stricken, and already in a coma~”

This general also showed despair. Their command center had already noticed the problem of rat influx outside the defense line, but there was no way to do it!

Liu Hai was in a coma, Lu Gang died in battle, and no one in the entire Yangzhou Corps could shoulder the heavy responsibility, leading the Corps to fight stubbornly and win the war…

It’s not that the people in the command center are not good. In fact, for a period of time, they have performed almost all tasks and completed them ahead of schedule.

They are all a group of excellent generals, whose talents and abilities are worthy of their positions.

But after all, they still lacked spiritual symbols, and it was difficult for them to support Yangzhou City!

After all, at the moment when Lu Gang died in battle and Liu Hai was in a coma, the sky in the base city of Yangzhou collapsed!


Wei Wen was also shocked when he heard the words, what happened?

His speed exploded, passing through many generals, and hurried to the side of Liu Hai.

The old man frowned, even if he was in a coma, he could not live in peace.

He was originally an extreme warrior warrior, his strength was comparable to that of a **** of war, but at this moment, he couldn’t even breathe smoothly, he became short, and the whole person was extraordinarily haggard, as if he had experienced boundless despair and darkness.

“General, general~”

Wei Wen stepped forward, clenched Liu Hai’s hand, and his own strength that was almost exhausted from fighting for a long time emerged. With the strength of his own mental strength and his exquisite control of strength, he adjusted the old man’s state bit by bit and calmed down. His chaotic power.

After a long time, the old man’s breathing gradually became steady, and even his furrowed brows stretched out, as if he was really asleep…

“You personally **** and send the general back to the base, leave it to me here!”

Wei Wen took a long breath, stood up resolutely, and looked at Liu Hai’s close lieutenant.

This sentence means that he has to shoulder the burden of protecting Yangzhou City!

He is a young genius that Liu Hai values, an invincible spiritual teacher, and the most powerful person in the current base…

Now that the sky in the base city of Yangzhou has collapsed, he, Wei Wen, must stand up and support it!

Who else? !

“Yes, General!”

Everyone in the command center looked at Wei Wen in shock, feeling his unparalleled spirit and courage, and all stood at attention and saluted.

Heroes emerge in troubled times, Liu Hai, Lu Gang and other heroes have come along, and they have gathered batch after batch of heroes around them.

These people, at this moment, completely surrendered.

At least, they lacked the fearless spirit and spirit of Wei Wen’s stunned youth!

Liu Hai said that Wei Wen is a young man who is full of miracles and can continue to create miracles.

Perhaps, with his leadership, the base city of Yangzhou may not be desperate to survive, so that Yangzhou, which is at stake, can usher in the spring of next year, and let the human beings in the base city of Yangzhou be able to experience the thousands of styles of Yangzhou in March!

“Send the order to build the second line of defense at full speed, build the line of defense higher and thicker, and cover it with a stronger power grid…”

Wei Wen knows the overall situation of the base construction, and also knows that Liu Hai has set up three lines of defense. With the current situation, it is only a matter of time before the first line of defense is broken, and the tide of mice cannot be stopped here.

The first line of defense and the second discovery are 50 miles apart. This distance can continue to be buffered, and it can bring hope to the base city of Yangzhou!


The command center gave the order, and the relevant personnel immediately started preparations.

In fact, as early as in the original plan formulated by Liu Hai, he directly requested to build a line of defense with all his strength. After the first line of defense was completely established, the logistics force would go to the second line of defense, and it was under construction.

Now that they have the experience of the first line of defense, they are also optimizing the construction and layout of the line of defense, and they need to expand the effective attack range of the second line of defense.

At least, make the “rat corpse” that the second line of defense can hold larger, so as to slaughter more rats and buy more time for the base.

The first line of defense has a fatal flaw, that is, its ability to carry the enemy is too small to resist the hundreds of millions of rats.

As for the second line of defense, it is natural to make preparations in this regard.

“Second, all warriors and non-warrior soldiers below the general level should be evacuated.”

Wei Wen continued to give orders, he was preparing for the collapse of the first line of defense.

Now the first line of defense has slaughtered hundreds of millions of mice, and it has bought 20 minutes for the base city, and can also be honorably retired.

“Yes, General!”

Everyone, look at me, I look at you, and there is no objection.

They are well aware of the importance of the first line of defense, but they also understand that there is a steady stream of rat tides, and it is only a matter of time before the first line of defense collapses.

Since it is doomed to collapse, then we can only abandon the car to protect the handsome, and give full play to its final value!

After all, the warriors and non-warriors below the warrior level are too weak. Once the defense line collapses, these people have no chance to escape.

“Third, increase the output of the grid.”

Wei Wen held out three fingers and looked at the sky outside the command center, a trace of cruelty and madness flashed in his eyes.

“Increase the output of the power grid? General, the power grid has a limit. Once the output of the power grid is increased, the energy will accumulate rapidly, and the ultimate breakthrough will result in a big explosion~”

A technical officer held up his glasses. Once a big explosion occurs, the third line of defense will be destroyed by itself. Isn’t that self-defeating?

“It just needs this big explosion!”

Wei Wen reached out his hand to stop the technical officer, his purpose was to detonate the power grid and detonate the first line of defense.

When the violent explosion erupts, it will definitely give the Rat Tide a heavy blow.

Even if the explosion range is far enough and the impact range is large enough, Wei Wen is more happy!

In fact, Wei Wen still wanted to use banned weapons to give this crazy rat tide a taste of nuclear peace.

Unfortunately, in order to avoid uncontrollable mutations, the global ban on nuclear weapons is only available to the major military regions, and the base city of Yangzhou does not.

Moreover, there are too many restrictions on mobilizing taboo weapons. Given the current emergency situation, there is no time to delay. How can there be time to deal with those?


Hearing Wei Wen’s words, several technical officers reacted instantly, yes, a big explosion, a big explosion is likely to kill tens of millions, or even hundreds of millions of rat waves!

Crazy, so crazy!

“Yes, General!” After realizing Wei Wen’s purpose, no one objected.

“Fourth, activate the ultra-high frequency laser cannon and kill the rat king~”

Wei Wen raised his pinky thumb and made a gesture of four. The big killer he brought to the defense base in advance, let it show its edge.

However, Wei Wen also knows that it is too difficult to kill a king-level monster, and it needs the right time, place and people.

But it doesn’t matter anymore, Wei Wen’s purpose is to bombard the Rat King, and even if he can’t kill him, he has to give it a look.

What’s more, it can kill a large number of mice along the way during the attack, which will not weaken the prestige of the laser cannon.

“Yes, General!”

The assembly of the UHF laser cannon is extremely difficult. Fortunately, this thing was transported to the defense base at the beginning of the outbreak of the rat tide, and it has now been assembled.

“Fifth, mobilize the free warriors in the base, we need their strength.”

Wei Wen opened all of his hands, and the legion’s strength was limited, not to mention that in the face of such a terrifying rat tide, the strength was simply not enough.

Protecting Yangzhou City is not only the mission of the Yangzhou Corps, and Yangzhou City is not just the home of their soldiers.

At this time of crisis, we must gather all the forces of Yangzhou City to defend against foreign enemies and protect my hometown!

“Yes, General!”

“Now, immediately, immediately, take action~”

Wei Wen shouted loudly, there is a rush of 100,000 fires now, there is no time to delay!

Following Wei Wen’s order, the entire command center was mobilized to perform their respective duties, and it seemed orderly even in the panic.

“By the way, when will the support from Jiangnan Base City and Southeast Base City arrive?”

Wei Wen looked at the nearby rat tide and asked the general beside him.


That general had a bitter expression on his face. It has been so long since the war broke out, and the support from the Southeast Army and Jiangnian Army has not yet arrived. It is really chilling!

In fact, a fighter detachment of the Southeast Army was completely destroyed, and a million-strong army also rushed north to the Yangzhou base city for help.

Unfortunately, when we crossed the Yangtze River on the way, I encountered a sea monster upstream, and the battle was already raging there.

As for the Jiangnan Army Corps, they also encountered an unexpected situation. They were attacked by lord-level monsters and could not come to the Yangzhou base for a while…

Wei Wen didn’t even think about it, he directly asked him to dial the number of the Southeast Military Region.

“This is the Southeast Military Region…”

Before the operator handed the phone over to Li Dawei, Wei Wen’s indifferent voice came over.

“When are you coming?”

The Yangzhou Legion was beaten to death, waiting hard for support. Now that Lu Gang, the **** of war, has died in battle, the first line of defense is about to collapse. The news of support has yet to come…

After a period of panic, the Southeast Legion finally handed the phone over to Li Dawei, the head of the legion.

“Hey, I’m Li Dawei, Yangzhou…”

He just revealed his identity when an extremely indifferent voice came from the phone, with a hint of childishness.

“When will you arrive?” Wei Wen continued to ask.

Li Dawei was stunned for a moment, this little guy seemed very angry, and he seemed to be very young?

“We still need an hour, an hour will be…”

Li Dawei wanted to explain, but Wei Wen exploded when he heard the news within an hour!

“One hour? One hour! If you don’t use it, what are you going to do in an hour? Are you going to collect the bodies of the people in the base city of Yangzhou?”

Wei Wen roared angrily and hung up the phone!

One hour?

What are you kidding?

The first line of defense is about to be broken. Whether the buffer in the middle can last for ten minutes is a problem. How long can the second line of defense, which is even weaker than the first line of defense, be able to withstand it?

ten minutes? twenty minutes?

Once the first and second lines of defense are broken, can the last line of defense last for half an hour?

Once the defense line collapsed, the rat tide crossed the border, and the Yangzhou base city was destroyed in an instant…

Is the Southeast Army coming to collect the corpse?

Even the Southeast Corps does not need to collect Because most people will be eaten by mice, and only a few people may die without a whole body…

“This, the little guy is a little angry!”

Li Dawei shook the phone, and he was extremely sad and angry, wishing he could go directly outside the city of Yangzhou.

It’s a pity that the long path, and the blocking of the sea monsters in the Yangtze River, the southeastern army is in chaos.

Today is indeed a dark day, blood is shed on all sides!

The first line of defense of the Yangzhou base.

“Hoo~” Wei Wen took a long breath, trying to suppress the anger in his heart.

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Now that the situation is dangerous, he can’t help but keep calm.

“It’s better to ask for yourself than others, I must protect Yangzhou City!”

Wei Wen closed her eyes with difficulty to calm her thoughts, and beside him, Diao Chan’s heart was trembling, her beautiful eyes shone with a different luster and expression, she would definitely guard him.

She said that he protects the world, and she protects him!



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