Devouring the Starry Sky Beyond Reincarnation

v2 Chapter 81 - Summer Palace

Wei Wen has an extraordinary memory, and his mental power also plays an extremely important role. He can simulate the environmental channels in the brain, which is very convenient.

With this function, Wei Wen can draw the map of the underground tunnels he has explored almost effortlessly, which is extremely simple.

Wei Wen accelerated and went straight down the Rat King Tunnel.

This is an oblique passage, and there is even a weak wind blowing out of the tunnel, with a hint of coolness.

“Is this channel connected to groundwater?”

Wei Wen was secretly puzzled, and went straight down the Rat Emperor passage.

As he walked, he recorded the surrounding passages, and used his mental power to perfectly simulate all the tunnels extending in all directions.

After about a quarter of an hour, Wei Wen has walked several thousand meters along the tunnel, and now he has penetrated more than one thousand meters into the ground.

In Wei Wen’s perception, the tunnel became extraordinarily cold.

This is very strange. Logically speaking, the deeper he goes underground, the higher the temperature will be.

But why is it getting colder?

Even this kind of cold is a bit biting, and ordinary people are afraid that they can’t bear it, that is, the martial artist’s physical fitness is extraordinary, so they can bear it.

In addition, Wei Wen has seen water vapor and heard the sound of groundwater flowing.

Generally speaking, the depth of the groundwater in the eastern coastal areas of the Xia people is very shallow, but why can the groundwater layer be felt only after a gap of more than 1,000 meters underground?

This is just as weird!

Wei Wen moved forward while thinking. Under his mental scan, he ruled out all the tunnels, found the most trunk one, and continued to walk towards the depths of the tunnel.

After thinking for a long time, Wei Wen still had no results. He simply didn’t waste his thoughts on this, and concentrated on drawing a map to find the correct route of this underground labyrinth.

“Fortunately, my mental strength is strong, and I can cover the environment within a few kilometers of my body, so that I can find this way,

Otherwise, this labyrinth-like underground tunnel is enough to trap the God of War, and even the strong members of the Congress may not be able to go out according to their own strength.

No wonder so many strong members of parliament come to explore, but I haven’t heard of anyone who has gained…”

Wei Wen secretly rejoiced, fortunately, he came to explore this rat’s nest after he broke through to become a **** of war. Otherwise, with his high-level warrior-level mental power, he would not be much better than a strong member of the parliament.

Now that Wei Wen’s physical fitness has reached the level of a **** of war, his genetic energy has made a big breakthrough, which also makes his body stronger.

It is also for this reason that Wei Wen’s innate spiritual thought ball was broken, and all spiritual thought power was completely mastered by him.

In this way, Wei Wen’s mental power can scan such a large area.

This advantage is incomparable to even a congressman-level spiritual teacher!

Mental power is one of the specific manifestations of the power of the soul, and Wei Wen’s soul is exceptionally powerful, which also makes his mental power far beyond ordinary people and extremely terrifying.

For the strong members of Congress, their visible distance in the rat’s nest is only a few hundred meters, and there is a barrier of soil. It is indeed difficult to rely on their own strength to gain something in such an intricate rat’s nest.

And with Wei Wen’s mental power, he can clearly see the range of thousands of meters around his body, the gap can be imagined!

At this moment, Wei Wen continues to move forward along the path that he has explored with his spiritual power.

Soon he saw the underground water channel. The underground water flow is not urgent, and even if you don’t look carefully, you will think it is a pool of stagnant water.

“It’s weird, there’s no way to go here. Are you going to continue diving along this groundwater? Besides, this groundwater is a bit too cold…”

Wei Wen was suspended on the groundwater, frowning slightly.

In terms of Wei Wen’s current body temperature, this temperature is definitely minus 20 to 30 degrees Celsius, but at such a low temperature, this water does not freeze…

That’s weird!

In addition, Wei Wen still wondered, he had no way to go here, is this the residence of the Rat Emperor?

This piece of rat’s nest has also been explored by him, but there is still no special discovery.

To call it a residence would be too cold!

But if this is not the residence of the Rat King, is there any mystery in this groundwater?

Wei Wen slowly closed his eyes, the huge spiritual power fully bloomed, and the range of glances was gradually expanding, three kilometers, four kilometers, five kilometers…

In the end, Wei Wen’s limit reached a range of ten kilometers.

Ten kilometers, this range is not small!

“Is there a passage?”

Wei Wen was shocked. In his perception, this underground dark river was not small, and a new cave appeared three kilometers downstream of the dark river.

Wei Wen pondered for two minutes, and finally wanted to find out.


Wei Wen jumped directly into the water, completely submerged in the water, and rushed towards the cave.

In terms of Wei Wen’s current physical fitness, it doesn’t matter how many hours he is underwater.

Even if Wei Wen wants to, he can use his own mental power to form mental power to see all over his body, and isolate the air in the water to make it easier for Wei Wen to breathe. It will be fine to stay underwater for a day.

Wei Wen dived under the dark river, swimming quickly while following the current.

But the undercurrent is not turbulent, like a pool of stagnant water, but it seems that because of the stagnant water, there is a big problem with the water quality, and the temperature is frighteningly low.

“There is really something wrong with this water. It actually has an insulating effect on mental power. The detection range in the water is directly compressed to 10% of the original. It’s strange…”

Wei Wen frowned. There is really a problem with this underground river. It seems that there is a mysterious substance in the water, which has a great training effect on the body.

Simply put, this substance can be integrated into the human body along the cortex, thereby promoting the metabolism of cells and increasing the quality of gene energy in cells…

“Could it be that these nearly 100 million mice are raised by this groundwater?”

Wei Wen couldn’t help but guess, “No, this kind of strengthening is very limited, and the effect is decreasing. For my physical fitness, this effect is almost equal to no…”

“This kind of strengthening is impossible to cultivate two strong rat emperors, and it is even more impossible to cultivate dozens of lord rats!”


Wei Wen’s mental power moved, and he finally felt another cave.


Wei Wen jumped out of the underground river and walked down the cave.

“This is?”

Soon, Wei Wen was shocked when he saw the remains of human buildings.

There are human relics here. Is this the relic of an ancient civilization?

Wei Wen was suddenly startled, and immediately ran towards the building, which was an ancient palace buried in the mud with turquoise walls.

I don’t know what material this wall is made of, it’s not metal, it’s not ordinary rubble, it’s extremely weird.

“Strange, this wall is actually connected as a whole, not block by block, and it can’t be forged from metal!”

Wei Wen was even more curious. There was a strange dark river several kilometers underground. There was a tunnel on the dark river. At the end of the hole, there was an ancient palace…

Wei Wen’s mental power swept out, and he suddenly found that this palace could actually hinder his spiritual power exploration, which is very strange!

“Linger, do you know what this is?”

Wei Wen was puzzled, and immediately asked Ling’er in the Temple of Reincarnation.

When Linger found out the medicine for Diaochan, Wei Wen knew that Linger had extraordinary abilities, and even Wei Wen guessed that Linger had good fighting power.

Unfortunately, no matter how he asked Linger, Linger only said that he was just a special spiritual body, similar to the intelligence on earth, but more powerful than intelligence…

“Let me check”

Ling’er’s voice sounded in Wei Wen’s mind, and then a mysterious light emerged from Ling’er’s delicate body, directly covering the earth through the power of the Temple of Reincarnation.

It was also at this moment that the intelligence in all the ancient civilization relics on the earth suddenly stopped for a few seconds, and even the intelligence of Hong and others showed a brief strangeness.

Of course, it also includes a certain Babata in a mysterious heritage place, who also appeared in a short-term vacuum state.

“Strange, what happened just now?”

In a certain semi-circular hall, a black-robed child yawned and patted his mouth with his little white hand, “Master, master, when will your inheritance be released, this devil can’t wait. …”

Babata didn’t know that in his vacuum state just now, all his information was pasted and copied by others!

Of course, except for Babata, all the information on the earth, those ancient relics that have been born or those that have not been born, have been stolen by Linger.

“Well, I found it!”

Linger’s playful voice came out, “This should be the palace of Emperor Xia, the strong Xia clan tens of thousands of years ago, the Xia Palace, which hides the treasures and opportunities that Emperor Xia left to future generations.”

“The Emperor Xia ten thousand years ago?”

Wei Wen was very curious. Before the Great Nirvana, the history of the Xia clan was only more than 5,000 years old, and many of them could not even be verified…

How did he escape the Xia Emperor ten thousand years ago?

“According to the information surveyed by Linger, this Emperor Xia had reached the ninth stellar level when he was on the earth, and he finally entered the universe in order to break through the ninth stellar level, and has never returned since then.

Before he left, he left all his treasures in the Xia Palace, including the ancient inheritance he obtained,

He even left the formation, using the terrain here to form a Nine Dragons Ascension Formation, which continuously gathered the cosmic energy and formed the underground dark river that the master saw.

There are nine such underground rivers, each of which flows through the Xia Palace, and Xia Huangding exists in the Xia Palace, which can further gather the essence of the cosmic energy in the underground river, and eventually form a cosmic energy liquid.

This energy fluid can promote the body to absorb cosmic and enhance physical fitness.

Simply put, it is this energy liquid that can create warriors! “

Linger continued to say, this cosmic energy liquid is the treasure obtained by the Rat King, and it is also the real reason for Zhang Zehu’s transformation and rise, and even eventually become a God of War powerhouse.

“Master, aren’t you trying to build an invincible division?

If you take down the Xia Palace, the cosmic energy liquid in it is enough for the master to create an army of millions of gods of war, and it is even possible to create an army of millions of planetary-level warriors! “

Ling’er’s voice was slightly joyful. For Wei Wen, the most important thing in the Xia Palace was this cosmic energy fluid.

As for the rest of the inheritance and opportunities, Linger really doesn’t like it.

In fact, she doesn’t even look down on this cosmic energy liquid.

But, isn’t what Wei Wen needs most now is this kind of cosmic energy liquid?

Hearing Ling’er’s description, Wei Wen was very excited, his heart had never beat so violently before.

As long as he gets this Xia Palace, the great cause can be expected!

What monster, what beast emperor, all must die!

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