Devouring the Starry Sky Beyond Reincarnation

v3 Chapter 19 - War Group MP

“Everyone came to my Xia Imperial City in person, what’s the matter?”

Wei Wen saw that the parties were almost there, and after Liu Hai distributed the Shifang Cosmic Energy Liquid, he personally greeted these powerhouses.

He naturally knew why these people came!

Isn’t it because he saw an army of one million generals appearing in Yangzhou, jealous of the secret inside!

Wei Wen knew, but he would never say it easily, or hand over the cosmic energy fluid.

The characteristics of the cosmic energy liquid are not very scary. After all, there are many treasures similar to the cosmic energy liquid in the universe.

But among the treasures of its kind, Cosmic Energy Liquid is definitely one of the best treasures.

Of course, this was not something Wei Wen wanted to conceal.

The real reason lies in the concentrated liquid of the laws related to the cosmic energy liquid.

This thing is the materialization of the law. It is the law of real existence. It can make life more intuitively feel the existence of the law, and make the martial artist better practice and become stronger.

This kind of terrifying treasure is the real rare treasure!

Like the Law Concentrate, this thing is also an extremely rare treasure in the endless universe, as strong as the domain master, the world master, and even the powerhouse above immortality will spy on this treasure.

Its preciousness can be imagined!

It is for this reason that Wei Wencai is inconvenient to take out the cosmic energy fluid.

The earth must enter the universe in the future, but entering the universe is too big, and it must be done with a long-term plan.

Human civilization on Earth is just a drop in the ocean in the vast universe, and it is inconspicuous.

Even now, if a stellar life comes to the earth, it will be a fatal blow to the earth.

So everything has to be considered in the long-term, and absolutely must not expose such a terrifying thing as the Law Concentrate.

In fact, as long as Wei Wen doesn’t take it out, no one will know the existence of the Law Concentrate.

But such treasures don’t need to be used to elevate the human beings on Earth, they have been stored in Wei Wen’s space treasures, then it’s really a waste of money!

Wei Wen, he still hopes that the earth’s human beings can be stronger and more prosperous, and at least be able to occupy their own place in the universe.

“Wei Wen, right? I heard that there is an army of one million generals in Yangzhou. I wonder if the news is true?”

Seeing Wei Wen, a blond and blue-eyed westerner asked indifferently, Wei Wenming asked because he knew, why didn’t he ask because he knew.

“Oh, yes, there is indeed such a thing, but what does this have to do with you?”

Wei Wen laughed, he knew this person, the third speaker, the Ice and Snow Emperor Mo Henderson, known as the third strongest person in the world, and the most powerful human being on the American continent.

From Wei Wen’s point of view, Hong and Thor are the only two people in the world who can make him fearful.

In fact, the current ice and snow emperor Mo Henderson is indeed the third strongest in the world. After all, he is the top three existence in the world…

Not to mention the top three, it’s the third.

He was the third-order planet many years ago, and no one knows how far he has reached now.

It is true that he is second only to Hong and Thor the super powerhouse on earth, and the third name is not a false name!

However, the gap between the third, fourth, fifth, etc. is not too big. It is considered a series of existences. Wei Wen does not care about it.

“Why are you so ignorant of righteousness and selfishness, child?

Now that the global human race is in dire straits, since you have mastered a method that can enhance the strength of the people all over the world, you should give it up and let the global human race progress together…”

Before the third speaker could speak, the fifth speaker beside him spoke.

The fifth speaker, Atkin, is one of the most powerful people enshrined in the HR Alliance. He is an extremely selfish character. His abilities are not particularly powerful, but he has a lot of methods and ambitions.

“Yes, at such a critical juncture for human beings, you are still cherishing yourselves, and you are too ignorant…”

Then, the fourth speaker, East, also spoke.

He is still the number one spiritual teacher in the world today, but after Wei Wen’s rise, his name as the number one spiritual teacher has been seriously threatened.

Wei Wen is not yet a planet-level life, and his strength is enough to kill the king-level monsters of the third-order planet. The threat of this strength is indeed terrifying.

Once he breaks through to become a spiritual teacher, he will definitely be the new number one spiritual teacher in the world.

Originally, with Easter’s strength, he was the most promising candidate to run for the third speaker.

Unfortunately, Mo Henderson’s control of ice and snow has reached an extremely terrifying level, crushing Easter.

However, East was naturally dissatisfied.

He is equally ambitious, otherwise he would not be enshrined by the HR Alliance like the Fifth Speaker.

Easter doesn’t have any big ambitions either, like leading mankind to defeat monsters, or leading mankind out of the earth, standing proudly in the universe, he never thought about any of them.

The only idea is to use the help of the gods in the end of the world to unify the global base city, establish an ancient empire, and master the supreme power.

And this is not reasonable with the Fifth Speaker!

With their help, the HR alliance quickly swept the world and became an unprecedented giant economy.

However, with Hong and Lei Shen being suppressed by the two great mountains, these two Speakers did not dare to take it too seriously. Most of the time, they were well behaved.

After all, they’re just a bunch of idiots!

The spirit is too high, the strength is not enough, and the ability of oneself is not enough. In this apocalypse, if you want to rule the world, do you have the qualifications to resist the apocalypse?

One day, the army of monsters swept down. One second, a glorious empire was established, and the next second it was gone!

With such a force, dare to rule the world?

It’s a pity that the fourth speaker and the fifth speaker can’t be satisfied with the status quo. They are still fighting for their own ambitions and want to hold more supreme power.

Now, their chance seems to come!

In this ancient East, a fledgling boy has mastered something that can improve the quality of the whole people. This is definitely a big killer.

If this kind of thing can be mastered by them, is it still a problem to rule the world?

Even, even Hong and Thor have to make concessions to them both!

But this point, they just thought about it, and there is no follow-up.

The whole world knows this secret, it is absolutely impossible for the HR Alliance to take it for itself.

In this case, they can only settle for the next best thing, hoping that this thing can greatly enhance their strength.

If this kind of thing can really be mass-produced, and if it also has a big effect on the strong members of the parliament, it would be even better.

In this way, the strength and power of the HR Alliance will definitely expand in a short period of time, and **** of the world is just around the corner!

However, this still requires them to be strong enough. At least after winning the position of the third speaker, they still need to challenge Hong and Lei Shen!

“Oh, does Your Excellency the Fourth Speaker intend to announce the formula of the water of life, or do you want to distribute the water of life for free, so that everyone in the world can have a healthy body?”

Wei Wen sneered, coercing the world’s righteousness in order to occupy the highest moral status. This kind of trick can be said in a peaceful era and in an era when all living beings are equal…

But right now, it really can’t be!

This is the end of the world, people are inherently unequal, and strength determines everything.

And what Wei Wenquan obtained with strength, he can give it to whoever he wants, and those who are not strong enough, don’t even think about it!

Wei Wen looked at these people, and there was probably no hatred or resentment in the depths of his eyes. Human nature is like this, and there is no way.

“Wei Wen, don’t get excited, we are not malicious, we just want to know whether this army of millions of generals is universal? Can it be cultivated in large numbers?”

A representative of the representative of the extreme martial arts hall said calmly, the extreme martial arts hall still hopes that this kind of thing can benefit mankind.

They know the ambitions of the HR alliance and the dangers of the HR alliance, but the forces united by the HR alliance are too terrifying.

In addition to these two speakers, there are many strong parliamentarians enshrined by the HR alliance, and even the HR alliance itself has nine strong parliamentarians…

This force has almost united more than half of the world’s powerful parliamentarians.

Fortunately, there was the suppression of the Extreme Martial Arts Hall and the Raiden Martial Arts Hall, and there was the deterrence of the world’s No. 1 powerhouse Hong and the world’s No. 2 powerhouse Thor.

In this way, the HR Alliance would not dare to do too much!

Today, there is something in Yangzhou base city that can improve the physical fitness of human beings on a large scale. This is something that the HR alliance is eager to do, and they will never give up.

For this reason, the two martial arts halls must also be mixed together!

Of course, this is not the main reason.

The purpose of the two major martial arts gyms in the world is to cultivate strong people, promote human evolution, and realize the transition of life level of human beings on earth.

Only if the human beings on earth are strong enough, can human civilization continue, even flourish and look down on the world.

Now that the base city of Yangzhou has such a treasure, it is true that it cannot be treasured!

When you take it out, it will benefit all people in the world, all peoples!

“Miss Liuhe? I know you, I was also studying in the extreme martial arts hall, and my brother is also practicing in the extreme martial arts hall, so we can be considered related.

I can tell you that this method is indeed universal, and it can create millions of warriors, ten million warriors, and even hundreds of millions of warriors…”

Wei Wen looked at the members of the Extreme Martial Arts Hall, and all parties peeped at the secrets of millions of warriors. Wei Wen had expected this when he decided to build an army of millions of warriors.

Now this scene is also what Wei Wen expected.




Everyone present was shocked when they heard Wei Wen’s words. There are 600,000 to 700,000 human beings, but now there are only one or two million generals in the world.

Now Wei Wen says that he can create tens of millions of generals, or even hundreds of millions of generals. How crazy is this?

“No, it’s this thing, an energy liquid.”

Wei Wen waved his hand gently, and a jade bottle appeared in his hand, which shocked everyone.

“Space treasure?”

“It turned out to be a space treasure…”

Wei Wen’s action of taking objects from the sky directly showed the fact that he had space treasures, and the eyes of the powerful people around him were red.

You must know that space treasures are rare and precious. The space treasures known to the world today are only possessed by the first powerhouse Hong and the second powerhouse Thor.

Perhaps there are many people who have it, but no one has exposed it.

Wei Wen, he is the third one!

The space treasure was enough to shock everyone, but what Wei Wen said next made them even more excited.

“This thing is called cosmic energy liquid. One drop can make ordinary people have the physical quality of a warrior, and ten drops can become a warrior…

A thousand drops can become a **** of war! “


“how is this possible?”

“This is impossible!”

Shocked three consecutive, extremely terrifying.

One thousand drops is a **** of war, one thousand drops is a **** of war…

This news is really exciting!

Simply, it’s a fantasy!

“God of War can be used, can planetary powerhouses be able to use it?”

The lion-like body of the third speaker became even more burly, and after being shocked, he asked very rudely.

If planetary-level warriors can also use it, it would be a blessing for them!

They, the strength of many people has not changed for a long time.

At the beginning, the gap between them and Hong and Thor was not very big, but as time passed, the gap became suffocating.

None of these people are willing to be ordinary or weak.

Nowadays, there are more and more human warriors and more and more geniuses. This seems to be a good thing, but it is a great pressure for these older generation powerhouses.

After all, a nineteen-year-old child can stand side by side with those who have been in the world since the Great Nirvana, or even stronger than them. This fact is impossible to accept.

“Third Speaker, I can tell you that this thing is also useful for planetary-level powerhouses. Millions of drops, tens of millions of drops are completely absorbed, and it is still possible to improve the cultivation base by one or two steps.”

Wei Wen’s face was a little cold. The main event was coming. This was the important information that made these strong members go crazy.

“Very good, very good, just useful.” Fourth Speaker East’s face was flushed with excitement, and his strength and power could finally go further.

Easter’s speed burst out in an instant. He is a spiritual teacher, his speed is far faster than other strong members, reaching more than six times the speed of sound, and he directly **** the jade bottle in Wei Wen’s hand.

Most of the others also reacted quickly and rushed towards Wei Wen.

If it was only useful to ordinary people and weak warriors, they would not be so excited.

But it is also useful for strong members, so I can’t help it!

At this moment, greed is completely exposed.

As Wei Wen heard in his previous life, these guys fought for the so-called Mu Yajing, and even many strong members of the parliament died in that turmoil, which was the most tragic sacrifice since the era of the human base city.

The strong human beings did not die in the war against the, but in the internal struggle for treasures, which is really abominable!

For these people, Wei Wen will naturally not have a good face.

If he wanted to rob him, it just so happened that he also needed a battle to establish his reputation!

I saw that the corner of Wei Wen’s mouth rose slightly, and when he squeezed it, the jade bottle exploded directly. The cosmic energy liquid that should have flowed down, attached to Wei Wen’s arm, was absorbed perfectly by him, and there was nothing left.

“Can you grab my things too?”

Wei Wen sneered, the terrifying power all over his body fully blossomed, he pinched the veteran of the fourth speaker, and the tens of thousands of kilograms of force directly applied, causing the old guy to scream in pain.

It wasn’t over yet, Wei Wen slapped his other hand with a slap, and with a slap, the old guy was slapped, and half of his face was rotten.

Wei Wen’s state was so good that it exploded, and the legendary blade that Hua Mulan had transformed into was being carried by him, and with this increase, Wei Wen’s power could achieve such a terrifying effect.

A slap slapped the face of a spiritual teacher.

If it weren’t for the strong vitality of the planetary-level powerhouse, this slap would have killed the fourth speaker half to death.

Wei Wen had a powerful blast with one hand, but it was far from enough to directly deter these people.

“Boy, you’re too presumptuous, I have to teach you what humility is!”

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