Devouring the Starry Sky Beyond Reincarnation

v3 Chapter 27 - Fight the Thunder Dragon Emperor

Thunder Dragon Emperor, this is a powerful existence that has dominated the world during the Great Nirvana period, and is a well-deserved emperor in the endless deep sea.

A deep-sea monster, only an eight-clawed beast emperor can compete with it. Its status and strength are simply the Hong and Thor of the human society, and it is extremely terrifying!

Even in terms of the number of powerhouses under their control, the status of the two deep-sea beast emperors is far more terrifying than that of Hong and Lei Shen.

After all, there are endless monsters in the deep sea, the number of which is 10,000, 100,000,000 times that of humans, and the number of strong people is naturally incomparable.

Fortunately, monsters only have an advantage in number. In terms of individual strength, humans are still stronger.


Wei Wen exerted all his strength, condensed thousands of sword intentions into one point, exploded the power of the Blade of Destruction to the extreme, and slashed towards the dragon horn of the Thunder Dragon Emperor.

For a moment, Wei Wen had an illusion, as if he had seen this Thunder Dragon Emperor elsewhere, it was definitely not as simple as a picture on the Internet.

But in just a split second, he abandoned all his thoughts and devoted himself to fighting the enemy.

For existences like Thunder Dragon Emperor, Wei Wen can’t be distracted at all. Once distracted for too long, he will die.

Even Hong and Lei Shen have to be wholehearted when facing Thunder Dragon Emperor. The strength and wisdom of this big guy can’t be distracted by Hong and others.

How could the Thunder Dragon Emperor make Wei Wen wishful, his enormous power exploded directly, and the terrifying power of thunder and lightning greeted Wei Wen, wanting to kill this tiny human being.


With a simple collision of strike force, Wei Wen was directly knocked into the air.

Wei Wenwen was seriously injured by Thunder Dragon Emperor’s attack, and he took the initiative to attack Thunder Dragon Emperor just to see the difference between them.

Unexpectedly, the difference is really not a star and a half!

Wei Wen’s own strength is still not strong enough. Now he has more than 20 million kilograms in full force. This strength seems extremely powerful, but it is far from enough to see in front of high-level planetary powerhouses.

And Wei Wen’s own advantage lies in speed, and his speed talent is the most terrifying.

But this speed was completely suppressed by the Thunder Dragon Emperor!

You must know that Wei Wen is still at the God of War level, that is, a ninth-level apprentice life form. His speed has reached sixteen times the speed of sound, which is half of the planetary-level limit speed.

This kind of terrifying speed talent, even if it is placed in the universe, has a place.

After all, Wei Wen is only an apprentice-level life, and his speed is much faster than most planet-level fifth-order powerhouses.

The fifth rank of planets, apart from Hong and Lei Shen, no one among human beings can reach this rank.

There may be some fifth-order planets of monsters, but most of those guys are very cunning and will not be easily exposed to human vision.

It can be said that Wei Wen’s speed is extremely fast among all creatures in the world.

But for Thunder Dragon Emperor, Wei Wen’s speed was still much slower.

Thunder Dragon Emperor, the special ability it awakens is thunder and lightning. Thunder and lightning is an extremely terrifying attribute power, and it is unparalleled in attack and attack.

This made the Thunder Dragon Emperor extremely powerful and extremely powerful. The strength of the pure body is enough to reach tens of millions of kilograms, and its speed is also very terrifying.

Because thunder and lightning itself spreads at the speed of light, the warrior who awakened the power of thunder and lightning, in addition to the terrifying power and destructive power, also has an extremely terrifying speed!

Wei Wen, unfortunately, happened to meet the Thunder Dragon Emperor who completely suppressed him.

This guy is famous for his speed, lightning, and strength. Wei Wen can’t beat him, and he can’t run!


Thunder Dragon Emperor roared, he must kill this human being, kill him, kill him, kill him!

It was originally the most powerful emperor in the deep sea, but why did it go deep inland to kill a human powerhouse?

Could it be that it knew about Wei Wen’s terrifying talent and that he was their confidant’s serious trouble, so it had to eradicate him in advance?

In fact, this is only one of the small reasons.

When Wei Wen killed a kilometer-long deep sea devil whale king, Thunder Dragon Emperor noticed Wei Wen’s existence.

With its extraordinary wisdom, it has long seen the extraordinaryness of this tiny human being.

At that time, it wanted to kill Wei Wen directly in the deep sea to avoid future troubles!

Unfortunately, just when it wanted to make a move, the domain of that god-like man descended, scaring it to dive directly into the deep sea, not daring to show up again.

Originally, there was no chance to kill Wei Wen, and Thunder Dragon Emperor was also ready to give up this idea.

But not long ago, its queen and prince died tragically in this Slender West Lake, which directly angered it!

Thunder Dragon King, it is one of the most powerful life forms on the earth in this world. Only the god-like man in the world can suppress it, and no one else can.

Its queen died tragically, and its crown prince was killed, so naturally, she was extremely angry, and her anger rushed to the crown.

Originally, it had long wanted to take revenge.

It’s a pity that Wei Wen had been in Hongning Base City for a while, and there was no chance for revenge beside that terrifying man.

So it has been waiting and waiting, and finally, it has waited for the opportunity!

This time, it will kill this human at any cost to avenge its wife and son!

The Thunder Dragon Emperor shot with hatred and lethal moves. In an instant, the whole world changed color, the sky was dark, and the thunder and lightning were densely covered, which was extremely terrifying.


Wei Wen vomited blood. After being attacked by Thunder Dragon Emperor several times, he himself was severely injured, as if his internal organs were dislocated, and he was in extreme pain.

“Damn, the strength is still not enough!”

Wei Wen was extremely angry. He still overestimated his own strength and underestimated the terror of Thunder Dragon Emperor.

It’s no wonder that all the powerhouses in the world, except Hong and Lei Shen, the rest of the people who see the deep sea emperor only have to run for their lives.

This deep sea beast emperor is a terrifying existence in a powerful class with Hong and others!

If you want to give a ranking to the world’s strong, then the world’s number one strong is definitely Hong, he is the worthy number one person on earth, and under Hong, the second place is this Thunder Dragon Emperor.

Under the Thunder Dragon Emperor is another beast emperor, and under the two beast emperors, it is Thor’s turn.

And the fifth, sixth and twentieth are all monsters from the deep sea.

Oh, no, now that Wei Wen has risen, he should have a place in the top 20.

And after the top 20, it is possible to rank the other powerhouses of the earth human beings.

The gap between humans and monsters can be imagined!

Fortunately, the deep-sea monsters are not united enough, and there are many internal contradictions. Even the two two beast emperors cannot unite the deep sea.

What’s more, the two beast emperors have a lot of contradictions and conflicts of interest, so how could it be possible to unite to the outside world.

At the end of the Great Nirvana, it was all because humans developed ultra-high-frequency laser cannons, which were enough to seriously threaten the king-level monsters, and then a full-scale war was launched under the control of the two beast emperors.

It can be said that among human beings, it is really Hong who suppressed the billions of deep-sea monsters!

It is precisely because of this reason that Hong won the title of the number one person in the world, known as the living god.

He is indeed a living god, a god-like man!

A flash of madness flashed in Wei Wen’s heart, and he couldn’t face it any longer. After a few more attempts, his body might be penetrated by the Thunder Dragon Emperor, and he couldn’t die any longer.

The battle with Thunder Dragon Emperor was extremely fast, and it has only been ten seconds now, and there are still many human gods of war in the Slender West Lake who have not yet evacuated.

“Hong’s speed is extremely fast, at least he has a speed of 10,000 meters per second at full speed.

But here is more than 3,000 kilometers away from the base city of Hongning, and it takes at least five minutes for Hong to come here at full speed.

I just need to hold on for five minutes, and we will win in five minutes! “

Wei Wen thought extremely fast, and in an instant he thought of the best countermeasure.

To drag, mainly to drag.

As long as he can drag it on, the Thunder Dragon Emperor will die!

This is the most important way, the other one depends on luck.

If his potential is squeezed to the extreme and he breaks through to the apprentice level, then Wei Wen is confident that he can kill this Thunder Dragon Emperor alone.

Wei Wen is not yet a planetary level life form. Once he reaches the planetary level, his combat power will definitely leap in quality, and it is possible to double the existing basis.

And once it doubles again, Wei Wen’s speed will break through the limit of planetary level, reaching 10,000 meters per second, and the combat power will also suddenly skyrocket, and he will definitely be able to deal with this Thunder Dragon Emperor.

Wei Wen made up his mind and rushed towards Thunder Dragon Emperor in an instant. His speed was much slower than Thunder Dragon Emperor, and it was absolutely impossible to pull at a long distance.

In this way, it can only be contained at a close distance.

After all, the human body is much smaller. Compared with the huge body of the Thunder Dragon Emperor, the human body is agile enough and agile enough.

Wei Wen jumped, dodged the Thunder Dragon Emperor’s lightning attack directly, and jumped onto its huge body in an instant.

The legendary blade in his hand attacked directly, and the terrifying metal power of his own was blessed on the blade. With the blessing of this sharp gold power, under the influence of Wei Wen’s huge power, the blade was directly inserted into the body of the Thunder Dragon Emperor. .


Wei Wen’s long sword slashed, directly sketching a beautiful arc, leaving a wound dozens of meters long on the Thunder Dragon Emperor’s back.


Thunder Dragon Emperor roared, it never expected that this tiny bug would leave a wound on it.

This is a great shame, a great shame!

You must know that in the deep sea, except for the eight-clawed beast emperor, no other monster can leave wounds on it.

Even those mid-level planetary kings can’t do it.

Maybe they have the ability to do it, but no animal dares to do it.

But now, it was actually injured by a small human being.

This is unbearable!

If it’s the other two humans, it doesn’t matter. After all, even if it’s it, it only gets to run when it sees those two strong humans.

Although it is stronger than Thor, it cannot take Thor in a short time. Once it is dragged by Thor and Hong comes, it will be finished.

Therefore, even if he met Thor, the Thunder Dragon Emperor would step aside and avoid him at a distance.

But now, this human who appeared out of nowhere, killed its queen and prince, and now still hurts him, it is really unbearable.

Must kill him, kill him, kill him!


Thunder Dragon Emperor roared, his huge body tumbling up in an instant, trying to shake Wei Wen down.

It’s a pity that Wei Wen’s control over himself is extremely powerful, and he was just walking on the ground, attacking Thunder Dragon Emperor from behind.

Although Wei Wen’s current strength is not strong enough, the threat to Thunder Dragon Emperor is limited,

But under the characteristics of the legendary blade, it is also possible to leave one wound after another on Wei Wen’s body with the help of Wei Wen’s own metallic power.

This is Wei Wen’s purpose.


This big guy is indeed very powerful, and his speed is unparalleled, but Wei Wen doesn’t fight it head-on, just play games with it, how can it be?


Thunder Dragon Emperor let out an angry roar, the huge and slender body danced wildly, and even the terrifying tail was also swayed, constantly fanning towards Wei Wen.

I saw that its terrifying dragon tail kept stirring and slapped directly towards Wei Wen’s place. Fortunately, Wei Wen’s insight was extraordinary, and his dexterous figure floated slightly, worthy of passing this terrifying dragon tail~www. ~smack~”

This Thunder Dragon Emperor was extremely angry, and when he became ruthless, he even hit himself, making a loud noise, but even the sound of broken bones was transmitted.


Wei Wen sucked in a breath of cold air. Fortunately, he reacted quickly, otherwise he would have been slapped by the tail and turned into meat in minutes!


The Thunder Dragon Emperor was extremely angry, those eyes full of thunder and lightning were full of bright red bloodshots, full of madness and hatred.


It roared in the sky, the sky above its head rumbling instantly, and the thunder light shone.




The thunder roared, and under the control of Thunder Dragon Emperor, it shot down directly and bombarded Wei Wen.

Seeing the situation, Wei Wen immediately dodged and continued to rush towards the huge body of the Thunder Dragon Emperor.


At this moment, the huge dragon horns on the Thunder Dragon Emperor’s head roared, and there was an extremely terrifying divine thunder bred in its dragon horns, with the slightest dark color, extremely terrifying.


The thunder on the Thunder Dragon Emperor’s horns burst directly and attacked Wei Wen.

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