Devouring the Starry Sky Beyond Reincarnation

v4 Chapter 32 - Day 1 [Long wait, sorry sorry]

Earth Year, February 28, 2058.

It has been two weeks since the golden horned beast died.

Now, the monsters in the deep sea have receded, and the earth has returned to its former order. There are constant local wars and no major wars.

In the deep sea of ​​the Pacific Ocean, the starry beast that sank to the bottom of the ocean, with a body as stiff as a corpse, suddenly trembled.

Afterwards, a pair of eyes shone with golden light, with human joy and excitement, which was extremely captivating.

Fortunately, this is an endless deep sea, but no one has discovered it.

Otherwise, the matter of “the beast in the starry sky is dead and resurrected” is afraid that it will cause another uproar on the earth.

However, the earth has returned to calm, and the virtual universe, the island of Heilongshan is extremely lively.

“The sixth prince has completely abused the ninth-order genius warrior of the planet~”

“Shocked, the sixth prince actually understood the domain, he is the first genius of the Black Dragon Mountain Empire~”

“The sixth prince uses his sixth-rank planetary strength to pick a middle-rank star-rank powerhouse with his sword. It’s too terrifying.”

“The Sixth Prince…”

On the island of Heilongshan, the name of the sixth prince of the Heilongshan Empire was completely spread.

And as his talent was revealed, he soon won the title of the first genius of the Black Dragon Mountain Empire.

Wen Wu is the first and Wu Wu is second. Jian Wen won the title of the first genius. Naturally, there are many people who are not convinced.

But in the past few months, of all the planetary-level warriors who challenged Jianwen, none of them could take his sword.

Even a genius of the ninth rank of the planet can’t stop Jianwen’s sword.

Even, the Holy Land Black Dragon Mountain and the Ice Sea Divine Kingdom have come out of a lot of unparalleled talents, and many people have mastered the field at the planetary level.

Unfortunately, under the stars, no one is Jianwen’s opponent, and it is difficult to stop his sword.

Even the junior stellar geniuses of the two holy places joined the battle, and were all overturned by Jianwen with one sword and one sword!

It was also this battle that completely established the name of the first genius of the Heilongshan Empire in Jianwen.

Naturally, the two Holy Lands are not convinced. They think that the realm is low and the explosion is strong, which cannot represent the talent is excellent and the talent is extraordinary.

They believe that there are many people in the two holy places who are much more talented than Jianwen, but most of these people are stars of the ninth order,

Moreover, many people already have the strength to break through to become a cosmos-level powerhouse, but for the sake of a grand event in the near future, they will forcibly suppress their strength and prevent themselves from breaking through to become a cosmos-level powerhouse.

Many disciples of the two holy places believe that most of these people’s talents are much stronger than Jianwen…

But this kind of doubt was turned into nothing under the imperial decree of the Emperor Heilongshan.

Jianwen, he has mastered the sixth-level power of the domain at the sixth rank of the planet. Who can compare his talent?

Domain, most of the cosmos-level powerhouses do not understand the domain, and those who can master the domain at the star level are all peerless geniuses in the billions.

The Heilongshan star field is extremely vast, with more than 8,000 galaxies, each of which has hundreds of thousands, or even millions of life planets, and each life planet has billions of people, even tens of billions, hundreds of billions of people …

Under such a huge number of people, there are also many peerless geniuses born, and there are also extremely many people who master the field at the star level.

There are quite a few unparalleled geniuses who have mastered the ninth-level realm of the stellar ninth-order, and even some geniuses in the planetary-level comprehension field.

But most of these people mastered the domain only when they were high-level planets, and they were all low-level domains, and those who reached the third level were extremely rare.

And Jianwen, he actually mastered the sixth-level power of the domain at the sixth rank of the planet…

A well-deserved first genius!

At the very least, Jianwen’s current talent is comparable to that of the most terrifying genius in the history of the Black Dragon Mountain Empire.

After Jianwen defeated all the geniuses of the Heilongshan Empire’s middle-level stars, he chose to retreat and practice.

Finally, it became a high-level planetary level!

Moreover, he has made a breakthrough in both spiritual power and genetic energy, and has become a seventh-order powerhouse of a dual-system planet.


Jianwen let out a long breath, and after breaking through to become a high-level planet, his own strength has improved a lot.

Just as Jianwen had guessed!

When he was in the first stage of the planet, the spiritual power of each stage was doubled on the basis of the first stage.

And once you enter the middle-level planet, every time you break through the first level, the quality and quantity of mental power will double on the basis of the third-level planet.

Now entering the high-level planet stage, it is doubled on the basis of the sixth-level planet!

In other words, Jianwen’s current mental power is twenty-four times that of his first-order planet!

Twenty-four times, this is far more terrifying than others reaching the ninth rank of planetary level.

Generally speaking, the gap between the ninth order of the planet and the first order of the planet is nine times.

This nine-fold difference just refers to the difference in the number of mental power cores!

Because the ninth-order planet has nine spiritual power cores, while the first-order planetary spiritual master has only one.

The difference can be imagined!

Of course, Jianwen’s mental power core and genetic energy core are not abnormal.

Only the quality and quantity of the spiritual power in the spiritual power core has an extremely terrifying increase.

The mental power core of the first-order Jianwen planet is far stronger than the spiritual power of the ninth-order ordinary planet.

Now that he has broken through to become a seventh-order spiritual master, the strength of spiritual power is twenty-four times that of the first-order, and his comprehensive strength is naturally not comparable to ordinary planetary-level powerhouses!

This is just a competition of spiritual power.

Jianwen is not yet at the peak of the planet, and his mental power is strong enough to be invincible.

Of course, Jianwen is still only a planetary level, and his mental power quality is still incomparable to a stellar level.

The gap between each other is bigger than the gap between the planetary-level mastery-attribute cosmic energy and the apprentice’s non-attribute energy.

In other words, Jianwen has extraordinary talent, has a solid foundation, and with the blessing of swordsmanship, artistic skills, and fields, Jianwen can fight against star-level powerhouses.

Otherwise, it is basically impossible to defeat a star-level powerhouse at a planetary level.

“Come on, we will reach the Milky Way in four months, and soon we will be able to enter that void space and find the Earth!”

Jianwen walked in the huge spaceship, then stopped and stared at the endless starry sky.

It has been almost a year since he ‘crossed’.

During this period of time, he has spent more than half a year in the Sixth Prince City, and has completely integrated into his current role and identity.

It’s just that every time he thinks of the earth and the past, Jianwen is still very emotional.

All this is so dreamy!

In other words, the Temple of Reincarnation made him reborn, so that he could accept such a dreamlike reality.

But Jianwen also asked Ling’er, and she said that the Temple of Reincarnation couldn’t do such a thing!

In other words, the change from ‘Wei Wen’ to ‘Jian Wen’ is not the fault of the Temple of Reincarnation.

This black pot, the Temple of Reincarnation does not bear it.

Fortunately, Jianwen’s nerves are strong enough, but he did not continue to investigate further.

“Crossing” means “crossing”!

There is a strong, calf-protecting, and beautiful mother, which seems to be not bad.

Moreover, now that his identity is enough to walk sideways in the Black Dragon Mountain Star Region, it is indeed not bad!

“There is still more than a year before the Devouring Beast ravages the earth in 2060, four months to the Milky Way, and more than a year to find the earth, which should be enough.

It’s really not good, it’s okay to act a little coquettish, sell a few cute things, say a few good words, and let the mother break the so-called space blockade and come directly to the earth…”

Jianwen looked up at the starry sky, thinking about things on earth.

He must rush back before the giant golden horns ravage the earth.

Jianwen is not worried that human beings on earth will be wiped out by giant golden-horned beasts.

In the previous life, the golden-horned beast was wiped out by humans.

In this life, human beings on earth have more resources and have been better developed, and it is impossible for the golden-horned beast to become a problem.

“Huh, I don’t know how the earth is doing now, it should be much better than the previous life, right?

I established a new social order, united various forces to establish the Earth Humanity Federation, and even killed the Thunder Dragon Emperor…

Now, Luo Feng should have obtained the inheritance of the Falling Moxing Star.

With Cosmic Energy Liquid and Mu Yajing, the number of powerhouses on Earth will definitely double several times. The threat of monsters still exists, but it’s a lot easier, right?

I just don’t know what happened to me. They all thought I was dead, right?

I don’t know how Sister Hua is doing now? “

Jianwen fell into deep thought, and suddenly he didn’t know how to face the earth!

He is now the sixth prince of the Black Dragon Mountain Empire, not the Earth Wei Wen in a simple sense.

Although in the whole universe, the earth is insignificant.

But for Jianwen, this is really not the case!

The earth carries too many things.

Much more than just a planet!

At least, Jianwen’s three views, beliefs, ideals, wills, etc., are all cultivated in this place.

“Huh, no matter what, there are my parents, my brothers and friends, my soldiers, my comrades-in-arms, and those ordinary heroes who guard this world.

And, the promise that I’ve spent my whole life guarding! “

Jianwen looked at the endless starry sky, and his eyes shone with a fierce light like sword light.

He still remembers his promise!

The wish of a guardian hero to protect the world!

For this promise, Jian Wen (Wei Wen) is willing to work hard all his life!

In the starry sky, the stars are shining, and a huge fleet of cosmic space with high value crosses the starry sky, as if it is popular, it is extremely gorgeous.

That is, Jianwen’s spaceship, they have come out of the dark universe and are heading towards a prosperous planet at high speed.

After traveling through the universe for several months, it is considered to have completed a normal journey.

And after flying for such a long time, the resources on the spacecraft were almost consumed, so I was ready to move closer to that planet to supply resources.

“His Royal Highness, in front of you is the White Dragon Star, which is one of the most prosperous planets in the empire. Our Black Cloud Society also has a branch on the White Dragon Star. I have already asked them to prepare the materials we need.

But we need a lot of supplies, and the spacecraft also needs to be repaired, which will take about three days…”

Seeing Jianwen standing there, Xiyan stepped up and respectfully reported.

Although there are maintenance teams and maintenance robots on the spacecraft, a more comprehensive ‘physical examination’ is still required for the spacecraft to fly in space for a long time.

Only if the spacecraft is ‘healthy’ enough, the space flight will go smoothly.

Otherwise, once something goes wrong, it will become extra troublesome in the boundless universe.

Even more serious, it may cause the spacecraft to disintegrate and explode, causing a lot of damage to the people on the spacecraft.

In particular, there are too many dangers in the universe, and if you are not careful, you may encounter extinction.

Even Xiyan cannot guarantee that all dangers can be resolved.

As one of the actual persons in charge of this spaceship, of course, she must put Jianwen’s safety first!

Fortunately, this is in the Heilongshan star field, which belongs to the territory of the Heilongshan Empire.

And Jianwen is the sixth prince of the Heilongshan Empire, ‘Heilongshan Wen’, in this starry sky, no one dares to provoke him.

It is precisely because of Jianwen’s identity that this journey has been extremely smooth and no danger has been encountered.

“Three days?”

Jianwen murmured softly, three days is not too long, and staying in the spaceship for a long time also made Jianwen have other emotions.

Although most of the time is spent in the virtual universe, blindly cultivating is not the answer, it is just an exercise of mental will, but it makes the physical response and power less natural.

Fortunately, this spaceship is big enough, and there is a huge training room and training ground inside, so that Jianwen has a place to train his body, so that he can better master his own strength.

“Three days, I just went out for a walk, just take a look, it’s not bad to relieve my mood!”

Jianwen nodded secretly. Although he is strong-willed, he can force himself to cultivate and become stronger, but blindly forcing himself to cultivate is indeed not a good cultivation method.

Combining work and rest is the prerequisite for scientific cultivation!

Of course, although he really wanted to get to Earth early, he also understood that this could not be accomplished overnight.

It’s been months, let alone three days?

Bailongxing, this is one of the most powerful planets in the Black Dragon Mountain Empire, much more powerful than that horned dragon.

Here, there are a large number of powerhouses and forces in the southeastern region of the Black Dragon Mountain Star Region, and it is the most prosperous place in the most southeastern region.

Of course, because there are many strong people, the order is relatively stable, and it is much safer than other places.

That is to say, because of security, many rich people in the universe will come, which makes trade especially frequent, and naturally becomes more and more prosperous.

At this moment, on this prosperous planet, there are tens of thousands of strong people waiting in line.

Even the head of the white dragon star, the world master of the white dragon was on the spot, waiting with thousands of strong people.

It can be said that all the famous characters on the White Dragon Star are here!

And the person they were waiting for was the sixth prince of the Heilongshan Empire—”Heilongshan?? Wen”!

“Line up to play music, your Royal Highness is here~”

A beautiful master of ceremonies received an order and was about to pass it on.


For a time, a movement representing the supreme respect of Bailongxing sounded The entire planet was in a state of extreme celebration.

Standing in the control room of the spacecraft, Jianwen saw the huge White Dragon Star and the splendid guard of honor, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

Interesting, the White Dragon Star gave him such a surprise…

“His Royal Highness, the branch of the Black Cloud Society has spread the news of your arrival, and let the White Dragon World Lord of White Dragon Star know that this White Dragon World Lord planned how to come out, and asked the Highness to drop the crime.”

Xiyan knelt down on one knee and pleaded with Jianwen.

At first, they didn’t know about this on the White Dragon Star.

If Jianwen gets angry and punishes Heiyunhui and these people in a fit of rage, I am afraid that many people will suffer.


Jianwen didn’t care, he waved his hand slightly, “It’s not an example, this time it’s fine.”


Xiyan’s pretty face was full of smiles, very beautiful.


The spacecraft was in orbit with the White Dragon Star, and landed in the most noble place according to the expected trajectory.


After the cabin door slammed open, a group of people headed by Jianwen walked down.

“Congratulations, Your Highness~”


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