Devouring the Starry Sky Beyond Reincarnation

v4 Chapter 36 - Jianlian Chuxuan

“Come in~”

Jianwen had no doubts. He knew that Xiyan had arrived, so he called out to let them in.


The door of the room was opened, and it was indeed the domain master of Xiyan of the Black Cloud Society. She brought the girl from the Jianlian clan and came to see Jianwen specially.

“Your Highness~”

Seeing Jianwen, this glamorous domain master directly bowed and saluted, and his beautiful figure was undoubtedly revealed.

As the contact time became longer, Xiyan also had an illusion of a certain name. It seemed that Heiyun would have such a **** as Jianwen, which was the blessing of the entire Heiyunhui!

It’s not that the Sixth Prince is fortunate to be the president of the Heiyun Society, but Heiyunhui is fortunate to be the treasure pot where the Sixth Prince’s subordinates gather wealth!

Although the current sixth prince is still very immature, or still very ‘young’, and still very weak, the aptitude and potential he has shown are indeed the highest in the Black Dragon Mountain Star Region, and he is the top talent in the world.


Jianwen had already quit training, got up and looked at Xiyan, or the girl behind her.

This girl from the Sword Lotus Clan was taken by Xiyan to be cleaned, and she put on a beautiful long dress and delicate decorations…

It can be said that she has changed her body, completed a perfect transformation, and became a pure and lovely peerless girl with extraordinary beauty.

Such a pure face, even the domain master Xiyan praised it, it is indeed very beautiful!

However, pure is pure, and beautiful is really beautiful, but it still has many shortcomings.

Maybe it has something to do with her own experience. This girl is a little timid, and her eyes are still filled with despair and fear, she is very scared.

Mental appearance is unsatisfactory, and body is also so-so…

This girl is a little underdeveloped!

Being an airport owner at a young age is a proper negative generation!

Well, it’s actually not that exaggerated. It’s a bit too much to say that the negative generation is too much, so let’s reluctantly correct A!

Jianwen carefully looked at this Jianlian girl, and the more she looked, the more delighted she became.

“What’s your name?”

Jianwen slowly came to the Jianlian girl and asked softly.

He did not act arrogantly towards the White Dragon World Lord, but instead had the gentleness and delicacy of the big brother next door.


The little girl was very timid, her mindless eyes staring at Jianwen in front of her, she was extremely nervous, even fearful.

When Xiyan was cleaning her, she also explained to her, telling her some basic information about Jianwen, so that she should not be afraid, and told her what to do…

It’s a pity that this girl is cowardly and can’t do anything.

She has been in the dark, despair and fear, isn’t it normal?

“You go down first~”

Jianwen was not in a hurry, he waved his hand to let Xiyan go down. He must know the information about this Jianlian girl, and maybe he could save more Jianlian people.

“Yes, Your Highness!”

Xiyan heard the words, looked at the girl from the Sword Lotus clan, then bowed to leave, closed the door, and stepped back to prepare the resources and supplies needed by the spaceship.

And after Xi Yan disappeared, Lian Xin walked out of the guest room of this luxurious suite, jumped out one step, and came to the side of the Sword Lotus girl.

The appearance of Lian Xin, especially the breath of life that symbolized the inexhaustible emanating from her body, made the sword lotus girl tremble.

This is a nostalgia, a nostalgia from life.

Just feeling this breath made her feel at ease, and her restless and cold heart also became peaceful and warm.

Lian Xin didn’t say much. A slender hand was placed on the shoulder of the Jianlian girl, and the huge life force and soul force emerged, and invaded the girl’s body in an instant without any hindrance.

The difference in strength between the two of them is too great, the difference in the level of life and the difference in soul is also extremely huge.

If Lian Xin wanted to, she could even control the girl’s heart and soul at a glance…

But she didn’t!

Destroying the mind and controlling the soul, this is an extremely ruthless technique, which is a lot of damage to the controlled person.

This girl is from the Jianlian clan, that is, Lianxin’s clan, so naturally she will not be so vicious.

However, even if she is a clan, Lian Xin can’t trust her, she must investigate the ins and outs of the matter.

Under the exploration of Lianxin’s huge soul power, the girl’s experience was quickly restored.

But the more she knows, the more Lian Xin’s heart trembles.

This girl is called Chu Xuan. She originally lived on an indigenous planet. She had no parents and no mother, and lived in an institution similar to an orphanage.

When I was young, I was lucky, and my life was not luxurious, but it was carefree and worry-free.

But suddenly one day, she was ‘adopted’. This happy event did not want to be the beginning of her life’s suffering.

Her body was injected with drugs, and she was cultivated domineeringly and toughly, trying to induce the power in her body.

With the passage of time, the power has increased day by day, and three years ago, it broke through the shackles of the apprentice level and entered the planet level.

Planetary-level slaves are naturally much more precious than apprentice-level slaves.

But that’s not the point. Chuxuan has been in a cage, living in darkness, and has endured all kinds of hardships and beatings…

In the end, after changing hands several times, it was bought by a group of mysterious people, and three months ago, they were sold to Bailongxing by this group of mysterious people, and “sold” to the White Dragon World Lord.

These are just the tragic journey of Chu Xuan being sold, and did not affect Lian Xin’s strong heart.

But her heart was trembling.

Because, she ‘saw’ that the children in the orphanage were like Chu Xuan, with the marks of sword and lotus on their foreheads.

If it is just this mark, it cannot be judged that they are the Sword Lotus Clan.

But Lianxin is very sure that Chu Xuan next to her is a member of the Jianlian clan, and with this exception, it is enough to make Lianxin associate with the identities of those ‘orphans’…

With this association, an extremely terrifying and dark speculation flooded into Lian Xin’s mind, and it was this speculation that directly hit her powerful heart and soul, resulting in an endless despair and terror.

She originally thought that the enemy of the Sword Lotus Clan was the original will of the original universe, and it was the original universe that wanted to destroy the Sword Lotus Clan.

She naturally hated and hated those people and forces who took action to destroy the Sword Lotus Clan.

But she didn’t expect that those people would be so mad…

The Sword Lotus Clan was actually kept in captivity?

Yes, the Sword Lotus Clan was bred in captivity!

This is Lian Xin’s guess. Although she has no evidence, it seems to be the truth!

Some people and forces, because of the gift of the original will of the original universe, stretched the butcher knife to the Jianlian clan…

Lianxin knows this.

After all, the gift of the original law of the original universe is indeed an incredible benefit, which can allow many people or creatures to break through the bottleneck and ask for the peak…

It is precisely because of this rule that for more than 30 million years, the endless Sword Lotus Clan has been devastated and on the verge of extinction!

In this regard, Lian Xin had nothing to say.

After all, it is the ending driven by the original will of the original universe!

What makes it difficult for her to accept is that some people actually do the act of raising the sword lotus clan in captivity for the sake of ‘sustainable development’ and the ‘constant gift of the law of origin’…

This is unforgivable, absolutely unforgivable!

Lian Xin’s face is extremely gloomy. Although she has no evidence, she does not need any evidence.

In the initial estimate, the number of sword lotus tribes in the entire universe was only in the thousands.

But now it seems that if the “captive” clansmen are added, the number will be several times, even dozens, hundreds of times…

Is this the sadness or happiness of the Jianlian Clan?

Lianxin doesn’t know!

She was angry.

The Jianlian tribe is also a member of the human race.

When the original will of the original universe destroyed the Jianlian clan, there were humans who helped and saved many Jianlian people, but there were also many people who fell into trouble and gained a lot of benefits…

For these, Lian Xin is well aware of it!

She understands that people in this world, whether they are monsters or monsters, or even the mechanic or the Zerg, are not all good people and bad people.

The world is not black and white!

Many creatures cannot be simply summarized as good and bad!

In the universe, people always have various labels.

Under different identities, under different positions, in different events, and at different times, there are different labels…

Although Lian Xin’s life is not long, it can be considered that she has gone through vicissitudes of life and has seen through many worldly reds.

But in the end, she still underestimated greed!

There are actually humans who are raising the Sword Lotus Clan in captivity!

This incident was indeed terrifying, and it completely defeated Lian Xin’s heart.

She was so shocked and furious that Jianwen didn’t respond to many calls.


In the end, it was the severe pain in the soul of this sword lotus girl that caught Lian Xin’s attention.

Lian Xin immediately let go of her hand, and the huge soul force was completely evacuated.

Lian Xin looked at this skinny girl, a trace of pity poured into her heart, accompanied by the sheen of maternal love like the vast ocean.

“Girl, you’ve worked so hard~”

Lian Xin hugged the girl named Chu Xuan tightly, and the gentle strength radiated from her body, soothing the girl’s trembling heart and body.

This power is very life force, soft and warm, and it is an extremely dreamy and sweet feeling that Chu Xuan has never experienced before.

Chu Xuan’s eyes full of despair and death gradually revealed luster, with a hint of brilliance.

Jianwen stood silently by the side, he was extremely curious, what did the queen mother see, so that an extremely strong person like her would become shocked and frightened.

However, he didn’t ask, and looked at the girl silently.

The more I look at it, the more I feel that this girl is a bit gratifying. It seems that it would be good to stay by my side to be a little girl, huh?

Chu Xuan did not resist, nor did she let this strange woman hug her.

In fact, she still misses this kind of hug!

At least, this kind of warmth and peace only existed in her memory, in her extremely young childhood.

Chuxuan, I am really nostalgic!

“Chu, Chuxuan, my name is Chuxuan…”

With a trembling voice, the little girl introduced it word by word.

Her voice was not pleasant, extremely hoarse, as if she hadn’t spoken in years.

“Okay, okay, Chuxuan won’t experience those darkness again in the future, you have a home, you have a home~”

Lian Xin’s voice was also trembling. She thought that with Jian Shang disbanding the Jian Lian Clan, she would also be able to let go of that responsibility and mission.

But now, she discovered that the responsibility and mission that was engraved into the bone marrow and melted into the blood was something she could not let go of no matter what.

“Home? Can Chuxuan have a home too?”

The little girl’s eyes became extraordinarily smart. The simple things like home have never appeared in her life.

She has been in the dark, how can there be any home?

“Yes! Yes!”

Lian Xin’s voice became firm, she can give her son a home, and naturally a home for every Jianlian clan!

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