Diary of a Lost Soldier in Another World

Chapter 19: Not One Step Back

Chapter 19: Not One Step Back


The next morning we rode out on horseback with the knights of the Silver Lions towards the forward camp. They had arrived at Northedor sometime during the dinner with the Viscount. They had rested the night and we moved out together at dawn. We left the carriage behind as we moved along the road. The carriage was a slow flashy thing, I rather fight on foot than use that thing in the middle of a warzone. It would be unlikely that we would be attacking immediately anyway. You would need to be a special breed of idiot to charge the enemy before you took stock of the situation.

As we rode up the rode it wasn’t long before we ran into the first sign of the battle ahead. A line of wagons filled with wounded rode past us. I turned to see the men and women there were covered in bloody bandages. All of them looked to be hurt so badly that they would be cripples if they survived their wounds. Most of them looked to be missing limbs, their stumps wrapped in red stained bandages. They sat listlessly on the wagons leaning on each other, their heads down, some looked to be unconscious.

“Why the hell aren’t they healed?” Jacob asked.

“Conservation of resources most likely.” I reply.

“Conservation of resources?” I hear Charlotte asks.

“My best guess is that they can’t heal everyone. If it was me I would prioritise healing those soldiers I can get back into the fight easily. Like that time I nearly killed myself, you and Amethine healed me over ten times to save me. I imagine they don’t have that luxury to do that to every wounded soldier. Imagine doing that for hundreds of maimed men, you have to prioritise who you heal and how you allocate your healer’s limited spells.” I say as we pass the line of wagons.

“I imagine those are the lucky ones…” I say coldly as I face forward again.

“Lucky ones? You mean compared to those that are already dead?” Ivan asked.

“No, those soldiers probably have a relatively good chance of surviving their wounds. That’s why they are bothering to send them back to the city. There are plenty of men who are too wounded to be saved. You can’t put them out of their misery, that would cost manpower, bullets or drugs. So most of the time they are left to slowly die. They could take hours or even days to die. Not a good way to go…” I say.

The rest went silent at those words and we rode the rest of the way silent. My statement didn’t take long to be confirmed. An hour later we arrived at the camp and I saw the aid station. Outside lying in the sun and grass were lines of soldiers. They all had bloody blankets thrown over their stomachs. Some had unbandaged stumps that were just left there to bleed. A small swarm of flies hovered over the line of dying soldiers and high above I could see crows circling like vultures. 

“My god…” Charlotte whispered as she stopped her horse.

“Charlotte, we need to keep moving…” I say gently.

“Maybe we can help…” Charlotte said softly.

“We need to seal the Rift or more are going to end up like them. We can save whoever we can when this is all over.” I say.

“Sergeant Onaga is correct Lady Charlotte. We must hurry or more will join them.” Davis said grimly.

Charlotte bit her lip for a moment before looking away and spurring her horse forward. Just like that we rode on past the line of dying men and women. Then as we got closer to the aid station we started to hear muffling screaming come from the tent. 

“What the hell?” Jacob asked pale faced.

“Probably an amputation. When limbs are too heavily damaged, the doctors can’t plug all the holes. Best thing they can do is cut the limb off and bandage the stump. I doubt they have morphine here…” I say as we ride past.

As we got closer to the command tent we started to see more of the wounded. Some are sitting in grass wrapped in bandages, sitting listless as they waited their turn to be sent home. There were other soldiers just milling about as well, they sat around burnt out campfires sometimes a piece of food in their hands. Their armor covered in grime and what looks to be some form of black liquid. 

When we arrived at the command tent we dismounted and we began walking towards the opening. The opening was flanked by a pair of knights in gleaming armor. They each stood at attention as we approached and held their halberds ramrod straight. 

As we entered the tent itself we saw three men in armor including Bovarian and two women in mage robes standing around a map on the table.

“Ah Heroes, you are a sight for sore eyes.” one of the men said. 

“About time you got here, enjoy your nights sleep?” Bovarain asked sarcastically.

“Silence cutt-throat, you are speaking to the heroes.” one of the women said.

“Yes the bed was very soft.” I reply sarcastically as I approach the map and look down.



It looks like the allied forces so far have contained the opposing forces…

“Who are all of you? What are your responsibilities?” I ask curtly as I look up from the map. No time to mince words, time is short.

“I am Sir Jerome a Knight Captain of the Grey Eagles knight order, this is Mihel Guard Captain of the Northedor Garrison.” Jerome said as he gestured to Mihel. Jerome is the most stoutly built among the group, he had green eyes and blonde hair. There was also a large scar running across his face that went from the top right of his forehead over to his nose, barely missing his right eye.

“I am also in command of the garrison of Weston. Our ranks have been bolstered by the 5000 guardsmen from the main army. They have been provisionally placed under my command in anticipation of the Rifts.” Mihel said. He is a plain looking man with curly brown hair and black eyes. If you put him in civilian clothes and he would pass for your everyday bystander.

“You know who I am, Dark Hero.” Bovarian said as he crossed his arms, I nodded in his direction to signal my assent.

“I am Lady Scilla Verrot, an Archmage of the Magus Council. I lead the Northern Vale Magus Garrison.” the woman with flaming red hair said. She wore mage attire similar to Charlotte’s and Amethine’s.

“I am High Priestess Liana, I lead the Priestesses of the Church of Life here in this war torn land.” the blonde woman said as she bowed slightly, her dress was like the priestesses back in the capital. So she led the medical forces then…

“I am the Dark Hero, Onaga Katsuro. This is my team, I am sure you know about us by now so let us skip the introductions and get right to the main issue.” I say curtly as I gestured to the map. The five opposite us all nod as we turn our gaze to the table.

“What’s the battle situation?” I ask as I look down at the map.

“The demon’s are more coordinated than we first expected. The legends mentioned that the demons tended to attack in waves. We assumed that the demon’s merely appeared in waves and slowly spread out across the land. It is also mentioned that the demons will tend to move towards areas with large populations. We planned to utilise this face by massing our forces in an area to draw the demon’s towards us.” Jerome said wearily.

“I assume that didn’t go according to plan?” I ask as I look up from the map.

“No the demon’s are not mindless beasts, they tried to flank us the moment we tried to engage them with massed soldiers. We were hoping to use two nearby watchtowers as linchpins for our defenses but the demon’s have some concept of battle lines. Now we are stretched across a large area to prevent flanking maneuvers. The battle lines have stabilised into three general areas.” Jerome said.



“This is where we are, they demons although they do go for massed groups of people it is clear they are not going for our forces. They are going for the population centers. Northedor is the largest city in the immediate area and the demon’s want to get to it.” Jerome said as he pointed at an area of the map.

“Currently we have about 5000 men here, around the first watch tower. This is the area that is under the heaviest assault. All the knights available are pinned down here holding the line. We have two archer companies and a magus company providing ranged power and thanks to the watch tower the mages have a good vantage point over the battlefield. We are mostly holding due to their bombardment spells. Our left flank is held by a smaller group but they are also taking a beating. A single archer and magus company are in that group as well.” Jerome said.

“Why are they attacking the watchtower, it looks like they can just hit your left flank and get a fast way towards the Northedor.” Jacob asked as he looked down at the map.

“If they did that it would be alot easier wouldn’t it? But I assume the demon’s aren’t completely stupid aren’t they?” I ask.

“No they fight as if they are commanded by someone or something, it’s like fighting a conventional army.” Jerome said through gritted teeth.

“Which means they know if they make a beeline for Northedor, the army here can just swing around and pin them against the river, wiping them all out.” I say as I look at the map.

“You are well versed in military tactics Dark Hero.” Jerome said.

“I wouldn’t say that, anyone who has fought for long enough would know about hammer and anvils. A strategy as old as war itself. The demon’s only path to victory would be to break your defenses here and go straight for the command base. With your command decapitated and your centre broken they can easily swing around and destroy the surrounding soldiers.” I say as I look down at the map again.

“That is not all Dark Hero, the demon’s are numberless, they attack in waves of coordinated assaults. They send the bulk of their forces here and send out smaller assaults to other parts of the encirclement preventing us from performing any flanking counterattack against them. They mean to wear us down. We have already taken 800 casualties and our mages are exhausted. Our supply of arrows are also greatly depleted over the past five days of fighting. If this battle drags on the Rift will only widen and more demons will come with every new assault. Our defeat is certain if we do not close that Rift.” Jerome said with a sigh.


“The forces to our north can’t advance and are pinned by demon forces every assault. Two light cavalry companies are on guard at the gap between the lines for any surprise attacks. Thus far none have been attempted.” Jerome said.



“To the north west, the forces of Port Jura are holding at a defensive line. Attacks there are light and generally just sent to engage the forces of Port Jura before retreating.” Jerome said.

“If that’s the case why don’t they advance and chase down the enemy?” I ask.

“Because the craven of a noble that leads them was spooked by the first attack they received. In the first days of the attack the demon’s slammed a large assault against his line. The demons almost broke through the defenses but were repelled in the end. Ever since then the forces of Port Jura have been content to dig in and hold their positions. I have a suspicion once the demons figured out that the forces in the north west were intending to stay put they only sent enough forces to deter any attempted advance.” Jerome said as he slammed his fist into the table.

“Fucking cowards, they have 3000 men and they just sit there as if this battle is someone eles’s problem.” Jerome spat.

“Can’t you send someone to take over?” I ask.

“I do not have the authority to assume command of the forces there.” Jerome said with a grimace.

“I may be able to help with that, the Silver Lions have been assigned as the Heroes personal strike force. I have the authority to assume the command of any force I see fit excluding those of the royal family.” Davis said.

“Then maybe you can go over there and knock some sense into them…” I say but I’m interrupted by a loud horn being blown.

“Another attack.” Jerome said as he grabbed his helmet and put it on.

“Heroes, we shall continue this after the attack has been repelled. Will you help us?” Jerome asked.

“Where do you need us?” I hear Jacob ask.

“Right flank, the guardsmen there are demoralised. The fortifications are in ruins. I doubt they got it repaired in time.” Mihael said.

“Bovarian, you will go to the right as well.” Jerome said as he glanced over to him.

“Whatever you say Sir.” Bovarain said sarcastically.

“I don’t care for your lack of respect so save your taunts. If you can kill demons then it’s good enough for me.” Jerome replied as he picked the sword that was on a nearby table.

We ran our way to the right side of the defences. It was quite a distance away, we had to jog almost ten minutes before we arrived. I took a look at the current state of the line and it was a total shit show. 

The defenders looked to be just to be a few hundred battered men in leather armor. They looked demoralised to all hell as they stood shaking facing the front. In the distance I could see black shapes approaching, the shapes were far away barely more than dots in the distance. It looks like the demons will take a while to arrive. They must have been spotted by the watchtower. It’s a good thing the battle front is an open plain, giving the defenders excellent line of sight to spot attackers.

I see a soldier run towards me from the line of trembling men.

“Heroes, thank the seven you are here.” the man said.

“What’s the situation?” I ask.

“The men are prepared but… they are demoralised…” the man said.

“You are in command here?” I ask.

“Yes I am a Lieutenant Norma of the Northedor Garrison.” the man said.

“Do you think your men can hold?” I ask, as I cast my gaze over the trembling and terrified soldiers.

“If they don’t flee they should be able to hold. But I am not sure if they still have the courage…” Norma said.

“We lost almost a quarter of our soldiers over the past few days. I’m not confident they will have the courage to stand their ground.” Norma said.

“Bovarian can you help to reinforce the line? Additional reinforcements will help with morale.” I say as I turn to Bovarian.

“My men and I can hold the flank, don’t wanna be wedged in the middle, going to mess up the whole formation.” Bovarian said.

“Alright then we’ll hold the middle, Lieutenant help get Bovarian and his men into position. We will handle the centre.” I say to Norma.

“At once my lord.” Norma said with a bow, after which he began leading the Bronze Bulls into their positions. 

I looked back at the demons. It looks like they will be here in about twenty minutes, should be more than enough time for them to get into position. They may look to be a bunch of thugs but they seem to be experienced at least. They moved quickly and in an organised manner as they took their position. I guess if a noble would hire their services they must be at least good at their job as far as mercenaries go.

Although one thing was bothering me as I looked at the demon approaching in the distance, there were alot of them…

Sir Jerome mentioned that the knights were pinned in the centre, knights were almost all nobles with high levels. They were much stronger than your average man, the Cardinals also mentioned that the first demons were quite weak. This meant that chances are the demons relied on overwhelming numbers. 

Judging by what Jerome said on the forces deployed here, this place has at most a single Division deployed. The Russians sent 20 divisions to Japan during their initial invasion, that's 400 000 men with all their equipment and vehicles. The JSDF in contrast at the outset of the war only had 240 000 men. The Russians continued to send more and more men as the war dragged on, if it wasn’t for the european front, the Russians could have crushed us in half a year with their total army strength of 15 million.

I guess it was safe to assume that the army was spread extremely thin protecting all their territory. This also meant that when the Rift’s got worse chances are land would have to be given in order to mass forces for an attack on the Rifts. That meant cities are going to have to be abandoned and civilians are going to have to be sacrificed in order to buy enough time for the military to rally and organise a counter attack.

Well for now I’ll just have to win this battle first. I survey the surroundings, there is a hill leading up the large stone watchtower and a group of archers already getting into formation on the hill. Where I’m standing is another slightly elevated patch of ground that overlooked the front line below.

In front of the frontline was a layer of wooden stakes that pointed forward at an upward angle making a nest of points. This would slow down the demons but not by much if they have sufficient numbers… which they look like they have. Judging by what I can see the guardsmen have about 800 men and the Bronze Bull Mercenaries number at 500. So that’s 800 in the centre and 500 at the right flank since the centre merges with the main centre line. There looked to be about 300 archers so we can expect a decent amount of ranged firepower. No mages though on this side, they are all facing the centre line.

“Charlotte, Amethine, stay here, focus on buffs and healing.” I say to the pair who both nod.

“Momo I want you up on that hill with those archers, it’ll give you a better firing angle. Go easy on your spells, this will be a long fight, make sure you try to hit as many of them as possible with each spell. I don’t want you collapsing early in the fight.” I say to Momo who nodded and began moving up the hill.

“Jacob, Alfie I want the two of you right at the front. I’ll need you to help keep morale up during the fight. Charlotte you’re in charge of making sure they can keep fighting.” I say.

“Ivan, Volva, I want you two to plug any holes you see. If you see a portion of the line breaking, charge the breach and beat those demons back.” I finish as the rest all nod.

“I’ll move along the line and give commands as needed, I can fire as I move, the gun doesn’t take much stamina to fire.” I say.

“Alright everyone clear on what to do?” I ask, to another set of nods.

“Ok let’s get to it then, be careful, stay alive, I’ll see you all at the end of this.” I say.

As the rest of the party began to move I surveyed the centre again, as Jacob and Alfie moved forward and stood at the centre I saw him talking to one of the guardsmen. The guardsman was trembling and judging by how Jacob was acting it looked like he was trying to calm him down.

Looks like they’re pretty shaken, I need to make sure they aren’t thinking of running...

The demon’s are still a distance away. I should have about five minutes to do something…

As I walk the Guardsmen part at the sight of me, when I near the front I start to hear their conversation…


But my lord, we are just mortal flesh…

We are not blessed by the divine as you are

What can mortal flesh do against the hordes of hell itself?


“More than you think.” I reply as I reach them. The heads of the nearby guardsmen all turn to me.


You ask what can flesh do?

Are Heroes not made of flesh too?


I shouted so that all of them could hear me. The line goes silent as they listen with their eyes fixed on me.


I can tell you we bleed like any of you

I am the Dark Hero chosen of the God of Death, Sin, Madness and War

Before I was chosen by the Dark God I was a soldier just like any of you

I was born to a mother 

I was raised by a father

Heroes are not born

They are made…


I say as I cast my gaze around at the surrounding soldiers.


They are forged on the anvil of war

Tempered in the fires of sacrifice

They are mortal flesh who rise above their humble origins

Some may call me Hero but I do not see myself as one

I am a soldier no more, no less

I am just a man willing to fight for that which I hold dear

Do you all not have families, loved ones?


“You where are you from?” I ask a nearby guardsman.

“Northedor my lord, we all are.” the guardsman replied.

“You have family there? Parents? Siblings? A Spouse? Children?” I ask.

“A wife and an infant son, my lord.” the guardsman replied.


Then will you fight for them?

Those demons are here to kill you

They are here to kill everyone in Northedor

They want to kill your wife, your child, everyone you hold dear

It is your loved ones they want to kill

Your home they want to burn

If you won’t stand for them…


I pause as I look around again, every pair of eyes transfixed on me. 


Who else?

If husband will not fight for his wife

If father will not fight for his children

Then who else do you expect?

I can’t kill all of them myself

Afterall I’m just a man

So if anyone wants to run I suggest you do so now

I suggest you go home and hold your loved ones tight 

The demons will be at your door soon 

An undefended stretch of land might as well not be there at all


I say as a few of the guardsmen lowered their heads. 


If enough of you stay we might be able to win

If we win here today my compatriots will ride out to try and seal the Rift

If you want to save those back in Northedor this is your only chance

Many of you will not survive this battle

But your lives will buy your loved ones a chance...

So... if any of you wants to leave now's the time...


I looked around and no one moved. Then the guardsman I spoke to turned and faced the front a fire ablaze in his eyes. He readied his shield and raised it preparing for the charge of the denizens of the outworld. One by one the guardsman did the same, until the entire formation had their shields up and swords pointed forward. Pikes lowered from behind forming a wall of steel points. 


I call all who bleed into the earth my kin

Now then brother and sisters

Prepare yourselves for the defining moment in your lives

Do not cry out for strength you already have

Look within and find it

For your homes

For your loved ones



Hey guys sorry for the delay, I’ve been working on a character bio for the main four. I'll be putting it before the first chapter of the story so feel free to have a look.

The map is not to scale, I tried making it to scale but it ended up looking really tiny so I had to take some artistic liberties. Do you feel it’s fine? Or would you prefer a harder to see, less visually appealing but scale accurate map? Feel free to let me know your opinions.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the chapter and the story so far. If you liked it feel free leave a fav or comment what you think. I always love hearing from you guys. 

PS: I've uploaded a Character profile page positioned before the first chapter. Feel free to check it out.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.