Diary of a Lost Soldier in Another World

Chapter 24: A Duty Discharged

Chapter 24: A Duty Discharged


As the rest of the strike force gathered in the ruins of the village I realised that a lot of them were no longer here. It looks like the strike force lost about 30% of the soldiers, which isn’t that bad all things considered. Still, that was a lot of people…

Judging by their battered armor, they had a tough fight. Most of the mages and priestesses were fine. The fight didn’t take that long so it’s not that surprising most of them lasted long enough. There was wounded of course, but Charlotte helped stabilise the worst of the wounded. They would live and with their level caps, they would be returned to full working condition.

“We won…” Charlotte said, sounding a little stunned.

“Fortunately.” Ivan said in a clipped tone.

“Yeah had me worried there for a moment…” Jacob said, sounding shaken.

“Good job everyone, now I guess we head back. See who survived…” I say grimly as I look to the southeast.

“Alfie.” I say as I turn to look at her, her armor is missing just below the left elbow. Right where that demon had carved through her shield and chopped her hand off.

“Yes Katsuro sama?” I hear her ask.

“Are you alright? Your arm feels ok?” I ask as I watch her raise her left arm and inspect her new arm.

“Yes Katsuro sama, my fighting abilities have not been affected.” Alfie replied with a nod.

“That’s not what I asked. I asked if you were ok. If you’re feeling upset, I’m available to talk. Talking about it will help it feel a little better.” I say as I watch her raise her head and look at me in surprise.

“I’m ok Katsuro sama… thank you.” Alfie said shyly as she blushed slightly.

“My door is always open, if you need to talk I’ll make some time.” I say with a nod. 

First wounds usually shake soldiers, a soldier’s mental health is just as important as their physical health. Getting a bad wound hurts like nothing you can imagine. That pain creates fear, that fear can lead to panic or mental breakdown at worst. Back in my world Shuji doubled as a kind of frontline counselor, I helped out too, some soldiers aren’t comfortable talking to an officer and more than a few approached me for guidance. It’s part of the job I suppose, if you look like you know what you are doing people naturally gravitate towards you. Especially in a place as chaotic and terrifying as a war zone.

“Davis, how bad were you guys hit?” I ask Davis who is standing to my right.

“Quite badly, it is lucky you finished the fight so quickly. From what I gather the worst hit is the Northwest. The Bronze Bulls were holding there with a group of mages.” Davis said.

“The Northwest? Isn’t that the most lightly attacked front? Why would it be worse over there?” I ask, confused.

“I do not know Sergeant Onaga, I ordered my Lieutenants to return once the Rift is defeated. They will give us a status update.” Davis replied.

“Alright…” I say as I turn to look at Bovarian who is standing there talking to his men. It looks like almost half of them were killed or wounded. Only about half of the mercenary band were still standing. I would have expected them to run, to desert, mercenaries fight for coin. You can’t spend coin when you're dead…

“Bovarian!” I shout and I see him turn to look at me. I walk over and he turns to face me.

“What do you want?” Bovarian asks, although the reply was brusque but that was just the way people like him talked. I prefer it this way, I hate talking in circles…

“You got a moment to talk?” I ask.

“You gonna propose to me?” Bovarian asked with a smirk.

“Sorry you’re not my type.” I reply dryly.

“Ouch. Yeah sure what do you wanna talk about?” Bovarian asked as he crossed his arms.

“I’m surprised you fought all the way, I expected mercenaries to cut and run when things got bad.” I say not mincing my words.

“HA! Straight to the point then. Aye, that’s why they sent us to the place where there was supposedly going to be the least fighting. But it looks like we drew the short straw.” Bovarian replied. 

“So why did you stand and fight?” I ask again.

“I told you didn’t I? The Bronze Bulls don’t break contracts. Besides where are we going to run? No one here will desert the rest, we’re family, we’re all we got. Bastards all of us, everyone of these men you see are Errats. Most mercenaries are, you need to get the levels after all.” Bovarian said as he shifted his gaze over to his men. 

“There’s this many Errats?” I ask, surprised.

“Aye, when a noble gets old and their line of succession settled they go around squirting bastards into every whore they can get their hands on.” Bovarian said.

“Why? Aren’t there contraceptive potions or something?” I ask, getting more confused.

“Have you ever used one?” Bovarian asked.

“No.” I reply curtly.

“Well let me tell you how it works. It just stops you from releasing your seed. You ever been with a woman?” Bovarian asked.

“On a few occasions.” I reply dryly.

“Well then you should know, the best part is the end when you squirt your seed into the woman’s belly. The potion makes it so you can’t, it’s like you need pee but you just can’t, so it feels like crap.” Bovarian explained.

“So what’s the point then? Why even do it?” I ask, this is getting more confusing by the minute.

“Well the plus side is that you get to enjoy the process. The potion usually lasts an hour, so when the time’s up you make the woman finish you off with her mouth or something. It feels great then, because you’ve been holding it in for the past hour. That and you get to have a roll in the hay without risking your level cap.” Bovarian said with a shrug.

“Then why not use it more often if it feels great at the end? If the whole thing lasts longer isn’t that good?” I ask.

“There’s aphrodisiac potions as well kid. They make it feel better, you can shoot more, as often as you want and you can go round after round because the potion makes it so that you don’t get tired. Bad thing is that if you dump your seed so many times into a woman you increase the chance of sireing a brat. So those nobles just use that potion and have their fun when they get old.” Bovarian said.

“You see these three?” Bovarian said as he pointed at three of the mercenaries standing at the front.

“Yeah?” I ask, turning my gaze to them.

“Half brothers these three. The most I ever heard of was one noble knocking up five whores in a single night.” Bovarian said.

“Five?” I ask furrowing my brows.

“Aye, five, you're looking at three of them. The other two died last year. Their mothers knew each other so they passed the story down.” Bovarian explained as he shifted his gaze back to me.

“And… the women are ok with this?” I ask as I look back at Bovarian.

“You know how much a farmer makes in a year? Two gold coins. This job alone would give everyone here ten gold coins. If you get a high level cap kid, your life gets better if they survive into adulthood. The girls become mages, the guys become knights or mercs. They then send money back to you because we all love our mother’s. They're all we have, other than each other. The whores line up when a noble starts looking for toys, most do it for free. It’s not a bad trade, you know, when a whore get’s old they can’t charge high. They get ten years if they're lucky to earn their coin then they go back to the fields. You get someone to take care of you so you don’t starve to death when you’re older. All you gotta do is get used like an animal for about a week, if you’re lucky you’ll hear your level cap drop after the noble finishes inside you.” Bovarian said.

“I guess the crown has no problem with this? Afterall, they get free soldiers and mages.” I say as I cast my gaze over to the rest of the mercenaries.

“Aye, they don’t care much.” Bovarian replied.

“Are you interested in continuing the contract? We could use you and your company. This is only the first Rift, things are going to get much worse as things go on.” I ask, yes they are mercenaries but judging by their display at the front line and the fact they held the line at the worst part of the fight they were capable soldiers.

This and the fact that now I could raise soldier’s level caps, it would be useful to have a personal unit that is loyal to me.

“How much you paying?” Bovarian asks as he raises an eyebrow.

“Hmmm, Davis!” I say as I turn to see Davis look over and begin walking over.

“Yes Sergeant Onaga?” Davis asked.

“Do we have a budget for recruitment?” I ask.

“You do, Sergeant Onaga, if you wish to contract the Bronze Bulls that is certainly possible.” Davis replied.

“So how does the same rate that you were paid for this job sound? We pay you every month.” I say as I turn back to Bovarian.

“You’re asking me to fight the Rifts kid, the only reason I agreed to fight this one is because it’s the first one. Who knows what the second one will be like?” Bovarian said, crossing his arms.

“How many men do you have left?” I ask as I raise an eyebrow at him. It looks like he wants to bargain, alright I’ll play his game.

“I had about 500 now I’m down to 300.” Bovarian said.

“So you’re getting a raise, I’m paying the same price for 60% of the men and you get a stable source of income.” I say.

“I want equipment for my boys, if we are going to fight the forces of hell I want my men protected.” Bovarian said.

“What kind of equipment?” I ask.

“Equipment like clanker over there, I want plate armor for my boys.” Bovarian said as he pointed at Davis.

“You’ll be a clanker too if you get a set of plate armor you know.” I reply dryly as I raise an eyebrow.

“Yeah, it's better to make noise when you walk around than be dead.” Bovarian replied with a snort.

“Fair enough, Davis can it be done?” I ask as I look over to Davis.

“Certainly, although some among the court may question your choices.” Davis replied.

“I’ll listen to their opinions when they get off their asses  and start helping. Besides, they hate me anyway, what difference does it make?” I say.

“So do we have a bargain?” I ask as I offer my hand. I checked earlier, all I had to do to give someone levels is just touch them, think it, then the levels will be given, simple enough.

“However, I would prefer the full contents of this deal be kept quiet. As much as the nobles are arrogant idiots they still have power so I would appreciate it if you don’t blab about it to everyone you meet.” I say.

“Aren’t you a little paranoid.” Bovarian said as he uncrossed his arms.

“I have a strong belief in operational secrecy.” I say as I look him in the eyes.

As he reached out and took my head I sent a mental command to transfer him one level from my Rift points. 


1 [Rift Points] Spent

19 [Rift Points] remaining


Bovarian flinched and his eyes widened as he looked at me.

“Remember the full contents of this deal need to be kept quiet if you want the deal to continue.” I say as I look him in the eye. His face calms and he let’s go of my hand. 

I’m not that worried about him leaking the information. After all I hold the key to breaking your fate, your levels determine your life. I can now change that, bloodlines mean nothing now. These men are the dregs of this world born to a loveless parent. Born as a means to increase the chances of their parents' survival. In a world with a fixed limit to your potential, I can give a person hope. 

If I’m going to survive the Rift’s I’ll need to use everything at my disposal. I’ll need a force of soldiers loyal to me, the aristocracy hates me, they can’t kill me now because of the Rifts and the Black Hand. However, eventually they’ll get desperate, when that happens I will need to be prepared for when that happens. I still don’t know what exactly it is I’m supposed to be doing here. My gut tells me I’m not just here to beat the Rifts, it just seemed… too easy…

“And my men? Are they part of the deal?” I hear Bovarian ask.

“If they prove their worth. Just remember who’s in charge here.” I say.

“Understood.” Bovarian said as he turned and prepared to address his men.

After that we settled whatever small affairs we had left and got ready to head back to the front line. Apparently the king wanted us back the moment the Rift was closed, so the dead would be collected and the wounded tended by those that remained behind. As we rode past the perimeter I saw the plains around the village strewn with corpses. Judging by the ringed shape of the line of bodies the soldiers here did their job to their last breath. 

We rode in silence until we reached the line again, we paused as we looked at the carnage before us. Bodies strewn pieces of garbage littered the ground from the palisades to the hill. Yet, we saw some figures moving about. A few were just wandering around, there were not many of them. A few souls wading through a sea of the dead…

They stopped when they saw us approach, there was no cheering, just silent gazes as we approached. When I got off my horse at the line I saw Charlotte wander forward looking around at the devastation as if in a trance. 

Jacob was in a similar state looking around slack jawed, at the hundreds of bodies covered in the grey ash of the dead demons. I took a step forward and heard a squelching sound. I looked down to see my boot in a sludge of blood and ash. The two melding together into a kind of black tar like mud. 

I suppose this is the price of my decision, I thought I was ready for it. Having ordered men to their deaths before. But this… this was something else… I ordered at most a dozen soldiers to their deaths back home.... I’m starting to understand why those generals never bothered to check the line, or even visit the front, how are you going to make decisions when this is the cost of victory?

Then I saw Charlotte walk up the hill before falling to her knees halfway up the slope near the end of the line of bodies. I follow her up the hill and I start to hear Charlotte crying softly as I get closer. I look over her shoulder and see High Priestess Liana dead on the ground. Her body was shredded to all hell, the only untouched part of her body was her face. Around her are the bodies of other priestesses most likely the handmaidens she mentioned.

I looked at one of the bodies of the handmaidens, it’s a woman probably in her early twenties. Should be just a year or two older than Jacob. Blonde hair, green eyes, fair skin, her eyes empty, hollow and unseeing. Her abdomen had been torn open, her entrails looked like it had been torn out by a demon. Her white robes now stained black and red, her legs now a mess of torn mangled flesh. She’s lying on her back, judging by the ash on her body, the demon was killed right on top of her. 

“Oh fuck…” I hear Jacob say shakily from behind me.

“Charlotte… come on.” I say as I reach over and put my hand on her trembling shoulder.

“No…” Charlotte replied through her tears.

“Charlotte, we need to go. Things we need to do, lives we can still save.” I say gently. Charlotte turned around and I saw her red face, tears running down her cheeks. I gently pulled her into an embrace and I felt her bury her face in my chest. 

“Why… why…” Charlotte wept.

“She can’t suffer anymore, she’s in a better place now.” I say knowing it’s a lie.

The Dark God said death was the end. I see no reason for him to lie, if anything lying hurts his cause. Why tell me there is no reward after, if it would give me strength to go on. No he was telling the truth, High Priestess Liana is gone like a candle being snuffed out.

“But you said at the beginning… death is the end…” Charlotte said as she looked up.

“I lied, I just didn’t want them to kill me so I wanted to scare them.” I say softly.

“So there is something after?” Charlotte asked.

“Yeah, there is, he wasn’t very specific but I get the idea that it's more or less a heaven or hell type deal. If you are worthy you will be saved. I’m sure these people are worthy, they fought for something greater than themselves. They could have run, but they didn’t, they greeted death willingly because they knew it was the right thing to do. They say a man’s true face is revealed in their final moments. I think the gods are watching, I’m sure they will welcome these brave men and women into heaven.” I say as I hold her gently. 

“I hope so…” Charlotte said softly as her tears dried and she reached at her chest and felt the rosary that was around her neck.

“Come on, let’s go, the dead can’t suffer anymore.” I say as I help Charlotte to her feet. 

“We should check the command post, see if any of the officers survived.” Ivan said from behind.

“Yeah good idea.” I say. 

When we got to the command post I saw someone sitting listlessly inside the tent. It was Guard Captain Mihael.

“You survived.” I say surprised. It was then did I notice his armor was clean, the weapon leaning against the table was clean as well. Every living soldier I saw was covered in grime, he was as clean as the last time I saw him.


You ran…


I growled as I stalked forward.

“I didn’t…” Mihael sputtered.

“So what you took a shower? Why the hell are you so clean?” I hissed as I grabbed him by the collar and dragged him to his feet.

“No, I just cleaned myself after… I fought.” Mihael stammered, his eyes darted all over the place and his voice was up a pitch tapering up at the end. Classic signs of lying…

“You think I’m stupid? I executed a lot of deserters in my time. I can smell one from a mile away…” I say as bring his face so close to mine our noses were almost touching.

“You know what I do to deserters?” I say as I raise my gun and bring the barrel to his cheek. He stared at the gun eyes wide in terror.

“Why… how could you just… run…” Charlotte stammered from behind me. 

“Please you have to believe me, I did my duty.” Mihael said in panic.

“You're lying… I know you are…” Charlotte said softly.

“There we go, that’s the verdict. She’s the best reader of people I’ve ever met. If I can even tell you’re lying what do you think she sees?” I say as I dig the barrel of my gun into his cheek.

“I didn’t mean to, the demons were overrunning the line. If I stayed I would have died…” Mihael wept finally confessing. 

It was then I heard a sword being unsheathed and I turned to see Davis standing in the opening of the tent. A cold fury in his eyes, he walked forward, sword clenched in his fist.

“What is the penalty for desertion in war time Sir Davis?” I ask evenly.

“Summary execution, no need for a trial. Deserters are executed on the spot and left as carrion for the crows.” Davis said as he stormed forward. He grabbed Mihael and began dragging him out of the tent. 


Please I don’t want to die!


Mihael shouted as he struggled against Davis but Davis was a knight and much higher leveled than Mihael. It was like a toddler trying to overpower an adult.

“What’s going on?” I heard Lady Scilla ask as she approached the scene. 

Jerome was back at the village to organise things there, Lady Scilla came back to help manage things here while Davis will follow us back to the capital.

“He’s a deserter.” Davis said gruffly as he threw Mihael on the ground. Mihael scrambled to his feet and tried to run.

[Shackle] Lady Scilla said coldly as blue chains erupted from the ground and bound his arms and legs.


Please, I have a family, I can’t die here…


Mihael wept as Davis approached with his sword drawn. 

“Save it coward. May the seven have mercy on your soul.” Scilla spat in disgust.


In the name of Rex Regum Leon Magni, First of his name

Please I don’t want to die


Sovereign of the Regus Kingdom and Protector of the Realm



I Sir Davis of the Silver Lions, Senior Knight of my sacred order

Declare you a deserter and invoke the Law of Cravens


“Lady Scilla?” I see Davis ask as he turns to her. Mihael by now is a weeping mess on the floor, his sobs fall on deaf ears as Lady Scilla steps forward.


I Lady Scilla of the house Verrot, First of my name

Archmage of the Magus Council, do hereby stand in witness of the judgement

I swear in sight of the seven that the law has been upheld and the judgement true


Pretty formal proceedings for a desertion execution. Back home it was less speeches and more just shoot the fucker and move on…


By the power vested in me by the crown’s laws

I judge you Mihael, Guard Captain of the Northedor Garrison 

I judge you as a deserter

By the crowns laws I hereby strip you of your rank and rights

By dishonouring the sacrifice of your fellow soldier, I hereby strip you of the right to live

The sentence is death

Do you have any last words?


“Please I didn’t want to run… it just happened… I won’t do it again…” Mihael wept. 

I won’t do it again? What does he think this is? A school master catching a student tagging a wall? He just sent his men to die, then turned and ran. If I were Davis I would have just shot him on the spot. 

“You’re shit at dying, you know that?” I say coldly.

“Face your end with some dignity.” I say, looking at the man in disgust. The sight of cowards like him makes my stomach turn.

With that Davis raised his sword and brought it down on Mihael’s neck. It was a clean cut, went right through his neck. Severed the spinal cord in an instant, no pain, merciful and clean. The way it’s supposed to be. He may be a coward but we aren’t animals, if we kill something it’s clean if we can help it… unless it’s an interrogation then it’s messy…

As I watched the knights carry the headless corpse to the road where it will be dumped. I turn to see Jacob holding a letter in his hand. He was looking down at it with a troubled expression on his face.

“What’s that?” I ask furrowing my brows.

“It’s a letter for us… from… Priestess Liana…” Jacob said softly.

“I think you missed it when you… you know.” Jacob said as he gestured to the knights carrying Mihael’s corpse away.

“Here you open it, I… I don’t want to.” Jacob said as his voice shook slightly towards the end.

I reach for the letter and I look down to see it's a piece of parchment folded into a rectangle. On the front was written.


To the Heroes, from Liana


I flip the letter over and I see it’s sealed with red wax. I pry it open and begin to read



If you are reading this then I am dead. I have met my fate at the hands of the denizens of the outworld. Or perhaps you already know, perhaps you have already found where I have fallen. I write this letter in the hopes it will give you some solace. Especially you Lady Charlotte von Holstein, I know my end will wound you. Especially after our talk in private. Especially after I have seen the warmth and compassion in your eyes, a gift only granted by the Life God.

Perhaps tears have already been shed, but I would ask you to shed them no more. I have gone to meet the seven and I am in their embrace. I am writing this just before dawn, I wanted to see a final sunrise. I never really appreciated something as simple as a sunrise until now, we truly only miss the sun when twilight comes. 

I apologise for my presumption but I hoped I could ask all you for something. I would like to request that you cherish this life, in times like these the end can come at any moment. So cherish these moments. These moments that made life worth living. 

And to you Dark Hero, I can see you are not the monster that the legends have painted you to be. Your strength will be needed in the battles to come. This world will need men like you, men who can do what must be done. Few even dare to contemplate it, fewer dare to act on it. Yet you did, you striked when many would flee. You acted when no one else dared. I beg you, save this world Dark Hero, save my son. Who I expect will hate me for what I am about to do, but I pray in time he will forgive me for leaving him behind. 

There is another letter, addressed to Lady Scilla Verrot, a childhood friend of mine. I have enclosed a letter within for my son as well. I hope I could request that you ensure Lady Scilla receives it. She will know where to send that letter.

Now it seems dawn is approaching, so I shall end my words here. I pray for your success heroes, I pray for your peace and happiness after. I hope to see you again in a few decades when you are old and grey. Hopefully with tales of little ones who have struck out on their own. 

With this I must leave you Heroes. I wish you good fortune in the war to come.

I now go to collect my reward, 

A duty honorably discharged.



Liana Gavril


There you go guys another chapter. Hope you enjoyed it, feel free to leave a comment or fav if you liked. I always appreciate it. If you have any criticisms feel free to comment as well.

So see you guys in the next chapter!

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