Diary of a Lost Soldier in Another World

Chapter 32: The Grand Ball Part 3

Chapter 32: The Grand Ball Part 3


As I danced with Ophelia, I looked around the room and saw a curious mix of gazes fixed on me. In fact most of the nobles were staring intently at me, with only a few staring at Charlotte and Jacob. Needless to say, of the few that were staring at them, all the young men were looking at Charlotte and all the young women were lookin at Jacob. What’s funny is that all the older nobles were all looking at me but there was a mix of emotions in their eyes. 

“Thought everyone would be glaring at you?” Ophelia asked.

I looked back at Ophelia and saw her smiling playfully up at me. Her emerald green eyes twinkling with mischief.

“Can you blame me?” I reply as I raise an eyebrow.

“I suppose not. But you see Katsuro, politics is a funny thing. Enemies can become allies and vice versa in a blink of an eye.” Ophelia said as she twirled and ended back towards me with my arms wrapped around her. 

“Are you saying some of them wish to be allies?” I reply as I spin her again and we return to our original position.

“Naturally, you are a concern to most and a curiosity to some.” Ophelia said.

“A curiosity? I thought I’m supposed to topple this nation?” I ask as we pull apart for a moment as Ophelia does another twirl.

“Of course, did you know the house of Orien is one of the oldest houses in Regus. We are in fact older than the house of Regus.” Opehlia said slyly as she stepped back in.

“The house of Orien predates Regus?” I ask as my eyes widen in surprise. 

So it seems there are houses that survive the Dark Hero. Perhaps if you are clever enough a house can survive through multiple Dark Heroes...

“Indeed, we are known as one of the Successor Houses. The only other Successor House is the house Valoria who rules from the great fortress city of Valouran.” Ophelia replied as we began to gently sway along with the music.

“So what am I to you? I assume I am a curiosity not a concern?” I ask.

“Naturally, we survived the last Dark Hero. We intend to survive you as well.” Ophelia said with a smile.

“Then who views me as a curiosity?” I ask.

“Hmmm, let me give you some advice Onaga Katsuro, here in courts you never speak directly to others. You must hide your intentions, lest that information be used against you.” Ophelia replied.

Alright let me try my hand at this indirect manner of speech…

“Will you use this against me?” I ask as I raise an eyebrow.

“I could, I might. Do you even know who is friend from foe in this palace? Who can be trusted?” Ophelia replied again with a smile.

“I could ask the same thing of you Lady Ophelia.” I say with a smile.

At those words I see her eyes widen in delight as she pulls her body closer to me.

“In this winter palace, where the hearts of those who walk these halls know no spring, everyone is alone. This place rife with schemes and vile machinations.” Ophelia said.

“I thought vile machinations are the national sport of Regus.” I reply as I give Ophelia a look of bemusement.

“Indeed it should be, you must know that in the next few years the fate of this nation will be decided. Some will try to avert their fate and bar your way, others will try to aid you in the great fall. Either way the people will suffer, we must try to alleviate this impending tragedy.” Ophelia said.

“Indeed we should, but do I truly want this? I am the Dark Hero after all, death and destruction is my forte.” I say.

“I trust we are of one mind in this. I do not believe you to be a man of villainous persuasion. As much as the priesthood would like to paint you as such, reality does not need their approval.” Ophelia said as we separated once more. 

Ophelia danced gracefully, pirouetting as her dress flared with her movements. I move forward to match her dance and I feel my black great coat flowing behind me as the two of us circled each other. I see a fire come alight in her eyes as she watches me match her more aggressive dance. I could sense the eyes of the court now firmly on the two of us. Ophelia is a good dancer, no doubt all her time outdoors makes her physically able to move as gracefully as she does. 

I could vaguely tell that the music was speeding up to match our dance. I’ll bet my last dollar Filianoreh instructed the musicians to pace themselves based on me. As I turned my back to Ophelia to match her spin I spotted Charlotte and Jacob looking at me in surprise. Well I spent a few hours in this ball watching others dance, it’s not that hard for me to imitate it.

Then as the music slowed again we joined hands again and I saw Ophelia looking at me with her eyes alight with desire.

“We are so alone in this icy court, to find a partner that compliments oneself so perfectly is truly a blessing like no other.” Ophelia said softly.

“Perhaps that is why this nation must fall. For how can the heart of a nation beat when it is as still as ice.” I reply.


Skill Class Acquired 

Weaver of Words (Rare Skill Class):

+ 10 [Charisma]

+ 5 [Perception]


Ability Acquired 

Waltz of Words (Rare Ability):

Persuasion attempts now confer status effect [Charmed I]

Speech now possesses status effect [Unreadable I]


Oh that is interesting, I was wondering when my new abilities would show up. My level went up drastically but not much new abilities and Amethine did say we get our abilities from our experiences. I guess learning about this great game from Ophelia must have been enough for me to get this upgrade. It would certainly prove useful in the days ahead…

“Perhaps you are right, my house found our roots as merchants. We know ages come and go like the rising and ebbing of the tide.” Ophelia said.

“Life is a river, we do now know where it leads. All we can do is try not to drown.” I reply.

“Then will you let me drown?” Ophelia asked, her eyes wide and filled with longing.

“Will you give me a reason to?” I ask my tone soft and gentle. 

I know the new skill is working, my words now sound different, it sounds more like the speech these nobles use. With all the subtle inflections that the nobles' speech possess.

“Never…” Ophelia replied softly.

“Then we shall dance again my Lady.” I say with a smile.

“I await that day eagerly.” Ophelia said breathlessly her cheeks flushed. 

“Until then stay safe in this icy palace, with it’s wicked eyes and wicked hearts. I believe we have few friends and many foes.” I say.

“Of that I know, do you know what some whisper of our dear Princess?” Ophelia asked softly.

“Do tell.” I reply calmly as I give Ophelia another spin and pull her back towards me.

“They call her the white spider, for she has many eyes and many hands in the shadows. She spins many webs and plants many strings, with her strings she makes great men and women dance, with her web she ensnares the unsuspecting. For in the end she will always drain those she traps… dry…” Ophelia said in a whisper.

“Oh that I know, I wonder if she has strings on you?” I ask.

“Of that I am sure, afterall here I am in your arms. There are no accidents in this court, Onaga Katsuro. My brother was at Northedor for a reason, you are dressed as you are for a reason, we are waltzing the night away for a reason…” Ophelia said.

“Are you perhaps suggesting that your brother was not assigned but instead sent to Northedor?” I ask.

“Perhaps I am, perhaps not, but I feel you already have your answer.” Ophelia said.

“Is my answer enough? My answer is an interpretation not a truth.” I reply evenly.

“There are many truths here in this palace. Everyone has their own, if there is a single truth I have yet to see it. In fact the gods seem closer as compared to something as elusive as the one truth.” Ophelia said with a small smile.

“We may snare it yet. Nothing is impossible wouldn’t you agree.” I say as I start to hear the music slow. The dance is going to end soon…

“Of that I do agree, I await with bated breath to see such a thing.” Ophelia said, her eyes wandering as she looked around the ballroom as if searching for it in the crowd.

“We will know when the veil is lifted, the end of this act of history is upon us and the curtain call draws ever closer. Puppets will still and the light will blaze anew once again.” I say as I follow her gaze.

“To dance without strings… What a wonderous thing…” Ophelia said longingly as she turned back to me. 

Then the music ended, we stilled, separated and then bowed to each other. I reached forward and took her hand, before planting a kiss on the back of it. I sensed a shudder travel up her arm and as I looked up I saw her eyes alight with desire.

“Until we dance again my lady.” I say with a smile.

“Until we dance again…” Ophelia said breathlessly as we bowed one last time before stepping away.

As we walked off the dance floor I saw the rest of the court were now staring at me with a mix of emotions. Jerome and Ophelia bid us farewell before heading over to a group of noble men. Judging by their physique I can assume they were knights as well. I saw the group of them speak to Ophelia, one even placed a hand on her shoulder. 

The group laughed and I saw Ophelia blush as they teased her. It seems they have a good relationship, it looks like Ophelia was something like a little sister to the other knights. 

Then I spot the group of them turn to look at me and I could sense they were sizing me up. They looked at each other for a moment, then they began walking over with Ophelia and Jerome in tow. As they got closer I spotted Davis standing at the rear calmly walking forward.

“I wonder what those guys want?” Jacob said from the side. 

I turned to see Jacob, Ivan and Charlotte standing there looking at the group approaching.

“I think they are knights. They have the physique for it, you do not get a body like that by sitting on golden chairs.” Ivan said.

“They are, I recognise the Knight Commander of the Grey Eagles, he is the lord with dark hair and the scar running along the right side of his face.” I hear Amethine say from behind me. 

I look behind me and see the rest of the party join us. Well I guess after that dance, the farce of me being a social outcast seems to be moot. Well at least we made some connections, if we could get the knight orders on our side it would definitely be beneficial. But whether they were willing to turn against Filianoreh is something else entirely. We will have to at least meet them to determine if that is even an option. If the loyalty of the subjects are too firm then it would be difficult to gain allies willing to betray this nation…

As the group of knights approach I saw three men take the lead with Jerome standing at the rear with Davis and Ophelia. They all looked older looking to be in their forties, they all had hard eyes that only veteran soldiers possessed. They all had scars showing, the one Amethine pointed out had a scar that was especially prominent, it looked like a slash had hacked off a small piece of his right nostril. The scar was mangled and ran along his face from his left eyebrow to the corner of his right lip.

“Greeting Dark Hero.” the heavily scarred man said, his voice was hoarse as if he spent too much of his time shouting. His voice reminded me of the voices of the drill sergeants back home, their vocal cords ruined after years of roaring at recruits.

“Greetings.” I reply calmly.

“I am Knight Commander Dorian, I lead the Grey Eagles knight order.” Dorian said.

“Knight Commander? Like that woman Zorah?” I ask as I frown at the memory of her trying to search my mind when I first arrived.

“Yes she was one of us before she was selected by the king to lead the Royal Guard.” another man said. I turned to him and I saw his hair was red and had the same Ruby coloured eyes as Zorah.

“You are?” I ask as I examine his face, he did look a bit similar to that Zorah woman. Perhaps they were related?

“I am Knight Commander Zoren of the Scarlet Dragons. We guard the east from our fortress city of Valouran. Knight Commander Zorah is my youngest sister.” Zoren said as he gazed at me gauging my reaction. 

I will admit I’m not overly fond of that Zorah woman, I mean I did nearly kill her. Best not to let old grudges get in the way of practicality.

“You mentioned she was one of yours? I assume you meant that she used to be part of the Scarlet Dragons?” I ask, deciding to ignore the elephant in the room.

“Hmm, level headed, not what I expected.” Zoren said as he peered at me.

“What were you expecting?” I asked calmly as I locked my gaze with him. I saw his eyes narrow into a glare but it didn't phase me, I’ve charged tanks and ran through artillery barrages. One man’s eyes cannot frighten me... 

“I expected you to be more impulsive, I heard of what you did to my sister.” Zoren said evenly.

“Do you have a problem with what I did?” I ask as I raise an eyebrow. I could feel my party start to tense as this conversation grew more and more confrontational. 

“Hardly, my sister was born with the [Blessing of Fire] skill class, a rare gift that harkens back to our ancestor the Fire Hero. It made her powerful, talented, it also made her feel invincible. Although her level is lower than mine she can muster much greater strength than I ever could. So she grew arrogant, always looking down on her enemy, many times I tried to break her of that arrogance and every time I failed. For why would she be afraid? Thus far no opponent was her equal… until you Dark Hero.” Zoren said as a small smile appeared on his face.

“She let her guard down, so she paid for it.” I said as I crossed my arms.

“Indeed she did, you taught her what I never could Dark Hero. Your attack was a gift, a gift I thank you for. If you could wound her so grievously at level 1 imagine what you can do when you reach the apex of your potential. For the first time she met someone who would one day surpass her so greatly she cannot even dream of being your equal.” Zoren said as his gaze lowered for a moment as if lost in thought.

“Well if that means she’ll keep her hands to herself I’m not one to argue.” I reply calmly.

“Please do not misunderstand her Dark Hero, she is a good girl. Abit willful, quite arrogant, even cantankerous at times, but she has dedicated her life to serving the people of this realm. She wrote me a letter after you wounded her.” Zoren said.

“Oh? What did she say?” I ask as I look at him curiously.

“She told me of what she saw in your mind. A world of grey, filled with ash and fire. Where battle is unforgiving, life is short and few things are sacred. My sister confided in me that she once thought her achievements on the borders of Regus were those few could even hope to compare. But now she has glimpsed true horror, where all consuming war burns through all that one holds dear. In my quiet moments I find myself wondering what it is she saw in your mind...” Zoren said as he cupped his chin and his eyes grew unfocused as if lost in thought.

“Tell me Knight Commander Zoren, have you ever seen an entire city burning?” I ask as I look to the other knights who were all listening to me with rapt attention.

“I have seen a portion of town burn but never a city.” Zoren said his eyes hardened slightly as the topic shifted.

“I have and the city I saw burn was larger than this capital. It’s residents were almost two million when war came to that city. The smoke of the fires towered up so high it blocked out the sun, life in the city became one of endless night. When the snows and rains came they were black from the smoke, when the smoke finally cleared somewhat, night was replaced with a smog that made the sky red like dusk. If you look to the sky you will see the sky red as if the heavens themselves were bleeding.” I say with a sigh as the bad memories started to flood back in.

“We were abandoned by our nation, by the world, by god. The great leaders have a quarrel so they send us to die in their stead. Many of my fellows looked to god for salvation from the hell we found ourselves in. But when I looked up to seek god, I knew if I were to see that divine throne. I would find it empty…” I say darkly.

“But you met the gods no?” Zoren asked.

“I met the Dark God, there was no throne, just darkness in every direction, the only light was from the Dark God’s red fiery eyes. It was honestly a better place than the world I call home.” I reply as I look down, thinking of the war to come. 

“I will confess the things I saw at the first Rift were still quite tame as compared to what I experienced back in my world. Believe me that battle was just the prelude, a simple introduction, we have a long way to go before the climax.” I say as I try to blink the flashes of memories from my eyes.

“Although I know it to be true with that being the first Rift, still I find my imagination unable to envision what will happen in the months to come.” Jerome said.

“I doubt the Rifts will be as bad as what was happening in my world. The people in my world made machines of war that could fire attacks that would be able to collapse a castle with a few good hits. Those who died at the first Rift will at least have a body to bury. There are some in my world who were not so lucky.” I say as Naomi’s face flashes before my eyes and I try to not imagine the last time I saw her alive.

“Body to bury?” Dorian asked.

“If you were hit by an attack from one of the larger warmachines, your body would vaporise. I had a friend who was hit by one of those attacks. Her body just got turned into red mist and her head flew into a tree. In the end we had to retreat, so we just left her head where it lay within those branches. We didn’t even get a chance to bury what’s left.” I say as my voice goes hollow.

“Katsuro…” I hear Charlotte say softly from the side.

“It doesn’t matter anymore. So that’s what I showed your sister, a war unlike any other.” I say as I look up at the silent knights.

“Hmm well then it is good that you are here then. In truth our military has grown soft, we have known relative peace for too long. The last five years have been quiet, with only minor skirmishes at the borders with the demi-humans. The vast majority of the guardsmen army has never seen combat. Only the knight orders and the border guards have actually spilled blood.” Dorian said with a grimace.

“So the knight orders are prepared?” I ask.

“They are as prepared as they could be. In truth I feel the Rifts should be manageable, the past heroes managed to defeat the Rifts, there shouldn’t be a reason that we can’t do it. After all this time we have you Onaga Katsuro, the Dark Heroes are known to be much more powerful than the other Heroes.” Dorian said calmly.

“And you are not bothered by the supposed trend of Dark Heroes destroying nations?” I ask curiously.

“We swear an oath, to serve the people and the crown. The last Dark Hero didn’t topple everything, after all the Mages survived along with house Orien and house Valoria. The lives of the people did not worsen, in fact it got better.” Dorian replied.

“But you serve the crown, if the nation falls so does the crown.” I say as I narrow my eyes, I didn’t expect the knight’s loyalty to be so flexible…

“Have you ever heard the saying, the old king is dead, long live the king. We serve the institution of the crown not the person wearing it. For the person who rules is also known as protector of the realm. We serve the crown because the crown protects the people.” Dorian said.

“Why would the king allow something like this? Why have a knight core which doesn’t swear loyalty exclusively to him?” I ask, getting more confused. 

To me this sounds like a sure fire way to get your family overthrown eventually. After all there only need be one cruel and incompetent descendent. After that the knights will turn against you and install a new ruler.

“He does not have a choice. The knight orders were not founded by the crown of Regus, they were founded by one of the past Light Heroes. Our oaths and creed were all written by him, the king does not have the authority to change the knight orders.” Dorian replied calmly.

“Then what if the king wishes to name the prince successor?” I ask.

“He cannot name a successor, a successor is appointed by the priesthood, the knight orders, the magus council and the major noble houses. The crown is given not taken.” Dorian said.

“And I assume you all support princess Filianoreh’s claim?” I ask.

“We do, we feel she is the best choice for the crown. Regardless of her lower level, she is much more well suited to navigate the inevitable destabilisation of this nation from the Rifts. Even after the last advent of the Rifts there was a succession crisis. It ended rather quickly as the heroes, the knight orders, most of the guardsmen army and the magus council all supported one claimant. The other two claimants couldn’t do anything with so much of the military might of Regus supporting their opponent.” Dorian replied.

“But you are worried that the succession crisis will not wait for the Rifts to end this time around.” Charlotte said from the side.

“Yes, afterall we have a Dark Hero this time. The knight orders have mostly survived the past Dark Heroes, though the name and houses change. The need for soldiers such as us remains ever present regardless of who rules.” Dorian replied.

“So I assume you are a knight commander as well?” I ask as I turn to look at the third older nobleman. He had brown hair and a pale complexion, his face was largely untouched with the exception of a small scar on his neck.

“I am knight commander Galter of the Silver Lions, I know you are already acquainted with my subordinate Sir Davis. We have our headquarters here in Regus. We are mostly responsible for guarding the territories around the capital and the Ice Gate Valley to the west. We are also the largest knight order in Regus.” Galter said.

“Ice Gate Valley?” Jacob asked.

“To the west there is a gap in the mountains that leads to the Boreal Wastes. We guard the fortress within that gap that ensures the western demi humans cannot launch any incursions into Regus.” Galter explained.

“So Filianoreh was telling the truth. She does have most of the knight orders supporting her.” I say.

“Yes, the only knight orders that support the prince are the Amber Wolves based in the Golden Mile and a lesser knight order known as the Saffron Vipers who guard fortress West Hold in the Searing Wastes on the south eastern border. The Saffron Vipers are primarily trained for combat in the deserts of the Searing Wastes; they are not as capable as us with regards to combat in the plains and forests of the home territories.” Galter said.

“And why do they support him?” Charlotte asked.

That was a good question, if we knew why they supported the prince it would mean that we could maybe find a way for them to change allegiances.

“The Golden Mile is filled with gold mines and those are mostly worked by Lupus slaves. The fortress of West Hold is also the most attacked location by the Lupus tribes in the Searing Wastes. Both the Amber Wolves and the Saffron Vipers do not approve of princess Filianoreh’s stance against slavery.” Galter replied as he switched his gaze to Charlotte.

“And all of you are against slavery?” Charlotte asked.

“We do not have a real opinion on the matter. We acknowledge that the institution of slavery is barbaric and against the knights code of honour. However, the slave trade does improve the economy which makes the lives of the people better. We support the princess mostly because we feel she would lead the people more effectively.” Galter replied.

“And if neither of them rule? If a new house takes the crown?” Charlotte asked as she raised an eyebrow.

“We will do what needs to be done to safeguard the people of this realm. You can wear a crown, it doesn’t mean you are a ruler, it just means you have a head. The house of Regus has ruled for centuries because the house served the people. Our loyalty ends where tyranny begins.” Galter said gruffly.

“But aren’t you all nobles yourselves? If the worst comes to past won’t all of you lose your houses?” I ask. 

Their logic just seemed a little too idealistic for my liking. Humans are inherently selfish, greedy and cruel. Although Charlotte, Jacob and Ivan seem to be the exception. To be fair in every population there are exceptions and they are three chosen from billions. It’s not that far of stretch that the gods chose the only three genuinely decent people across all the parallel timelines. After all they all had happy lives back home, they had no need to come here. They basically volunteered to give up their own safety and happiness to travel to another world to fight literal demons. I know I wouldn’t have come here if I was in their shoes…

“Houses have survived Dark Heroes before. After all, the end of an age that is decreed by the gods themselves is not something mortals can avert. All our knight orders have extensive records on the past wars. The question is not whether we can bar your way, the question is whether we will be beside you or ground under your heel.” Galter replied calmly.

So it’s just simple acceptance then. No point fighting divine will, might as well position yourselves to survive the coming fall…

Time to test them...

“I do not know why the Dark God sent me here, he may not want Filianoreh on the throne. She may be good at pulling strings but it’s still a mortal against a god. Are all of you ok with that?” I ask as I raise an eyebrow. 

“Keys to power Dark Hero. A crown is just a glimmering hat, a ruler needs an army to keep the peace, administrators to ensure the nation can sustain itself, institutions to pass laws and enforce them. What do you think will happen if you wipe all the educated, high level individuals from the face of the world?” Galter replied.

“Yes we do need you after all this is over. So prove that you can be useful and we will choose to keep you.” Charlotte said cutting in, her voice calm but piercing.

“Hmm, you are not the meek girl that the rumors say you are Lady Charlotte.” Galter said

“I am of the house of Holstein, I have been schooled and bred in the arts of aristocratic rule. The houses of the Kaiser Reich know that power is the necessity for effective rule. We also know that restraint is just as important as the ability to strike a blow. Though my nation is peaceful, when called to arms my people have historically been capable fighters.” Charlotte replied calmly.

Well she is right about that last part… after all from what I heard the Germans are giving the Russians hell in europe. That and their military performance in world war II, with them essentially pioneering modern warfare tactics. 

“My people have a saying. When diplomacy and negotiations fail, iron and blood will be your tools. We may detest war but we understand sometimes one has little choice.” Charlotte said. 

“Then it would seem we have nothing to fear then.” Dorian said with a smile.

“What do you mean?” Charlotte asked perplexed at the strange reply.

“If the princess is unable to ascend the throne, we will not accept the prince as our ruler. He is a brute and arrogant beyond comparison. So we will not suffer his rule as he runs this nation into the ground. If the princess cannot be queen, we still have another…” Dorian said as he smiled at Charlotte.

This took all of us by surprise, they were willing to accept Charlotte as queen? But now that I think of it… it made a lot of sense. If I do dismantle this nation, we will need someone who knows how to rule. We coincidently have someone available for that. Charlotte’s level will also be very high so few could dispute her ascension. With the rest of us backing her, none can bar our way…

As I turned to look at Charlotte I saw her eyes were wide in surprise. Her shock at their suggestion breaking her calm mask that she always puts on display in public.

“Hahaha, enjoy your evening heroes, we now know all we need to. Know this, you have the support of our knight orders. Wherever your crusade takes you…” Dorian said as they all bowed as one before leaving without another word.

I turned and looked at the rest. They were all looking at the stunned Charlotte. Well who can blame them, we just found out Charlotte would be accepted as the new ruler of this world if it came to it…

The rest of the ball progressed rather quietly, Charlotte wasn’t in the mood for more socializing she just spent the rest of the night sitting quietly at the table lost in thought. I gave glares to any young nobles who approached her, buying her some peace and quiet. Jacob kept up his effort to make connections and even Ivan managed to get to know some of the older noble lords. I guess his hard exterior made him more compatible with grumpy old men, go figure…

After we got back to the room the rest all went back to their rooms to get changed. I didn’t have much to do so I decided to bathe and get ready for bed. I’ll talk to Charlotte in the morning, let her gather her thoughts for tonight. I’ll just check in on her before I go to bed to make sure she’s ok. 

I waited in the room for a while, I was the first to be done considering I didn’t really have to change. My armor was much easier to remove as compared to the fancy formal attire the rest were wearing. Charlotte entered the common room last, after Jacob and Ivan had already gone to bed.

“You ok?” I asked as I saw her enter.

“No, not really.” Charlotte said softly.

“What's wrong?” I ask as I get to my feet.

“Just worried…” Charlotte replied, her voice barely above a mumble.

“About?” I ask as I walk up to her and take her hand. I found her hands were shaking and as I looked closer I saw her shoulders were shaking too. 

“Come on.” I gently say as I lead her to the couch.

After we sat down I pulled Charlotte into an embrace and I felt her shaking lessen.

“Charlotte, talk to me.” I say gently.

“I’m afraid Katsuro…” Charlotte said.

“Of?” I ask.

“I don’t want the throne. I’ll get wrapped up in all the politics.” Charlotte said as she lowered her eyes.

“You’ll be high leveled and you have us. You’ll have two other level hundred heroes and one level hundred and fifty hero.” I say as I rub her shoulder.

“It’s not that simple! Do you even know what the keys to power mean?” Charlotte snapped in response, her voice filled with frustration.

“Err… no man rules alone? So you need to make sure everyone likes you?” I ask a bit taken aback at her outburst.

“NO! When you rule you collect wealth from the population. You must use your wealth to keep your followers loyal, if not some greedy usurper will try to take your position by promising more wealth to your keys to power. If you lose the throne then someone worse will take reigns. So you can’t even do the right thing if you wanted to, you have to spend your coin on just keeping everyone happy.” Charlotte said in exasperation.

“Like I said, if anyone tries anything you have the rest of us backing you. If you hold the throne it means I overthrew Regus, do you think I’ll let anyone overthrow you?” I say as Charlotte pauses for a moment and I sense her relaxing slightly.

“They can still embezzle the money if they feel they aren’t receiving enough money. Then corruption would run rampant.” Charlotte said softly.

“They can be replaced.” I reply calmly.

“With who? There’s only so many high leveled individuals in Regus.” Charlotte asked.

“Who said anything about Regus?” I reply with a smirk.

“Huh?” Charlotte asked, confused.

“There are the other races as well. I don’t think you will be continuing this nation’s policy of human supremacy. If the other races prove loyal we can use their high leveled individuals. Besides you know with something like Ivan and Volva’s relationship we could make more high leveled individuals. A half Human and half Lupus ruler of a territory would also make our ties to the Lupus stronger.” I reply.

“That’s true we could make kids…” Charlotte said with a blush.

“That’s not all, I can make replacements as well. I forgot to tell you this but I got this thing called [Rift Points] after sealing that Rift.” I say, I already have many plans for this extra mechanic…

“[Rift Points?]” Charlotte asked as she tilted her head.

“It allows me to give levels to someone’s level cap. I plan to use it to first get the four girls and our other attendants up to a high level. I’ll probably get more with each Rift so I can probably get them all to level sixty at least. I can always boost someone we can trust to a high enough level cap to rule.” I say as I see Charlotte’s eyes widen.

“So just do what you, Jacob and Ivan do best. Be nice, be reasonable, offer carrots and hope they listen. If they don’t... then that’s where I come in, terror and violence is my specialty. I’ll be the bloody stick behind your throne. Honestly I’m thinking of putting Amethine in charge of the Golden Mile no matter what. We could just hang her father’s side of the family and put her in charge. So that already has the southern territory handled.” I say.

“That’s a little harsh…” Charlotte said uneasily.

“Like I said I’ll handle all the darker things. Iron and blood right?” I said with a smile as I reached up and cupped her cheek.

“If you end up on the throne, make this place a better world. I’ll remove anyone who doesn’t like it.” I say gently.

“Ok…” Charlotte said softly as she leaned into my hand and shut her eyes.

“Feeling better?” I ask with a playful smirk.

“Yes, thank you.” Charlotte said with a smile of her own.

“We’ll figure it out as we go. A wise man once said, plans rarely survive first contact with the enemy.” I say.

“I guess you’re right…” Charlotte said as she snuggled a little closer to me.

“Katsuro?” Charlotte said as she looked up.

“Hmm?” I ask as I look down.

“I’m so glad you’re here, I don’t know what I would do without you…” Charlotte said.

“Probably a lot worse.” I say with a smug smile.

“Don’t get smug with me.” Charlotte said as raised a hand and flicked me on the cheek.

“Ow, right, sorry.” I say with a laugh that is joined by Charlotte.

As our laughter stopped we went quiet and a comfortable silence descended between us. Then I see Charlotte start to lean in and I do the same. A few moments later, we were nose to nose and I could feel her breath on my face. Her face is flushed pink and she closes her eyes. I lean in and I feel her lips on mine. At first the kiss was timid, then I leaned in further to deepen the kiss and Charlotte does the same. Then the moment passes and we separate. I look down and see Charlotte blushing more than I have ever seen.

“That was my first kiss…” Charlotte said softly.

“So how was it?” I ask gently.

“I want a second…” Charlotte replied softly.

Our next kiss was deeper than the first, Charlotte wrapped her arms around my neck and I pulled her soft warm body against mine. I soon got lost in the feeling of her lips against mine and I gently nibbled on her lower lip asking for more. Charlotte acquiesced and parted her lips. Then my tongue found hers, everything about her was intoxicating, her taste somehow tasting sweet like honey, her scent fragrant as the finest flowers and the warmth of her body seemed to be able to soothe the most troubled heart. I could feel her heart pounding against her chest as she pressed herself close to me. 

I’ve had flings with girls in the back in Sapporo, they were all girls desperate for any shred of happiness. They clung to me with an almost desperate fervour, in all honestly I just agreed to have sex with them because it was obvious they didn’t want to die without expeirencing sexual pleasure. That’s what we had, the desperate mating of animals who know they are headed for the slaughterhouse. They tasted like ash, their scent thick with soot and their bodies felt lukewarm against mine. Any sentimentality of our union lost behind the fear of the fact that I may be burying them in the coming days.

As we separated for air, we paused for a moment before dived in for our third kiss, then we went on to the fourth, then the fifth, then the sixth. In truth I wanted her so badly, I could feel the desire within me like a beast straining against chains. I didn’t want to have sex with her, I wanted to make love to her. I don’t recall ever wanting something more and judging by how passionate our kisses were getting I suspect Charlotte wanted it too. 

Then as we separated again, as if one cue I heard a muffled moan come from Ivan’s room.


We both froze as we turned to look at the door. 


Another moan, this time louder. I could feel a heat in my groin and my mouth went dry as I turned back to look at Charlotte. Sensing my gaze she turned back and looked at me. I could sense indecision in her eyes as if she was fighting some inner battle.

“I don’t think I’m ready for that. It’s a sin afterall to have sex before marriage and we are both underage…” Charlotte stammered as her face got redder and redder.

“It’s fine, we can do it when you're ready. I won’t force you.” I say gently as I cupped her cheek.

“Do you want to?” Charlotte asked tentatively as she averted her gaze.

“I do, but I want you to be happy more than anything else. I’ll wait. I want your first time to be special. We only lose our virginity once after all.” I say with a smile.

“Have you… ever…” Charlotte stammered.

“Yes.” I say with a small sigh.

“Oh so I won’t be your first…” Charlotte said, sounding hurt.

“No you will be.” I say as I run my thumb across her cheek.

“What?” Charlotte asked looking up again confused.

“In the past I had sex with some of the girls back in that war zone. It was just mindless, desperate sex, we had no idea if we would live to see another sunrise so why hold back? We didn’t love each other, it was just that, empty sex. You will be the first person I make love with.” I say softly.

“Mother did say sex is sacred because it’s a sign of love. She told me never to trivialize it, do it only with someone you cherish.” Charlotte said softly as she looked away for a moment.

“Katsuro… do you love me?” Charlotte asked her voice small like a mouse.

“I think so.” I say as I turn her head back towards me and press my forehead against hers.

“I think so too…” Charlotte replied, her voice shaking as her eyes grew wet with tears.

“We’ll do it when you're ready, we’ll make it special.” I say as I let go of her and we both lean back.

“Ok…” Charlotte said with a small smile.

Then I saw Charlotte look away again and she fidgeted slightly as if she wanted to say something.

“What?” I ask with a bemused smirk.


We don’t have to do… you know…

But we could spend the night together…

And cuddle…

Hey guys hope you liked these past few chapters. It's the first multipart chapter, hope the pacing was ok. I'm starting to slowly build up tension for the next Rift. The heroes will become more and more mired in the politics of Regus as the story goes on. 

I hope you guys like things so far!

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.