Diary of Raising a Mermaid

Chapter 29

Chapter 28

A few days later, Lance himself almost went crazy.

Teaching a student who is curious about knowledge is a good thing, but teaching a student who is not suitable at all is really killing people.

This student refers to Quirrell, the eighteen-clawed fish.

Although Quirrell doesn’t like humans, he escaped from the laboratory and did not indulge in the bad facts of the past, but found his hobby—

It’s a good thing that I like human music, and I prefer to play drums.

However, the only problem now is that although Quirrell’s IQ is very high, his talent in music is almost zero.

What’s the use of having eighteen tentacles? What’s the use of having eighteen drumsticks? Everyone has a pair of hands, and not everyone is Mozart.

Lance had been teaching for several days, and there was nothing but a bunch of noise. He was about to be tortured and collapsed by Quirrell.

What’s more terrible is that Quirrell didn’t realize that he was not suitable for music at all. Instead, he thought that diligence could make up for it, so he kept knocking.

This morning, taking advantage of Quirrell’s hunting, and finally stopped, Lance took advantage of the rare silence, “whoops”, rushed to Wencer and cried in front of Wencer:

“Let’s swim up quickly, I don’t want to stay here anymore.”

His ears can’t stand it anymore.

I don’t want to stay in the sea for a second.

And Winser, he was still very calm, so calm that Lance was even wondering if he and Winser were in two different spaces.

Otherwise, why isn’t Winser driven crazy by the noise?

Wenser was amused by Lance’s rush to comfort him:

“Then you were so happy to accept it as a student.”

“I’m wrong.”

Lance cried, “I won’t do it again.”

Wencer raised his eyebrows.

In fact, he couldn’t stand the noise made by Quirrell, but since he wanted to cut off Lance’s naive idea, he naturally let Lance eat the bitter fruit he planted.

Facts have proved that this method is very useful.

For Lance’s collapse, Winser secretly had a little schadenfreude.

“Since you have no objections, we will leave now.”

Lance turned to find his suitcase.

After Ding Ling’s sugar palm rang for a while, Lance dragged a suitcase over, and he asked in embarrassment:

“Wincer, can you help me drag it up? I’m not very good at it yet.”

Lance hadn’t learned how to drag a heavy object upstream.

It’s like riding a bicycle, but the rider can’t let people sit in the back seat.

Wencer couldn’t help but laughed out “pouch”.

Lance paused for a moment and asked:

“Winser, what are you laughing at?”

“Laugh at how you are so arrogant.”

Wencer shook his head, stepped forward, and in Lance’s suspicious eyes, stretched out his hand, took Lance’s cheek, and pulled it out.

“You dare to call me that way.”

The tone was a little bit angry, but also a little doting.

Lance with a pain on his face:? ? ?

Finally, Winser helped Lance carry the box and drifted away.

Although Winser didn’t care about the noise made by Quirrell, this did not mean that Wincer was willing to continue to endure the noise made by the sea monster without Lance.

His patience can be very high or very low, depending on whether the premise is present or not.

“We have to find an island first.”

Wencer said, “You are not allowed to go up unless you find the island.”

These strict restrictions directly caused Lance, who had thought he could let the wind go.

Why are you so cautious?

Lance thought with dissatisfaction. Fortunately, Winser didn’t know that he had been in contact with three living people before, otherwise he might really not be able to go ashore for the rest of his life.

What Wenser meant by saying this was that he was cautious, and on the other hand, he just wanted to embarrass Lance.

As expected, Lance rolled his eyes and came up with a crooked idea that Wencer hadn’t noticed.

He stopped in front of Wencer, preventing Wencer from turning around:

“Wait, I’ll go to that person to ask. It takes too much time and energy to go around aimlessly.”

Winser asked: “Look for Quirrell?”

“Of course not, I’m not stupid.”

Lance said, “If you look for Quirrell, don’t even think about leaving today.”

So, he was going to find Quirrell’s neighbor—

That hermit crab.

After speaking, Lance took the lead to swim in one direction.

Wencer raised his eyebrows, but still dragged the suitcase and followed Lance.

Only then did he realize that Lance seemed to have known a lot of things he didn’t know while he was away.

Lance followed the route in his memory for a long time before finding the hermit crab.

This hermit crab also seemed to suffer from it. While cursing, it dragged the huge shipwreck and walked out.

[Hermit crab? 】

Lance swam to the shipwreck that had been moving, and asked, [Where are you going? 】

[Where are I going, shut your fart?]

The moving shipwreck stopped, and two pliers emerged from it. A few seconds later, two peasy eyes also appeared.

The hermit crab saw that it was Lance, and it immediately swallowed back a series of greetings to the eighteenth generation of the ancestors, but rather tactfully complained:

[That octopus doesn’t know what’s going on, it’s a dog, it keeps knocking. Knock knock knock, knock your horse, knock your **** skull. 】

Lance: “…”

Wincer who swims over: “…”

[Oh, don’t you, do you have friends? 】

The hermit crab’s eyes were not very good, and seeing Wencer swimming over, he waved his tongs as a greeting.

Lance nodded shyly and introduced:

[His name is Winser and he is with me. 】

[Winser? Hey, literate fish are different. I find a companion whose name is also named Zou Zou, and it’s sour. 】

The hermit crab murmured, his eyesight was not very good, so he opened two peasy eyes and looked at Wencer vigorously, “Are you a mermaid?” It doesn’t look like it. 】

Winsor frowned.

Seeing Wencer’s displeased, Lance hurriedly rounded off and turned off the topic:

[Hermit crab, are you leaving now? 】

【if not? I’m going to blow up my head. 】

The hermit crab replied irritably, and at the same time, as the person who came by, persuaded him earnestly.

[Listen to Lao Tzu, be nice to your friends, if he dies, then you will be lonely. Now that the harsh environment here is really unsuitable for making a nest, let’s go together. 】

Lance wiped his face, he was afraid to tell the hermit crab that he was teaching Quirrell.

Otherwise, according to the hermit crab’s irritable temper, he was afraid that the hermit crab would cut him into fifteen or six yuan.

Not dare to stay longer, Lance asked:

[I came here just to ask, are there any islands nearby? The kind of uninhabited island. 】

[Yes. 】

The hermit crab pointed to the southeast with a pincer and said,

[I remember there is a small island there. When I was a child, I went ashore. You can go there and have a look. 】

【Thank you. 】

After getting the position, Lance wanted to leave without mercy.

But after swimming for a while, Lance turned back and said seriously to the hermit crab:

[I think, otherwise, you can find an octopus and tell it about your dissatisfaction. 】

The hermit crab stopped moving, and the two peasy eyes met and asked:

【why? 】

[You stayed here for so long and never left before. It’s just because you are too lonely… and there are both shipwrecks and a noisy octopus here…]

Lance said,

[I know you are afraid of loneliness. 】

The hermit crab stopped talking, and had two tongs hanging on the sand, motionless.

[Go talk to that octopus, it is also very lonely. 】

Lance suggested seriously,

[With your neighbor, maybe Octopus will think about your feelings next time. 】

After speaking, Lance flicked his tail and swam away.

Wencer has been waiting for Lance in front.

After Lance swam to his side, Winser looked at Lance more tenderly:

“You think about them.”

“Somehow it’s Quirrell’s teacher.”

Lance shrugged, his face warmed by Wencer’s words, but on the surface he still pretended to be quiet.

“What’s more, I’m just making suggestions, whether they want to listen or not, it’s their business…what are you laughing at?”

“Ah, nothing.”

“I’m not thinking about them! Let’s have a hermit crab and give Quirrell’s attention so that we don’t have to listen to the noise… Hey, don’t laugh!”

An hour later, Lance and Winser found the island the hermit crab said.

This island is really small. There are only a few scattered coconut trees on it. It is unobstructed. Lance suspected that if he could walk around, it would not take half an hour to walk around the entire island.

This kind of island is a small island formed by the eruption of a submarine volcano. When the sea level rises, the island will disappear.

After so many years, it is really worth seeing and cherishing.

After confirming that the island was still there and there was really no one on it, both Lance and Winsor came out of the sea, and the two merfolk dragged their tails and climbed onto the shore.

Compared to the last time Lance went ashore next to Wen Yu, Lance was also afraid of this, ignorant, fearful of his head and tail. This time, it may be because of Wencer by his side.

He even had the heart to study the shells on the beach.


Wencer turned his head and saw Lance lying on the beach studying shells, angrily and funny.

He was still dragging a heavy suitcase.

“Huh? Okay, here I am.”

Lance got up quickly, and he walked quickly to Wencer as if he pleased him, and took the suitcase from Wencer.

Then, the two merfolk went under the shade of the tree and sat together.

Lance got the camera out first. He put the camera on a slate to blow the air, and wanted to let the camera dry before turning it on.

Taking advantage of this time, Lance put the suitcase on the beach, and under Wencer’s curious gaze, he finally opened the zipper of the suitcase.

As soon as he opened the suitcase, Lance looked sad at the things soaked in water:

“It’s all money.”

Up to now, there is still a box of water in his box.

Winser didn’t care, he took the lead to help take out the contents of the box.

First of all, of course, a few clothes that have been soaked for so many years, and a few pairs of shoes.

Lance knew that after he became a mermaid, these were all floating clouds, so after a few seconds of heartache, he threw the “garbage” aside.

Then, from the corners of the suitcase, he found all kinds of small things he stuffed into the suitcase—

A souvenir from the Queen Mary, a packet of expired pills, a brochure for the Queen Mary, and a diary in a plastic bag.

Lance couldn’t help but **** his tail.

He remembered that this diary was for a colleague who lived in the same room with him.

This colleague is very ink-stained, sentimental, sensitive to thieves, and likes to write a diary.

After writing the diary every day, he also sealed the diary with a beautiful plastic bag with a sense of ritual. It is said that in this way, he can tell from the fingerprints newly printed on the bag whether someone moved his diary.

“Why are you here?”

Lance was confused.

On the other side, Wen Se was looking at the Queen Mary brochure in the suitcase with great interest. After looking through it for a long time, he finally asked:

“Are you rich before?”

Lance leaned over and took a look, and found that the photo Wencer was looking at was printed with magnificent and extravagant photos, which happened to be an interior decoration of the Queen Mary.

“No, very poor.”

Lance had a black line on his face. He shook his head and said, “It is because of poverty, so I am very happy to have this opportunity to board the Queen Mary. Maybe they’ve long been used to it.”

Hearing this, Wen Se touched Lance’s head affectionately.

Lance: “…”

If this cruise ship really buys tickets to go up, according to Lance’s salary that year, he will have to save at least one or two years before he can buy special tickets for this cruise ship.

However, it is very coincidental that at the time when the cruise company was celebrating its fiftieth anniversary, the cruise company organized an event, and the entire company that Lance worked for happened to be rewarded by the cruise company’s benefits.

Although the ticket is still very expensive after counting the benefits given by the cruise ship company, the price is more or less affordable for ordinary working-class people. Therefore, the entire company of Lance employees spent several months of wages and bought it. Ferry tickets, prepare to use the holiday to go to the waves, after all, they will never become the upper class people who can easily cruise in their lives.

The ups and downs are not bad.

Thinking of this, Lance felt that he was at a loss.

It was a one-week journey, but in his memory he only had one or two days of memory. Thinking about it this way, Lance always felt that he had lost hundreds of thousands.

After being melancholy for a while, Lance opened the diary that was stubbornly in his suitcase.

The plastic bag on the outside of the diary was well sealed, which was in line with the feathered character of the colleague Lance knew, so that when Lance took out the diary, he was surprised to find that the diary was not wet at all.

This is really a miracle.

However, after taking out the diary, Lance flipped a page at random and unfolded it, which happened to be the latest page, with a lot of words written on it, and the last sentence was written by the owner of the diary. Again:

[We are guinea pigs. 】

Lance couldn’t help frowning.

Why is it written like this?

“What’s written on it?”

Wencer watched Lance staring at the diary, he came over and asked.

“I do not know.”

Lance turned to the first page of the diary, ready to start from the first page. He wanted to know why the owner of the diary came to such a conclusion.

After turning to the first page, Lance looked around and found that this notebook happened to be remembered from a month before they boarded the ship.

On this page, the tone of the owner of the diary is very normal, and the writing style is still the fine style of the colleague in Lance’s memory. It does not seem to be a major event. The owner of the diary is a normal person.

Lance watched it, and finally was dizzy by the gloomy and fine writing style in the diary.

I don’t know why, it may be the last page of the diary. The sentence “We are a guinea pig” is too unbelievable. Lance can’t read it anymore. He kept repeating that sentence in his mind.

Finally, Lance took a deep breath. He put down the diary and asked Wencer seriously next to him:

“Winser, let me ask you a question.”

Winsor’s gaze lifted from Lance’s suitcase. He looked at Lance and motioned for Lance to continue.

“If one day, you get something you never dreamt of before, is it possible that someone gave you this thing with ulterior motives?”

Lance changed to a more euphemistic question.

Winser smiled slowly:

“You mean, you boarded that ship?”

Langston gave him a moment, he didn’t expect Wencer to see the essence.

After hesitating for a while, Lance nodded.

Wincer looked at Lance meaningfully and said:

“This requires your own judgment… You have to contact the background of the time.”

Lance was confused.

Time backgroud? What era background.

“If it’s as you said, someone has ulterior motives.”

Wencer said, “Then you can also recall, who were the people who boarded the boat.”

Lance thought about it with his diary.

When I boarded the ship…it seemed like the whole ship was “lucky guys” like him. There were not many tourists who really had “names and surnames”.

Lance’s face paled suddenly.

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