Diary of Raising a Mermaid

Chapter 53

Chapter 52

C42 Xiacheng District is a very delicate location. It is a gray area for the communication between the civilian area and the wealthy area.

Walking in the lower city of C42, a passerby who casually passes by may be an ordinary poor in a slum, or a prominent official in the rich area, or even a wanted suspect in the entire survivor league.

There is a mixture of fish and dragons, everything is there.

Wen Yu came to the designated location of Dr. Mu Ran——

A love hotel.

The love hotel is very small and has been seized by Dr. Mourin. Wen Yu stood outside, glanced at this inconspicuous small hotel in a remote corner of the street, and couldn’t help but frowned.

Even if he hadn’t entered yet, the pink light from the hotel and the ambiguous fragrance inside made Wen Yu uncomfortable.

After bypassing the soldiers outside, Wen Yu walked in. Following the guidance of the soldiers along the way, Wen Yu finally found Dr. Mu Ran.

To be precise, he found Dr. Mougins in a small fun room.

The decoration in this small room is very reminiscent. There is a big heart-shaped bed in the middle, and red roses are neatly placed on the bed.

There is also a small stage not far away with a steel pipe erected on it.

Walking in from the door, you will see scattered clothes along the way, these clothes have continued into the room, and you can see that the two people who came here can’t wait.

Wen Yu looked down at the various clothes scattered on the ground. He followed these clothes and walked into the bathroom deep in the room.

The scene in the bathroom is not so good–

The walls and floor of the entire bathroom were covered with splashes of red blood, and there was a broken arm floating up and down in the bathtub.

A forensic doctor not far away is working in it, trying to find a little bit of human minced tissue and hair from the corner.

The upper right corner of the ceiling is the most attractive, because there is a giant flesh-colored cocoon there.

The upper end of the cocoon had a black cavity near the ceiling, and the edge of the cavity was in a corroded state. It was obvious that the creature came out of the cocoon after halfway through the nest and finally slipped away from the ceiling.

The whole bathroom was full of pungent fishy and rotten smells, but Wen Yu still walked in without changing his face. The only worry was that the soles of his shoes had stepped on these dirty things.

“Wen Yu?”

Dr. Mouran was also standing in the bathroom. He was wearing protective clothing. Before Wen Yu came, he had been observing the giant cocoon. After Wen Yu came, he put down his work and quickly walked to Wen Yu’s side. Wen Yu sighed,

“I thought you wouldn’t come.”

This kind of yin and yang argument caused Wen Yu to look at Dr. Mu Ran a few more times, and he asked, his tone still very calm:

“what’s happenin?”

The purgatory-like scene in front of Wen Yu seemed to be an ordinary scene casually, not worth mentioning.

“Tsk tut, it’s really indifferent.”

Dr. Mourin didn’t complain again behind the protective suit, “Do you have no sense of smell? Can’t you smell such a disgusting smell?”

Wen Yu looked at Dr. Mu Ran blankly and walked directly outside, and it was obvious that if Dr. Mu Ran was still so much nonsense, he would go straight back.

“Good good, let me tell you.”

Dr. Mougin sighed.

In fact, what happened is what Dr. Mourin said in the newsletter before, that the fake mermaid that escaped from the laboratory caused this case.

The Doomsday Laboratory has been dedicated to finding a solution to the Doomsday for so many years, and up to now, the scientists in the Doomsday Laboratory have been divided into two factions-

One group is conservative. They advocate abandoning the earth, choosing some human beings as the kind of fire, and flying to a certain “second earth” more than ten light-years away with the latest spacecraft.

But the cost of the entire flight process may be painful. Let’s not talk about how to select people who can board the spacecraft. Secondly, whether the “second planet” can really make people live is still a question mark.

The other group is the radical group headed by Dr. Mougins. They advocate reconquering the earth. They have carried out many biological experiments under this name, trying to change the human body and create new humans that can adapt to the environment of the end.

Because the conservatives’ spacecraft project cost a lot in the early stage, and the alliance has mixed praise and criticism for their plans, in the Doomsday Laboratory, the radicals headed by Dr. Mougin have more power to speak.

This also caused Dr. Mougin’s experiment to become more and more outrageous.

The origin of this incident, tracing the roots, is related to the “Poseidon Project” that Dr. Mougin has not given up.

“The few in the laboratory are so ugly, I really can’t call them’merfolk’.”

Dr. Mourin recalled several specimens in the laboratory’s water tank, and could not help showing a disgusting expression.

Fifty years ago, the Poseidon project proved to be a failure and was shelved by the laboratory. However, Dr. Mougin was convinced that the project had succeeded, so he tried to mix sea monster cells with human genes in the laboratory.

In the end, Mourin got ten strange monsters.

They did not maintain the five senses that humans should have, and even less the beauty of the legendary mermaid, but they have human upper limbs and chests, and a tail that resembles a snake and a fish.

Therefore, Dr. Mougin called them “pseudo merman”.

Usually, in private, researchers directly call them “murlocs”.

After raising these subjects for a few years, only four of the ten subjects were still alive, but Dr. Mourin was also uninterested in them, so he shut the remaining few living subjects in the bottom of the Doomsday Laboratory. Inside the water tank.

“But what I didn’t expect was that the four murlocs actually ran away while using one of the murlocs to build a nest.”

Dr. Mougin sighed.

Perhaps the growth period has arrived, and four weird-looking murlocs begin to build their nests.

One day, the researcher reported that a giant meat cocoon suddenly appeared at the bottom of the tank, and the water level was abnormally dropped.

At that time, Dr. Mourin didn’t take it to heart, he directly transferred a team of soldiers to clean up, but unexpectedly, the people sent to clean up came back and told him that the four murlocs were gone.

After investigation, they discovered that the four murlocs secretly dissolved a hole in the inner wall of the water tank with acid liquid through the huge nest where one of them was building a nest, and then ran through the hole.

“The one who built the nest was eaten.”

Dr. Mougin sighed, “They are so smart.”

However, other researchers also pointed out that it was also possible that due to domain issues, a fight broke out between the four mermaids.

Later, the Doomsday Laboratory conducted a thorough investigation of the entire base and found that the remains of the murlocs were found in a certain sewer. This shows that during the escape, the three murlocs fought again, and they ranked the three as the weakest. The one that was eaten.

As for the reason for eating, it may be because of the territorial seizures, or it may be because in the absence of food sources, they have to choose to eat the same kind.

But no matter what, all of this shows one thing. There are now two murloc subjects wandering outside.

“We checked the surveillance nearby. It was a beautiful woman and a man who entered this room.”

Dr. Mougin pointed to the blood on the ceiling in the bathroom and said,

“The man is here now, but the woman is gone.”

He paused, then added:

“Maybe it’s not a woman.”

Based on the evidence along the way, the two murlocs who escaped seem to have undergone abnormal changes.

In order to build a nest, their genes automatically adjust their bodies to the most suitable state for nest building——


Of the two murlocs, at least one can transform that ugly face into a face that conforms to human aesthetics, and then rely on this beauty to seduce people who are plotting against it to eat it in a secluded place.

“In fact, there have been several cases of missing men like this before.”

Dr. Mougin sighed.

“At that time, no one reflected it, thinking it was just an ordinary disappearance case, so I didn’t care about it.”

It was this time, I don’t know why, the murlocs chose to follow their prey to the hotel this time, and made a mess of the place during the eating process. The cleaners who came in were startled, and they knew about the fish. Traces of people.

“You said why did it follow that man in?”

Dr. Mourin asked this question, “Same as before, isn’t it good to find a secluded place to eat people?”

Wen Yu didn’t speak, he just looked at Dr. Mu Ran quietly.

“Oh, by the way, is it possible that the murloc wants to learn from humans? It turns out to be disappointed to find that the male human in front of him just wants to deal with it, so it directly attributes the man to food and eats. Lost.”

Dr. Mouran was talking about it at this moment, he didn’t even wait for Wen Yu to ask, he thought of an explanation.

“Then, when it gets angry, it makes a mess here.”

Wen Yu was a little impatient:

“I don’t care why it can eat people, what are you asking me to do?”

Seeing that Wen Yu was not curious at all, Dr. Mouran sighed and felt a little bored. He tilted his head and asked another question:

“You bought a man fish at the auction house, right?”

Hearing this, Wen Yu turned around and left.

“Okay, okay, I won’t talk about it anymore.”

Seeing that Wen Yu was totally uncooperative, Dr. Mourin had to give up the temptation and said bluntly,

“You are here because if you run into this murloc, ordinary soldiers will definitely not be able to do it, only you can do it.”

Wen Yu turned his head and asked coldly:

“anything else?”


Dr. Mourin shrugged, trying to impress Wen Yu with a sincere expression.


Wen Yu sneered, “You want me to be the bait.”

Even if Dr. Mougins didn’t say it, he could guess that based on the territoriality of the murlocs that Dr. Mougins said before, then his current body has sea monster genes, which will be the biggest competition for murlocs. By.

In other words, Wen Yu here is a target to lure murlocs to come and attack quickly.

It was guessed that Dr. Mourin just smiled, and through a layer of protective clothing, no one could see what the meaning of Dr. Mourin’s smile was.

“I will help you.”

Wen Yu said as he walked out, and finally his voice was light and fluttering.

“It’s just one thing, you guessed it wrong, that murloc, its target is not just me.”

Building a nest consumes a lot of nutrients, so it must complete its nutritional reserves before building a nest. This is like a brown bear that hoards fat crazily before hibernating.

Therefore, whether murlocs eat the same kind or humans, they are all for the purpose of hoarding nutrients to cope with the subsequent massive consumption.

Maybe the murlocs will kill each other for the domain, but this is definitely not the main reason.

Now, murlocs must choose their prey in order to store nutrients more efficiently.

The body fat rate of ordinary humans is too low for murlocs, so it must be picky. For murlocs, the best prey should be creatures with sea monster genes like Wen Yu. .

And such people, in addition to Wen Yu, in fact, there are everywhere in the entire living area, especially those who have survived the disease that once infected the world——

Wen Yu prefers to call these people “injectors”.

Downtown area.

Count Vail was standing on the second floor of his casino at this moment. He looked down at the various gamblers on the green table below, and involuntarily sighed:

“If there is really hell, I’m afraid it will be on the innermost layer.”

And behind Earl Weir, the brawny old Tang silently rolled his eyes.

Ever since the white mermaid was forcibly bought by the people in the Doom Lab at the last auction, his boss has been sighing like this, saying something that he doesn’t understand at all.


Earl Vail shook his cane suddenly, and his blue eyes looked at the entrance of the casino.

There was a woman standing there.

She was slender, wearing only a thin white skirt, with long wet black hair draped over her back, breathing quietly, she stood at the entrance of the noisy casino, out of step with it, and looked so fragile.

But this kind of fragility gave this woman a detached and utterly beautiful beauty.

“Where did this come from?”

Old Tang also noticed this woman. He knew at a glance that this woman was not suitable for appearing in the casino, so he wanted to call the security guard next to him to drive the person out.


Count Vail interrupted Old Tang. He stared at the figure of the woman in the white skirt. He didn’t expect this woman to appear very abrupt, because she didn’t look like a banshee, more like a pure angel who strayed into the world.

And the woman’s white dress reminded Count Vail again of the white mermaid who had been in his hands before.

The white mermaid is completely different from this woman. If we have to say something in common, it may be that the white mermaid and this woman are not like creatures that exist in this doomsday.

It’s more like a fairy that only appears in legends or fairy tales.

There was a light rain outside.

Earl Vale stared at the slender woman in a white dress, her wet hair resting on her fair skin, making her already pale blue skin exuding a hazy mist.

Such a woman, dressed so revealing, and she is so fragile, like a delicate white flower, destined to live soon in the slums.

As if aware of someone watching her, the woman in the white dress suddenly raised her head, looking straight in the direction where Earl Weir was, revealing a pair of light gray eyes, the water was dim, as if she was crying.

“Let her come in for a cup of coffee.”

Earl Vail’s heartstrings were inexplicably moved by her eyes. In a daze, Earl Vail felt that this woman in white dress was somewhat familiar, perhaps because her eyes contained deep sadness, as if she was lonely and powerless for herself. Sighed of fate.

His hands and feet started to ache.

Old Tang was stunned: “Are you kind?”

The Earl Vale he knew would not be so soft-hearted. If it were normal and normal, the Earl Vale in front of him would have started to fool the woman in front of him, and then lied to the woman to sign a contract of sex.

Earl Weil retracted his gaze and smiled at Old Tang:

“My pleasure.”

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