Diary of Raising a Mermaid

Chapter 79

Chapter 78

Wen Yu felt a daze.

This is an emotion that Wen Yu rarely feels, but he really feels at a loss—

He didn’t know what he should do next, he hesitated, trying to change the status quo, but he was afraid that his operation would make it worse.

This feeling of bewilderment, it hasn’t been long since I had this feeling last time—

Last time, when he was Winser.

At that time, he was quite conscious to shape himself a black-tailed mermaid body. He said that his name was “Wenser”, and he accompanied Lance, who was imprisoned in the coral bones, and wondered whether he was born with Lance. Coral bones still don’t produce coral bones.

The final result was very clear. He was moved by Lance’s final choice, and then put this beautiful little fish on the cusp of his heart.

This time, if only it can be resolved as smoothly as last time.

Why is Lance unwilling to offer him a choice like the last time?

Wen Yu thought about this question in frustration.

It’s funny, Wen Yu, as that special, shouldn’t have this kind of feelings about gains and losses…

As that special, all creatures in the ocean surrendered to him, and all creatures on land fear him. The civilization of the entire world is not worth mentioning to him. If he is unhappy, it will be destroyed.

But, there is his Lance on the land.

The Lance who can recognize him at a glance no matter what he becomes.

Wen Yu now wants to admit his mistake to Lance, but his arrogance does not allow him to admit his mistake.

Why would he be wrong? Did Lance ignore him because he didn’t do a good job?

Wen Yu is now in a strange state of self-pity, he wants to make a little compensation, so today, when he went out to work in Reims, Wen Yu has skipped work ceremoniously. He is going to get rid of Michael and put Lance directly. All potential dangers are removed…

If Lance is still upset, Wen Yu decides to abandon his identity and destroy the human base. If he does this, will Lance forgive him?

[Apology-apologize-yes-then-is it-difficult-is it -]

The turtle knows that Wen Yu is ready to go a long way to ask for answers. As a **** turtle who can let the female turtle lay eggs for him every year, he feels speechless for Wen Yu’s magical brain circuit again.


Wen Yu didn’t intend to answer this question. In order to solve the problem between him and Lance, he took the turtle and went straight to the destination.

He directly used his identity to know where Michael was, and then Wen Yu found Michael in a granary in District 25.

The rest of the life sciences company saw Wen Yu and came to Michael. They didn’t doubt that he was there. They thought there were military secrets. The rest of the people in the granary left very intimately, leaving room for Wen Yu and Michael.

In the empty granary, only Michael was left.

Michael looked at Wen Yu approaching him, and was a little nervous for a while, but he didn’t show up on his face, still maintaining a gold medal sales smile, and asked:

“Excuse me, what do you want me to do?”

Wen Yu sneered:

“you know.”

Michael didn’t know anything about it at first, but after hearing Wen Yu say this, he knew—

For Lance.

“You have no evidence that what happened is related to me.”

Michael is very confident.

In his plan, he was very confident that Wen Yu couldn’t find out anything. If he was caught with just a little feeling, then Wen Yu was breaking the law at all.

But Michael didn’t know that Wen Yu was not thinking in a human way.

What if there is no evidence? If you want to kill you, why do you have to do other things?

Wen Yu didn’t speak much, he walked forward quickly, grabbed Michael by the neck, and planned to kill Michael directly.

Michael didn’t expect Wen Yu to come directly to the truth. Without reacting at all, he was directly pinched by Wen Yu’s neck and pressed against the wall.

The suffocation at the neck made Michael widen his green eyes. He tried to resist, but it was a pity that Wen Yu was in front of him, and Wen Yu resolved Michael’s struggle in a few seconds.

Just when Wen Yu was about to work hard, the turtle slowly stretched his head out of Wen Yu’s jacket pocket.

The turtle opened his old and dim peasy eyes, and when he saw that Wen Yu was about to murder humans, it was startled at first, and then was speechless for Wen Yu’s actions:

[You—do—thing—before—just—can’t—can—talk—lan—speak—consult—quantify—one—next—you—you—will—will—go—see—this—person—person— , Both-unwilling-willing-see-Lan-Si -, yes-stupid-son-right -]

The turtle has lived for so many years, it feels vicissitudes for the first time.

Fortunately, it tried every day to help Nate court, but Nate didn’t listen to it at all.

Wen Yu suddenly heard the turtle’s complaint. He was stabbed by the turtle and didn’t dare to see Lance’s mind. He suddenly felt horrified, and grabbed Michael’s hand and let it go.

Michael, who was almost on the verge of suffocation, immediately grasped the gap and took a few breaths to avoid being directly strangled to death.

At this time, the communicator on Michael’s wrist rang.

The communication device showed that someone requested a video call, and that person was Li Si.

Wen Yu glanced at Michael’s communication device, and suddenly remembered that Michael and Li Si were married husbands, and his mood suddenly became complicated. He subconsciously shrank his hands and even let go of Michael.

Michael was flushed from being pinched and rolled his eyes there, but he didn’t expect that Wen Yu would let him go.

At the moment Wen Yu let go, Michael fell to the ground like a torn bag. He gasped and coughed loudly. He turned on the communicator without paying attention. He looked at Wen Yu with the sight of a monster.

The same person, why is Wen Yu so much stronger than him?

Is Wen Yu really a human?

Wen Yu couldn’t control Michael’s defamation. He glanced at Michael who was lying on the ground and panting, then looked down at the hand that was holding Michael’s neck before, feeling a little lost for a while.

He is so soft-hearted? !

Unexpectedly, it would be Li Si’s call that saved Michael’s life in the end.

At this time, Michael didn’t care about Wen Yu. After his breath calmed down, he quickly turned on Li Si’s phone and wanted to ask Li Si for help. Unexpectedly, after turning on the phone, Li Si’s first sentence directly asked Michael to start. Doubt, if he died a long time ago, now it’s just an illusion before his death—

“Let’s get a divorce.”

Li Si said.

In an instant, the whole granary suddenly became quiet.

Why is this so?

Michael only felt that the world was spinning, he sat up from the ground, and didn’t even bother to ask for help from Li Si. All the metaphors and deaths were all left behind by Michael. He disassembled the communication device and asked at a loss. Road:

“Li Si, what are you talking about?”

Wen Yu was attracted by this kind of opening. He tilted his head to watch exactly what Michael would do.

On the other side of the video, Li Si’s eyes were flustered, he couldn’t help but glanced aside, and then he calmed down as if he had gained the backbone and said:

“Sorry, I’m so excited… I mean, let’s talk about divorce.”

“Why? Don’t we have a good relationship?”

Michael couldn’t hear the difference between these two sentences, he only knew that Li Si was leaving himself.

At this time, Michael looked like a dog abandoned by his owner. His green eyes became wet all of a sudden, as if he was about to cry in the next second:

“We, didn’t we say yes, we will adopt a child next month?”

As smart as Michael, in emotional matters, it is not like doing test papers to get full marks every time.

“Because I don’t know who I love.”

Li Si looked at Michael who was about to cry, he sighed and said,

“Michael, when are you going to pretend? Today, I saw your brother, oh, yes, and Lance.”

Michael’s eyes sharpened:

“Why did you see them? Don’t listen to that bastard’s words. He is full of lies. Nothing is true… Li Si, don’t listen to them…”

At the end, Michael said almost imploringly.

On the other side, Wen Yu heard the name “Lance”, and he couldn’t help but take a few steps on Michael’s side.

“What about you? How many of the’Michaels’ I know are true?”

As Li Si said this, his eyes gradually filled with tears.

“I’m in the black clinic in District 25. I admit that I lied to you too. I often come here to be a doctor… But I didn’t expect that you lied to me completely… I thought you were a good person at least. I can understand that you want to get rid of your original identity, but why do you…why hire a murderer?”

Li Si shook the video for a while, and shot Matt and Lance next to him.

“I said don’t listen to that bitch!”

When Michael saw the killing of Matt in the video, he suddenly seemed to be stepped on his tail. The violent side he never showed was directly displayed in front of Li Si.

“That **** has been blackmailing me for so many years, how the **** can you believe him?!”

Li Si was so frightened by Michael that he leaned back a bit, and the whole picture shook.

“What are you doing, what are you yelling at, but you lied first!”

Lance’s face suddenly appeared in the screen, and the screen stopped shaking.

It seemed that Lance was forcibly brought in on the other side.

He frowned and said to Michael:

“You are the same. You didn’t tell Li Si who you were before you got married. You are a fraudulent marriage! The consequences are very serious. Those who fraudulent marriages should go… Hey, who is the one next to you? ”

Lance saw a military boot in the lower left corner of Michael’s video, and he thought this military boot was familiar.

Hearing the familiar voice in the video, Wen Yu silently moved to the side.

I don’t know why, he is very guilty now, so he even held his breath, bit by bit, trying to move slowly without attracting Lance’s attention, until he moved out of the video.

He doesn’t want to expose himself here now.

“What the **** is wrong with me? You rich people are always self-righteous and whimsical! You can’t understand my pain at all!”

Michael was really furious. He was crying and thunderous. All manners and elegance were abandoned by Michael. It was as if he had returned to the small house in District 25…

In that small house, he had nothing. Every night, he could only rely on the faint moonlight to try to repair the garbage he picked up during the day, and then use the repaired garbage in exchange for a small amount of living expenses.

He has lived a life like this for more than 20 years. When he was 15 years old, his hands were already scars from injuries when he tore the wires.

In the end, he really couldn’t stand it anymore, so he thought about using all means to escape from here, and his birth was like his original sin, even if he is a computer genius, even if he can create an identity for himself?

The things here, his brother, are like bone-attached maggots, they can’t get rid of it.

“For you, I learn how the rich people act and get rid of my’ridiculous’ habits. I learn to wear a suit and learn to be gentle. These are what you like. I have done so much for you. You **** Is it just saying’divorce’ now?”

Michael is like a wounded lone wolf, roaring loudly and desperately in the granary.

“Li Si, you make me feel sick!”

On the other side of the video, Li Si was shocked, and he did not speak for a long time.

When Li Si was unable to speak, Lance sighed, and he leaned forward to help Li Si say what he had not finished speaking:

“Hey, you’re a little too much, can’t you listen to Li Si’s finish?”

What Li Si meant, Michael had heard right, he really wanted to talk about divorce.

After experiencing Lance and Kill Matt’s enlightenment, Li Si decided, no matter what, to meet with Michael first and talk frankly. If Li Si finds out that the “Michael” in his eyes is completely disguised by Michael, and the truth is Michael doesn’t actually love his words…

Their marriage exists in name only, it is better to divorce directly.

Li Si is willing to spend some time to get to know the real “Michael” and love “Michael”. If it doesn’t work, it’s better to get together and relax.

But the prerequisite for all this is that Michael is willing to be open and honest.

After listening to Lance’s explanation, Michael was stunned.

He was inferior and arrogant. He didn’t expect Li Si to be so considerate. He just fell into a trap that he thought he thought. He was stunned by his desperate fantasies.

This is the gentle Li Si he loves so much.

Michael is very happy. The person he loves is like what he imagined, and it has not changed.

Michael wanted to agree, but when he thought of his previous catharsis, he suddenly felt that he couldn’t help it.

Inferiority complex and arrogant. Even though Michael is already out there, his character flaws cannot be changed. What he thought in his heart was “Okay, let’s meet each other”, but what he said was:

“That’s fine, divorce directly.”

After speaking, Michael directly hung up the video call.

After doing all this, Michael still sat on the ground. He was dumbfounded, not even the Wen Yu next to him, completely out of his life and death.

After a while, Michael, who had always paid attention to his neat appearance, suddenly raised his hand and slammed the ground a few times. The dust that was raised made his whole person ashamed. Even the hair sprayed on his head was directly affected by his excessive behavior. Fell apart.

Michael looks like a dog trapped in a cage, spinning back and forth in a circle.

Embarrassed, anxious, and desperate.

Wen Yu stood by and watched this video call comparable to a dog-blood series.

What Wen Yu didn’t expect was that Lance over there managed everything by himself, and even made all the instigators furious;

What he didn’t expect was that Michael in front of him was so decisive when he hung up the video call before, but then he fell into such a state of regret and entanglement.

Human beings are really magical and strange creatures.

Wen Yu thought.

[Tsk-tut-look-finish-up-know-way-should-what-what-do it-let it -]

The turtle sat in Wen Yu’s pocket and watched the whole process from a VIP perspective. It said this sentence earnestly, and then patted Wen Yu through a layer of clothing.

Wen Yu: “…”

He did know it.

Maybe it was because his situation was too similar to Michael, and he saw his future from Michael’s choices. Wen Yu couldn’t help but pity Michael a little, and even let go of his murderous intent.

Wen Yu said:

“Why are you?”

Michael looked up, his green pupils dilated:

“I don’t want to be looked down upon by him.”

Wen Yu choked, he actually saw his shadow from Michael again.

【Ha ha-】

The turtle laughed,


Wen Yu pulled the brim of his hat awkwardly, without refuting it.

He has to go to Lance.

Wen Yu thought, he had to make all this clear with Lance, so he wouldn’t escape.

Wen Yu turned and left. After walking a few steps, Wen Yu suddenly stopped. Turning his back to the decadent Michael, he said:

“The black clinic is at No.10 Benin Street…hurry up and go.”

After speaking, Wen Yu left straight away.

Inside the granary, only Michael was left.

Michael was hit almost unconsciously.

After Wen Yu left for several hours, he walked out of the granary.

On the way, the employees were shocked when they saw Michael’s disheveled and depressed appearance, and walked around Michael one by one.

After walking for a while, Michael looked up in a daze, and was surprised to find that the reason why he was looked at by the employees with such strange eyes was because he was almost “retrograde”.

The employees are walking towards the air-raid shelter.

Is this something wrong?

Michael came back to his senses, he grabbed the employee closest to him and asked:

“What’s wrong? Why are everyone hiding in the air-raid shelter?”

“Manager, didn’t you see the alert?”

The employee caught by Michael only promised, he said weakly,

“There was an alarm just now, saying that the high wall in District 25 had been breached and that everyone should evacuate.”

Michael froze for a moment.

After answering Li Si’s call, he was so shocked that his brain was completely empty and he didn’t care about what happened afterwards.

As a result, he didn’t read anything coming from the communication device behind, so he naturally ignored the alarm.

Michael let go of the employee and quickly turned on his communication device, only to see the alarm:

The defense against the high wall by the sea has been broken, so please take refuge as soon as possible.

Refuge? Has the high wall been broken?

Michael looked at his communicator and couldn’t help but let out a sharp sneer—

The world is in such a mess, it is better to destroy it.


After the terribly embarrassed Michael laughed, his smile gradually faded.

The green eyes were moist.

He thought, no matter how bad this world is, at least, his Li Si is still in this world.

Since Li Si is here, then this world should have meaning.

He has to go to Li Si.

Li Si is in District 25, and Michael is worried.

Compared to the destruction of the world, he was afraid that Li Si would be wiped out of his world.

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