Diary of the Female Emperor

Chapter 672: The supreme of the stone world, hit the **** stone!


Zi Yan showed an expression of impatience, and said casually among her little brothers, "Little Bi, you go and clean them up."

"You are Xiaobi, your whole family is Xiaobi." Bi Fang was slanderous, but didn't dare to show it. After weighing it, he decided to obey Zi Yan's order. He knew how cruel this little witch was. The consequences of not following her orders are very serious.


He only heard the roar of the sky-shattering beast, and Bi Fang shook the huge beast body and rushed over. A beast claw slammed down, and instantly pierced the void, exuding unparalleled power, as if to take the dark golden beast with it. The surrounding void was all crushed.

"court death!"

The hair on the back of the dark golden beast on the left was counted down, half a foot high, and the raging flames in his eyes burst out, sweeping the world.


The claws of the beast collided with the angry flames, and there was an earth-shattering roar, and both of them retreated a few steps.

"Bold, you are provoking Tianshen Mountain!"

The other dark gold was furious, and two fire clouds appeared under his feet and rushed towards Bi Fang.

"Xiaozhu, it's your turn!"

With a wave of her hand, Zi Yan shot Zhu Qian away directly. She was a little loli, but Zhu Qian was more than ten feet tall, but the scene was really frightening, but the ancient relics around her had long been used to it. This little witch is so cruel.


Zhu Qian cursed in his heart, but he didn't care about so much, because the direction he was flying horizontally just happened to meet the attack of the dark golden beast, and the hot flame temperature caused his hair to burst.


When they were in danger, Zhu Qian also burst out of potential, and the unicorn above his head suddenly rose several times, like a black mountain, slamming into the dark golden beast.


At this moment, unable to reach the defense, the Dark Golden Beast was directly knocked over and rolled to the ground.

"Ahhhhh...you are looking for death!"

The two dark golden beasts were completely mad, and **** swirls appeared on their bodies, and their aura was several times more terrifying than before, and they also carried a sacred power that made people want to bow their heads.

"No, these two guys activated the **** pattern."

Bi Fang yelled, the servant of the gods received the baptism of **** blood from the gods, and he would master the power of the gods, that is the power of the gods, very powerful.

"Now I know I'm afraid, it's too late."

The two dark golden beasts showed very anthropomorphic cruel expressions, rushing forward, flames rising from their bodies, and one claw blasted out, engulfing the heavens and the earth, but after a few rounds, they screamed Bi Fang and Zhu Qian. Backed in embarrassment, most of his body was scorched.

"You two, it's really useless, just brag about how good you are!"

Zi Yan was very angry. She jumped directly from the blue stone, and a golden brick appeared in her hand. Because the realm of cultivation was suppressed here, the Qinglong halberd could not be used, so she picked up this board at the entrance of the garden. Bricks are used as weapons.

She saw her aggressively, grabbing the tiles and rushing towards the two golden beasts, smashing like a violent storm, even the surrounding void was blown up.

Even though the two Dark Golden Beasts were fierce, how could they be Zi Yan's opponents, they were immediately beaten with blood and blood, their bodies were almost shattered, their bones broke, and their blood was violent.


At this moment, a cry that was worse than killing a pig suddenly came out from the battlefield, heart-piercing.

Everyone was dumbfounded, because this scream was not from the Golden Beast, but from the brick in Zi Yan's hands.

Zi Yan was so scared that she shuddered, and suddenly raised the slab to look at it, only to see a crack in the originally smooth surface, and she kept yelling:

"It's so painful, it's so painful, the little master is going to be broken, the little master is going to be broken..." Despite the name, in fact the brick is not damaged at all.

The two dark gold beasts vomited blood, they were both beaten so miserably and they were snorted, this broken stone screamed instead, this is Hong Guoguo's mockery!

"Good baby, my vision is right!"

Zi Yan's eyes lit up, just staring at the brick in her hand.

"Don't pinch, it's going to be broken, I'm going to be broken." Banzhuan continued to shout.

"It's okay, it's okay, I think you are very solid. Come again!"

Zi Yan's momentum was like a rainbow, and once again waved the bricks and rushed towards the two dark golden behemoths, patted wildly.



Under such violent attacks, the two dark golden beasts finally couldn't hold it back. All of their mouths, noses, eyes, and ears were bleeding, and they roared, but the bricks were so loud that they were louder than them. , It blows up their lungs.


With the final blow, Zi Yan used six points of strength, and the bricks bloomed on the heads of the two beasts at the same time, smashing the skulls to a pulp, completely silent.

"It's falling apart, I'm going to fall apart..." Banzhuan yelled, and a carp fell from Zi Yan's hand and wanted to run.

"Good baby, where to go!"

Zi Yan stomped down, stomped the bricks directly on the soles of her feet, smashed hard, and made a more tragic cry of killing pigs.

"Boss, I was wrong, forgive me, I'm going to be crushed..." The bricks were dying, as if they were really going to die.

Zi Yan picked it up and said angrily, "Dare you run away?"

"Don't dare, don't dare, you will be my boss from now on. Boss Tianzong Shenwu, peerless..." Banzhuan is very bachelor, and immediately nodded and bowed to Zi Yan, flattering.

Bi Fang, Zhu Qian and other Primordial Relics were embarrassed for a while, this broken stone was really refined, and they were able to say such cheeky words.

"Huh, huh, it's almost the same. From today on, I will call you a little stone. Follow me, it will be great in the future!" Zi Yan smiled with crooked eyes, and seemed to be very helpful to this incongruous flattery .

"The boss has boundless magical powers and great magical powers. Once the world is broken, the little stone is a blessing for the tenth generation to follow you..." Bianzhuan praised again, and then suddenly said: "Can the boss keep these two secrets? The golden beast swallowed the little stone?"

"Huh?" Zi Yan originally smiled, but when she heard this, she suddenly raised her eyebrows, and her eyes showed a touch of evil.

"Boss, don't get me wrong, Little Stone wants these two golden beasts not for himself, but for you, the boss!" Banzhuan quickly changed his words.

"Tell me the reason." Zi Yan opened her small mouth, revealing two sharp little tiger teeth.

Banzhuan suddenly excited, feeling that this is the biggest crisis in his life. The strong desire to survive made him hurriedly said: "As long as I swallow enough gods, I can evolve into a **** stone! That's the most powerful in our stone world. The existence of, even the gods can kill, only in this way can you be worthy of your identity as the boss!",,..

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