Dice In The Darkness: Cthulhu Calls

Chapter 382: The Little Girl in Green

When conflicts arise between two important NPCs from the same faction, it becomes an incredibly difficult choice for the players, especially when it involves deep-seated animosity, with one NPC seeking to kill another.

Faced with such a situation, players have only two options. One is to help both NPCs reconcile, but considering the current circumstances, unless Gangzi is proven innocent of Troll’s murder, Hu Cang is unlikely to spare Zhong Rensan. Based on the known clues, the probability of Gangzi being killed by Troll is upwards of ninety percent, with virtually no other possibilities.

Therefore, Liu Xing believes that their best current choice is to take a stand, deciding whether they align with Hu Cang or Zhong Rensan.

However, this is another excruciating decision.

Choosing to side with Hu Cang would mean assisting in Zhong Rensan’s murder. While Zhong Rensan is just an ordinary middle-aged man and killing him should be straightforward, it would put their chances of obtaining Zhong Rensan’s jade pendant in jeopardy. Besides its unique ability to repel insects, the jade pendant’s quality and material alone make it extremely valuable. Zhong Rensan would likely hide it away, and only by defeating Troll could they make him reveal its location. Liu Xing, however, believes that Hu Cang might not wait for that and would act preemptively if they choose to side with him.

On the other hand, if they align with Zhong Rensan, it will inevitably lead to a rift with Hu Cang. They would likely be expelled from Hu Cang’s home, which currently serves as their respawn point in this module. Every time they experience temporal distortion or an unexpected death, they return to Hu Cang’s home. Facing Hu Cang afterward would be awkward, and he might even set traps for them.

Even if they side with Zhong Rensan, Hu Cang is unlikely to abandon his plan to kill him. This would lead to a never-ending pursuit, especially with Hu Li as a formidable ally. Liu Xing is certain that Hu Cang would turn against them if he promises to continue his alliance with Hu Li.

Therefore, whether they choose Hu Cang or Zhong Rensan, there are pros and cons. However, given the current circumstances, Liu Xing leans more towards supporting Hu Cang. After all, they have already established a working relationship with him, and their cooperation with Hu Li largely depends on Hu Cang. Until they acquire the strength to confront Hu Li directly, Liu Xing believes it’s best not to sever ties with Hu Cang.

However, Liu Xing also knows that even with their support, Hu Cang’s plan to kill Zhong Rensan won’t be easy. Zhong Rensan has a Troll by his side, who is unlikely to let Hu Cang kill him easily. Moreover, who can guarantee that Zhong Rensan doesn’t have other tricks up his sleeve?

Most importantly, Liu Xing is certain that Zhong Rensan, as an important NPC in this module, has a storyline. Even if they let Hu Cang kill Zhong Rensan after obtaining the jade pendant, they would miss out on valuable information, particularly exclusive information held by Zhong Rensan.

Thinking about all this, Liu Xing can’t help but feel a headache coming on.

The atmosphere has also become tense, as Zhang Jingxu and the others are wrestling with the decision of which side to choose, just as Liu Xing is.

As for Hu Cang, he watches Liu Xing’s group with a serious expression, eager to know their decision.

Liu Xing sighs inwardly and realizes he must step up, set the pace, and make a decision. In the Cthulhu RPG Game, one of the worst things is for players who should be on the same side to end up on opposing sides.

So, at this moment, the first person to make a decision will likely determine where the others stand.

With that in mind, Liu Xing was about to speak up when he noticed a young girl skipping past the clinic’s entrance.

A little girl?!

Liu Xing raised an eyebrow and quickly got up, walking out of the clinic to see where the little girl was heading. He confirmed that there was indeed a young girl wearing a green outfit with two ponytails who had joined the crowd.

Liu Xing’s sudden movement startled Zhang Jingxu and the others, prompting Zhang Jingxu to ask in confusion, "What’s going on, Ryuusei? Why the sudden reaction?"

Liu Xing turned back and, with a furrowed brow, explained, "I just saw a little girl pass by the clinic’s entrance. That’s why I got up and checked. It definitely was a young girl. Although I only saw her back, she was wearing a green outfit, had two ponytails, and her figure indicated she’s a girl. So, she’s either a little girl or a cross-dresser."

"A cross-dresser?" Hu Cang questioned.

Liu Xing hesitated for a moment, then realized that the term "cross-dresser" hadn’t become popular during Hu Cang’s time in Panlong Town. Zhang Jingxu stepped in to clarify, "Mr. Hu Cang, ’cross-dresser’ is a term from Ryuusei’s Island Nation, meaning a man who dresses as a woman."

Hu Cang suddenly realized and nodded, saying, "I see now. But if that’s the case, I’ve heard that there are quite a few children around Panlong Town who are cross-dressers. You probably know the reasons—family income and the preference for boys over girls. Some families, after having several daughters, end up having a son, and due to their poor financial conditions, they can only let the young boy wear his older sister’s clothes."

"However," Hu Cang continued, "Ryuusei, you saw a little girl, and as far as I remember, there are no cross-dressers among the children in Panlong Town. No boys have long hair in twin ponytails, and none wear green outfits. In this era of Panlong Town, children’s clothing tends to be quite monotonous, mostly black or white."

So, is she really a little girl?

Liu Xing rubbed his chin and said, "If she truly is a little girl, then I believe it’s essential for us to find her. We should try to ascertain her identity, whether she’s a local from Panlong Town or an outsider like us."

While saying this, Liu Xing exchanged a meaningful glance with Zhang Jingxu and the others.

Zhang Jingxu and the others quickly understood Liu Xing’s intention. They knew he intended to discuss their alignment while searching for the little girl, as collective thinking might lead to a better decision.

As a result, Zhang Jingxu and the others stood up, expressing their intent to go outside and find the little girl.

Since they needed to take care of the still stunned Xiao Mochen, Hu Cang had no choice but to stay at the clinic.

After leaving the clinic, Liu Xing asked, "So, Zhang Jingxu, what are your thoughts? Are we siding with Hu Cang or Zhong Rensan this time?"

Without hesitation, Zhang Jingxu said, "I’m definitely siding with Hu Cang this time. After all, we already have a good relationship with him, and according to the information Ryuusei obtained from Hu Li, Zhong Rensan came to Panlong Town to find food for Troll. Though Zhong Rensan’s original intention was to dig up corpses for Troll’s sustenance, due to various factors beyond his control, he ended up supplying Troll with living people. No matter how you look at it, Zhong Rensan is a heinous murderer."

Li Dian nodded in agreement and added, "Exactly. Zhang Jingxu and I share the same perspective. Even though Zhong Rensan was initially victimized by his ancestors, which led to him being targeted by Troll, and he had no choice but to provide food for Troll to protect his family, it doesn’t mean Zhong Rensan can persecute others’ lives for the sake of his family. Moreover, Zhong Rensan and his family have gained significant benefits from these actions, as those precious herbs are quite valuable."

Wan Chongshan sighed and said, "You’re right. People who suffer often have their faults, and if Hu Cang wants to seek revenge against Zhong Rensan, we have no reason to stop him. So, Zhang Jingxu, Li Dian, and I share the same stance, aligning with Hu Cang."

Seeing their unanimous decision, Liu Xing smiled and said, "It seems we’re all on the same side. I agree with your thoughts. We’ll support Hu Cang, but we’ll need to obtain that jade pendant from Zhong Rensan first. Afterward, we can let Hu Cang proceed with seeking revenge against Zhong Rensan. So when we go back, let’s make our stance clear to Hu Cang and try to ensure he doesn’t take hasty actions against Zhong Rensan."

Zhang Jingxu and the others nodded in agreement with Liu Xing’s plan.

At that moment, Liu Xing’s peripheral vision caught sight of the little girl in green once more.

The girl had blended into the crowd again, so Liu Xing didn’t have time to inform Zhang Jingxu and the others. He hurriedly chased after the girl.

Zhang Jingxu and the rest, seeing Liu Xing suddenly take off, understood that he had spotted the green-clad girl. They followed suit.

Finally, in front of a popcorn stand, Liu Xing managed to catch up with the little girl in green.

However, upon seeing the girl, Liu Xing was momentarily stunned. In simple terms, this little girl was incredibly beautiful, like a porcelain doll, exuding an ethereal aura. His initial thoughts of a strategic advantage faded, replaced by a strange sense of admiration.

Moreover, Liu Xing detected a unique fragrance emanating from the girl, reminiscent of flowers and grass.

So, all things considered, Liu Xing was certain that this little girl in green was a mythical creature, and he even began to suspect that she might be an incarnation of Nyarlathotep.

Zhang Jingxu and the others had also caught up by now.

Like Liu Xing, they were shocked upon seeing the little girl in green, and when they regained their senses, they instinctively took a step back.

After all, this green-clad little girl clearly wasn’t human, so it was wise to be cautious.

At that moment, the green-clad girl pointed at the popcorn and said, "I want this."

Zhang Jingxu and the others exchanged glances and then, with Zhang Jingxu taking the lead, purchased a bag of popcorn for the green-clad girl.

Zhang Jingxu then smiled and said, "Hello there, little girl. Judging by your appearance, you’re probably not a local from Panlong Town, are you?"

The green-clad girl nodded and replied with a smile, "Of course not. I’m definitely not from Panlong Town because I’m not even human."

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