Did she already know what I would ask her for?

Ch 7: To the slave trade

"What is the chain skill for?"

"It is not fully clear yet. It is only known that it increases the possibility of obtaining multiple items or even rare items from monsters. I would have put a better rune on this sword if you had told me it had two free slots."


[Passive skill: the more monsters of the same type are killed in a time limit, the higher the reward]

Since Erick doesn't exactly know the usefulness of the skill, I decided to look at the description given by the user interface. It was a huge surprise when I realized how useful this skill is on the lower floors of a labyrinth.

At first, I wanted to tell him what [Chain] is about, but I decided to keep it to myself. He thinks I have an identification ability, not a multipurpose ability. If I tell him about my user interface, I don't know what disaster I'll bring to both of us. It is best to remain silent.

"I see. Then, how much would it cost to add a second rune to my sword?"

"I knew you would ask that. Normally I would charge one gold coin, since there is a risk of failure, not knowing if it has a free space, and my reputation as a blacksmith would fall with it. But since you say it has two spaces, then I will charge you six silver coins. All this with our future business in mind."


'I feel that knowing Erick had a lot to do with my 13 points in Luck.'

"Not so fast. The fusion costs six silver coins, but the rune costs a gold coin. And you should be thankful that I don't charge more. Normally, the price is increased when it comes to the second space, and even more if it is the third"

"...Okay, it will be money invested in the protection of my life."

Then we discussed the type of rune to be added to the sword, and the result was as follows…

[Iron Sword] [Slot: (Chain) (Edge)]

"The edge skill, as its name implies, increases the edge of the weapon. You will be able to pierce and cut more easily."

"Great. Thanks."

"You don't need to pay me. So, why did you come to my store?"

"Ah. Originally, I came to purchase some light armor. But now that I've sold you the chain mail, I want to buy a new one"

Specifically speaking, a chainmail with an empty slot.

"Armor, huh? Will you take the knight’s test?"

"Yes, in three more days."

"I thought you wanted to be an adventurer... Well, if you fail, don't get depressed. You just have to find some people and venture into the labyrinth. In the worst case, you could just buy a slave to help you."

"A slave…"

'I only have the image of rude slaves with great muscles and nothing adorable. If possible, I would like a beautiful woman as a partner…'

"Do you want to go there and see it to get an idea? People think that slaves are only good for doing forced labor, but there are many skilled fighters among them, and… Good looking too."

'Ah. It seems my gaze was read.'

"Cof Cof" After coughing a bit, I continued, "Which slave trader do you recommend?"

With a smile, Erick gave me the slave trader's address in addition to a business card. Although this will not give me a discount or anything like that, it will still be very useful so that the other side does not try to scam me.

"As for the chain mail, any defensive skills you recommend?"

"This one offers a good defense for a good price."

[Chain Mail] [Slot: (Physical Shield) (Empty)]

There isn't much to explain as far as [Physical Shield]. It increases the physical defense of the chain mail.

The chainmail has two slots. I plan to buy two runes, but Erick's mana is at the limit. If he continues, the success rate will decrease, and with that, there is a chance to break the rune. It is better to stop here.

The edge skill, along with the chainmail and its skill, cost 3 gold and 3 silver. With all the purchases made, the money in my inventory adds up to 20 gold coins and one copper coin. Most of this money comes from the thieves' remnants and the sale of the carriage with weapons and armor included, so I can't complain.

After saying goodbye to Eric, I went back to the hotel.

'Today was a very busy day. In the morning, I challenged the boss of the first floor, then I went to rest at the hotel. In the afternoon, I got the iron sword with two skills along with the chain mail. I also sent the homing pigeon to my parents… Well, it's time to sleep.'


The capital, Altamira, is divided into four sectors. The north is where the slum is located, the south is the area where the nobles reside, the east is where the largest trade in the city is located, and in the west is the castle of King Alfonso Fiore, in addition to the order of knights.

Regarding the exterior of the walls, the north is a flat terrain due to the large number of visitors to the Altamira labyrinth; to the south there is a wide meadow along with crops; to the east there is an extensive forest along with the Bajamira labyrinth; and, finally, very far to the west, are dozens of mountains that make enemy attack impossible.

'It's a beautiful city… My Dominir town can't even compare with it, they are on completely different scales.'

I thought such things as I walked through the streets of the east sector, specifically the commercial street. This is the main street where there is a strange mix between the nobles and the commoners.

The streets branching off to the south will offer very expensive products due to their proximity to the noble sector. The opposite occurs with those heading north, where the slum is located.

"The address that Erick gave me is located to the south... Well, I'm just going to look. It's a preparation in case I fail the knight test"

Currently, I am wearing the high-class clothes that I bought yesterday, and in this short time, I have realized that people give way to me, speak to me with respect, and do not bother me with their eyes. This leads to a very important conclusion. So far, I have only been treated differently because of my clothes and not because of my appearance.

'At least it was not because of my face!'

I kept walking through the streets to the south, and I kept walking…

"This slave trade is too far south. Won't the slaves sold there be too expensive?"

I'm so far south that they even charged me for a glass of water. The slaves will most likely be worth a house... No, probably even a concrete house will be cheaper.

[Heavenly Water House]

I was about to turn back when the long-awaited slave trade shop appeared in front of me. It is a four-story mansion with beautiful gardens in front of its entrance and personal parking for carriages.

"Good morning, I've come with a business card."

I handed the card to the butler-looking doorman, who read it and then nodded. 

With a slight bow, he said, "Good morning, sir. I will immediately call an agent to attend to you. Please follow me."


After passing through a garden, two beautiful maids opened the great doors of the mansion. Upon entering, we walked down a corridor and then went up to the second floor.

It was there that the butler made me wait in a room.

"Blacksmith Erick... What are you up to?" I whispered to myself.

This place is obviously going to sell overpriced slaves. Even with my current budget, I don't plan on spending that much.

Although the chair I sit in is incredibly comfortable, I couldn't relax due to all the high quality goods in the room. I'm afraid that just one move of mine is enough to break a vase of 10 gold coins.

"Good morning. Did I make you wait?"

"No, not at all-…" I stopped my words midway.

The man who appeared in the room was dressed very formally, but... his neck and cheeks are full of old cuts. Even in the hand that greeted me, I could feel different scars.

[Leo] [Slave Trader Lv37]

"My name is Leo. Since Erick introduced you, I will be your agent."

"A pleasure, Emir."

Leo is an apparent 48-year-old man. He is a tall, handsome man with a slim build and brown hair.. But thanks to all his scars, he seems like an intimidating and strong-willed man. Anyone who has never fought in a labyrinth will feel a strong pressure from this man.

"Tell me, what business do you have with the Heavenly Water House?"

"I want to know the prices of slaves capable of fighting in a labyrinth that are available."

"I understand…"

After saying that, he fell silent and looked me in the eyes.

His gaze was fixed there for a long time. I felt that his gaze was enough to reveal all my secrets, as if everything were in the palm of his hand.

"Ah, sorry. I have a habit of looking my clients in the eyes to know the type of slave they really want. It's not a skill, don't worry. I just use my experience to draw conclusions." With a smile, Leo continued, "I already know the ones who will be a suitable companion for you."


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